internal static void Initialize()
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine = new Jint.JintEngine();

            ///function seconomy_transfer_async(toAccount : Journal.XBankAccount, player : TShockAPI.TSPlayer, amount : string, completedCallback : function)
            ///Asynchronously transfers money using SEconomy, then calls back to the JS function specified by completedCallback
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_transfer_async", new TransferAsyncDelegate((from, to, amount, msg, func) => {
                from.TransferToAsync(to, amount, Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToSender, Message: msg).ContinueWith((task) => {
                    //callback to the JS function with the result of the transfer
                    CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.CallFunction(func, task.Result);

            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_pay_async", new TransferAsyncDelegate((from, to, amount, msg, func) => {
                from.TransferToAsync(to, amount, Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToReceiver | Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToSender | Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.IsPayment, Message: msg).ContinueWith((task) => {
                    //callback to the JS function with the result of the transfer
                    CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.CallFunction(func, task.Result);

            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_parse_money", new Func <object, Money>((moneyString) => {

            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_get_account", new Func <object, Journal.XBankAccount>((accountName) => {
                if (accountName is TShockAPI.TSPlayer)
                    return(SEconomyPlugin.GetEconomyPlayerSafe((accountName as TShockAPI.TSPlayer).Name).BankAccount);

            ///global variable: __world_account
            ///Returns a reference to the SEconomy world account
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_world_account", new Func <Journal.XBankAccount>(() => {

            ///function create_alias(aliasName : string, commandCost : string, cooldownSeconds : integer, permissionsNeeded : string, functionToExecute : function)
            ///Creates an alias that executes the specified functionToExecute in js when it is called by a player/server.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("create_alias", new RegisterCommandDelegate((aliasname, cost, cooldown, perms, func) => {
                JScriptAliasCommand jAlias = new JScriptAliasCommand()
                    CommandAlias = aliasname, CooldownSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(cooldown), Cost = cost, Permissions = perms, func = func

                jsAliases.RemoveAll(i => i.CommandAlias == aliasname);

            /// function log(logEntry : string)
            ///Writes logEntry to the TShock log
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction <string>("log", (logText) => {

            ///function get_player(playerName : string) : TShockAPI.TSPlayer
            ///Returns a TSPlayer by their characterName.  Returns undefined if the player isn't found or is offline.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("get_player", new Func <string, TShockAPI.TSPlayer>((name) => {
                return(TShockAPI.TShock.Players.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name == name));

            ///function random(from : integer, to : integer) : integer
            ///Returns a random number between from and to.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("random", new Func <double, double, double>((rndFrom, rndTo) => {
                lock (__rndLock) {
                    int from = Convert.ToInt32(rndFrom);
                    int to   = Convert.ToInt32(rndTo);
                    return(randomGenerator.Next(from, to));

            //function group_exists(groupName : string) : boolean
            //Returns whether the TShock group specified by groupName exists
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("group_exists", new Func <object, bool>((groupName) => {
                return(TShockAPI.TShock.Groups.Count(i => i.Name.Equals(groupName.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) > 0);

            //tshock_group(groupName : string) : TShockAPI.Group
            //Returns a TShock Group object by its name
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("tshock_group", new Func <object, TShockAPI.Group>((groupName) => {
                if (groupName == null)

                TShockAPI.Group g = TShockAPI.TShock.Groups.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name.Equals(groupName.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

            //function execute_command(player : TShockAPI.TSPlayer, command : string)
            //causes player to execute provided command in the TShock execution handler.
            //this function ignores permissions, and will always execute as though the user has permissions to do it.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("execute_command", new Action <TShockAPI.TSPlayer, object>((player, cmd) => {
                string commandToExecute = "";
                if (cmd is List <string> )
                    List <string> cmdList = cmd as List <string>;

                    foreach (var param in cmdList.Skip(1))
                        commandToExecute += " " + param;
                else if (cmd is string)
                    commandToExecute = cmd.ToString();

                CmdAliasPlugin.HandleCommandWithoutPermissions(player, string.Format("{0}", commandToExecute.Trim()));

            //function change_group(player : TShockAPI.TSPlayer, groupName : string)
            //Changes the player's TShock group to the group provided by groupName
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("change_group", new Action <TShockAPI.TSPlayer, object>((player, group) => {
                TShockAPI.DB.User u = new TShockAPI.DB.User();
                string g            = "";

                if (group is string)
                    g = group as string;
                else if (group is TShockAPI.Group)
                    g = (group as TShockAPI.Group).Name;

                if (player != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(g))
                    u.Name = player.UserAccountName;
                    TShockAPI.TShock.Users.SetUserGroup(u, g);

            ///function msg(player : TShockAPI.TSPlayer, message : string)
            ///Sends an informational message to a player.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("msg", new Action <TShockAPI.TSPlayer, object>((player, msg) => {
                if (player != null && msg != null)
                    player.SendInfoMessageFormat("{0}", msg);

            ///function broadcast(msg : string)
            ///Sends a server broadcast.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("broadcast", new Action <object>((msg) => {
                if (msg != null)
                    TShockAPI.TShock.Utils.Broadcast("(Server Broadcast) " + msg.ToString(), Color.Red);
        internal static void Initialize() {
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine = new Jint.JintEngine();

            ///function seconomy_transfer_async(toAccount : Journal.XBankAccount, player : TShockAPI.TSPlayer, amount : string, completedCallback : function)
            ///Asynchronously transfers money using SEconomy, then calls back to the JS function specified by completedCallback
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_transfer_async", new TransferAsyncDelegate((from, to, amount, msg, func) => {
                from.TransferToAsync(to, amount, Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToSender, msg, msg).ContinueWith((task) => {
                    //callback to the JS function with the result of the transfer
                    CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.CallFunction(func, task.Result);

            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_pay_async", new TransferAsyncDelegate((from, to, amount, msg, func) => {
                from.TransferToAsync(to, amount, Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToReceiver | Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.AnnounceToSender | Journal.BankAccountTransferOptions.IsPayment, msg, msg).ContinueWith((task) => {
                    //callback to the JS function with the result of the transfer
                    CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.CallFunction(func, task.Result);

            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_parse_money", new Func<object, Money>((moneyString) => {
                try {
                    return Money.Parse(moneyString.ToString());
                catch {
                    return 0;

            ///function seconomy_valid_money(moneyString : string) : boolean
            ///Returns true if a supplied money value is valid and is parsable or not.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_valid_money", new Func<object, bool>((moneyString) => {
                Money _money;
                return Money.TryParse(moneyString.ToString(), out _money);

            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_get_account", new Func<object, Journal.XBankAccount>((accountName) => {
                Journal.XBankAccount bankAccount = null;

                if (accountName is TShockAPI.TSPlayer) {
                    Economy.EconomyPlayer ePlayer = SEconomyPlugin.GetEconomyPlayerSafe((accountName as TShockAPI.TSPlayer).Name);
                    if ( ePlayer != null ) {
                        bankAccount = ePlayer.BankAccount;
                } else if ( accountName != null )  {
                    Economy.EconomyPlayer ePlayer = SEconomyPlugin.GetEconomyPlayerSafe(accountName.ToString());
                     if ( ePlayer != null ) {
                        bankAccount = ePlayer.BankAccount;

                return bankAccount;

            ///global variable: __world_account
            ///Returns a reference to the SEconomy world account
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("seconomy_world_account", new Func<Journal.XBankAccount>(() => {
                return SEconomyPlugin.WorldAccount;

            ///function create_alias(aliasName : string, commandCost : string, cooldownSeconds : integer, permissionsNeeded : string, functionToExecute : function)
            ///Creates an alias that executes the specified functionToExecute in js when it is called by a player/server.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("create_alias", new RegisterCommandDelegate((aliasname, cost, cooldown, perms, func) => {
                JScriptAliasCommand jAlias = new JScriptAliasCommand() { CommandAlias = aliasname, CooldownSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(cooldown), Cost = cost, Permissions = perms, func = func };

                jsAliases.RemoveAll(i => i.CommandAlias == aliasname);

            /// function log(logEntry : string)
            ///Writes logEntry to the TShock log
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction<string>("log", (logText) => {

            ///function get_player(playerName : string) : TShockAPI.TSPlayer
            ///Returns a TSPlayer by their characterName.  Returns undefined if the player isn't found or is offline.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("get_player", new Func<object, TShockAPI.TSPlayer>((name) => {
                TShockAPI.TSPlayer returnPlayer = null;

                if (name != null) {
                    if (name is string) {
                        returnPlayer = TShockAPI.TShock.Players.FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && i.Name == name.ToString());
                        if (returnPlayer == null) {
                            returnPlayer = TShockAPI.TShock.Players.FirstOrDefault(i => i != null && i.UserAccountName == name.ToString());
                    } else if (name is Journal.XBankAccount) {
                        Journal.XBankAccount acct = name as Journal.XBankAccount;

                        if (acct.Owner != null) {
                            returnPlayer = acct.Owner.TSPlayer;

                return returnPlayer;

            ///function random(from : integer, to : integer) : integer
            ///Returns a random number between from and to.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("random", new Func<double, double, double>((rndFrom, rndTo) => {
                lock (__rndLock) {
                    int from = Convert.ToInt32(rndFrom);
                    int to = Convert.ToInt32(rndTo);
                    return randomGenerator.Next(from, to);

            //function group_exists(groupName : string) : boolean
            //Returns whether the TShock group specified by groupName exists
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("group_exists", new Func<object, bool>((groupName) => {
                return TShockAPI.TShock.Groups.Count(i => i.Name.Equals(groupName.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) > 0;

            //tshock_group(groupName : string) : TShockAPI.Group
            //Returns a TShock Group object by its name
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("tshock_group", new Func<object, TShockAPI.Group>((groupName) => {
                if (groupName == null) {
                    return null;

                TShockAPI.Group g = TShockAPI.TShock.Groups.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Name.Equals(groupName.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
                return g;

            //function execute_command(player : TShockAPI.TSPlayer, command : string)
            //causes player to execute provided command in the TShock execution handler.
            //this function ignores permissions, and will always execute as though the user has permissions to do it.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("execute_command", new Action<TShockAPI.TSPlayer, object>((player, cmd) => {
                string commandToExecute = "";
                if (cmd is List<string>) {
                    List<string> cmdList = cmd as List<string>;

                    foreach (var param in cmdList.Skip(1)) {
                        commandToExecute += " " + param;
                } else if (cmd is string) {
                    commandToExecute = cmd.ToString();
                CmdAliasPlugin.HandleCommandWithoutPermissions(player, string.Format("{0}", commandToExecute.Trim()));

            //function change_group(player : TShockAPI.TSPlayer, groupName : string)
            //Changes the player's TShock group to the group provided by groupName
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("change_group", new Action<TShockAPI.TSPlayer, object>((player, group) => {
                TShockAPI.DB.User u = new TShockAPI.DB.User();
                string g = "";

                if (group is string) {
                    g = group as string;
                } else if (group is TShockAPI.Group) {
                    g = (group as TShockAPI.Group).Name;

                if (player != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(g)) {
                    u.Name = player.UserAccountName;
                    TShockAPI.TShock.Users.SetUserGroup(u, g);


            ///function msg(player : TShockAPI.TSPlayer, message : string)
            ///Sends an informational message to a player.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("msg", new Action<TShockAPI.TSPlayer, object>((player, msg) => {
                if (player != null && msg != null) {
                    player.SendInfoMessageFormat("{0}", msg);

            ///function broadcast(msg : string)
            ///Sends a server broadcast.
            CmdAliasPlugin.scriptEngine.SetFunction("broadcast", new Action<object>((msg) => {
                if (msg != null) {
                    TShockAPI.TShock.Utils.Broadcast("(Server Broadcast) " + msg.ToString(), Color.Red);