private void activeSearch(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Brush[] brushes = { Brushes.Red, Brushes.Blue };
            RecuperationDonneesPDF recuperation = new RecuperationDonneesPDF();
            ArrayList myAL             = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList arrayTemp        = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList arrayTemperature = new ArrayList();

            myAL = recuperation.Processus();

            Information leInfo;
            Information lePremierInfo  = (Information)myAL[0];
            int         lePremierTemp  = ((int.Parse(lePremierInfo.GetHeure().Substring(0, 2)) * 60) + (int.Parse(lePremierInfo.GetHeure().Substring(3, 2))));
            int         changementDate = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < myAL.Count; i++)
                leInfo = (Information)myAL[i];
                string stringTemperature = leInfo.getTemperature().Replace('.', ',');
                if (i > 1)
                    Information leInfoAvant = (Information)myAL[i - 1];
                    if (leInfo.GetDate() != leInfoAvant.GetDate())
                        changementDate = changementDate + 1;

                string stringMinute = leInfo.GetHeure().Substring(3, 2);
                string stringHeure  = leInfo.GetHeure().Substring(0, 2);
                int    minute       = int.Parse(stringMinute);
                int    heure        = int.Parse(stringHeure);
                int    uniteDeTemp  = minute + (heure * 60) + (changementDate * 24 * 60) - lePremierTemp;
            PointCollection points = new PointCollection();

            for (int i = 0; i < arrayTemp.Count; i++)
                // a cause du fait qu'on ait un origine à haut et droit en utilisé le -1 pour obtenir une orientation correcte de la courbe et on ajoute Ymax pour le mettre au bon position
                if (int.Parse(arrayTemp[i].ToString()) < xmax)
                    points.Add(new Point((int.Parse(arrayTemp[i].ToString())), (-step * (double)arrayTemperature[i]) + ymax));
                    labelAlerte.Content = "alerte : les valeurs depassent la graphe";

            Polyline polyline = new Polyline();

            polyline.StrokeThickness = 1;
            polyline.Stroke          = brushes[0];
            polyline.Points          = points;

        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            RecuperationDonneesPDF recuperation = new RecuperationDonneesPDF();
            const double           margin       = 20;

            // Make the X axis.
            int           a          = 1;
            GeometryGroup xaxis_geom = new GeometryGroup();

            xaxis_geom.Children.Add(new LineGeometry(new Point(0, ymax), new Point(canGraph.Width, ymax)));
            for (double x = xmin + step; x <= canGraph.Width - step; x += step)
                xaxis_geom.Children.Add(new LineGeometry(
                                            new Point(x, ymax - margin / 2),
                                            new Point(x, ymax + margin / 2)));

                if (a == 3)
                    Label label = new Label();
                    label.FontSize = 11;
                    label.Margin   = new Thickness(x - 10, ymax + 10 + margin / 2 - 14, 0, 4);
                    label.Content  = (x - 1);
                    a = 0;

            Path xaxis_path = new Path();

            xaxis_path.StrokeThickness = 1;
            xaxis_path.Stroke          = Brushes.Black;
            xaxis_path.Data            = xaxis_geom;


            // Make the Y ayis.
            GeometryGroup yaxis_geom = new GeometryGroup();

            yaxis_geom.Children.Add(new LineGeometry(
                                        new Point(xmin, 0), new Point(xmin, canGraph.Height)));
            for (double y = step; y <= canGraph.Height - step; y += step)
                yaxis_geom.Children.Add(new LineGeometry(
                                            new Point(xmin - margin / 2, y),
                                            new Point(xmin + margin / 2, y)));

                Label label = new Label();
                label.Margin  = new Thickness(xmin - 19 - margin / 2, y - 14, 0, 4);
                label.Content = (ymax - y + 1) / step;

            Path yaxis_path = new Path();

            yaxis_path.StrokeThickness = 1;
            yaxis_path.Stroke          = Brushes.Black;
            yaxis_path.Data            = yaxis_geom;
