public static GasComposition CalculateProperties(ref GasComposition created)
            const double GasConstant   = 8314.462618;
            const double GasMoleVolume = 22.41396954;
            double       totalMiRi     = 0;
            double       totalWeight   = 0;
            double       componentVolume;
            double       componentMoleWeight;
            double       componentMi;
            double       componentRi;
            double       componentMiRi;

            for (int j = 0; j < created.size; j++)                                              // по всем строкам
                componentVolume            = created.componentData[j, 1] * 10;                  // Volume in liters
                componentMoleWeight        = componentVolume / GasMoleVolume;                   // Moles amount
                created.componentWeight[j] = componentMoleWeight * created.componentData[j, 0]; //component mass
                totalWeight += created.componentWeight[j];                                      //full mass

            created.mixtureDencity = Math.Round(totalWeight / 1000, 3, MidpointRounding.ToEven);

            for (int j = 0; j < created.size; j++)                                          // по всем строкам
                componentMi      = (created.componentWeight[j] / totalWeight) * 100;        //доля компонента от всей массы
                componentRi      = GasConstant / created.componentData[j, 0];               //Ri
                componentMiRi    = componentRi * componentMi;                               //Ri*Mi
                totalMiRi       += componentMiRi;
                created.mixtureR = Math.Round(totalMiRi / 100, 3, MidpointRounding.ToEven); // R rounded

        //public static void OutputGasComposition(GasComposition created)
        //    //--выводим данные по составу газа
        //    Console.WriteLine(" Имя смеси: {0}\n", created.gasName);
        //    Console.WriteLine(" #  {0,-2} {1,-20} {2,-9} {3,-8} {4}\n", " ", "Компонент", "Ф-ла", "Мол.м", "Об.%\n");
        //    for (int j = 0; j < created.size; j++)
        //    {
        //        Console.WriteLine(" №: {0,-2} {1,-20} {2,-9} {3,-8:N3} {4:N3}\n",
        //        j + 1, created.componentName[j], created.componentFormula[j],
        //        created.componentData[j, 0], created.componentData[j, 1]);
        //    }


        //public static void PrintResults(GasComposition created)
        //    //--выводим результат расчета
        //    Console.WriteLine(" Плотность (0°С, 101325 Па): {0:N3} кг/м3\n", created.mixtureDencity);
        //    Console.WriteLine(" Газовая постоянная смеси: {0:N3} Дж/(кг*К)\n", created.mixtureR);
        //    Console.WriteLine(" Нажмите 'Enter'");
        //    Console.ReadLine();

        public static void SaveResultsToExcel(ref string savePath, ref GasComposition created)
            // Save to EXCEL
            // Console.WriteLine(" Открытие 'Excel', примерно 30 сек.");
            Excel.Application ObjWorkExcel = new Excel.Application(); //Open Excel
                                                                      // Console.WriteLine(" Открытие файла, примерно 2 сек.\n");
            //path = MainForm.savePath;
            //Excel.Workbook ObjWorkBook = ObjWorkExcel.Workbooks.Open(path, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //readonly
            Excel.Workbook  ObjWorkBook  = ObjWorkExcel.Workbooks.Open(savePath, false, false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, true, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //read
            Excel.Worksheet ObjWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)ObjWorkBook.Sheets[1];

            ObjWorkSheet.Cells[5, 7] = created.mixtureDencity;
            ObjWorkSheet.Cells[5, 8] = "Плотность(0°С, 101325 Па), кг/м3";
            ObjWorkSheet.Cells[7, 7] = created.mixtureR;
            ObjWorkSheet.Cells[7, 8] = "Газовая постоянная смеси, Дж/(кг*К)";

            // ObjWorkBook.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //закрыть не сохраняя
            ObjWorkBook.Close(true, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //сохранить
            //ObjWorkBook.Close(); //сохранить
            ObjWorkExcel.Quit();                                 // выйти из экселя

            //Console.WriteLine(" Результаты сохранены в'Excel' файл");
            //Console.WriteLine(" Нажмите 'Enter'");
        private void ToggleButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //--clean previous data----
            Stream         myStream        = null;
            OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog();

            openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = @"C:\temp";
            openFileDialog1.Filter           = "xlsx files (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx";
            openFileDialog1.FilterIndex      = 2;
            if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == true)
                    if ((myStream = openFileDialog1.OpenFile()) != null)
                        path     = openFileDialog1.FileName;
                        savePath = path;
                        GasComposition myGas1            = new GasComposition();
                        GasComposition myGas1Composition = GasComposition.ReadExcelFile(ref path, ref myGas1);

                        gasNameTextBox.Text = myGas1Composition.gasName; //gas name

                        for (int j = 0; j < myGas1Composition.size; j++) // по всем строкам
                            string cName    = myGas1Composition.componentName[j];
                            string cFormula = myGas1Composition.componentFormula[j];
                            string cData0   = myGas1Composition.componentData[j, 0].ToString();
                            string cData1   = myGas1Composition.componentData[j, 1].ToString();
                            //string cWeight = myGas1Composition.componentWeight[j].ToString();
                                Number               = j + 1,
                                componentName        = cName,
                                componentFormula     = cFormula,
                                componentMolarWeight = cData0,
                                componentVolume      = cData1

                        myGas.Add(myGas1); //send gas to collection

                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not read file from disk:" + ex.Message);
 private void MenuItem_Click_4(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (gasConstantTextBox.Text != "" && dencityTextBox.Text != "") //if any data to save
         GasComposition dataForSaving = myGas[0];                    //extract gas from collection
         GasComposition.SaveResultsToExcel(ref savePath, ref dataForSaving);
         MessageBox.Show("Нет данных для сохранения", "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
 private void MenuItem_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (gasNameTextBox.Text != "")                                                                                        //protection from empty calculation
         GasComposition myTempGas = myGas[0];                                                                              //extract gas from collection
         GasComposition myGas1NormalizedComposition = GasComposition.Normalize(ref myTempGas);                             //normalize
         GasComposition myGas1Calculated            = GasComposition.CalculateProperties(ref myGas1NormalizedComposition); //calc prop
                                                                                                                           // send RO and R to screen
         dencityTextBox.Text     = myGas1Calculated.mixtureDencity.ToString();
         gasConstantTextBox.Text = myGas1Calculated.mixtureR.ToString();
         MessageBox.Show("Нет данных для расчета", "Предупреждение", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        public static GasComposition Normalize(ref GasComposition created)
            // Приведение состава газа к 100%
            double actualMass = 0;
            double temp;

            // фактическая масса
            for (int j = 0; j < created.size; j++)         // по всем строкам
                actualMass += created.componentData[j, 1]; //считываем значения массы компонентов
            for (int j = 0; j < created.size; j++)         // по всем строкам
                temp = created.componentData[j, 1];        //корректируем массу
                created.componentData[j, 1] = (temp * 100) / actualMass;
        public static GasComposition ReadExcelFile(ref string path, ref GasComposition created)
            //Read Excel
            //Console.WriteLine(" Открытие 'Excel', примерно 30 сек.");
            Excel.Application ObjWorkExcel = new Excel.Application(); //Open Excel //2stage
            //Console.WriteLine(" Открытие файла, примерно 2 сек.\n");
            //Excel.Workbook ObjWorkBook = ObjWorkExcel.Workbooks.Open(path, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //открыть файл //2stage
            Excel.Workbook  ObjWorkBook  = ObjWorkExcel.Workbooks.Open(path, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //открыть файл
            Excel.Worksheet ObjWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)ObjWorkBook.Sheets[1];                                                                                                                                                                                                //Get 1 sheet
            var             lastCell     = ObjWorkSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeLastCell);                                                                                                                                                                  //1 cell
            int lastRow = (int)lastCell.Row;
            int    startRow    = 5;
            string tempGasName = ObjWorkSheet.Cells[2, 1].Text.ToString();//Read gas name
            int    length      = lastRow - startRow + 1;

            //GasComposition created = new GasComposition();
            created.size             = length;
            created.gasName          = tempGasName;
            created.componentName    = new string[length];
            created.componentFormula = new string[length];
            created.componentData    = new double[length, 2];
            created.componentWeight  = new double[length];                                                       // array for calc purposes

            for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)                                                                     // по всем строкам
                created.componentName[j]    = ObjWorkSheet.Cells[j + startRow, 2].Text.ToString();               //считываем текст 2 строки
                created.componentFormula[j] = ObjWorkSheet.Cells[j + startRow, 3].Text.ToString();               //считываем текст 3 строки
                created.componentData[j, 0] = double.Parse(ObjWorkSheet.Cells[j + startRow, 4].Text.ToString()); //считываем текст 4 строки
                created.componentData[j, 1] = double.Parse(ObjWorkSheet.Cells[j + startRow, 5].Text.ToString()); //считываем текст 5 строки
                created.componentWeight[j]  = 0;                                                                 // Занулить массив

            ObjWorkBook.Close(false, Type.Missing, Type.Missing); //закрыть не сохраняя
            ObjWorkExcel.Quit();                                  // выйти из экселя
            GC.Collect();                                         // убрать за собой -- в том числе не используемые явно объекты !
