Exemple #1
        public override void OnClientData(ClientBase aClient, byte[] data)
            LoginClient client = aClient as LoginClient;
            BinReader   read   = new BinReader(data);

            read.BaseStream.Position += 2;             // skip len
            CMSG msgID = (CMSG)read.ReadInt32();

            if (!LoginPacketManager.HandlePacket(client, msgID, read))
                if (client.WorldConnection != null)
                    ClientPacket pkg = new ClientPacket(msgID, client.Character.ObjectId, data, 6, data.Length - 6);
         * internal bool processWorldServerData()
         * {
         *      if(m_client.PendingSendData)
         *              m_client.SendWork();
         *      if(m_client.Connected == false)
         *              return false;
         *      byte[] data;
         *      while((data = m_client.GetNextPacketData()) != null)
         *              OnWorldServerData(data);
         *      return m_client.Connected;
         * }*/

        private void OnWorldServerData(ClientBase c, byte[] data)
            BinReader read = new BinReader(data);

            read.BaseStream.Position += 4;             // skip len
            WORLDMSG msgID = (WORLDMSG)read.ReadInt32();

            if (msgID == WORLDMSG.SERVER_MESSAGE)
                SMSG smsg = (SMSG)read.ReadInt32();
                Console.WriteLine("WorldServer sent: " + smsg);
                int       len = read.ReadInt32();
                BinWriter pkg = LoginClient.NewPacket(smsg);
                if (len > 0)
                while (read.BaseStream.Position < read.BaseStream.Length)
                    uint        plrID  = read.ReadUInt32();
                    LoginClient client = LoginServer.GetLoginClientByCharacterID(plrID);
                    if (client == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("client missing for plrID " + plrID + " while sending " + smsg.ToString());
            else if (msgID == WORLDMSG.SCRIPT_MESSAGE)
                LoginServer.Scripts.OnScriptMessage(read.ReadInt32(), read);
                LoginPacketManager.HandlePacket(this, msgID, read);
        public override void OnClientData(ClientBase aClient, byte[] data)
            LoginClient client = aClient as LoginClient;
            BinReader   read   = new BinReader(data);
            CMSG        msgID;

            if (client.Authenticated == true)
                // Why do we discard the first two bytes?
                read.BaseStream.Position += 2;
                byte[] header = read.ReadBytes(4);
                client.Decode(header, 4);
                BinReader decoded = new BinReader(header);
                msgID = (CMSG)decoded.ReadInt32();

                /*BinReader ops = new BinReader(client.m_opcode);
                 * msgID = (CMSG)ops.ReadInt32();*/
                read.BaseStream.Position += 2;                 // skip len
                msgID = (CMSG)read.ReadInt32();

//			Console.WriteLine("CMSG:"+ msgID.ToString()); // log opcode to console
            if (!LoginPacketManager.HandlePacket(client, msgID, read))
                Console.WriteLine("Login Handler not found for CMSG " + msgID + " ..sending to worldserver");               // report error

                if (client.WorldConnection != null)
                    ClientPacket pkg = new ClientPacket(msgID, client.Character.ObjectId, data, 6, data.Length - 6);