public static void Postfix(WeatherManager __instance, Map map) { if (map.weatherManager.curWeather.defName == "LotRW_HealingRainWD") { if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 10 == 0) { Pawn pawn = map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned.RandomElement(); if (!pawn.Position.Roofed(map)) { IEnumerable <Hediff_Injury> injuries = <Hediff_Injury>(); if (injuries != null && injuries.Count() > 0) { Hediff_Injury injury = injuries.RandomElement(); if (injury.CanHealNaturally() && !injury.IsPermanent()) { injury.Heal(Rand.Range(.2f, 2f)); if (Rand.Chance(.5f)) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_HealingWaves"), pawn.DrawPos, map, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), 180, 1f, 0); } else { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_HealingWaves"), pawn.DrawPos, map, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), 180, 1f, 0, 180, .1f, .02f, .19f, false); } } } } } } }
public override void Destroy(DestroyMode mode = DestroyMode.Vanish) { bool flag = this.age <= this.duration; if (!flag) { Building structure = null; for (int j = 0; j < this.wallPositions.Count(); j++) { structure = this.wallPositions[j].GetFirstBuilding(this.Map); if (structure != null) { structure.Destroy(); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_ThickDust"), this.wallPositions[j].ToVector3Shifted(), this.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, .8f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(.8f, 1.6f), Rand.Range(-20, 20), 0, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), .05f, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), false); } structure = null; } for (int i = 0; i < this.despawnedThingList.Count(); i++) { GenSpawn.Spawn(this.despawnedThingList[i], this.despawnedThingList[i].Position, this.Map); } base.Destroy(mode); } }
private void Initialize() { radius = (int)def.projectile.explosionRadius; inDarkness = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(Position, radius, false).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < inDarkness.Count; i++) { if (inDarkness[i].IsValid && inDarkness[i].InBounds(Map)) { var darkness = ThingDef.Named("Mandos_BlackSmoke"); GenSpawn.Spawn(darkness, inDarkness[i], Map); //GenExplosion.DoExplosion(inDarkness[i], base.Map, 1, DamageDefOf.Smoke, this.launcher, -1, -1, null, null, null, null, darkness, 1); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_BlackSmoke"), inDarkness[i].ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(1f, 2f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(.1f, .2f), Rand.Range(-20, 20), (float)duration / 240, Rand.Range(.5f, 1.5f), Rand.Range(2f, 3f), true); //EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_BlackSmoke"), this.inDarkness[i].ToVector3Shifted(), base.Map, Rand.Range(1f, 2f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(.1f, .2f), Rand.Range(-20, 20), this.duration / 60, Rand.Range(.5f, 1.5f), Rand.Range(2f, 3f), true); var victim = inDarkness[i].GetFirstPawn(Map); if (victim != null) { HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(victim, HediffDef.Named("LotRW_DarknessHD"), 1); } } else { inDarkness.Remove(inDarkness[i]); } } initialized = true; }
public override void Destroy(DestroyMode mode = DestroyMode.Vanish) { if (age <= duration) { return; } for (var j = 0; j < wallPositions.Count; j++) { var structure = wallPositions[j].GetFirstBuilding(Map); if (structure == null) { continue; } structure.Destroy(); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_ThickDust"), wallPositions[j].ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.6f, .8f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(.8f, 1.6f), Rand.Range(-20, 20), 0, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), .05f, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), false); } foreach (var newThing in despawnedThingList) { GenSpawn.Spawn(newThing, newThing.Position, Map); } base.Destroy(mode); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % hediffFrequency != 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < inDarkness.Count; i++) { var victim = inDarkness[i].GetFirstPawn(Map); if (victim == null) { continue; } HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(victim, HediffDef.Named("LotRW_DarknessHD"), 1); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_BodyOutline"), victim.DrawPos, victim.Map, 1f, 0, 0, 0, 0, .05f, .2f, .2f, false); } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = base.Map; base.Impact(hitThing); ThingDef def = this.def; IntVec3 impactPos; if (!initialized) { Initialize(map); } impactPos = cellRect.RandomCell; if (this.age > (lastStrike + strikeDelay) && impactPos.Standable(map) && impactPos.InBounds(map)) { this.lastStrike = this.age; this.strikeDelay = Rand.Range(45, 90); skyfallers.Add(SkyfallerMaker.SpawnSkyfaller(ThingDef.Named("Skyfaller_RainOfFire"), impactPos, map)); skyfallers[skyfallers.Count - 1].angle = Rand.Range(-40, 0); } else if (this.age > (lastStrikeSmall + smallStrikeDelay) && this.age > smallStartDelay) { this.lastStrikeSmall = this.age; skyfallersSmall.Add(SkyfallerMaker.SpawnSkyfaller(ThingDef.Named("Skyfaller_RainOfFire_Small"), impactPos, map)); skyfallersSmall[skyfallersSmall.Count - 1].angle = Rand.Range(-40, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < skyfallers.Count(); i++) { if (skyfallers[i].ticksToImpact == 0) { this.expandingTick++; IntVec3 centerCell = skyfallers[i].Position; IntVec3 curCell; IEnumerable <IntVec3> oldExplosionCells = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(centerCell, expandingTick - 1, true); IEnumerable <IntVec3> newExplosionCells = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(centerCell, expandingTick, true); IEnumerable <IntVec3> explosionCells = newExplosionCells.Except(oldExplosionCells); for (int j = 0; j < explosionCells.Count(); j++) { curCell = explosionCells.ToArray <IntVec3>()[j]; if (curCell.InBounds(map) && curCell.IsValid) { Vector3 heading = (curCell - centerCell).ToVector3(); float distance = heading.magnitude; Vector3 direction = heading / distance; EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_ExpandingFlame, curCell.ToVector3(), this.Map, .8f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 4f, Rand.Range(100, 200)); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_RecedingFlame, curCell.ToVector3(), this.Map, .7f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 1f, 0); } } if (expandingTick == 3) { this.expandingTick = 0; skyfallers.Remove(skyfallers[i]); } } } }
public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); Vector3 exactPosition = this.ExactPosition; this.ticksToImpact--; bool flag = !this.ExactPosition.InBounds(base.Map); if (flag) { this.ticksToImpact++; base.Position = this.ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(); this.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } else { base.Position = this.ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(); if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % rotationRate == 0) { this.rotation++; if (this.rotation >= 4) { this.rotation = 0; } EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_Sparks, this.DrawPos, this.Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .5f), (this.rotation * 90) + Rand.Range(-45, 45), Rand.Range(2, 3), Rand.Range(100, 200)); } bool flag2 = this.ticksToImpact <= 0; if (flag2) { bool flag3 = this.DestinationCell.InBounds(base.Map); if (flag3) { base.Position = this.DestinationCell; } if (midPoint) { this.ImpactSomething(); } else { this.ChangeDirection(); if (!rainStarted) { StartWeatherEffects(); } } } } }
public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); var unused = ExactPosition; ticksToImpact--; if (!ExactPosition.InBounds(Map)) { ticksToImpact++; Position = ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(); Destroy(); } else { Position = ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(); if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % rotationRate == 0) { rotation++; if (rotation >= 4) { rotation = 0; } EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_Sparks, DrawPos, Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .5f), (rotation * 90) + Rand.Range(-45, 45), Rand.Range(2, 3), Rand.Range(100, 200)); } if (ticksToImpact > 0) { return; } if (DestinationCell.InBounds(Map)) { Position = DestinationCell; } if (midPoint) { ImpactSomething(); } else { ChangeDirection(); if (!rainStarted) { StartWeatherEffects(); } } } }
public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); this.age++; Vector3 exactPosition = this.ExactPosition; this.ticksToImpact--; bool flag = !this.ExactPosition.InBounds(base.Map); if (flag) { this.ticksToImpact++; base.Position = this.ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(); this.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } else if (!this.ExactPosition.ToIntVec3().Walkable(base.Map)) { this.impactForce = (this.DestinationCell - this.ExactPosition.ToIntVec3()).LengthHorizontal + (this.speed * .2f); this.ImpactSomething(); } else { base.Position = this.ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(); if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 3 == 0) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_RecedingFlame, this.ExactPosition, this.Map, .8f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * flyingDirection).ToAngleFlat(), 2f, 0); this.rotation++; if (this.rotation >= 4) { this.rotation = 0; } } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 12 == 0) { DoFlyingObjectDamage(); } bool flag2 = this.ticksToImpact <= 0; if (flag2) { bool flag3 = this.DestinationCell.InBounds(base.Map); if (flag3) { base.Position = this.DestinationCell; } this.ImpactSomething(); } } }
public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); age++; var unused = ExactPosition; ticksToImpact--; if (!ExactPosition.InBounds(Map)) { ticksToImpact++; Position = ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(); Destroy(); } else if (!ExactPosition.ToIntVec3().Walkable(Map)) { impactForce = (DestinationCell - ExactPosition.ToIntVec3()).LengthHorizontal + (speed * .2f); ImpactSomething(); } else { Position = ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(); if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 3 == 0) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_RecedingFlame, ExactPosition, Map, .8f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * flyingDirection).ToAngleFlat(), 2f, 0); rotation++; if (rotation >= 4) { rotation = 0; } } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 12 == 0) { DoFlyingObjectDamage(); } if (ticksToImpact > 0) { return; } if (DestinationCell.InBounds(Map)) { Position = DestinationCell; } ImpactSomething(); } }
protected override bool TryCastShot() { if (currentTarget.Thing is Pawn targetPawn) { HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(targetPawn, HediffDef.Named("LotRW_DoomHD"), 1f); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_BlackSmoke"), targetPawn.DrawPos, targetPawn.Map, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(2, 3), Rand.Range(-200, 200), .15f, 0f, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), true); } } base.PostCastShot(true, out var didShoot); return(didShoot); }
public void DestroyProjectiles() { List <Thing> cellList = this.Position.GetThingList(this.Map); for (int i = 0; i < cellList.Count; i++) { if (cellList[i] is Projectile && cellList[i].def.defName != "LotRW_Projectile_AirWall") { Vector3 displayEffect = this.DrawPos; displayEffect.x += Rand.Range(-.3f, .3f); displayEffect.y += Rand.Range(-.3f, .3f); displayEffect.z += Rand.Range(-.3f, .3f); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_LightningGlow"), displayEffect, this.Map, cellList[i].def.projectile.GetDamageAmount(1, null) / 8f); cellList[i].Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } var unused = def; var map = caster.Map; expandingTick++; var centerCell = Position; var oldExplosionCells = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(centerCell, expandingTick - 1, true); var newExplosionCells = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(centerCell, expandingTick, true); var explosionCells = newExplosionCells.Except(oldExplosionCells); for (var i = 0; i < explosionCells.Count(); i++) { var curCell = explosionCells.ToArray()[i]; if (!curCell.InBounds(map) || !curCell.IsValid) { continue; } var heading = (curCell - centerCell).ToVector3(); var distance = heading.magnitude; var direction = heading / distance; EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_ExpandingFlame, curCell.ToVector3(), map, .8f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 4f, Rand.Range(100, 200)); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_RecedingFlame, curCell.ToVector3(), map, .7f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 1f, 0); var hitList = curCell.GetThingList(map); foreach (var burnThing in hitList) { DamageEntities(burnThing); } //GenExplosion.DoExplosion(this.currentPos.ToIntVec3(), this.Map, .4f, DamageDefOf.Flame, this.launcher, 10, SoundDefOf.ArtilleryShellLoaded, def, this.equipmentDef, null, 0f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0f, false); if (Rand.Chance(fireStartChance)) { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(curCell, map, Rand.Range(.1f, .35f)); } } }
protected override bool TryCastShot() { bool flag = true; if (this.currentTarget.Thing != null) { Pawn targetPawn = this.currentTarget.Thing as Pawn; if (targetPawn != null) { HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(targetPawn, HediffDef.Named("LotRW_DoomHD"), 1f); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_BlackSmoke"), targetPawn.DrawPos, targetPawn.Map, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(2, 3), Rand.Range(-200, 200), .15f, 0f, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), true); } } } base.PostCastShot(flag, out flag); return(flag); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } ThingDef def = this.def; Map map = caster.Map; this.expandingTick++; IntVec3 centerCell = base.Position; IntVec3 curCell; IEnumerable <IntVec3> oldExplosionCells = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(centerCell, expandingTick - 1, true); IEnumerable <IntVec3> newExplosionCells = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(centerCell, expandingTick, true); IEnumerable <IntVec3> explosionCells = newExplosionCells.Except(oldExplosionCells); for (int i = 0; i < explosionCells.Count(); i++) { curCell = explosionCells.ToArray <IntVec3>()[i]; if (curCell.InBounds(map) && curCell.IsValid) { Vector3 heading = (curCell - centerCell).ToVector3(); float distance = heading.magnitude; Vector3 direction = heading / distance; EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_ExpandingFlame, curCell.ToVector3(), map, .8f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 4f, Rand.Range(100, 200)); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_RecedingFlame, curCell.ToVector3(), map, .7f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 1f, 0); List <Thing> hitList = curCell.GetThingList(map); Thing burnThing = null; for (int j = 0; j < hitList.Count; j++) { burnThing = hitList[j]; DamageEntities(burnThing); } //GenExplosion.DoExplosion(this.currentPos.ToIntVec3(), this.Map, .4f, DamageDefOf.Flame, this.launcher, 10, SoundDefOf.ArtilleryShellLoaded, def, this.equipmentDef, null, 0f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0f, false); if (Rand.Chance(this.fireStartChance)) { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(curCell, map, Rand.Range(.1f, .35f)); } } } }
private void DrawEffects(Vector3 effectVec) { effectVec.x += Rand.Range(-0.4f, 0.4f); effectVec.z += Rand.Range(-0.4f, 0.4f); if (isCircling) { if (this.shiftRight) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(this.moteDef, effectVec, this.Map, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), this.ExactRotationAngle + 90, Rand.Range(1, 1.5f), Rand.Range(-200, 200), .1f, 0f, Rand.Range(.2f, .25f), false); } else { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(this.moteDef, effectVec, this.Map, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), this.ExactRotationAngle - 90, Rand.Range(1, 1.5f), Rand.Range(-200, 200), .1f, 0f, Rand.Range(.2f, .25f), false); } } else { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(this.moteDef, effectVec, this.Map, Rand.Range(.1f, .2f), this.ExactRotationAngle, Rand.Range(10, 15), Rand.Range(-100, 100), .15f, 0f, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), false); } }
public void DestroyProjectiles() { var cellList = Position.GetThingList(Map); foreach (var thing in cellList) { if (thing is not Projectile || thing.def.defName == "LotRW_Projectile_AirWall") { continue; } var displayEffect = DrawPos; displayEffect.x += Rand.Range(-.3f, .3f); displayEffect.y += Rand.Range(-.3f, .3f); displayEffect.z += Rand.Range(-.3f, .3f); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_LightningGlow"), displayEffect, Map, thing.def.projectile.GetDamageAmount(1) / 8f); thing.Destroy(); } }
public static void MakeRadialEffects(float radius, ThingDef mote, Vector3 loc, Map map, float scale, float directionAngle, float velocity, float rotationRate, float lookAngle, float solidTime, float fadeIn, float fadeOut, bool colorShift) { int num = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(radius); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = loc.ToIntVec3() + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (intVec.IsValid && intVec.InBounds(map)) { //-1 denotes "outward" from center if (directionAngle == -1) { directionAngle = (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * GetVector(loc.ToIntVec3(), intVec)).ToAngleFlat(); } if (lookAngle == -1) { lookAngle = (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * GetVector(loc.ToIntVec3(), intVec)).ToAngleFlat(); } EffectMaker.MakeEffect(mote, intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), map, scale, directionAngle, velocity, rotationRate, lookAngle, solidTime, fadeIn, fadeOut, false); } } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); if (!initialized) { Initialize(); } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % this.hediffFrequency == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < this.inDarkness.Count(); i++) { Pawn victim = null; victim = this.inDarkness[i].GetFirstPawn(base.Map); if (victim != null) { HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(victim, HediffDef.Named("LotRW_DarknessHD"), 1); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_BodyOutline"), victim.DrawPos, victim.Map, 1f, 0, 0, 0, 0, .05f, .2f, .2f, false); } } } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); var unused = def; if (!initialized) { pawn = launcher as Pawn; radius = def.projectile.explosionRadius; initialized = true; if (pawn != null) { direction = GetVector(pawn.Position, Position); } realPosition = Position.ToVector3(); targets = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(Position, strikeNum, false); cellList = targets.ToList(); CreateSustainer(); } if (sustainer == null) { Log.Error("Vortex sustainer is null."); CreateSustainer(); } sustainer.Maintain(); UpdateSustainerVolume(); realPosition += direction * .1f; if (Map == null) { return; } if (!realPosition.ToIntVec3().Walkable(Map)) { age = duration; } FleckMaker.ThrowTornadoDustPuff(realPosition, Map, Rand.Range(.6f, .9f), Color.white); //EffectMaker.MakeEffect(FleckDefOf.TornadoDustPuff, realPosition, Map, Rand.Range(.6f, .9f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(4f, 5f), Rand.Range(100, 200)); IntVec3 curCell; Vector3 moteVector; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { curCell = cellList.RandomElement(); if (!curCell.IsValid || !curCell.InBounds(Map)) { continue; } moteVector = GetVector(realPosition.ToIntVec3(), curCell); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Tornado"), curCell.ToVector3(), Map, Rand.Range(.4f, .8f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(-35, -55), Vector3.up) * moteVector).ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(1f, 3f), Rand.Range(-200, -500), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(-35, -55), Vector3.up) * moteVector).ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), .1f, Rand.Range(.05f, .2f), true); } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 50 == 0) { direction.x = Rand.Range(-.6f, .6f); direction.z = Rand.Range(-.6f, .6f); } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % strikeDelay == 0) { foreach (var intVec3 in cellList) { curCell = intVec3; if (!curCell.IsValid || !curCell.InBounds(Map)) { continue; } fireVortexValue += CalculateFireAmountInArea(curCell, .4f); var force = (10f / (curCell.ToVector3() - realPosition).magnitude) + 10f; var hitList = curCell.GetThingList(Map); for (var index = 0; index < hitList.Count; index++) { var dmgThing = hitList[index]; var launchVector = GetVector(dmgThing.Position, realPosition.ToIntVec3()); var projectedPosition = dmgThing.Position + (force * launchVector).ToIntVec3(); if (dmgThing is Pawn victim) { if (!projectedPosition.IsValid || !projectedPosition.InBounds(Map) || victim.Dead) { continue; } if (fireVortexValue > 0) { DamageEntities(victim, Mathf.RoundToInt(def.projectile.GetDamageAmount(1) * force), DamageDefOf.Flame); fireVortexValue -= .2f; } LaunchFlyingObect(projectedPosition, victim); } else if (dmgThing is Building) { if (!(fireVortexValue > 0)) { continue; } DamageEntities(dmgThing, Mathf.RoundToInt(def.projectile.GetDamageAmount(1) * force * 2), DamageDefOf.Flame); fireVortexValue -= .2f; } else if (dmgThing.def.EverHaulable && !(dmgThing is Corpse)) { if (projectedPosition.IsValid && projectedPosition.InBounds(Map)) { LaunchFlyingObect(projectedPosition, dmgThing); } } } } targets = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(realPosition.ToIntVec3(), strikeNum, true); cellList = targets.ToList(); } if (!(fireVortexValue > 0)) { return; } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % fireDelay != 0) { return; } curCell = cellList.RandomElement(); moteVector = GetVector(realPosition.ToIntVec3(), curCell); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_MicroSparks"), cellList.RandomElement().ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.5f, 1f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(-35, -50), Vector3.up) * moteVector).ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(2, 3), Rand.Range(50, 200)); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_MicroSparks"), cellList.RandomElement().ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.5f, 1f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(35, 50), Vector3.up) * moteVector).ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(1, 2), Rand.Range(50, 200)); DoFireVortex(); }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { var map = Map; base.Impact(hitThing); var unused = def; if (!initialized) { Initialize(map); } var impactPos = cellRect.RandomCell; if (age > lastStrike + strikeDelay && impactPos.Standable(map) && impactPos.InBounds(map)) { lastStrike = age; strikeDelay = Rand.Range(45, 90); skyfallers.Add(SkyfallerMaker.SpawnSkyfaller(ThingDef.Named("Skyfaller_RainOfFire"), impactPos, map)); skyfallers[skyfallers.Count - 1].angle = Rand.Range(-40, 0); } else if (age > lastStrikeSmall + smallStrikeDelay && age > smallStartDelay) { lastStrikeSmall = age; skyfallersSmall.Add(SkyfallerMaker.SpawnSkyfaller(ThingDef.Named("Skyfaller_RainOfFire_Small"), impactPos, map)); skyfallersSmall[skyfallersSmall.Count - 1].angle = Rand.Range(-40, 0); } for (var i = 0; i < skyfallers.Count; i++) { if (skyfallers[i].ticksToImpact != 0) { continue; } expandingTick++; var centerCell = skyfallers[i].Position; var oldExplosionCells = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(centerCell, expandingTick - 1, true); var newExplosionCells = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(centerCell, expandingTick, true); var explosionCells = newExplosionCells.Except(oldExplosionCells); for (var j = 0; j < explosionCells.Count(); j++) { var curCell = explosionCells.ToArray()[j]; if (!curCell.InBounds(map) || !curCell.IsValid) { continue; } var heading = (curCell - centerCell).ToVector3(); var distance = heading.magnitude; var direction = heading / distance; EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_ExpandingFlame, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .8f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 4f, Rand.Range(100, 200)); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_RecedingFlame, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .7f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 1f, 0); } if (expandingTick != 3) { continue; } expandingTick = 0; skyfallers.Remove(skyfallers[i]); } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = base.Map; base.Impact(hitThing); ThingDef def = this.def; if (!this.initialized) { caster = this.launcher as Pawn; GetSecondTarget(); //todo: determine thingdef based on ground type, not random float rnd = Rand.Range(0f, 3f); if (rnd < 1) { spawnDef = ThingDef.Named("Sandstone"); } else if (rnd < 2) { spawnDef = ThingDef.Named("Granite"); } else if (rnd < 3) { spawnDef = ThingDef.Named("Slate"); } else if (rnd < 4) { spawnDef = ThingDef.Named("Limestone"); } else { spawnDef = ThingDef.Named("Marble"); } this.initialized = true; } CompWizardry comp = caster.GetComp <CompWizardry>(); if (!this.wallActive && comp.SecondTarget != null) { this.age = 0; this.duration = 2400; this.wallActive = true; this.wallPos = base.Position.ToVector3Shifted(); this.wallDir = GetVector(base.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), comp.SecondTarget.Cell.ToVector3Shifted()); this.wallEnd = comp.SecondTarget.Cell; comp.SecondTarget = null; } if (!wallActive) { if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 6 == 0) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_ThickDust"), base.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), this.Map, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(.8f, 1.6f), Rand.Range(-20, 20), 0, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), .05f, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), false); } } else { if (wallLength < wallLengthMax) { float magnitude = (base.Position.ToVector3Shifted() - Find.Camera.transform.position).magnitude; Find.CameraDriver.shaker.DoShake(10 / magnitude); for (int k = 0; k < wallLengthMax; k++) { List <Thing> cellList = this.wallPos.ToIntVec3().GetThingList(caster.Map); bool hasWall = false; for (int i = 0; i < cellList.Count(); i++) { if (cellList[i].def.designationCategory == DesignationCategoryDefOf.Structure) { hasWall = true; } } if (!hasWall) { bool spawnWall = true; for (int i = 0; i < cellList.Count(); i++) { if (!cellList[i].def.EverHaulable && !(cellList[i] is Pawn)) { if (cellList[i].def.altitudeLayer == AltitudeLayer.Building || cellList[i].def.altitudeLayer == AltitudeLayer.Item || cellList[i].def.altitudeLayer == AltitudeLayer.ItemImportant) { //Log.Message("bypassing object and setting wall spawn to false"); spawnWall = false; } else { if (cellList[i].def.defName.Contains("Mote") || (cellList[i].def.defName == "LotRW_Projectile_RockWall")) { //Log.Message("avoided storing " + cellList[i].def.defName); } else { this.despawnedThingList.Add(cellList[i]); cellList[i].DeSpawn(); } } } else { int launchDir = -90; if (Rand.Chance(.5f)) { launchDir = 90; } LaunchFlyingObect(cellList[i].Position + (Quaternion.AngleAxis(launchDir, Vector3.up) * wallDir).ToIntVec3(), cellList[i]); } } if (spawnWall && Rand.Chance(this.wallSpawnChance)) { AbilityUser.SpawnThings tempSpawn = new SpawnThings() { def = spawnDef, spawnCount = 1 }; SingleSpawnLoop(tempSpawn, wallPos.ToIntVec3(), caster.Map); this.wallLength++; this.wallPositions.Add(wallPos.ToIntVec3()); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_ThickDust"), this.wallPos, this.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, .8f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(1f, 2f), Rand.Range(-20, 20), 0, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), .05f, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), false); } } this.wallPos += this.wallDir; EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_ThickDust"), this.wallPos, this.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, 1f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(.6f, 1f), Rand.Range(-20, 20), 0, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), Rand.Range(.05f, .3f), Rand.Range(.4f, 1f), false); if (this.wallPos.ToIntVec3() == this.wallEnd) { this.wallPos -= this.wallDir; this.wallLength = this.wallLengthMax; } } } } }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { var commandStorm = new Toil { initAction = delegate { if (age > duration) { EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } var map = pawn.Map; if (!(map.weatherManager.curWeather.defName == "Rain" || map.weatherManager.curWeather.defName == "RainyThunderstorm" || map.weatherManager.curWeather.defName == "FoggyRain" || map.weatherManager.curWeather.defName == "SnowHard" || map.weatherManager.curWeather.defName == "SnowGentle" || map.weatherManager.curWeather.defName == "DryThunderstorm")) { EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } GetTargetList(); if (targetList.Count < 1) { EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } }, tickAction = delegate { if (age > lastStrike + ticksTillNextStrike) { DoWeatherEffect(); ticksTillNextStrike = Rand.Range(20, 200); lastStrike = age; } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 4 == 0) { float direction = Rand.Range(0, 360); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_CastingBeam, pawn.DrawPos, pawn.Map, Rand.Range(.1f, .4f), direction, Rand.Range(8, 10), 0, direction, 0.2f, .02f, .1f, false); } age++; ticksLeftThisToil = duration - age; if (age > duration) { EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } if (Map.weatherManager.curWeather.defName == "Clear") { EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } }, defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay, defaultDuration = duration }; commandStorm.WithProgressBar(TargetIndex.A, delegate { if (pawn.DestroyedOrNull() || pawn.Dead || pawn.Downed) { return(1f); } return(1f - ((float) / duration)); }, false, 0f); commandStorm.AddFinishAction(delegate { //Log.Message("ending storm calling"); //do soemthing? }); yield return(commandStorm); }
public static bool Projectile_Launch_Prefix(Projectile __instance, Thing launcher, Vector3 origin, ref LocalTargetInfo usedTarget, ref LocalTargetInfo intendedTarget) { if (launcher is not Pawn launcherPawn) { return(true); } if (!"LotRW_DoomHD"))) { return(true); } if ( == null || ! { return(true); } var maxRange =; var doomTargets = new List <Pawn>(); var mapPawns = launcherPawn.Map.mapPawns.AllPawnsSpawned; doomTargets.Clear(); foreach (var pawn in mapPawns) { if (pawn.Faction == launcherPawn.Faction && (pawn.Position - launcherPawn.Position).LengthHorizontal < maxRange) { doomTargets.Add(pawn); } } if (doomTargets.Count <= 0) { return(true); } LocalTargetInfo doomTarget = doomTargets.RandomElement(); if (doomTarget == launcherPawn) { doomTarget = usedTarget; } else { if (Rand.Chance(.5f)) { HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(doomTarget.Thing as Pawn, HediffDef.Named("LotRW_DoomHD"), 1f); for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_BlackSmoke"), doomTarget.Thing.DrawPos, doomTarget.Thing.Map, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(.2f, .4f), Rand.Range(-200, 200), .15f, 2f, Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), true); } } } var drawPos = launcherPawn.DrawPos; ThingDef moteDef; if (doomTarget.Cell.x < launcherPawn.Position.x) { drawPos.x += .6f; moteDef = ThingDef.Named("Mote_ReaperWest"); } else { drawPos.x -= .6f; moteDef = ThingDef.Named("Mote_ReaperEast"); } drawPos.z += .5f; usedTarget = doomTarget; intendedTarget = doomTarget; EffectMaker.MakeEffect(moteDef, drawPos, launcherPawn.Map, .8f, 0, 0, 0, .2f, .1f, .4f, false); return(true); }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { Pawn patient = TargetA.Thing as Pawn; Toil gotoPatient = new Toil() { initAction = () => { pawn.pather.StartPath(TargetA, PathEndMode.Touch); }, defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.PatherArrival }; yield return(gotoPatient); Toil doHealing = new Toil(); doHealing.initAction = delegate { if (age > duration) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } if (patient.DestroyedOrNull() || patient.Dead) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Incompletable); } }; doHealing.tickAction = delegate { if (patient.DestroyedOrNull() || patient.Dead) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Incompletable); } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 1 == 0) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_HealingMote"), this.pawn.DrawPos, this.Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .5f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * GetVector(this.pawn.Position, patient.Position)).ToAngleFlat() + Rand.Range(-10, 10), 5f, 0); } if (age > (lastHeal + ticksTillNextHeal)) { DoHealingEffect(patient); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_HealingCircles"), patient.DrawPos, this.Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .4f), 0, 0, Rand.Range(400, 500), Rand.Range(0, 360), .08f, .01f, .24f, false); lastHeal = age; if (this.injuryCount == 0) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } } if (!patient.Drafted && patient.CurJobDef != JobDefOf.Wait) { if ( == PawnPosture.Standing) { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.Wait, patient);, JobTag.Misc); } } age++; ticksLeftThisToil = duration - age; if (age > duration) { this.EndJobWith(JobCondition.Succeeded); } }; doHealing.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Delay; doHealing.defaultDuration = this.duration; doHealing.WithProgressBar(TargetIndex.B, delegate { if (this.pawn.DestroyedOrNull() || this.pawn.Dead) { return(1f); } return(1f - (float) / this.duration); }, false, 0f); doHealing.AddFinishAction(delegate { CompWizardry comp = pawn.GetComp <CompWizardry>(); PawnAbility pawnAbility = comp.AbilityData.Powers.FirstOrDefault((PawnAbility x) => x.Def == WizardryDefOf.LotRW_Nienna_HealingTouch); pawnAbility.PostAbilityAttempt();, true); }); yield return(doHealing); }
protected virtual void Impact(Thing hitThing) { bool flag = hitThing == null; if (flag) { Pawn pawn; bool flag2 = (pawn = (base.Position.GetThingList(base.Map).FirstOrDefault((Thing x) => x == this.assignedTarget) as Pawn)) != null; if (flag2) { hitThing = pawn; } } bool hasValue = this.impactDamage.HasValue; if (hasValue) { hitThing.TakeDamage(this.impactDamage.Value); } try { SoundDefOf.Ambient_AltitudeWind.sustainFadeoutTime.Equals(30.0f); GenSpawn.Spawn(this.flyingThing, base.Position, base.Map); if (this.flyingThing is Pawn) { Pawn p = this.flyingThing as Pawn; if (this.earlyImpact) { DamageEntities(p, this.impactForce, DamageDefOf.Blunt); DamageEntities(p, 2 * this.impactForce, DamageDefOf.Stun); } } else if (flyingThing.def.thingCategories != null && (flyingThing.def.thingCategories.Contains(ThingCategoryDefOf.Chunks) || flyingThing.def.thingCategories.Contains(ThingCategoryDef.Named("StoneChunks")))) { float radius = 3f; Vector3 center = this.ExactPosition; if (this.earlyImpact) { bool wallFlag90neg = false; IntVec3 wallCheck = (center + (Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.up) * this.flyingDirection)).ToIntVec3(); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(wallCheck.ToVector3Shifted(), base.Map); wallFlag90neg = wallCheck.Walkable(base.Map); wallCheck = (center + (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * this.flyingDirection)).ToIntVec3(); MoteMaker.ThrowMicroSparks(wallCheck.ToVector3Shifted(), base.Map); bool wallFlag90 = wallCheck.Walkable(base.Map); if ((!wallFlag90 && !wallFlag90neg) || (wallFlag90 && wallFlag90neg)) { //fragment energy bounces in reverse direction of travel center = center + ((Quaternion.AngleAxis(180, Vector3.up) * this.flyingDirection) * 3); } else if (wallFlag90) { center = center + ((Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * this.flyingDirection) * 3); } else if (wallFlag90neg) { center = center + ((Quaternion.AngleAxis(-90, Vector3.up) * this.flyingDirection) * 3); } } int num = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(radius); for (int i = 0; i < num / 2; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = center.ToIntVec3() + GenRadial.RadialPattern[Rand.Range(1, num)]; if (intVec.IsValid && intVec.InBounds(base.Map)) { Vector3 moteDirection = GetVector(this.ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(), intVec); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Rubble"), this.ExactPosition, base.Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .5f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * moteDirection).ToAngleFlat(), 12f, 0); GenExplosion.DoExplosion(intVec, base.Map, .4f, WizardryDefOf.LotRW_RockFragments, pawn, Rand.Range(6, 16), 0, SoundDefOf.Pawn_Melee_Punch_HitBuilding, null, null, null, ThingDef.Named("Filth_RubbleRock"), .6f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0, false); MoteMaker.ThrowSmoke(intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), base.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, 1f)); } } Thing p = this.flyingThing; DamageEntities(p, 305, DamageDefOf.Blunt); } this.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } catch { if (!this.flyingThing.Spawned) { GenSpawn.Spawn(this.flyingThing, base.Position, base.Map); } this.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); ThingDef def = this.def; Pawn victim = null; if (!this.initialized) { this.pawn = this.launcher as Pawn; this.radius = this.def.projectile.explosionRadius; this.initialized = true; this.direction = GetVector(pawn.Position, base.Position); this.realPosition = base.Position.ToVector3(); this.targets = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(base.Position, strikeNum, false); cellList = targets.ToList <IntVec3>(); this.CreateSustainer(); } if (this.sustainer == null) { Log.Error("Vortex sustainer is null."); this.CreateSustainer(); } this.sustainer.Maintain(); this.UpdateSustainerVolume(); this.realPosition += this.direction * .1f; if (this.Map != null) { if (!this.realPosition.ToIntVec3().Walkable(this.Map)) { this.age = this.duration; } EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDefOf.Mote_TornadoDustPuff, this.realPosition, this.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, .9f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(4f, 5f), Rand.Range(100, 200)); IntVec3 curCell; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { curCell = cellList.RandomElement(); if (curCell.IsValid && curCell.InBounds(this.Map)) { Vector3 moteVector = GetVector(this.realPosition.ToIntVec3(), curCell); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Tornado"), curCell.ToVector3(), this.Map, Rand.Range(.4f, .8f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(-35, -55), Vector3.up) * moteVector).ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(1f, 3f), Rand.Range(-200, -500), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(-35, -55), Vector3.up) * moteVector).ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(.2f, .3f), .1f, Rand.Range(.05f, .2f), true); } } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 50 == 0) { this.direction.x = (Rand.Range(-.6f, .6f)); this.direction.z = (Rand.Range(-.6f, .6f)); } if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % this.strikeDelay == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < cellList.Count(); i++) { curCell = cellList[i]; if (curCell.IsValid && curCell.InBounds(this.Map)) { this.fireVortexValue += this.CalculateFireAmountInArea(curCell, .4f); float force = (10f / (curCell.ToVector3() - this.realPosition).magnitude + 10f); Thing dmgThing; List <Thing> hitList = curCell.GetThingList(this.Map); for (int j = 0; j < hitList.Count; j++) { dmgThing = hitList[j]; Vector3 launchVector = GetVector(dmgThing.Position, this.realPosition.ToIntVec3()); IntVec3 projectedPosition = dmgThing.Position + (force * launchVector).ToIntVec3(); if (dmgThing is Pawn) { victim = dmgThing as Pawn; int mass = 10; // victim.mass possible calculation, currently not used if (projectedPosition.IsValid && projectedPosition.InBounds(this.Map) && !victim.Dead) { if (this.fireVortexValue > 0) { DamageEntities(dmgThing, Mathf.RoundToInt(this.def.projectile.GetDamageAmount(1, null) * force), DamageDefOf.Flame); this.fireVortexValue -= .2f; } LaunchFlyingObect(projectedPosition, victim); } } else if (dmgThing is Building) { if (this.fireVortexValue > 0) { DamageEntities(dmgThing, Mathf.RoundToInt(this.def.projectile.GetDamageAmount(1, null) * force * 2), DamageDefOf.Flame); this.fireVortexValue -= .2f; } } else if (dmgThing.def.EverHaulable && !(dmgThing is Corpse)) { if (projectedPosition.IsValid && projectedPosition.InBounds(this.Map)) { LaunchFlyingObect(projectedPosition, dmgThing); } } } } } targets = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(this.realPosition.ToIntVec3(), strikeNum, true); cellList = targets.ToList <IntVec3>(); } if (this.fireVortexValue > 0) { if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % this.fireDelay == 0) { curCell = this.cellList.RandomElement(); Vector3 moteVector = GetVector(this.realPosition.ToIntVec3(), curCell); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_MicroSparks"), this.cellList.RandomElement().ToVector3Shifted(), this.Map, Rand.Range(.5f, 1f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(-35, -50), Vector3.up) * moteVector).ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(2, 3), Rand.Range(50, 200)); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_MicroSparks"), this.cellList.RandomElement().ToVector3Shifted(), this.Map, Rand.Range(.5f, 1f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(35, 50), Vector3.up) * moteVector).ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(1, 2), Rand.Range(50, 200)); DoFireVortex(); } } } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { base.Impact(hitThing); caster = launcher as Pawn; var map = caster?.Map; if (!initialized) { if (caster != null) { centerCell = caster.Position; direction = GetVector(Position, false); nextStrike = age + ticksPerStrike; currentPos = caster.Position.ToVector3(); } currentPos.y = 0; initialized = true; } if (age <= nextStrike || !(fireAmount > 0)) { return; } currentPos += direction; nextStrike = age + ticksPerStrike; if (currentPos.ToIntVec3().GetTerrain(map).passability != Traversability.Impassable && currentPos.ToIntVec3().Walkable(map)) { if (caster != null && (currentPos.ToIntVec3() == caster.Position || Map == null)) { return; } EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_ExpandingFlame, currentPos, Map, 1f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 3f, Rand.Range(200, 500)); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_RecedingFlame, currentPos, Map, .8f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 1f, 0); var hitList = currentPos.ToIntVec3().GetThingList(map); Thing burnThing; foreach (var thing in hitList) { burnThing = thing; DamageEntities(burnThing); } //GenExplosion.DoExplosion(this.currentPos.ToIntVec3(), this.Map, .4f, DamageDefOf.Flame, this.launcher, 10, SoundDefOf.ArtilleryShellLoaded, def, this.equipmentDef, null, 0f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0f, false); if (Rand.Chance(fireStartChance)) { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(currentPos.ToIntVec3(), map, .2f); } fireAmount -= mainFlameDropoff; strikeInt++; var tempVec1 = currentPos; IntVec3 lastVec1Pos = default; var tempVec2 = currentPos; IntVec3 lastVec2Pos = default; distance = Mathf.Max(5f, distance); for (var i = strikeInt / distance; i > .3f; i -= .5f) { tempVec1 += directionP; if (tempVec1.ToIntVec3() != currentPos.ToIntVec3() && tempVec1.ToIntVec3() != lastVec1Pos) { lastVec1Pos = tempVec1.ToIntVec3(); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_ExpandingFlame, tempVec1, Map, .8f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 2f, Rand.Range(200, 500)); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_RecedingFlame, tempVec1, Map, .7f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 1f, 0); hitList = lastVec1Pos.GetThingList(map); foreach (var thing in hitList) { burnThing = thing; DamageEntities(burnThing); } if (Rand.Chance(fireStartChance)) { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(lastVec1Pos, map, .2f); } fireAmount -= branchingFlameDropoff; //GenExplosion.DoExplosion(lastVec1Pos, this.Map, .4f, DamageDefOf.Flame, this.launcher, 10, SoundDefOf.ArtilleryShellLoaded, def, this.equipmentDef, null, 0f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0f, false); } tempVec2 -= directionP; if (tempVec2.ToIntVec3() != currentPos.ToIntVec3() && tempVec2.ToIntVec3() != lastVec2Pos) { lastVec2Pos = tempVec2.ToIntVec3(); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_ExpandingFlame, tempVec2, Map, .8f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 2f, Rand.Range(200, 500)); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_RecedingFlame, tempVec2, Map, .7f, (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * direction).ToAngleFlat(), 1f, 0); hitList = lastVec2Pos.GetThingList(map); foreach (var thing in hitList) { burnThing = thing; DamageEntities(burnThing); } if (Rand.Chance(fireStartChance)) { FireUtility.TryStartFireIn(lastVec2Pos, map, .2f); } fireAmount -= branchingFlameDropoff; //GenExplosion.DoExplosion(lastVec2Pos, this.Map, .4f, DamageDefOf.Flame, this.launcher, 10, SoundDefOf.ArtilleryShellLoaded, def, this.equipmentDef, null, 0f, 1, false, null, 0f, 1, 0f, false); } if (fireAmount < 0) { i = 0; } } } else { //main branch of fire cone hit impassable or unwalkable terrain age = duration; } }
private void DoQuakeDamages(float radius, IntVec3 location) { var num = GenRadial.NumCellsInRadius(radius); for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) { var intVec = location + GenRadial.RadialPattern[i]; if (!intVec.IsValid || !intVec.InBounds(Map)) { continue; } if (Rand.Chance(.4f)) { EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_ThickDust"), intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.2f, 2f), Rand.Range(0, 360), Rand.Range(.5f, 1f), Rand.Range(10, 250), 0, Rand.Range(.3f, .9f), Rand.Range(.05f, .3f), Rand.Range(.6f, 2.4f), true); } var structure = intVec.GetFirstBuilding(Map); if (structure != null) { if (structure.def.designationCategory == DesignationCategoryDefOf.Structure) { DamageEntities(structure, structure.def.BaseMaxHitPoints, DamageDefOf.Crush); var moteDirection = GetVector(origin.ToIntVec3(), intVec); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Rubble"), intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .5f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * moteDirection).ToAngleFlat(), 8f, 0); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Rubble"), intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .6f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(-70, -110), Vector3.up) * moteDirection).ToAngleFlat(), 6f, 0); GenExplosion.DoExplosion(intVec, Map, .4f, WizardryDefOf.LotRW_RockFragments, launcher, Rand.Range(6, 16), 0, SoundDefOf.Pawn_Melee_Punch_HitBuilding, null, null, null, ThingDef.Named("Filth_RubbleRock"), .4f); FleckMaker.ThrowSmoke(intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.6f, 1f)); if (intVec == boltPosition) { wallImpact = true; duration = approximateDuration; } } else if (structure.def.building.isResourceRock) { var yieldThing = structure.def.building.mineableThing; var yieldAmount = (int)(structure.def.building.mineableYield * Rand.Range(.7f, .9f)); DamageEntities(structure, structure.def.BaseMaxHitPoints, DamageDefOf.Crush); var moteDirection = GetVector(origin.ToIntVec3(), intVec); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Rubble"), intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .5f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * moteDirection).ToAngleFlat(), 8f, 0); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Rubble"), intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .6f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(-70, -110), Vector3.up) * moteDirection).ToAngleFlat(), 6f, 0); GenExplosion.DoExplosion(intVec, Map, .4f, WizardryDefOf.LotRW_RockFragments, launcher, Rand.Range(6, 16), 0, SoundDefOf.Crunch, null, null, null, yieldThing, 1f, yieldAmount); FleckMaker.ThrowSmoke(intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.6f, 1f)); if (intVec == boltPosition) { wallImpact = true; duration = approximateDuration; } } else if (structure.def.building.isNaturalRock) { var yieldThing = structure.def.building.mineableThing; DamageEntities(structure, structure.def.BaseMaxHitPoints, DamageDefOf.Crush); var moteDirection = GetVector(origin.ToIntVec3(), intVec); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Rubble"), intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .5f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up) * moteDirection).ToAngleFlat(), 8f, 0); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Rubble"), intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .6f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(Rand.Range(-70, -110), Vector3.up) * moteDirection).ToAngleFlat(), 6f, 0); GenExplosion.DoExplosion(intVec, Map, .4f, WizardryDefOf.LotRW_RockFragments, launcher, Rand.Range(6, 16), 0, SoundDefOf.Crunch, null, null, null, yieldThing, .2f); FleckMaker.ThrowSmoke(intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.6f, 1f)); if (intVec == boltPosition) { wallImpact = true; duration = approximateDuration; } } else { DamageEntities(structure, Rand.Range(40, 50), DamageDefOf.Crush); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Rubble"), intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .6f), Rand.Range(0, 359), 6f, 0); EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_Rubble"), intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.3f, .6f), Rand.Range(0, 359), 4f, 0); FleckMaker.ThrowSmoke(intVec.ToVector3Shifted(), Map, Rand.Range(.6f, 1f)); } } var pawn = intVec.GetFirstPawn(Map); if (pawn == null || pawn == caster) { continue; } if (Rand.Chance(.2f)) { DamageEntities(pawn, Rand.Range(4, 6), DamageDefOf.Crush); } HealthUtility.AdjustSeverity(pawn, HediffDef.Named("LotRW_Quake"), Rand.Range(1f, 2f)); } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = base.Map; base.Impact(hitThing); ThingDef def = this.def; if (!this.initialized) { caster = this.launcher as Pawn; GetSecondTarget(); this.initialized = true; } CompWizardry comp = caster.GetComp <CompWizardry>(); if (!this.wallActive && comp.SecondTarget != null) { this.age = 0; this.duration = 1200; this.wallActive = true; this.wallPos = base.Position.ToVector3Shifted(); this.wallDir = GetVector(base.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), comp.SecondTarget.Cell.ToVector3Shifted()); this.wallEnd = comp.SecondTarget.Cell; comp.SecondTarget = null; } if (!wallActive) { if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 6 == 0) { MoteMaker.ThrowDustPuff(base.Position, caster.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, .9f)); } } else { if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 3 == 0) { if (wallLength < wallLengthMax) { List <Thing> cellList = this.wallPos.ToIntVec3().GetThingList(caster.Map); bool hasWall = false; for (int i = 0; i < cellList.Count(); i++) { if (cellList[i].def.defName == "LotRW_WindWall") { hasWall = true; } } if (!hasWall) { bool spawnWall = true; for (int i = 0; i < cellList.Count(); i++) { if (!cellList[i].def.EverHaulable) { if (cellList[i].def.altitudeLayer == AltitudeLayer.Building || cellList[i].def.altitudeLayer == AltitudeLayer.Item || cellList[i].def.altitudeLayer == AltitudeLayer.ItemImportant) { //Log.Message("bypassing object and setting wall spawn to false"); spawnWall = false; } else { if (cellList[i].def.defName.Contains("Mote") || (cellList[i].def.defName == "LotRW_Projectile_AirWall")) { //Log.Message("avoided storing " + cellList[i].def.defName); } else { this.despawnedThingList.Add(cellList[i]); cellList[i].DeSpawn(); } } } else { int launchDir = -90; if (Rand.Chance(.5f)) { launchDir = 90; } LaunchFlyingObect(cellList[i].Position + (Quaternion.AngleAxis(launchDir, Vector3.up) * wallDir).ToIntVec3(), cellList[i]); } } if (spawnWall) { AbilityUser.SpawnThings tempSpawn = new SpawnThings() { def = ThingDef.Named("LotRW_WindWall"), spawnCount = 1 }; SingleSpawnLoop(tempSpawn, wallPos.ToIntVec3(), caster.Map); this.wallLength++; this.wallPositions.Add(wallPos.ToIntVec3()); } } this.wallPos += this.wallDir; if (!this.wallPos.ToIntVec3().Walkable(caster.Map) || this.wallPos.ToIntVec3() == this.wallEnd) { this.wallPos -= this.wallDir; this.wallLength = this.wallLengthMax; } } for (int j = 0; j < this.wallPositions.Count(); j++) { int launchDir = Rand.Range(-100, -80); if (Rand.Chance(.5f)) { launchDir = Rand.Range(80, 100); } EffectMaker.MakeEffect(ThingDef.Named("Mote_DustPuff"), this.wallPositions.RandomElement().ToVector3Shifted(), caster.Map, Rand.Range(.6f, .8f), (Quaternion.AngleAxis(launchDir, Vector3.up) * wallDir).ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(2f, 5f), Rand.Range(100, 200), .04f, .03f, .8f, false); } } } }