Exemple #1
        // GET: CompanyPushNotifications/Create
        public IActionResult Create()
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            CompanyPushNotificationViewModel s = new CompanyPushNotificationViewModel();

            s.SentAt     = DateTime.Now;
            s.CompanyID  = _user.CompanyID;
            s.UserID     = _user.ID;
            s.SenderName = _user.Name;

            DataAccessLayer dla    = new DataAccessLayer(_context);
            string          deptID = _user.Categories;

            // Add group checkboxes
            var listOfAllGroups = dla.GetListGroups(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllGroups)
                s.AvailableGroups.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add topic checkboxes
            var listOfAllTopics = dla.GetListTopics(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllTopics)
                s.AvailableTopics.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add type checkboxes
            var listOfAllTypeOfUser = dla.GetListTypeOfUser(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllTypeOfUser)
                s.AvailableTypeOfUser.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add language checkboxes
            var listOfAllLanguages = dla.GetListLanguages(_user.CompanyID, _rlo);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllLanguages)
                s.AvailableLanguages.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Get location dropdown data
            s.Countries = dla.GetCountries();
            s.States    = dla.GetNullStatesOrCities();
            s.Cities    = dla.GetNullStatesOrCities();
Exemple #2
        // GET: SegmentArticles/Articlelist/id of segment
        public async Task <IActionResult> UserArticleSearch(string searchString)
            if (searchString == null)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var segmentid = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("SegmentListID");

            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);

            //Also add the Segment to the Viewbag so we can get the Image
            CompanySegment cs = await _context.CompanySegment.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == segmentid && m.CompanyID == _cpy.ID);

            var segmentArticle = dla.GetArticlesListBasedOnThisUsersFilters(_user, "", cs);

            ViewBag.Segment = cs;
            if (segmentArticle == null)
            ViewBag.UploadsLocation = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wootrixv2uploadfiles/images/Uploads/";
Exemple #3
        // GET: CompanySegments/Edit/5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var companySegment = await _context.CompanySegment.FindAsync(id);

            if (companySegment == null)

            CompanySegmentViewModel s = new CompanySegmentViewModel();

            s.Order         = companySegment.Order;
            s.Title         = companySegment.Title;
            s.PublishDate   = companySegment.PublishDate;
            s.FinishDate    = companySegment.FinishDate;
            s.StandardColor = companySegment.StandardColor;
            s.ThemeColor    = companySegment.ThemeColor;
            s.ClientName    = (companySegment.ClientName ?? _user.Name);
            // s.ClientLogoImage = FormFileHelper.PhysicalToIFormFile(new FileInfo(companySegment.ClientLogoImage));
            s.Department = companySegment.Department;
            s.Tags       = companySegment.Tags;

            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);

            s.Departments = dla.GetDepartments(_user.CompanyID);
Exemple #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> Home(string id)
            if (id == null)

            ViewBag.UploadsLocation = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wootrixv2uploadfiles/images/Uploads/";

            var company = await _context.Company
                          .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.CompanyName == id);

            if (company == null)

            // Now for users we need to show them articles on the home page so get them in the ViewBag for display
            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("CompanyID", company.ID);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyName", company.CompanyName);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyTextMain", company.CompanyTextMain);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyTextSecondary", company.CompanyTextSecondary);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyMainFontColor", company.CompanyMainFontColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyLogoImage", company.CompanyLogoImage);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyFocusImage", company.CompanyFocusImage ?? "");
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyBackgroundImage", company.CompanyBackgroundImage ?? "");
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyHighlightColor", company.CompanyHighlightColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyHeaderFontColor", company.CompanyHeaderFontColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyHeaderBackgroundColor", company.CompanyHeaderBackgroundColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyBackgroundColor", company.CompanyBackgroundColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("CompanyNumberOfUsers", company.CompanyNumberOfUsers);

            if (_signInManager.IsSignedIn(User))
                _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
                //_cpy = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                ViewBag.User = _user;
                ViewBag.CommentUnderReviewCount = _dla.GetArticleReviewCommentCount(_user.CompanyID);
                if (_user.Role == Roles.User)
                    System.Console.WriteLine("***********Getting Segments************");
                    ViewBag.Segments = _dla.GetSegmentsList(_user.CompanyID, _user, "", "").OrderBy(m => m.Order);

                //So everytime a user comes to the home page it will update their notification status into the session
                var usrNotifications      = _dla.GetNotificationsMatchingUserFilters(_user);
                int numberOfNotifications = usrNotifications.Count;
                HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("NumberOfNotifications", numberOfNotifications);

            // Saving all this company stuff to the session so the layout isn't dependent on the model
            // Note that it is all non-sensitive stuff

Exemple #5
        // GET: CompanyPushNotifications
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            var usrNotifications      = _dla.GetNotificationsMatchingUserFilters(_user);
            int numberOfNotifications = usrNotifications.Count;

            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("NumberOfNotifications", numberOfNotifications);

            return(View(await _context.CompanyPushNotification.Where(m => m.CompanyID == _user.CompanyID).OrderByDescending(m => m.SentAt).ToListAsync()));
Exemple #6
        // GET: CompanySegments
        public async Task <IActionResult> UserSegmentSearch(string SearchString)
            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);

            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var segments = dla.GetSegmentsList(_cpy.ID, _user, SearchString, "");

            ViewBag.UploadsLocation = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wootrixv2uploadfiles/images/Uploads/";
Exemple #7
        public async Task <IActionResult> Notifications()
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            var notifications = _dla.GetNotificationsMatchingUserFilters(_user);

            _user.LastViewedNotificationsOn = System.DateTime.Now;
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("NumberOfNotifications", 0);
Exemple #8
        // GET: CompanySegments/Details/5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Details(int id)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("SegmentID", id);
            CompanySegment cs = await _context.CompanySegment.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == id && m.CompanyID == _cpy.ID);

            var segmentArticle = _context.SegmentArticle
                                 .Where(n => n.CompanyID == _cpy.ID)
                                 .Where(m => m.Segments.Contains(cs.Title));

            // OK so now we are going to set the article Order field to be as show in the Segments so its easier to work with.
            // We will need to save the segments back again if there is a change

            foreach (SegmentArticle item in segmentArticle)
                //Split the segments into a list, grab their order and increment it then save the change
                var segments     = item.Segments;
                var segmentsList = item.Segments.Split("|");
                foreach (string segmentTitleAndOrder in segmentsList)
                    if (segmentTitleAndOrder.Contains(cs.Title))
                        //Get the order and increment
                        var  titleAndOrder = segmentTitleAndOrder.Split("/");
                        bool success       = int.TryParse(titleAndOrder[1], out int ord);

                        // Set the article Order
                        item.Order = ord;

            segmentArticle = _context.SegmentArticle
                             .Where(n => n.CompanyID == cs.CompanyID)
                             .Where(m => m.Segments.Contains(cs.Title))
                             .OrderBy(p => p.Order);

            //Also add the Segment to the Viewbag so we can get the Image
            ViewBag.Segment = cs;

            if (segmentArticle == null)

            return(View(await segmentArticle.ToListAsync()));
Exemple #9
        public IActionResult UpdateGraphs(GraphFilters filters)
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filters.ToString()))
                _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
                var companyID = _user.CompanyID;

                //We need to build the datasets for the graphs into the viewbag
                var      articlesRead = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(m => m.CompanyID == companyID && m.SegmentName == filters.magazine);
                string[] articles     = articlesRead.Select(d => d.ArticleName).Distinct().ToArray();
Exemple #10
        // GET: ArticleReportings
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            var companyID = _user.CompanyID;
            //We need to build the datasets for the graphs into the viewbag
            var articlesRead  = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(m => m.CompanyID == companyID);
            var totalArticles = _context.SegmentArticle.Where(m => m.CompanyID == companyID);



            return(View(await articlesRead.ToListAsync()));
Exemple #11
        // GET: CompanySegments/Delete/5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var companySegment = await _context.CompanySegment
                                 .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == id);

            if (companySegment == null)

Exemple #12
        // GET: CompanySegments/Create
        public IActionResult Create()
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            CompanySegmentViewModel s = new CompanySegmentViewModel();

            s.Order         = 1;
            s.PublishDate   = DateTime.Now.Date;
            s.FinishDate    = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10).Date;
            s.StandardColor = HttpContext.Session.GetString("CompanyHeaderBackgroundColor");
            s.ThemeColor    = HttpContext.Session.GetString("CompanyHighlightColor");
            s.ClientName    = _user.Name;
            //s.ClientLogoImage = _user.photoUrl;
            var cp = _user.CompanyID;

            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);

            s.Departments = dla.GetDepartments(cp);
Exemple #13
        // GET: SegmentArticles/Articlelist/id of segment
        public async Task <IActionResult> ArticleList(int id)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("SegmentListID", id);

            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("CompanyID", _cpy.ID);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyName", _cpy.CompanyName);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyTextMain", _cpy.CompanyTextMain);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyTextSecondary", _cpy.CompanyTextSecondary);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyMainFontColor", _cpy.CompanyMainFontColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyLogoImage", _cpy.CompanyLogoImage);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyFocusImage", _cpy.CompanyFocusImage ?? "");
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyBackgroundImage", _cpy.CompanyBackgroundImage ?? "");
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyHighlightColor", _cpy.CompanyHighlightColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyHeaderFontColor", _cpy.CompanyHeaderFontColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyHeaderBackgroundColor", _cpy.CompanyHeaderBackgroundColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyBackgroundColor", _cpy.CompanyBackgroundColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("CompanyNumberOfUsers", _cpy.CompanyNumberOfUsers);
            ViewBag.UploadsLocation = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wootrixv2uploadfiles/images/Uploads/";

            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);
            // Now for users we need to show them articles on the home page so get them in the ViewBag for display
            //Also add the Segment to the Viewbag so we can get the Image
            CompanySegment cs = await _context.CompanySegment.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == id && m.CompanyID == _cpy.ID);

            var segmentArticle = dla.GetArticlesListBasedOnThisUsersFilters(_user, "", cs).OrderBy(m => m.Order);

            if (segmentArticle == null)

            ViewBag.SegmentCoverImage = cs.CoverImage ?? "";
            ViewBag.SegmentTitle      = cs.Title ?? "";
            ViewBag.CompanyName       = _user.CompanyName ?? "";

Exemple #14
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CompanyPushNotificationViewModel cpnVM)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var cpn = new CompanyPushNotification();
                _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
                _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                cpn.MessageTitle = cpnVM.MessageTitle;
                cpn.MessageType  = cpnVM.MessageType;
                cpn.MessageBody  = cpnVM.MessageBody;

                cpn.SenderName = _user.Name;
                cpn.SentAt     = DateTime.Now;
                cpn.CompanyID  = _user.CompanyID;
                cpn.UserID     = _user.ID;

                cpn.Languages  = string.Join("|", cpnVM.SelectedLanguages);
                cpn.Groups     = string.Join("|", cpnVM.SelectedGroups);
                cpn.Topics     = string.Join("|", cpnVM.SelectedTopics);
                cpn.TypeOfUser = string.Join("|", cpnVM.SelectedTypeOfUser);
                if (cpnVM.Country != null && cpnVM.Country != "")
                    cpn.Country = _context.LocationCountries.FirstOrDefault(m => m.country_code == cpnVM.Country).country_name;
                if (cpnVM.State != null && cpnVM.State != "")
                    cpn.State = _context.LocationStates.FirstOrDefault(n => n.country_code == cpnVM.Country && n.state_code == cpnVM.State).state_name;
                cpn.City = cpnVM.City;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


Exemple #15
        // GET: CompanySegments
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            //Get the company name out the session and use it as a filter for the groups returned

            // We also need to filter on department.
            // So if a segment is set to only be Editable by Company Admins of Department IT,
            // then if the current Company Admin is in Department Marketing they wont see it.
            // Note that if the segment doesn't have a department set, everyone sees it

            // Get current user department
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var department = _user.Categories; //bad naming for the old DB i know
            List <CompanySegment> ctx;

            // If the user doesn't have a department don't filter on it
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(department))
                ctx = await _context.CompanySegment
                      .Where(m => m.CompanyID == _cpy.ID)
                      .Where(m => m.Department == department)
                      .OrderBy(m => m.Order)
                ctx = await _context.CompanySegment
                      .Where(m => m.CompanyID == _cpy.ID)
                      .OrderBy(m => m.Order)
            ViewBag.UploadsLocation = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wootrixv2uploadfiles/images/Uploads/";
Exemple #16
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(SegmentArticleViewModel sa)
            var myArticle = new SegmentArticle();

            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            //Have to check the article title isn't already used
            var existingArticle = _context.SegmentArticle.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Title == sa.Title && n.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID);

            if (existingArticle == null)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    myArticle.CompanyID = _user.CompanyID;

                    myArticle.Title          = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sa.Title);
                    myArticle.PublishFrom    = sa.PublishFrom ?? DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                    myArticle.PublishTill    = sa.PublishTill ?? DateTime.Now.AddYears(10);
                    myArticle.AllowComments  = sa.AllowComments;
                    myArticle.ArticleContent = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sa.ArticleContent);
                    myArticle.Author         = (sa.Author ?? _user.Name); //if null set to be user name
                    myArticle.CreatedBy      = _user.Name;
                    myArticle.ArticleUrl     = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sa.ArticleUrl);
                    myArticle.Order          = 1;
                    myArticle.Tags           = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sa.Tags);

                    myArticle.Languages  = string.Join("|", sa.SelectedLanguages);
                    myArticle.Groups     = string.Join("|", sa.SelectedGroups);
                    myArticle.Topics     = string.Join("|", sa.SelectedTopics);
                    myArticle.TypeOfUser = string.Join("|", sa.SelectedTypeOfUser);
                    if (sa.Country != null && sa.Country != "")
                        myArticle.Country = _context.LocationCountries.FirstOrDefault(m => m.country_code == sa.Country).country_name;
                    if (sa.State != null && sa.State != "")
                        myArticle.State = _context.LocationStates.FirstOrDefault(n => n.country_code == sa.Country && n.state_code == sa.State).state_name;
                    myArticle.City = sa.City;

                    //Now we need to get what the article ID will be as it isn't normally generated till created.
                    int artID = _context.SegmentArticle.OrderByDescending(u => u.ID).FirstOrDefault().ID + 1;

                    IFormFile img = sa.Image;
                    if (img != null)
                        await _dla.UploadFileToS3(img, _user.CompanyName + "_" + artID + "_" + img.FileName, "images/Uploads/Articles");

                        //The file has been saved to disk - now save the file name to the DB
                        myArticle.Image = img.FileName;

                    IFormFile vid = sa.EmbeddedVideo;
                    if (vid != null)
                        await _dla.UploadFileToS3(vid, _user.CompanyName + "_" + artID + "_" + vid.FileName, "images/Uploads/Articles");

                        //The file has been saved to disk - now save the file name to the DB
                        myArticle.EmbeddedVideo = vid.FileName;

                    // As they want order to be associated with segment now im having to smush it in with the current field....a bit ugly
                    if (sa.SelectedSegments.Count > 0)
                        myArticle.Segments = CreateSegmentsStringWithOrder1(sa.SelectedSegments);

                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                // Article title already exists
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Article Title already exists - please choose something unique");
            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);

            var listOfAllSegements = dla.GetArticleSegments(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllSegements)
                sa.AvailableSegments.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add group checkboxes
            var listOfAllGroups = dla.GetListGroups(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllGroups)
                sa.AvailableGroups.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add topic checkboxes
            var listOfAllTopics = dla.GetListTopics(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllTopics)
                sa.AvailableTopics.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add type checkboxes
            var listOfAllTypeOfUser = dla.GetListTypeOfUser(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllTypeOfUser)
                sa.AvailableTypeOfUser.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add language checkboxes
            var listOfAllLanguages = dla.GetListLanguages(_user.CompanyID, _rlo);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllLanguages)
                sa.AvailableLanguages.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Get location dropdown data
            sa.Countries = dla.GetCountries();
            sa.States    = dla.GetNullStatesOrCities();
            sa.Cities    = dla.GetNullStatesOrCities();
Exemple #17
        // GET: SegmentArticles/Create
        public IActionResult Create()
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            SegmentArticleViewModel s = new SegmentArticleViewModel();

            s.Order         = 1;
            s.PublishFrom   = DateTime.Now.Date;
            s.PublishTill   = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10).Date;
            s.CompanyID     = _user.CompanyID;
            s.Author        = _user.Name;
            s.AllowComments = true;

            DataAccessLayer       dla    = new DataAccessLayer(_context);
            string                deptID = _user.Categories;
            List <SelectListItem> listOfAllSegements;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deptID))
                listOfAllSegements = dla.GetArticleSegments(_user.CompanyID, deptID);
                listOfAllSegements = dla.GetArticleSegments(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllSegements)
                s.AvailableSegments.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add group checkboxes
            var listOfAllGroups = dla.GetListGroups(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllGroups)
                s.AvailableGroups.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add topic checkboxes
            var listOfAllTopics = dla.GetListTopics(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllTopics)
                s.AvailableTopics.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add type checkboxes
            var listOfAllTypeOfUser = dla.GetListTypeOfUser(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllTypeOfUser)
                s.AvailableTypeOfUser.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Add language checkboxes
            var listOfAllLanguages = dla.GetListLanguages(_user.CompanyID, _rlo);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllLanguages)
                s.AvailableLanguages.Add(new SelectListItem {
                    Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            // Get location dropdown data
            s.Countries = dla.GetCountries();
            s.States    = dla.GetNullStatesOrCities();
            s.Cities    = dla.GetNullStatesOrCities();
Exemple #18
        // GET: SegmentArticles/Article/5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Article(int?id)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("CompanyID", _cpy.ID);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyName", _cpy.CompanyName);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyTextMain", _cpy.CompanyTextMain);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyTextSecondary", _cpy.CompanyTextSecondary);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyMainFontColor", _cpy.CompanyMainFontColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyLogoImage", _cpy.CompanyLogoImage);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyFocusImage", _cpy.CompanyFocusImage ?? "");
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyBackgroundImage", _cpy.CompanyBackgroundImage ?? "");
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyHighlightColor", _cpy.CompanyHighlightColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyHeaderFontColor", _cpy.CompanyHeaderFontColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyHeaderBackgroundColor", _cpy.CompanyHeaderBackgroundColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyBackgroundColor", _cpy.CompanyBackgroundColor);
            HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("CompanyNumberOfUsers", _cpy.CompanyNumberOfUsers);
            ViewBag.UploadsLocation = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wootrixv2uploadfiles/images/Uploads/";

            var segID = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("SegmentListID");

            if (id == null)

            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);

            ViewBag.CommentCount = dla.GetArticleApprovedCommentCount(id ?? 0);
            ViewBag.Comments     = dla.GetArticleCommentsList(id ?? 0);

            var segmentArticle = await _context.SegmentArticle
                                 .FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == id);

            if (segmentArticle == null)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(segmentArticle.ArticleUrl))

            //OK for reporting we need to get some data about the user and save it to the ArticleReporting Table
            ArticleReporting ar = new ArticleReporting();

            ar.CompanyID       = _user.CompanyID;
            ar.UserID          = _user.ID;
            ar.UserName        = _user.Name;
            ar.SegmentID       = segID ?? 0;
            ar.SegmentName     = _context.CompanySegment.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ID == segID).Title;
            ar.ArticleID       = segmentArticle.ID;
            ar.ArticleName     = segmentArticle.Title;
            ar.ArticleReadTime = System.DateTime.Now;

            ar.Country = _user.Country;
            ar.State   = _user.State;
            ar.City    = _user.City;

            var       userAgent = Request.Headers["User-Agent"];
            UserAgent ua        = new UserAgent(userAgent);

            ar.DeviceType = ua.Browser.Name + " " + ua.Browser.Version;
            ar.OSType     = ua.OS.Name + " " + ua.OS.Version;

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemple #19
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, CompanySegmentViewModel cps)
            if (id != cps.ID)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            //Initialise a new companysegment
            CompanySegment mySegment = await _context.CompanySegment.FindAsync(id);

            //Have to check the Segment title isn't already used - it gets weird otherwise
            var existingSeg = _context.SegmentArticle.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Title == cps.Title && n.CompanyID == cps.CompanyID);

            if (existingSeg == null)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    mySegment.CompanyID = _user.CompanyID;

                    mySegment.PublishDate   = cps.PublishDate;
                    mySegment.FinishDate    = cps.FinishDate;
                    mySegment.ClientName    = cps.ClientName;
                    mySegment.ThemeColor    = cps.ThemeColor;
                    mySegment.StandardColor = cps.StandardColor;
                    mySegment.Draft         = DateTime.Now > cps.PublishDate ? false : true;
                    mySegment.Department    = cps.Department;
                    mySegment.Tags          = cps.Tags;

                    IFormFile coverImage = cps.CoverImage;
                    if (coverImage != null)
                        await _dla.UploadFileToS3(coverImage, _user.CompanyName + "_" + coverImage.FileName, "images/Uploads");

                        mySegment.CoverImage = coverImage.FileName;

                    IFormFile coverImageMB = cps.CoverImageMobileFriendly;
                    if (coverImageMB != null)
                        await _dla.UploadFileToS3(coverImageMB, _user.CompanyName + "_" + coverImageMB.FileName, "images/Uploads");

                        //The file has been saved to disk - now save the file name to the DB
                        mySegment.CoverImageMobileFriendly = coverImageMB.FileName;

                    IFormFile cli = cps.ClientLogoImage;
                    if (cli != null)
                        await _dla.UploadFileToS3(cli, _user.CompanyName + "_" + cli.FileName, "images/Uploads");

                        //The file has been saved to disk - now save the file name to the DB
                        mySegment.CoverImageMobileFriendly = cli.FileName;

                        // Done later to avoid ordering failures if the image upload fails.
                        if (mySegment.Order != 1)
                            // We only need to decrement articles above it (lower order)
                            InsertAtOrder1(mySegment.Order ?? 1);
                        mySegment.Order = 1;

                        // Ok but what about the connected articles? We need to update every article segments field and change the old val to the new

                        // If the title changed
                        if (mySegment.Title != cps.Title)
                            foreach (var art in _context.SegmentArticle.Where(m => m.CompanyID == _user.CompanyID))
                                if (art.Segments.Contains(mySegment.Title))
                                    var oldSegments = art.Segments;
                                    var newSegments = oldSegments.Replace(mySegment.Title, cps.Title);
                                    art.Segments = newSegments;

                        mySegment.Title = cps.Title;

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                    catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                        if (!CompanySegmentExists(cps.ID))
                // Article title already exists
                ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Magazine Title already exists - please choose something unique");

            return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = cps.ID }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(FilterData data, int?id)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            var companyID = _user.CompanyID;
            //We need to build the datasets for the graphs into the viewbag
            var totalArticles = _context.SegmentArticle.Where(m => m.CompanyID == companyID &&
                                                              (data.SelectedGroups.Count() <= 0 || data.SelectedGroups.Any(x => x == m.Groups)) &&
                                                              (data.SelectedTypeOfUser.Count() <= 0 || data.SelectedTypeOfUser.Any(x => x == m.TypeOfUser)) &&
                                                              (data.SelectedTopics.Count() <= 0 || data.SelectedTopics.Any(x => x == m.Topics)) &&
                                                              (data.SelectedLanguages.Count <= 0 || data.SelectedLanguages.Any(x => x == m.Languages)));

            var articlesRead = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(m => m.CompanyID == companyID &&
                                                               (data.FromDate == null || m.ArticleReadTime >= data.FromDate) &&
                                                               (data.ToDate == null || m.ArticleReadTime <= data.ToDate) &&
                                                               (data.SelectedSegments.Count() <= 0 || data.SelectedSegments.Any(y => y == m.SegmentName)) &&
                                                               (data.SelectedArticles.Count() <= 0 || data.SelectedArticles.Any(y => y == m.ArticleName)) &&
                                                               (data.Country == null || m.Country == data.Country) &&
                                                               (data.State == null || m.State == data.State) &&
                                                               (data.City == null || m.City == data.City));

            var segmentArticle = _context.SegmentArticle.Where(x => x.CompanyID == companyID).ToList();

            var segments = from sa in _context.SegmentArticle
                           join ar in _context.ArticleReporting on sa.CompanyID equals ar.CompanyID into joinedSegment
                           from ar in joinedSegment.DefaultIfEmpty()
                           where sa.CompanyID == companyID &&
                           (data.FromDate == null || ar.ArticleReadTime >= data.FromDate) &&
                           (data.ToDate == null || ar.ArticleReadTime <= data.ToDate) &&
                           (data.Country == null || sa.Country == data.Country) &&
                           (data.State == null || sa.State == data.State) &&
                           (data.City == null || sa.City == data.City) &&
                           (data.SelectedGroups.Count <= 0 || data.SelectedGroups.Any(x => x == sa.Groups)) &&
                           (data.SelectedTypeOfUser.Count <= 0 || data.SelectedTypeOfUser.Any(x => x == sa.TypeOfUser)) &&
                           (data.SelectedTopics.Count <= 0 || data.SelectedTopics.Any(x => x == sa.Topics)) &&
                           (data.SelectedLanguages.Count <= 0 || data.SelectedLanguages.Any(x => x == sa.Languages)) &&
                           (data.SelectedSegments.Count <= 0 || data.SelectedSegments.Any(x => x == ar.SegmentName)) &&
                           (data.SelectedArticles.Count() <= 0 || data.SelectedArticles.Any(y => y == ar.ArticleName))
                           group new { sa, ar } by new { ar.SegmentID, ar.SegmentName } into sr
                select new
                CompanyID           = companyID,
                SegmentID           = sr.Key.SegmentID,
                SegmentName         = sr.Key.SegmentName,
                PreviewCount        = sr.Select(x => x.ar).Count(),
                PreviewInPercentage = (sr.Select(x => x.ar).Count()) * 100 / (_context.ArticleReporting.Select(s => s.SegmentName).Count())

            ViewBag.Magazine = segments.Select(y => new Magazine
                SegmentId          = y.SegmentID,
                SegmentName        = y.SegmentName,
                Previews           = y.PreviewCount,
                percentageMagazine = y.PreviewInPercentage

            ViewBag.Article = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(x => segments.Any(sg => sg.SegmentID == x.SegmentID))
                              .Select(ar => new Article()
                ArticleID         = ar.ArticleID,
                ArticleName       = ar.ArticleName,
                Previews          = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SegmentID == ar.SegmentID).PreviewCount,
                percentageArticle = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SegmentID == ar.SegmentID).PreviewInPercentage,

            ViewBag.Topics = segmentArticle.Where(x => segments.Any(sg => x.Segments.Contains(sg.SegmentName)))
                             .Select(sa => new Topics()
                TopicID         = sa.CompanyID,
                TopiceName      = sa.Topics,
                Previews        = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID).PreviewCount,
                percentageTopic = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID).PreviewInPercentage,

            ViewBag.Groups = segmentArticle.Where(x => segments.Any(sg => x.Segments.Contains(sg.SegmentName)))
                             .Select(sa => new Groups
                GroupID         = sa.CompanyID,
                GroupName       = sa.Groups,
                Previews        = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID).PreviewCount,
                percentageGroup = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID).PreviewInPercentage

            ViewBag.User = segmentArticle.Where(x => segments.Any(sg => x.Segments.Contains(sg.SegmentName)))
                           .Select(sa => new Users
                UserID         = sa.CompanyID,
                UserName       = sa.TypeOfUser,
                Previews       = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID).PreviewCount,
                percentageUser = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID).PreviewInPercentage

            ViewBag.Languages = segmentArticle.Where(x => segments.Any(sg => x.Segments.Contains(sg.SegmentName)))
                                .Select(sa => new Languages
                LanguageID         = sa.CompanyID,
                LanguageName       = sa.Languages,
                Previews           = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID).PreviewCount,
                percentageLanguage = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID).PreviewInPercentage

            ViewBag.City = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(x => segments.Any(sg => sg.SegmentID == x.SegmentID))
                           .Select(ar => new City
                CityID         = ar.CompanyID,
                Citys          = ar.City,
                Previews       = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SegmentID == ar.SegmentID).PreviewCount,
                percentageCity = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SegmentID == ar.SegmentID).PreviewInPercentage,

            ViewBag.States = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(x => segments.Any(sg => sg.SegmentID == x.SegmentID))
                             .Select(ar => new States
                StateID         = ar.CompanyID,
                State           = ar.State,
                Previews        = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SegmentID == ar.SegmentID).PreviewCount,
                percentageState = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SegmentID == ar.SegmentID).PreviewInPercentage,

            ViewBag.Country = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(x => segments.Any(sg => sg.SegmentID == x.SegmentID))
                              .Select(ar => new Countrys
                CountryID         = ar.CompanyID,
                Country           = ar.State,
                Previews          = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SegmentID == ar.SegmentID).PreviewCount,
                percentageCountry = segments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SegmentID == ar.SegmentID).PreviewInPercentage,



            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id.ToString()))
                //Admin user has selected a companyID so set the current session stuff appropriately
                var companyName = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(n => n.ID == id).GetAwaiter().GetResult().CompanyName;
                HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("id", id ?? 0);
                HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyName", companyName);

            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);

            _user1 = _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var reportingModel = new Reporting()
                Reports        = await articlesRead.ToListAsync(),
                FilterDetaails = GetFilterData(dla)

Exemple #21
        // GET: SegmentArticles/Edit/5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int?id)
            if (id == null)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var segmentArticle = await _context.SegmentArticle.FindAsync(id);

            if (segmentArticle == null)

            DataAccessLayer         dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);
            SegmentArticleViewModel s   = new SegmentArticleViewModel();

            s.Order      = segmentArticle.Order;
            s.ArticleUrl = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(segmentArticle.ArticleUrl);
            s.Title      = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(segmentArticle.Title);
            //s.Image = segmentArticle.Image; TODO still need to fix this crap
            //s.EmbeddedVideo = segmentArticle.EmbeddedVideo;
            s.ArticleContent = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(segmentArticle.ArticleContent);
            s.PublishFrom    = segmentArticle.PublishFrom;
            s.PublishTill    = segmentArticle.PublishTill;
            s.CompanyID      = segmentArticle.CompanyID;
            s.Author         = (segmentArticle.Author == null || segmentArticle.Author == "" ? _user.Name : segmentArticle.Author);
            s.AllowComments  = segmentArticle.AllowComments;
            s.Tags           = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(segmentArticle.Tags);
            s.CreatedBy      = _user.Name;

            // Get location dropdown data
            s.Countries = dla.GetCountries();
            s.States    = dla.GetNullStatesOrCities();
            s.Cities    = dla.GetNullStatesOrCities();

            if (segmentArticle.Segments != null && segmentArticle.Segments != "")
                s.AvailableSegments = RemoveDigitsAndSlashes(segmentArticle.Segments).Split('|').Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                    Text = x, Value = x, Selected = true
            //Add any options not already in the segmentlist

            string deptID = _user.Categories;
            List <SelectListItem> listOfAllSegements;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deptID))
                listOfAllSegements = dla.GetArticleSegments(_user.CompanyID, deptID);
                listOfAllSegements = dla.GetArticleSegments(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllSegements)
                var match = s.AvailableSegments.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Value.Contains(seg.Value));

                if (match == null)
                    //if no match (not in the list) then add it
                    s.AvailableSegments.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            if (segmentArticle.Groups != null && segmentArticle.Groups != "")
                s.AvailableGroups = segmentArticle.Groups.Split('|').Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                    Text = x, Value = x, Selected = true
            //Add any options not already in the segmentlist
            var listOfAllGroups = dla.GetListGroups(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllGroups)
                if (s.AvailableGroups.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Value.Contains(seg.Value)) == null)
                    //if no match (not in the list) then add it
                    s.AvailableGroups.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            if (segmentArticle.Topics != null && segmentArticle.Topics != "")
                s.AvailableTopics = segmentArticle.Topics.Split('|').Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                    Text = x, Value = x, Selected = true
            //Add any options not already in the segmentlist
            var listOfAllTopics = dla.GetListTopics(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllTopics)
                if (s.AvailableTopics.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Value.Contains(seg.Value)) == null)
                    //if no match (not in the list) then add it
                    s.AvailableTopics.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            if (segmentArticle.TypeOfUser != null && segmentArticle.TypeOfUser != "")
                s.AvailableTypeOfUser = segmentArticle.TypeOfUser.Split('|').Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                    Text = x, Value = x, Selected = true
            //Add any options not already in the segmentlist
            var listOfAllTypeOfUser = dla.GetListTypeOfUser(_user.CompanyID);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllTypeOfUser)
                if (s.AvailableTypeOfUser.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Value.Contains(seg.Value)) == null)
                    //if no match (not in the list) then add it
                    s.AvailableTypeOfUser.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

            if (segmentArticle.Languages != null && segmentArticle.Languages != "")
                s.AvailableLanguages = segmentArticle.Languages.Split('|').Select(x => new SelectListItem {
                    Text = x, Value = x, Selected = true
            //Add any options not already in the segmentlist
            var listOfAllLanguages = dla.GetListLanguages(_user.CompanyID, _rlo);

            foreach (var seg in listOfAllLanguages)
                if (s.AvailableLanguages.FirstOrDefault(stringToCheck => stringToCheck.Value.Contains(seg.Value)) == null)
                    //if no match (not in the list) then add it
                    s.AvailableLanguages.Add(new SelectListItem {
                        Text = seg.Value, Value = seg.Value

        // GET: ArticleReportings
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int?id)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            var companyID = _user.CompanyID;
            //We need to build the datasets for the graphs into the viewbag
            var articlesRead  = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(m => m.CompanyID == companyID);
            var totalArticles = _context.SegmentArticle.Where(m => m.CompanyID == companyID);

            ViewBag.Magazine = false;
            ViewBag.Magazine = _context.ArticleReporting.GroupBy(x => new { x.SegmentID, x.SegmentName }).Select(y => new Magazine
                SegmentId          = y.Key.SegmentID,
                SegmentName        = y.Key.SegmentName,
                Previews           = y.Count(),
                percentageMagazine = (y.Count()) * 100 / (_context.ArticleReporting.Select(s => s.SegmentName).Count())

            ViewBag.Article = _context.ArticleReporting.GroupBy(x => new { x.ArticleID, x.ArticleName }).Select(y => new Article
                ArticleID         = y.Key.ArticleID,
                ArticleName       = y.Key.ArticleName,
                Previews          = y.Count(),
                percentageArticle = (y.Count()) * 100 / (_context.ArticleReporting.Select(s => s.ArticleName).Count())

            ViewBag.Topics = _context.SegmentArticle.Where(y => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y.Topics)).GroupBy(x => new { x.CompanyID, x.Topics }).Select(y => new Topics
                TopicID         = y.Key.CompanyID,
                TopiceName      = y.Key.Topics,
                Previews        = y.Count(),
                percentageTopic = (y.Count()) * 100 / (_context.SegmentArticle.Select(s => s.Topics).Count())

            ViewBag.Groups = _context.SegmentArticle.Where(y => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y.Groups)).GroupBy(x => new { x.CompanyID, x.Groups }).Select(y => new Groups
                GroupID         = y.Key.CompanyID,
                GroupName       = y.Key.Groups,
                Previews        = y.Count(),
                percentageGroup = (y.Count()) * 100 / (_context.SegmentArticle.Select(s => s.Groups).Count())

            ViewBag.User = _context.SegmentArticle.Where(y => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y.TypeOfUser)).GroupBy(x => new { x.CompanyID, x.TypeOfUser }).Select(y => new Users
                UserID         = y.Key.CompanyID,
                UserName       = y.Key.TypeOfUser,
                Previews       = y.Count(),
                percentageUser = (y.Count()) * 100 / (_context.SegmentArticle.Select(s => s.TypeOfUser).Count())

            ViewBag.Languages = _context.SegmentArticle.Where(y => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y.Languages)).GroupBy(x => new { x.CompanyID, x.Languages }).Select(y => new Languages
                LanguageID         = y.Key.CompanyID,
                LanguageName       = y.Key.Languages,
                Previews           = y.Count(),
                percentageLanguage = (y.Count()) * 100 / (_context.SegmentArticle.Select(s => s.Languages).Count())

            ViewBag.City = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(y => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y.City)).GroupBy(x => new { x.CompanyID, x.City }).Select(y => new City
                CityID         = y.Key.CompanyID,
                Citys          = y.Key.City,
                Previews       = y.Count(),
                percentageCity = (y.Count()) * 100 / (_context.ArticleReporting.Select(s => s.City).Count())

            ViewBag.States = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(y => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y.State)).GroupBy(x => new { x.CompanyID, x.State }).Select(y => new States
                StateID         = y.Key.CompanyID,
                State           = y.Key.State,
                Previews        = y.Count(),
                percentageState = (y.Count()) * 100 / (_context.ArticleReporting.Select(s => s.State).Count())

            ViewBag.Country = _context.ArticleReporting.Where(y => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(y.Country)).GroupBy(x => new { x.CompanyID, x.Country }).Select(y => new Countrys
                CountryID         = y.Key.CompanyID,
                Country           = y.Key.Country,
                Previews          = y.Count(),
                percentageCountry = (y.Count()) * 100 / (_context.ArticleReporting.Select(s => s.Country).Count())



            object FilterData = new FilterData();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id.ToString()))
                //Admin user has selected a companyID so set the current session stuff appropriately
                var companyName = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(n => n.ID == id).GetAwaiter().GetResult().CompanyName;
                HttpContext.Session.SetInt32("id", id ?? 0);
                HttpContext.Session.SetString("CompanyName", companyName);

            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);

            _user1 = _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var reportingModel = new Reporting()
                Reports        = await articlesRead.ToListAsync(),
                FilterDetaails = GetFilterData(dla)

Exemple #23
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, SegmentArticleViewModel sa)
            if (id != sa.ID)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var myArticle = _context.SegmentArticle.Find(id);

            //Have to check the article title isn't already used
            var existingArticle = _context.SegmentArticle.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Title == sa.Title && n.CompanyID == sa.CompanyID);

            if (existingArticle == null)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    myArticle.ID        = sa.ID;
                    myArticle.CompanyID = _user.CompanyID;
                    myArticle.Order     = sa.Order ?? 1;
                    myArticle.Title     = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sa.Title);

                    myArticle.PublishFrom = sa.PublishFrom ?? DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                    myArticle.PublishTill = sa.PublishTill ?? DateTime.Now.AddYears(10);

                    myArticle.AllowComments  = sa.AllowComments;
                    myArticle.ArticleContent = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sa.ArticleContent);
                    myArticle.Author         = sa.Author;

                    myArticle.Tags       = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sa.Tags);
                    myArticle.ArticleUrl = WebUtility.HtmlEncode(sa.ArticleUrl);

                    myArticle.Languages  = string.Join("|", sa.SelectedLanguages);
                    myArticle.Groups     = string.Join("|", sa.SelectedGroups);
                    myArticle.Topics     = string.Join("|", sa.SelectedTopics);
                    myArticle.TypeOfUser = string.Join("|", sa.SelectedTypeOfUser);
                    myArticle.City       = sa.City;
                    if (sa.Country != null && sa.Country != "")
                        myArticle.Country = _context.LocationCountries.FirstOrDefault(m => m.country_code == sa.Country).country_name;
                    if (sa.State != null && sa.State != "")
                        myArticle.State = _context.LocationStates.FirstOrDefault(n => n.country_code == sa.Country && n.state_code == sa.State).state_name;

                    IFormFile img = sa.Image;
                    if (img != null)
                        await _dla.UploadFileToS3(img, _user.CompanyName + "_" + id + "_" + img.FileName, "images/Uploads/Articles");

                        //The file has been saved to disk - now save the file name to the DB
                        myArticle.Image = img.FileName;

                    IFormFile vid = sa.EmbeddedVideo;
                    if (vid != null)
                        await _dla.UploadFileToS3(vid, _user.CompanyName + "_" + id + "_" + vid.FileName, "images/Uploads/Articles");

                        //The file has been saved to disk - now save the file name to the DB
                        myArticle.EmbeddedVideo = vid.FileName;
                        myArticle.EmbeddedVideo = "";

                        // If the article has some segments set
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myArticle.Segments))
                            var oldSegments = myArticle.Segments.Split("|");
                            //Even though it is an edit we are resetting the order to 1...its waaay to complicated otherwise.
                            myArticle.Segments = CreateSegmentsStringWithOrder1ButWithCheckToMakeSureNotAt1Already(sa.SelectedSegments, oldSegments);
                        else //no existing segments
                            myArticle.Segments = CreateSegmentsStringWithOrder1ButWithCheckToMakeSureNotAt1Already(sa.SelectedSegments, null);
                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        //update the selected article segments

                        //DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context, _user.companyID);
                    catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                        if (!SegmentArticleExists(myArticle.ID))
                    // Article title already exists
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Article Title already exists - please choose something unique");
            return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = myArticle.ID }));
Exemple #24
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(CompanySegmentViewModel cps)
            _user = _context.User.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == _userManager.GetUserAsync(User).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Email);
            _cpy  = _context.Company.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.ID == _user.CompanyID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var companyID = _cpy.ID;
            //Initialise a new companysegment
            var mySegment = new CompanySegment();

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                mySegment.CompanyID     = companyID;
                mySegment.Order         = cps.Order ?? 1;
                mySegment.Title         = cps.Title;
                mySegment.PublishDate   = cps.PublishDate;
                mySegment.FinishDate    = cps.FinishDate;
                mySegment.ClientName    = cps.ClientName;
                mySegment.ThemeColor    = cps.ThemeColor;
                mySegment.StandardColor = cps.StandardColor;
                mySegment.Draft         = DateTime.Now > cps.PublishDate ? false : true;
                mySegment.Department    = cps.Department;
                mySegment.Tags          = cps.Tags;
                mySegment.ClientName    = cps.ClientName ?? _user.Name;

                IFormFile coverImage = cps.CoverImage;
                if (coverImage != null)
                    await _dla.UploadFileToS3(coverImage, _user.CompanyName + "_" + coverImage.FileName, "images/Uploads");

                    mySegment.CoverImage = coverImage.FileName;

                IFormFile coverImageMB = cps.CoverImageMobileFriendly;
                if (coverImageMB != null)
                    await _dla.UploadFileToS3(coverImageMB, _user.CompanyName + "_" + coverImageMB.FileName, "images/Uploads");

                    //var filePath = Path.Combine(_rootpath, "images/Uploads", _user.companyName + "_" + coverImageMB.FileName);
                    //using (var stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
                    //    await coverImageMB.CopyToAsync(stream);
                    //The file has been saved to disk - now save the file name to the DB
                    mySegment.CoverImageMobileFriendly = coverImageMB.FileName;

                IFormFile cli = cps.ClientLogoImage;
                if (cli != null)
                    await _dla.UploadFileToS3(cli, _user.CompanyName + "_" + cli.FileName, "images/Uploads");

                    //The file has been saved to disk - now save the file name to the DB
                    mySegment.CoverImageMobileFriendly = cli.FileName;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            DataAccessLayer dla = new DataAccessLayer(_context);

            cps.Departments = dla.GetDepartments(companyID);