public void SetChartChannel(Detector detector, DATA_TYPE type) { DetectorPanel pDetector = new DetectorPanel(); pDetector.DetectorId = detector.Id; pDetector.Type = type; pDetector.Title += " " + detector.Number; pDetector.Top = pDetector.Height * detector.Id; pDetector.Top += 10; setChannelFields(detector, type, pDetector); this.splitContainer.Panel2.Controls.Add(pDetector); }
public void SetCircleMeasurement() { foreach (Control control in this.splitContainer.Panel2.Controls) { if (control.Name.Equals("DetectorPanel")) { DetectorPanel detectorPanel = control as DetectorPanel; if (Circle.detectorIndexes.Contains(detectorPanel.DetectorId)) { detectorPanel.SelectCircleMeasurement(Circle.measurementNumber * 2); } } } this.m_nPage.Value = Circle.measurementNumber + 1; }
private void setChannelFields(Detector detector, DATA_TYPE type, DetectorPanel pDetector) { // Display and set text fields with result statistics pDetector.SetDetectorFields([type], detector); }