private static Boolean CircCirc(CollisionCircle comp1, CollisionCircle comp2)
            double rad1 = comp1.Radius;
            double rad2 = comp2.Radius;
            double rad1Squared = rad1 * rad1;
            double rad2Squared = rad2 * rad2;

            double distanceSquared = (comp1.Center - comp2.Center).LengthSquared;

            if (distanceSquared >= rad1Squared + rad2Squared)
                return false;
            return true;
        private static Boolean RectCirc(CollisionRectangle rectangle, CollisionCircle circle)
            // Transform rectangle corner coordinates and circle center to be axis-aligned
            Matrix rotationMatrix = new Matrix();
            rotationMatrix.Set2DRotate(-1 * rectangle.Rotation);
            Vector rotatedTopLeft = rectangle.TopLeft * rotationMatrix;
            Vector rotatedTopRight = rectangle.TopRight * rotationMatrix;
            Vector rotatedBottomLeft = rectangle.BottomLeft * rotationMatrix;
            Vector rotatedBottomRight = rectangle.BottomRight * rotationMatrix;
            Vector rotatedCircleCenter = circle.Center * rotationMatrix;
            double circRadius = circle.Radius;
            Vector rotatedRectangleCenter = rotatedTopLeft + (rotatedBottomRight - rotatedTopLeft).Multiply(0.5);
            double rectPercent = rectangle.CollisionPercent;

            // Use of doubles and matrix operations can cause very very small discrepencies that should be ignored
            if (Math.Abs(rotatedTopLeft.Y - rotatedTopRight.Y) > 0.00000001)
                throw new Exception("Coordinate transform failed in CollisionDetector.RectCirc.  TopLeft is " + rotatedTopLeft + " and TopRight is "+ rotatedTopRight);

            bool isCircCenterOutsideRect = true;

            double rectHalfWidth = 0.5 * Math.Abs(rotatedTopRight.X - rotatedTopLeft.X) * rectPercent;
            double halfWidthPlusRadius = rectHalfWidth + circRadius;
            double xSeparation = Math.Abs(rotatedCircleCenter.X - rotatedRectangleCenter.X);
            if (xSeparation >= halfWidthPlusRadius) { return false; }
            if (xSeparation < rectHalfWidth) { isCircCenterOutsideRect = false; }

            double rectHalfHeight = 0.5 * Math.Abs(rotatedTopRight.Y - rotatedBottomRight.Y) * rectPercent;
            double halfHeightPlusRadius = rectHalfWidth + circRadius;
            double ySeparation = Math.Abs(rotatedCircleCenter.Y - rotatedRectangleCenter.Y);
            if (ySeparation >= halfHeightPlusRadius) { return false; }
            if (ySeparation < rectHalfHeight) { isCircCenterOutsideRect = false; }

            if (!isCircCenterOutsideRect) { return true; }

            // Check for literal corner cases
            Vector closestCorner;
            if (rotatedCircleCenter.X > rotatedRectangleCenter.X && rotatedCircleCenter.Y > rotatedRectangleCenter.Y) { closestCorner = rotatedTopRight; }
            else if (rotatedCircleCenter.X > rotatedRectangleCenter.X && rotatedCircleCenter.Y <= rotatedRectangleCenter.Y) { closestCorner = rotatedBottomRight; }
            else if (rotatedCircleCenter.Y > rotatedRectangleCenter.Y) { closestCorner = rotatedTopLeft; }
            else { closestCorner = rotatedBottomLeft; }

            if ((closestCorner - rotatedCircleCenter).LengthSquared > circRadius * circRadius) { return false; }

            return true;