public dynamicDetection(String s) { this.recog = new recognizer(s); //this.file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("C:\\Users\\workshop\\Desktop\\11122.csv"); this.iter = 0; this.frame = 0; this.feature = new _feature(0.0); //this.featureSet = new double[20]; this.wDist = new double[4]; this.wDistLeg = new double[4]; this.prevAccel = new double[4]; this.prevAccelLeg = new double[4]; this.prevSpeed = new double[4]; this.prevSpeedLeg = new double[4]; this.totJI = new double[4]; this.wprevLeg = new _qbit[4]; this.wprev = new _qbit[4]; this.featureList = new List<double[]>(); refreshVars(); }
public confidence(String filename = "confidenceNet.dat") { this.emoCategory = 10; this.emoThreshold = 0.1; this.ConfidenceLowThreshold = 0.4; this.ConfidenceHighThreshold = 0.6; this.confiRecog = new recognizer(filename); }
private double sendToANN(double[] feat, recognizer r) { try { double[] output;// = new double[1]; double val = 0; output = r.recognizeEmotion(feat); if ( == 2) { if (Math.Round(output[0]) == 1 && Math.Round(output[1]) == 1) val = 100; else if (Math.Round(output[0]) == 1 && Math.Round(output[1]) == 0) val = 75; else if (Math.Round(output[0]) == 0 && Math.Round(output[1]) == 1) val = 50; else if (Math.Round(output[0]) == 0 && Math.Round(output[1]) == 0) val = 25; Console.WriteLine("output: " + output[0] + ", " + output[1]); } else { if (output[0] == double.NaN || output[0] == double.NegativeInfinity || output[0] == double.PositiveInfinity) val = -1.0; else val = (output[0]) * 100; Console.WriteLine("output: " + output[0]); } return val; } catch { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Detection Module: --" + + "-- has failed for some reason. Most probably wrong Network file selected.", "detection error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return -2; } }
public int pollFeatures(SkeletonData s, userContext poseofUser) { iter++; //frame++; double[][] ans = globalVars.fExtract.getRawDataStream(s); /* if something goes wrong with the feature extractor*/ if (ans[0] == null || ans[1] == null) { //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Ans 0 " + ans[0] + " ans 1 "+ans[1], "feature extractor error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return -3; } if (movement == null) movement = new double[ans[0].Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ans[0].Length; i++) movement[i] += ans[0][i]; movementTick++; if (position == null) position = new double[ans[1].Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ans[1].Length; i++) position[i] += ans[1][i]; positionTick++; //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("iter: "+iter, "ANN init error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); /* Here the detection starts */ if (iter % 30 == 0 && iter != 0) { /*this awesome part automates the recognizer choice for Sitting or Standing context*/ if (poseofUser == userContext.Sitting) { mRecog = arousalSittingRecognizer; posRecog = valenceSittingRecognizer; } else if (poseofUser == userContext.Standing) { mRecog = arousalStandingRecognizer; posRecog = valenceStandingRecognizer; } else { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("there is no saved network for this pose. Please try standing or sitting only.", "detection error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return -1; } double[] temp1, temp2; temp1 = new double[ans[0].Length]; temp2 = new double[ans[1].Length]; /*movement and position average*/ /*releasing movement and position variables*/ for (int i = 0; i < movement.Length; i++) { temp1[i] = movement[i] / movementTick; movement[i] = 0; Console.Write(temp1[i] + " "); } movementTick = 0; Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < position.Length; i++) { temp2[i] = position[i] / positionTick; //Console.Write(temp2[i] + " "); position[i] = 0; } positionTick = 0; Console.WriteLine(); if (slidingWindow == true) { /*adding them in a list for sliding window*/ movementFeatureList.Add(temp1); positionFeatureList.Add(temp2); double[] finalFeature = new double[movement.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < movement.Length; i++) { foreach (double[] d in this.movementFeatureList) { finalFeature[i] += d[i]; //Console.Write(d[i]+", "); } finalFeature[i] /= movementFeatureList.Count; //Console.WriteLine("ffm: "+finalFeature[i]); } double[] finalFeature1 = new double[position.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < position.Length; i++) { foreach (double[] d in this.positionFeatureList) { finalFeature1[i] += d[i]; //Console.Write(d[i]+", "); } finalFeature1[i] /= positionFeatureList.Count; //Console.WriteLine("ffp: " + finalFeature1[i]); } //Console.WriteLine(featureList.Count); //Here the slidingwindow length is determined. ehich can be controlled with the variable: "interval". if (movementFeatureList.Count == 6) { movementFeatureList.RemoveAt(0); positionFeatureList.RemoveAt(0); } detect(finalFeature, finalFeature1); } else { detect(temp1, temp2); } } return iter; }
public newDynamicDetection(String s, String s1) { try { mRecog = new recognizer(s); //posRecog = new recognizer(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "\\" + "positionANN.dat"); posRecog = new recognizer(s1); arousalSittingRecognizer = new recognizer(s); arousalStandingRecognizer = new recognizer(s); valenceSittingRecognizer = new recognizer(s1); valenceStandingRecognizer = new recognizer(s1); ; this.iter = 0; movementFeatureList = new List<double[]>(); positionFeatureList = new List<double[]>(); globalVars.detectorOn = true; globalVars.fExtract.frames = 0; } catch { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Some problem with the Saved Networks. CHeck your files and try again.", "ANN init error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); this.stopDetection(); globalVars.detectorOn = false; } //this.feature = featureExtractor(); }