public Window1()
            #region scaffolding


            MouseMove += (_, args) => _lastEyePosition = args.GetPosition(this);

            Observable.Context = SynchronizationContexts.CurrentDispatcher;//Automatic marshaling of all events to correct context
            var eyePositions = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1)).Select(_ => _lastEyePosition);


            eyePositions.Subscribe(point => currentLocation.Content = point);

            var fixtationFilter = new WindowAverageFixationFilter(windowSize: 8, tolerance: 30);
            var movements = eyePositions.Movements();
            var distance = movements.TotalMovementDistance();

            var fixationPositions = eyePositions.Select(fixtationFilter.CurrentFixationPosition);

            fixationPositions.Subscribe(point => currentFixationPosition.Content = point);
            movements.Subscribe(move => lastMovement.Content = move);
            distance.Subscribe(travelled => distanceTravelled.Content = travelled);
Exemple #2
        public void ShouldBeBloodyPerformant()
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

            //use 48 hours and show memoryconsumption during work.
            //Also show profiler result and mention optimization possibilities and how DRY code enables them;
            const int hours = 4;
            const int herz = 60;

            var anHoursWorthOfGazeData = GenerateRandomGazePointWalk(hertz: herz, hours: hours);

            var filter = new WindowAverageFixationFilter(windowSize: 10, tolerance: 20);
            var fixations = anHoursWorthOfGazeData.Fixations(filter);

            var fixationCount = fixations.Count();

            Console.WriteLine(@"Took {0} to parse {1} hours worth of gaze data at {2} herz. Found {3} fixations",
                              stopwatch.Elapsed, hours, herz, fixationCount);