Exemple #1
        public static BitmapSource SubSampleSmooth(BitmapSource bmp, int fac)
            BitmapSource retVal = null;

            int iWidth  = (int)bmp.PixelWidth;
            int iHeight = (int)bmp.PixelHeight;
            int factor  = fac;
            int tWidth  = iWidth / factor;
            int tHeight = iHeight / factor;
            int bpp     = ((bmp.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8);
            int iStride = iWidth * bpp;
            int tStride = iStride / factor;
            int dpi     = 96;

            byte[] imgBuffer       = WpfImgUtilsEncoding.GetEncodedImageData(bmp);
            byte[] thumbnailBuffer = new byte[tWidth * tHeight * bpp];

            WriteableBitmap bs = new WriteableBitmap(iWidth, iHeight, dpi, dpi, bmp.Format, null);

            bs.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight),
                           imgBuffer, iWidth * bpp, 0, 0);

            //bs = WpfImgUtilsTransform.Resize(bmp, bmp.PixelWidth / factor, bmp.PixelHeight / factor, Interpolation.Bilinear);
            //retVal = bs;

            retVal = new TransformedBitmap(bs, new ScaleTransform(1.0 / factor, 1.0 / factor));


        internal static WriteableBitmap Resize(BitmapSource bmp, int width, int height, Interpolation interpolation)
            // Init vars
            Int32[] ps = WpfImgUtilsEncoding.GetEncodedImageDataInt(bmp);
            int     ws = bmp.PixelWidth;
            int     hs = bmp.PixelHeight;

            WriteableBitmap result = new WriteableBitmap(width, height, 96, 96, bmp.Format, null);

            Int32[] pd = WpfImgUtilsEncoding.GetEncodedImageDataInt(result);
            float   xs = (float)ws / width;
            float   ys = (float)hs / height;

            float fracx, fracy, ifracx, ifracy, sx, sy, l0, l1;
            int   c, x0, x1, y0, y1;
            byte  c1a, c1r, c1g, c1b, c2a, c2r, c2g, c2b, c3a, c3r, c3g, c3b, c4a, c4r, c4g, c4b;
            byte  a = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;

            // Nearest Neighbor
            if (interpolation == Interpolation.NearestNeighbor)
                int srcIdx = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        sx = x * xs;
                        sy = y * ys;
                        x0 = (int)sx;
                        y0 = (int)sy;

                        pd[srcIdx++] = ps[y0 * ws + x0];

            // Bilinear
            else if (interpolation == Interpolation.Bilinear)
                int srcIdx = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        sx = x * xs;
                        sy = y * ys;
                        x0 = (int)sx;
                        y0 = (int)sy;

                        // Calculate coordinates of the 4 interpolation points
                        fracx  = sx - x0;
                        fracy  = sy - y0;
                        ifracx = 1f - fracx;
                        ifracy = 1f - fracy;
                        x1     = x0 + 1;
                        if (x1 >= ws)
                            x1 = x0;
                        y1 = y0 + 1;
                        if (y1 >= hs)
                            y1 = y0;

                        // Read source color
                        c   = ps[y0 * ws + x0];
                        c1a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c1r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c1g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c1b = (byte)(c);

                        c   = ps[y0 * ws + x1];
                        c2a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c2r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c2g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c2b = (byte)(c);

                        c   = ps[y1 * ws + x0];
                        c3a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c3r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c3g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c3b = (byte)(c);

                        c   = ps[y1 * ws + x1];
                        c4a = (byte)(c >> 24);
                        c4r = (byte)(c >> 16);
                        c4g = (byte)(c >> 8);
                        c4b = (byte)(c);

                        // Calculate colors
                        // Alpha
                        l0 = ifracx * c1a + fracx * c2a;
                        l1 = ifracx * c3a + fracx * c4a;
                        a  = (byte)(ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1);

                        if (a > 0)
                            // Red
                            l0 = ifracx * c1r * c1a + fracx * c2r * c2a;
                            l1 = ifracx * c3r * c3a + fracx * c4r * c4a;
                            r  = (byte)((ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1) / a);

                            // Green
                            l0 = ifracx * c1g * c1a + fracx * c2g * c2a;
                            l1 = ifracx * c3g * c3a + fracx * c4g * c4a;
                            g  = (byte)((ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1) / a);

                            // Blue
                            l0 = ifracx * c1b * c1a + fracx * c2b * c2a;
                            l1 = ifracx * c3b * c3a + fracx * c4b * c4a;
                            b  = (byte)((ifracy * l0 + fracy * l1) / a);

                        // Write destination
                        pd[srcIdx++] = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;

            result.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, result.PixelWidth, result.PixelHeight),
                               pd, result.PixelWidth * result.Format.BitsPerPixel / 8, 0, 0);

Exemple #3
        public static BitmapSource SubSample(BitmapSource bmp, int fac)
            BitmapSource retVal = null;

            int iWidth  = (int)bmp.PixelWidth;
            int iHeight = (int)bmp.PixelHeight;
            int factor  = fac;
            int tWidth  = iWidth / factor;
            int tHeight = iHeight / factor;
            int bpp     = ((bmp.Format.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8);
            int iStride = iWidth * bpp;
            int tStride = iStride / factor;
            int dpi     = 96;

            byte[] imgBuffer       = WpfImgUtilsEncoding.GetEncodedImageData(bmp);
            byte[] thumbnailBuffer = new byte[tWidth * tHeight * bpp];

            int imgBufferOff = 0, thumbnailBufferOff = 0;

            //subsample image (same code as RSA)
            for (int i = 0; i < tHeight; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < tWidth * bpp; j += bpp)
                    if (bpp > 0)
                        thumbnailBuffer[thumbnailBufferOff + j] = imgBuffer[imgBufferOff + j * factor];
                        if (bpp > 1)
                            thumbnailBuffer[thumbnailBufferOff + j + 1] = imgBuffer[imgBufferOff + j * factor + 1];
                            if (bpp > 2)
                                thumbnailBuffer[thumbnailBufferOff + j + 2] = imgBuffer[imgBufferOff + j * factor + 2];
                                if (bpp > 3)
                                    thumbnailBuffer[thumbnailBufferOff + j + 3] = imgBuffer[imgBufferOff + j * factor + 3];

                imgBufferOff       += iWidth * factor * bpp;
                thumbnailBufferOff += tWidth * bpp;

            //for (int i = 0; i < tWidth; i++)
            //    for (int j = 0; j < tHeight * bpp; j++)
            //    {
            //        int srcOff = imgBufferOff + j * factor * bpp;
            //        int dstOff = thumbnailBufferOff + j * bpp;
            //        if (srcOff + bpp < imgBuffer.Length && dstOff + bpp < thumbnailBuffer.Length)
            //        {
            //            Buffer.BlockCopy(imgBuffer, srcOff, thumbnailBuffer, dstOff, bpp);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    imgBufferOff += iWidth * bpp * factor;
            //    thumbnailBufferOff += tWidth * bpp;

            WriteableBitmap bs = new WriteableBitmap(tWidth, tHeight, dpi, dpi, bmp.Format, null);

            bs.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, tWidth, tHeight),
                           thumbnailBuffer, tWidth * bpp, 0, 0);

            retVal = bs;
