private void statsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DetailsWindow rf = new DetailsWindow(); rf.Title = "Statistics"; rf.contentTextBox.Text = model1.Entities.GetStats(true, true, true); rf.Show(); }
private void ShowLog(string title, string log) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(log)) { var df = new DetailsWindow(); df.contentTextBox.Text = String.Format("{0}{1}----------------------{1}{2}", title, System.Environment.NewLine, log); df.Show(); } }
private void dumpButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { for (int i = 0; i < model1.Entities.Count; i++) { if (model1.Entities[i].Selected) { string details = "Entity ID = " + i + System.Environment.NewLine + "----------------------" + System.Environment.NewLine + model1.Entities[i].Dump(); DetailsWindow rf = new DetailsWindow(); rf.Title = "Dump"; rf.contentTextBox.Text = details; rf.Show(); break; } } }
private void dumpButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Entity[] entList = model1.Entities.ToArray(); for (int i = 0; i < entList.Length; i++) { Entity ent = entList[i]; DetailsWindow df; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); #if NURBS if (ent is Brep) { Brep solid3D = (Brep)ent; switch (model1.SelectionFilterMode) { case selectionFilterType.Vertex: for (int j = 0; j < solid3D.Vertices.Length; j++) { Brep.Vertex sv = (Brep.Vertex)solid3D.Vertices[j]; if (solid3D.GetVertexSelection(j)) { sb.AppendLine("Vertex ID: " + j); sb.AppendLine(sv.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("----------------------"); sb.Append(sv.Dump()); break; } } break; case selectionFilterType.Edge: for (int j = 0; j < solid3D.Edges.Length; j++) { Brep.Edge se = solid3D.Edges[j]; if (solid3D.GetEdgeSelection(j)) { sb.AppendLine("Edge ID: " + j); sb.AppendLine(se.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("----------------------"); sb.Append(se.Dump()); break; } } break; case selectionFilterType.Face: for (int j = 0; j < solid3D.Faces.Length; j++) { Brep.Face sf = solid3D.Faces[j]; if (solid3D.GetFaceSelection(j)) { sb.AppendLine("Face ID: " + j); sb.AppendLine(sf.Surface.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("----------------------"); sb.Append(sf.Dump()); break; } } break; } if (sb.Length > 0) { df = new DetailsWindow(); df.contentTextBox.Text = sb.ToString(); df.Show(); return; } } #endif if (ent.Selected) { sb.AppendLine("Entity ID: " + i); sb.Append(ent.Dump()); df = new DetailsWindow(); df.contentTextBox.Text = sb.ToString(); df.Show(); break; } } }
private void areaButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AreaProperties ap = new AreaProperties(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < model1.Entities.Count; i++) { Entity ent = model1.Entities[i]; if (ent.Selected) { ICurve itfCurve = (ICurve)ent; if (itfCurve.IsClosed) { ap.Add(ent.Vertices); } count++; } } StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); text.AppendLine(count + " entity(ies) selected"); text.AppendLine("---------------------"); if (ap.Centroid != null) { double x, y, z; double xx, yy, zz, xy, zx, yz; MomentOfInertia world, centroid; ap.GetResults(ap.Area, ap.Centroid, out x, out y, out z, out xx, out yy, out zz, out xy, out zx, out yz, out world, out centroid); text.AppendLine("Cumulative area: " + ap.Area + " square " + model1.Units.ToString().ToLower()); text.AppendLine("Cumulative centroid: " + ap.Centroid); text.AppendLine("Cumulative area moments:"); text.AppendLine(" First moments"); text.AppendLine(" x: " + x.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" y: " + y.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" z: " + z.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Second moments"); text.AppendLine(" xx: " + xx.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" yy: " + yy.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" zz: " + zz.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Product moments"); text.AppendLine(" xy: " + xx.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" yz: " + yy.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" zx: " + zz.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Area Moments of Inertia about World Coordinate Axes"); text.AppendLine(" Ix: " + world.Ix.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Iy: " + world.Iy.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Iz: " + world.Iz.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Area Radii of Gyration about World Coordinate Axes"); text.AppendLine(" Rx: " + world.Rx.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Ry: " + world.Ry.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Rz: " + world.Rz.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Area Moments of Inertia about Centroid Coordinate Axes:"); text.AppendLine(" Ix: " + centroid.Ix.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Iy: " + centroid.Iy.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Iz: " + centroid.Iz.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Area Radii of Gyration about Centroid Coordinate Axes"); text.AppendLine(" Rx: " + centroid.Rx.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Ry: " + centroid.Ry.ToString("g6")); text.AppendLine(" Rz: " + centroid.Rz.ToString("g6")); } DetailsWindow rf = new DetailsWindow(); rf.Title = "Area Properties"; rf.contentTextBox.Text = text.ToString(); rf.Show(); }