Exemple #1
        static Rect RenderTableHeader(C1WordDocument word, Font font, Rect rc, string[] fields)
            // calculate cell width (same for all columns)
            Rect rcCell = rc;

            rcCell.Width  = rc.Width / fields.Length;
            rcCell.Height = 0;

            // calculate cell height (max of all columns)
            foreach (string field in fields)
                var height = word.MeasureString(field, font, rcCell.Width).Height;
                rcCell.Height = Math.Max(rcCell.Height, height);
            rcCell.Height += 6; // add 6 point margin

            // render header cells
            var fmt = new StringFormat();

            fmt.LineAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            foreach (string field in fields)
                word.FillRectangle(Colors.Black, rcCell);
                word.DrawString(field, font, Colors.White, rcCell, fmt);
                rcCell = WordUtils.Offset(rcCell, rcCell.Width, 0);

            // update rectangle and return it
            return(WordUtils.Offset(rc, 0, rcCell.Height));
Exemple #2
        #region ** text flow

        static void CreateDocumentTextFlow(C1WordDocument word)
            // load long string from resource file
            string text = "Resource not found...";

            using (var sr = new StreamReader(DataAccess.GetStream("flow.txt")))
                text = sr.ReadToEnd();

            // content rectangle
            Rect rcPage = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);

            // create two columns for the text
            var columnWidth = (float)(rcPage.Width - 30) / 2;

            word.MainSection.Columns.Add(new RtfColumn(columnWidth));
            word.MainSection.Columns.Add(new RtfColumn(columnWidth));

            // add title
            Font titleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 14, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font bodyFont  = new Font("Tahoma", 11);

            word.AddParagraph("Text Flow", titleFont, Colors.DarkOliveGreen, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Center);

            // render string spanning columns and pages
            foreach (var part in text.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None))
                word.AddParagraph(part, bodyFont, Colors.Black, RtfHorizontalAlignment.Justify);
Exemple #3
        #region ** paper sizes

        static void CreateDocumentPaperSizes(C1WordDocument word)
            // landscape for first page
            bool landscape = true;

            word.Landscape = landscape;

            // add title
            Font titleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 24, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Rect rc        = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);

            word.AddParagraph(word.Info.Title, titleFont);
            var paragraph = (RtfParagraph)word.Current;

            paragraph.BottomBorderColor = Colors.Purple;
            paragraph.BottomBorderStyle = RtfBorderStyle.Dotted;
            paragraph.BottomBorderWidth = 3.0f;

            // create constant font and StringFormat objects
            Font         font = new Font("Tahoma", 18);
            StringFormat sf   = new StringFormat();

            sf.Alignment     = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            sf.LineAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
            word.AddParagraph("By default used Landscape A4", font);
            word.AddParagraph(string.Empty, font);

            // create one page with each paper size
            foreach (var fi in typeof(PaperKind).GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))
                // Silverlight/Phone doesn't have Enum.GetValues
                PaperKind pk = (PaperKind)fi.GetValue(null);

                // skip custom size
                if (pk == PaperKind.Custom)

                // add new page for every page after the first one

                // set paper kind and orientation
                var section = new RtfSection(pk);
                landscape      = !landscape;
                word.Landscape = landscape;

                // add some content on the page
                string text = string.Format("PaperKind: [{0}];\r\nLandscape: [{1}];\r\nFont: [Tahoma 18pt]", pk, word.Landscape);
                paragraph = (RtfParagraph)word.Current;
                paragraph.SetRectBorder(RtfBorderStyle.DashSmall, Colors.Aqua, 2.0f);
Exemple #4
        static Rect RenderTableRow(C1WordDocument word, Font font, Font hdrFont, Rect rcPage, Rect rc, string[] fields, DataRow dr)
            // calculate cell width (same for all columns)
            Rect rcCell = rc;

            rcCell.Width  = rc.Width / fields.Length;
            rcCell.Height = 0;

            // calculate cell height (max of all columns)
            rcCell = WordUtils.Inflate(rcCell, -4, 0);
            foreach (string field in fields)
                string text   = dr[field].ToString();
                var    height = word.MeasureString(text, font, rcCell.Width).Height;
                rcCell.Height = Math.Max(rcCell.Height, height);
            rcCell         = WordUtils.Inflate(rcCell, 4, 0); // add 4 point margin
            rcCell.Height += 2;

            // break page if we have to
            if (rcCell.Bottom > rcPage.Bottom)
                rc       = RenderTableHeader(word, hdrFont, rcPage, fields);
                rcCell.Y = rc.Y;

            // center vertically just to show how
            StringFormat fmt = new StringFormat();

            fmt.LineAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;

            // render data cells
            foreach (string field in fields)
                // get content
                string text = dr[field].ToString();

                // set horizontal alignment
                double d;
                fmt.Alignment = (double.TryParse(text, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out d))
                    ? HorizontalAlignment.Right
                    : HorizontalAlignment.Left;

                // render cell
                word.DrawRectangle(Colors.LightGray, rcCell);
                rcCell = WordUtils.Inflate(rcCell, -4, 0);
                word.DrawString(text, font, Colors.Black, rcCell, fmt);
                rcCell = WordUtils.Inflate(rcCell, 4, 0);
                rcCell = WordUtils.Offset(rcCell, rcCell.Width, 0);

            // update rectangle and return it
            return(WordUtils.Offset(rc, 0, rcCell.Height));
Exemple #5
        #region ** images

        static void CreateDocumentImages(C1WordDocument word)
            // calculate page rect (discounting margins)
            Rect rcPage = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);

            // load image into writeable bitmap
            BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();

            bi.StreamSource = DataAccess.GetStream("borabora.jpg");
            var wb = new WriteableBitmap(bi);

            // center image on page preserving aspect ratio
            //word.DrawImage(wb, rcPage, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, Stretch.Uniform);
            word.DrawImage(wb, rcPage);
        void CreateDocumentVisualTree(C1WordDocument rtf, FrameworkElement targetElement)
            // set up to render
            var font = new Font("Courier", 14);
            var img  = new WriteableBitmap(CreateBitmap(targetElement));

            // go render
            bool firstPage = true;

            foreach (Stretch stretch in new Stretch[] { Stretch.Fill, Stretch.None, Stretch.Uniform, Stretch.UniformToFill })
                // add page break
                if (!firstPage)
                firstPage = false;

                // set up to render
                var alignment = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;
                //var rc = WordUtils.Inflate(rtf.PageRectangle, -72, -72);
                var sz = rtf.PageSize;
                var rc = new Rect(72, 72, sz.Width - 144, sz.Height - 144);
                rc.Height /= 2;

                // render element as image
                rtf.DrawString("Element as Image, Stretch: " + stretch.ToString(), font, Colors.Black, rc);
                rc = WordUtils.Inflate(rc, -20, -20);
                //rtf.DrawImage(img, rc, alignment, stretch);
                rtf.DrawImage(img, rc);
                rtf.DrawRectangle(Colors.Green, rc);
                rc = WordUtils.Inflate(rc, +20, +20);
                rtf.DrawRectangle(Colors.Green, rc);

                // move to bottom of the page
                rc = WordUtils.Offset(rc, 0, rc.Height + 20);

                // render element
                rtf.DrawString("Element as VisualTree, Stretch: " + stretch.ToString(), font, Colors.Black, rc);
                rc = WordUtils.Inflate(rc, -20, -20);
                rtf.DrawElement(targetElement, rc, alignment, stretch);
                rtf.DrawRectangle(Colors.Green, rc);
                rc = WordUtils.Inflate(rc, +20, +20);
                rtf.DrawRectangle(Colors.Green, rc);
Exemple #7
        static Rect RenderTable(C1WordDocument word, Rect rc, Rect rcPage, DataTable table, string[] fields)
            // select fonts
            Font hdrFont = new Font("Tahoma", 10, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font txtFont = new Font("Tahoma", 8);

            // build table
            //word.AddBookmark(table.TableName, 0, rc.Y);
            rc = WordUtils.RenderParagraph(word, "NorthWind " + table.TableName, hdrFont, rcPage, rc, false);

            // build table
            rc = RenderTableHeader(word, hdrFont, rc, fields);
            foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                rc = RenderTableRow(word, txtFont, hdrFont, rcPage, rc, fields, dr);

            // done
Exemple #8
        #region ** quotes

        static void CreateDocumentQuotes(C1WordDocument word)
            // calculate page rect (discounting margins)
            Rect rcPage = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);
            Rect rc     = rcPage;

            // initialize output parameters
            Font hdrFont   = new Font("Arial", 14, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font titleFont = new Font("Arial", 24, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font txtFont   = new Font("Times New Roman", 10, RtfFontStyle.Italic);

            // add title
            var rcTop = WordUtils.RenderParagraph(word, word.Info.Title, titleFont, rcPage, rc);

            rc = rcTop;

            // build document
            foreach (string s in GetQuotes())
                string[] authorQuote = s.Split('\t');

                // render header (author)
                var author = authorQuote[0];
                rc.Y += 25;
                rc    = WordUtils.RenderParagraph(word, author, hdrFont, rcPage, rc, true);

                // render body text (quote)
                string text = authorQuote[1];
                rc.X     = rcPage.X + 36; // << indent body text by 1/2 inch
                rc.Width = rcPage.Width - 40;
                rc       = WordUtils.RenderParagraph(word, text, txtFont, rcPage, rc);
                rc.X     = rcPage.X; // << restore indent
                rc.Width = rcPage.Width;
                rc.Y    += 12;       // << add 12pt spacing after each quote
                if (rc.Y > rcPage.Height)
                    rc = rcTop;
Exemple #9
        #region ** tables

        static void CreateDocumentTables(C1WordDocument word)
            // get the data
            var ds = DataAccess.GetDataSet();

            // calculate page rect (discounting margins)
            Rect rcPage = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);
            Rect rc     = rcPage;

            // add title
            Font titleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 24, RtfFontStyle.Bold);

            rc = WordUtils.RenderParagraph(word, word.Info.Title, titleFont, rcPage, rc, false);

            // render some tables
            RenderTable(word, rc, rcPage, ds.Tables["Customers"], new string[] { "CompanyName", "ContactName", "Country", "Address", "Phone" });
            rc = rcPage;
            RenderTable(word, rc, rcPage, ds.Tables["Products"], new string[] { "ProductName", "QuantityPerUnit", "UnitPrice", "UnitsInStock", "UnitsOnOrder" });
            rc = rcPage;
            RenderTable(word, rc, rcPage, ds.Tables["Employees"], new string[] { "FirstName", "LastName", "Country", "Notes" });
Exemple #10
        #region ** table of contents

        static void CreateDocumentTOC(C1WordDocument word)
            // create pdf document
            word.Info.Title = "Document with Table of Contents";

            // add title
            Font titleFont = new Font("Tahoma", 24, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Rect rcPage    = WordUtils.PageRectangle(word);
            Rect rc        = WordUtils.RenderParagraph(word, word.Info.Title, titleFont, rcPage, rcPage, false);

            rc.Y += 12;

            // create nonsense document
            var  bkmk       = new List <string[]>();
            Font headerFont = new Font("Arial", 14, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            Font bodyFont   = new Font("Times New Roman", 11);

            for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
                // create ith header (as a link target and outline entry)
                string header = string.Format("{0}. {1}", i + 1, BuildRandomTitle());
                rc = WordUtils.RenderParagraph(word, header, headerFont, rcPage, rc, true, true);

                // save bookmark to build TOC later
                int pageNumber = 1;
                bkmk.Add(new string[] { pageNumber.ToString(), header });

                // create some text
                rc.X     += 36;
                rc.Width -= 36;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3 + _rnd.Next(20); j++)
                    string text = BuildRandomParagraph();
                    rc    = WordUtils.RenderParagraph(word, text, bodyFont, rcPage, rc);
                    rc.Y += 6;
                rc.X     -= 36;
                rc.Width += 36;
                rc.Y     += 20;

            // start Table of Contents
            word.PageBreak();                   // start TOC on a new page
            //int tocPage = word.CurrentPage;	// save page index (to move TOC later)
            //int tocPage = 1;	// save page index (to move TOC later)
            rc        = WordUtils.RenderParagraph(word, "Table of Contents", titleFont, rcPage, rcPage, true);
            rc.Y     += 12;
            rc.X     += 30;
            rc.Width -= 40;

            // render Table of Contents
            Pen dottedPen = new Pen(Colors.Gray, 1.5f);

            dottedPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
            StringFormat sfRight = new StringFormat();

            sfRight.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
            rc.Height         = bodyFont.Size * 1.2;
            foreach (string[] entry in bkmk)
                // get bookmark info
                string page   = entry[0];
                string header = entry[1];

                // render header name and page number
                word.DrawString(header, bodyFont, Colors.Black, rc);
                word.DrawString(page, bodyFont, Colors.Black, rc, sfRight);

#if true
                // connect the two with some dots (looks better than a dotted line)
                string dots = ". ";
                var    wid  = word.MeasureString(dots, bodyFont).Width;
                var    x1   = rc.X + word.MeasureString(header, bodyFont).Width + 8;
                var    x2   = rc.Right - word.MeasureString(page, bodyFont).Width - 8;
                var    x    = rc.X;
                for (rc.X = x1; rc.X < x2; rc.X += wid)
                    word.DrawString(dots, bodyFont, Colors.Gray, rc);
                rc.X = x;
                // connect with a dotted line (another option)
                var x1 = rc.X + word.MeasureString(header, bodyFont).Width + 5;
                var x2 = rc.Right - word.MeasureString(page, bodyFont).Width - 5;
                var y  = rc.Top + bodyFont.Size;
                word.DrawLine(dottedPen, x1, y, x2, y);
                // add local hyperlink to entry
                //rtf.AddLink("#" + header, rc);

                // move on to next entry
                rc = WordUtils.Offset(rc, 0, rc.Height);
                if (rc.Bottom > rcPage.Bottom)
                    rc.Y = rcPage.Y;

            // move table of contents to start of document
            //var arr = new WordPage[rtf.Pages.Count - tocPage];
            //rtf.Pages.CopyTo(tocPage, arr, 0, arr.Length);
            //rtf.Pages.RemoveRange(tocPage, arr.Length);
            //rtf.Pages.InsertRange(0, arr);
Exemple #11
        //static string _extension = ".docx";

        public static void HandleButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // get stream to save to
            var dlg = new SaveFileDialog();

            dlg.FileName   = "document";
            dlg.DefaultExt = ".docx";
            dlg.Filter     = WordUtils.GetFileFilter(_extension);
            var dr = dlg.ShowDialog();

            if (!dr.HasValue || !dr.Value)

            // get sender button
            var btn = sender as Button;

            // create document
            var word = new C1WordDocument();


            // set document info
            var di = word.Info;

            di.Author  = "ComponentOne";
            di.Subject = "C1.WPF.Word demo.";
            di.Title   = (string)btn.Content;

            // create document
            switch (di.Title)
            case "Quotes":

            case "Tables":

            case "Images":

            case "Paper Sizes":

            case "Table of Contents":

            case "Text Flow":

            case "Text":

            case "Graphics":

            // render footers

            // standard footer
            var text      = string.Format("C1.WPF.Word: {0}, page {1} of {2}", di.Title, "|", "|");
            var paragraph = new RtfParagraph(word.CurrentSection.Footer);

            paragraph.Alignment = RtfHorizontalAlignment.Right;
            int count = 0;

            foreach (var part in text.Split('|'))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(part))
                    paragraph.Add(new RtfString(part));
                switch (count)
                case 0:
                    paragraph.Add(new RtfPageField());

                case 1:
                    paragraph.Add(new RtfNumPagesField());

            // this reopens each page and adds content to them (now we know the page count).
            //var font = new Font("Arial", 8, RtfFontStyle.Bold);
            //var fmt = new StringFormat();
            //fmt.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
            //fmt.LineAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom;
            //for (int page = 0; page < rtf.Pages.Count; page++)
            //    rtf.CurrentPage = page;
            //    var text = string.Format("C1.WPF.Word: {0}, page {1} of {2}",
            //        di.Title,
            //        page + 1,
            //        rtf.Pages.Count);
            //    rtf.DrawString(
            //        text,
            //        font,
            //        Colors.DarkGray,
            //        WordUtils.Inflate(rtf.PageRectangle, -72, -36),
            //        fmt);

            // save document
            using (var stream = dlg.OpenFile())
                word.Save(stream, dlg.FileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".docx") ? FileFormat.OpenXml : FileFormat.Rtf);
            MessageBox.Show("Word Document saved to " + dlg.SafeFileName);