//Imprime en impresora mandando la lineas de comando PCL private static void PrintLabelByPL(LabelTemplate template, IList <Label> listLabels, Printer printer) { string templateReplaced = (new WMSServiceClient()) .GetReplacedTemplateForLabels(listLabels, template, ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateReplaced)) { Util.ShowError("Error creating Printer Template."); return; } PrinterControl.PrintLabels(templateReplaced, printer.PrinterPath); }
//private static LocalReport localReport = null; //Envia un archivo de templates a imprimir public static bool PrintLabels(string labelData, string printerPort) { //TODO: Módulo de impresión bool result = false; string printPort = printerPort; string filePath = CreatePrintTemporaryFile("", labelData); if (!File.Exists(batFile)) { throw new Exception("Setup file " + batFile + " does not exists.\n"); } batFile = "\"" + batFile.Replace("\\\\", "\\") + "\""; //Comillas para que DOS lo reconozca try { if (File.Exists(filePath) == false) { throw new Exception("Please setup the temporary printing file."); } ////Asynchronously start the Thread to process the Execute command request. Thread objThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SendPrintProcess)); ////Make the thread as background thread. objThread.IsBackground = true; ////Set the Priority of the thread. objThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal; ////Start the thread. string printCommand = "\"" + filePath + "\" \"" + printPort + "\""; objThread.Start(printCommand); //SendPrintProcess(printCommand); } catch (Exception ex) { result = true; Util.ShowError(ex.Message); //throw ex; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Util.ShowError(error); } return(result); }
internal static void PrintShipmentPackLabels(Document shipment) { if (shipment == null || shipment.DocID == 0) { Util.ShowError("Shipment must be created before reprint all Labels."); return; } //Open View Packages LabelTemplate template = null; try { template = (new WMSServiceClient()).GetLabelTemplate(new LabelTemplate { Header = WmsSetupValues.DefaultPackLabelTemplate }).First(); } catch { Util.ShowError("No packing label defined."); return; } ProcessWindow pw = new ProcessWindow("Printing Labels ... "); int x = 0; try { x = (new WMSServiceClient()).PrintPackageLabels(shipment); } catch (Exception ex) { pw.Close(); Util.ShowError("Error: " + ex.Message); } pw.Close(); }
public static void EtiquetadoEquipoIndividual(String serial, String mac, String Ruta, String ipServidor, List <String> codAuxiliares, Int32 CantImpresiones, String nombreImpresora) { try { String directorio = "\\\\" + ipServidor + "\\" + Ruta; String zplForLabel = LeerArchivo_Impresion(directorio); StringBuilder zpl = new StringBuilder(); zpl.Append(zplForLabel); zpl = zpl.Replace("sr1", serial); zpl = zpl.Replace("mac", mac); int numAux = codAuxiliares.Count; //Número de codigos adicionales if (numAux > 0) { for (int a = 1; a <= codAuxiliares.Count; a++) { zpl = zpl.Replace("cod" + a, codAuxiliares[a - 1]); } } for (int b = 0; b < CantImpresiones; b++) { // Send a printer-specific to the printer. RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(nombreImpresora, zpl.ToString()); Thread.Sleep(200); } } catch (Exception ex) { Util.ShowError("Se presento un error en la impresión de la etiqueta " + ex.Message); } //Console.WriteLine(zpl.ToString()); //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public static void PrintLabelsInBatch(LabelTemplate defTemplate, Printer printer, IList <Label> listOfLabels) { //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(printer)) //{ // Util.ShowError("Printer not found"); // return; //} Thread tl; if (printer != null && printer.PrinterName != WmsSetupValues.DEFAULT) { usePrinter = printer; } //printerName = printer; //m_streams = new List<Stream>(); m_streams = new Dictionary <LabelTemplate, IList <Stream> >(); m_currentPageIndex = new Dictionary <LabelTemplate, int>(); //1. Si viene un template imprime los labes con ese template if (defTemplate != null) { try { PrintLabelByTemplate(defTemplate, listOfLabels.Where(f => f.Product.PrintLabel != false).ToList()); //tl = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UpdateLabelPrintStatus)); //tl.Start(); UpdateLabelPrintStatus(); } catch (Exception ex) { Util.ShowError(ex.Message); } return; } //2. Agrupa a los diferentes tipos de label y a los null y los manda por aparte. //Filtra los que no imprime label (double check) IList <LabelTemplate> templateList = new List <LabelTemplate>(); //Si el lable es de producto busca las templates del producto. if (listOfLabels[0].LabelType.DocTypeID == LabelType.ProductLabel) { templateList = listOfLabels.Where(f => f.Product.DefaultTemplate != null) .Select(f => f.Product.DefaultTemplate).Distinct().ToList(); } string error = ""; //Configurando el template por defecto para impresion LabelTemplate defLabelTemplate = App.defTemplate; //Para cada template mandando la impresion foreach (LabelTemplate template in templateList) { try { PrintLabelByTemplate(template, listOfLabels.Where(f => f.Product.DefaultTemplate == template && f.Product.PrintLabel != false) .ToList()); tl = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UpdateLabelPrintStatus)); tl.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { error += ex.Message; } } //Mandando las labels con template ne Null try { List <Label> labelsWoTemplate = null; if (listOfLabels[0].LabelType.DocTypeID == LabelType.ProductLabel) { labelsWoTemplate = listOfLabels.Where(f => f.Product.DefaultTemplate == null && f.Product.PrintLabel != false).ToList(); } else { labelsWoTemplate = listOfLabels.ToList(); } PrintLabelByTemplate(defLabelTemplate, labelsWoTemplate); tl = new Thread(new ThreadStart(UpdateLabelPrintStatus)); tl.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { error += ex.Message; } //Final Error if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { Util.ShowError(error); } }
public static string GetConfigOption(string key) { try { return(App.configOptions[key]); } catch { Util.ShowError("Option " + key + " not defined."); } return(""); }
public ViewDocument(LabelTemplate report, int docID, string printer, bool showBtnPrint, IList<WpfFront.WMSBusinessService.Label> list) { if (report == null) { Util.ShowError("Report could not be found."); return; } InitializeComponent(); printerName = printer; documentID = docID; labelList = list; #region Windows Form Host //if (showBtnPrint) // btnPrintBatch.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //else // btnPrintBatch.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //Create a Windows Forms Host to host a form WindowsFormsHost host = new WindowsFormsHost(); //Report ddimensions host.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; host.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch; //pivotView.Width = 900; //pivotView.Height = 700; pivotView.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding { All = 5 }; //Add the component to the host host.Child = pivotView; gridP.Children.Add(host); #endregion try { //Report File exists string reportPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), WmsSetupValues.RdlTemplateDir + "\\" + report.Header); if (!File.Exists(reportPath)) { Util.ShowError("Report file does not exists."); return; } //Rendering Report this.pivotView.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local; this.pivotView.LocalReport.ReportPath = reportPath; this.pivotView.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true; this.pivotView.LocalReport.ExecuteReportInCurrentAppDomain(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Evidence); this.pivotView.LocalReport.AddTrustedCodeModuleInCurrentAppDomain("Barcode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6dc438ab78a525b3"); this.pivotView.LocalReport.AddTrustedCodeModuleInCurrentAppDomain("System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"); DataSet ds; //Document if (documentID > 0) { ds = ReportMngr.ProcessDocument(documentID, service, report.Header); if (ds == null) return; pivotView.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("Header", ds.Tables["ReportHeaderFormat"])); pivotView.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("Details", ds.Tables["ReportDetailFormat"])); } //Labels else if (report.LabelType.DocClass.DocClassID == SDocClass.Label) { ds = ReportMngr.ProcessLabels(labelList); pivotView.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("Details", ds.Tables["Details"])); } /* // CAA [2010/06/22] // Nueva opción para enviar parámetros al reporte if (parameters != null) { ReportParameter rp; ReportParameter[] rpList= new ReportParameter[parameters.Count()]; int cont = 1; foreach (string parameter in parameters) { rp = new ReportParameter("p"+cont.ToString(), parameter); rpList[cont-1] = rp; cont++; } pivotView.LocalReport.SetParameters(rpList); } */ //Showing pivotView.Show(); pivotView.ShowFindControls = false; pivotView.ShowExportButton = false; pivotView.ShowRefreshButton = false; pivotView.LocalReport.Refresh(); pivotView.RefreshReport(); } catch (Exception ex) { Util.ShowError("Report could not shown: " + ex.Message); } }
public ViewDocument(DataSet ds, String ReportName) { string flag = ""; if (ReportName == null) { Util.ShowError("Report could not be found."); return; } if (ds == null) return; flag = "Initialize"; InitializeComponent(); printerName = ""; #region Windows Form Host //if (showBtnPrint) // btnPrintBatch.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //else // btnPrintBatch.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //Create a Windows Forms Host to host a form WindowsFormsHost host = new WindowsFormsHost(); //Report ddimensions host.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; host.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch; //pivotView.Width = 900; //pivotView.Height = 700; pivotView.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding { All = 5 }; //Add the component to the host host.Child = pivotView; gridP.Children.Add(host); #endregion Warning[] warnings; string[] streamids; string mimeType; string encoding; string extension; string idpallet = ""; string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyy-HHmmss"); try { //Report File exists string reportPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), WmsSetupValues.RdlTemplateDir + "\\" + ReportName); if (!File.Exists(reportPath)) { Util.ShowError("Archivo del reporte no existe."); return; } //Rendering Report flag = "Rendering"; this.pivotView.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local; this.pivotView.LocalReport.ReportPath = reportPath; try { this.pivotView.LocalReport.SetBasePermissionsForSandboxAppDomain(new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted)); } catch { } this.pivotView.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true; try { this.pivotView.LocalReport.ExecuteReportInCurrentAppDomain(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Evidence); } catch { } try { this.pivotView.LocalReport.AddTrustedCodeModuleInCurrentAppDomain("Barcode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=6dc438ab78a525b3"); } catch { } try { this.pivotView.LocalReport.AddTrustedCodeModuleInCurrentAppDomain("System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"); } catch { } flag = "Process"; pivotView.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("Header", ds.Tables[0])); pivotView.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("DataSet1", ds.Tables[1])); idpallet = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][4].ToString(); //Showing flag = "Showing"; pivotView.ShowFindControls = false; pivotView.ShowExportButton = false; pivotView.ShowRefreshButton = false; pivotView.Show(); pivotView.LocalReport.Refresh(); pivotView.RefreshReport(); }// End try catch (Exception ex) { Util.ShowError("Error mostrando el reporte: " + flag + ", " + ex); } finally { string filePath = ""; // Asigno el nombre del archivo e.g. RES-A0215544, Fecha 09102015-0941009 //(La fecha tiene el siguiente formato "ddMMyyy-HHmmss"). string nameFile = idpallet + ", Fecha " + date; try { // Especifico un nombre para la ruta. filePath = @"c:\Habladores"; // Asignamos la extensión del archivo. nameFile += ".PDF"; // Evaluo si la ruta ya existe para no volver a crearla. if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath)) { // Creo el directorio especificado. System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); } // Combino la ruta con el nombre del archivo. filePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(filePath, nameFile); // Creo un arreglo de bytes para almacenar allí el archivo con la información // que se guardará. byte[] bytes = this.pivotView.LocalReport.Render("pdf", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out extension, out streamids, out warnings); // Creo el archivo en la ruta especificada. FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create); fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); //Cierro el objeto FileStream. fs.Close(); // Libero la memoria que fue ocupada por el objeto. fs.Dispose(); // mostramos la información de que se guardo satisfactoriamente el archivo y mostramos la ruta. Util.ShowMessage("Reporte exportado en la siguiente ruta: " + filePath); } catch (Exception e) { Util.ShowError(e.Message); } }// End finally }// End ViewDocument(dataset, string)