        // This function tests if a given position is in collision with a //
        // fire, if so it will return true.                               //
        private bool IsInCollisionWithFire(CPoint2f pos)
            // First we check if we've moved outside of the board this will also
            // return true.

            if (pos.X < 0 || pos.Y < 0 || pos.X + CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE > m_boardDims[0] || pos.Y + CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE > m_boardDims[1])

            // Next we calculate the centre of the tile and see if this is in
            // collision. This will allow the player to walk a little bit (50%)
            // into walls.

            CPoint2i centre = new CPoint2i();

            centre.X = (int)pos.X + CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE / 2;
            centre.Y = (int)pos.Y + CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE / 2;

            CPoint2i tilePos = CLevelUtils.GetTileCoordinatesFromPixel(centre);

            foreach (CPoint2f posFire in m_level.FirePositions)
                if ((Math.Pow(tilePos.X - posFire.X, 2.0) + Math.Pow(tilePos.Y - posFire.Y, 2.0)) <= 0.1)

        // This function tests if a given position is in collision with a //
        // wall, if so it will return true.                               //
        private bool IsInCollisionWithWall(CPoint2f pos)
            // First we check if we've moved outside of the board this will also
            // return true.

            if (pos.X < 0 || pos.Y < 0 || pos.X + CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE > m_boardDims[0] || pos.Y + CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE > m_boardDims[1])

            // Next we calculate the centre of the tile and see if this is in
            // collision. This will allow the player to walk a little bit (50%)
            // into walls.

            CPoint2i centre = new CPoint2i();

            centre.X = (int)pos.X + CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE / 2;
            centre.Y = (int)pos.Y + CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE / 2;

            CPoint2i tilePos = CLevelUtils.GetTileCoordinatesFromPixel(centre);

            return(m_level.GetTileType(tilePos.X, tilePos.Y) == eTileType.Wall);
        // This function updates the position of each enemy in the game.  //
        // If it would be in collision with a wall the position is not    //
        // changed.                                                       //
        private void UpdatePosition(CSprite sprite, float time_delta)
            // Update a sprite to be in a new position using it's velocity.
            // If it is in a collision, we leave it in current location.
            // however, if it is an enemy we move it to it's target position
            // ready to find a new direction to move into.

            CPoint2f newPos = new CPoint2f();

            newPos.X = sprite.Position.X + time_delta * sprite.Velocity.X;
            newPos.Y = sprite.Position.Y + time_delta * sprite.Velocity.Y;

            bool collisionFire = false;

            if (sprite is CEnemy)
                collisionFire = IsInCollisionWithFire(newPos);

            if (!IsInCollisionWithWall(newPos) && !collisionFire)
                sprite.Position.X = newPos.X;
                sprite.Position.Y = newPos.Y;
                // See if sprite is an enemy, if so update it's position to be
                // the target position. NOTE: this could make odd behaviour if
                // enemy walks too far!

                if (sprite is CEnemy)
                    CEnemy enemy = (CEnemy)sprite;

                    enemy.Position.X = enemy.TargetPosition.X;
                    enemy.Position.Y = enemy.TargetPosition.Y;
        // This function updates the position of each enemy in the game   //
        // and the player, it then checks if there are collisions between //
        // the enemy or the player and raises a PlayerCaught event.       //
        // It also checks if the player has reached the end goal.         //
        public void UpdatePositions(CGameState gameState, float time_delta)
            // First we update the positions of the players and enemies.

            foreach (CSprite sprite in gameState.Enemies)
                UpdatePosition(sprite, time_delta);

            UpdatePosition(gameState.Player, time_delta);

            // Next we check if our player has reached the goal position.

            CPoint2f goalPositionPixels = CLevelUtils.GetPixelFromTileCoordinates(m_level.GoalPosition);

            if (IsInCollision(gameState.Player.Position, goalPositionPixels))
                OnGoalReached(this, "You Won!! Goal Reached!!");

            // Next we check each enemy in turn to see if the user has been
            // caught.

            foreach (CSprite sprite in gameState.Enemies)
                if (IsInCollision(gameState.Player.Position, sprite.Position))
                    OnPlayerCaught(this, "You Lose!! Player Caught!!");
        // This function updates the velocity of each enemy in the game   //
        // depending on whether it is in collision with a wall or an      //
        // alternative move is available (e.g. turn left or right). It    //
        // will only move backwards if no other move is available and a   //
        // dead end has been encountered.                                 //
        public void UpdateVelocities(CGameState gameState, float time_delta)
            // We only update the velocities of the enemies,
            // the player is done through keyboard events.

            // Each enemy has a targetPosition aswell as a Position.
            // the target position is the centre of the square the enemy
            // is moving towards. this is done so that a monster always
            // walks along the centre of a corridor.
            // When we compute the velocity we are allowing the enemy to
            // change direction if he is close to a square centre.
            // If he is within 5 pixels of the target square we take the following steps:
            // 1. Update his position to be at the target position.
            // 2. Test if there are any available squares in any direction (forwards, left, right).
            // 3. If there are randomly select a direction and update velocity.
            // 4. Set the target as one complete tile in the new direction.
            // 5. If no squares are available set velocity to be backwards and target square the
            // next square backwards.

            foreach (CEnemy enemy in gameState.Enemies)
                if (Math.Pow(enemy.TargetPosition.X - enemy.Position.X, 2.0) + Math.Pow(enemy.TargetPosition.Y - enemy.Position.Y, 2.0) <= AT_TARGET_TOLERANCE_SQ)
                    // Move the enemy to the target position.

                    enemy.Position.X = enemy.TargetPosition.X;
                    enemy.Position.Y = enemy.TargetPosition.Y;

                    float xVel = 0.0f;
                    float yVel = 0.0f;

                    // Set the velocity to be a complete tile in the
                    // current direction.

                    if (enemy.Velocity.X != 0.0f)
                        xVel = Math.Sign(enemy.Velocity.X) * CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE;
                        yVel = Math.Sign(enemy.Velocity.Y) * CGameTextures.TILE_SIZE;

                    bool[] ValidMoves = new bool[3] {
                        false, false, false
                    bool valid_move_found = false;

                    CPoint2f testPos = new CPoint2f();

                    // At each central tile position we test if the monster
                    // can move in any direction other than backwards.

                    testPos.X = enemy.Position.X + xVel;
                    testPos.Y = enemy.Position.Y + yVel;

                    if (!IsInCollisionWithWall(testPos) && !IsInCollisionWithFire(testPos))
                        ValidMoves[0]    = true;
                        valid_move_found = true;

                    testPos.X = enemy.Position.X + yVel;
                    testPos.Y = enemy.Position.Y + xVel;

                    if (!IsInCollisionWithWall(testPos) && !IsInCollisionWithFire(testPos))
                        ValidMoves[1]    = true;
                        valid_move_found = true;

                    testPos.X = enemy.Position.X - yVel;
                    testPos.Y = enemy.Position.Y - xVel;

                    if (!IsInCollisionWithWall(testPos) && !IsInCollisionWithFire(testPos))
                        ValidMoves[2]    = true;
                        valid_move_found = true;

                    // If we've found a valid move we randomly select a new
                    // direction. Otherwise we move backwards (since this must
                    // be valid).

                    if (valid_move_found)
                        // Find a valid random move (this is a little inefficient).

                        int i = m_randomGenerator.Next() % 3;
                        while (!ValidMoves[i])
                            i = m_randomGenerator.Next() % 3;

                        switch (i)
                        case 0:
                            enemy.TargetPosition.X = enemy.Position.X + xVel;
                            enemy.TargetPosition.Y = enemy.Position.Y + yVel;

                            enemy.Velocity.X = enemy.Velocity.X;
                            enemy.Velocity.Y = enemy.Velocity.Y;

                        case 1:
                            enemy.TargetPosition.X = enemy.Position.X + yVel;
                            enemy.TargetPosition.Y = enemy.Position.Y + xVel;

                            float temp = enemy.Velocity.X;
                            enemy.Velocity.X = enemy.Velocity.Y;
                            enemy.Velocity.Y = temp;

                        case 2:
                            enemy.TargetPosition.X = enemy.Position.X - yVel;
                            enemy.TargetPosition.Y = enemy.Position.Y - xVel;

                            temp             = enemy.Velocity.X;
                            enemy.Velocity.X = -enemy.Velocity.Y;
                            enemy.Velocity.Y = -temp;
                        // No move is available so we will move backwards.

                        enemy.TargetPosition.X = enemy.Position.X - xVel;
                        enemy.TargetPosition.Y = enemy.Position.Y - yVel;

                        enemy.Velocity.X = -enemy.Velocity.X;
                        enemy.Velocity.Y = -enemy.Velocity.Y;
 // This function tests if two given positions are within a        //
 // tolerance, if so it will return true.                          //
 private bool IsInCollision(CPoint2f posA, CPoint2f posB)
     return((Math.Pow(posA.X - posB.X, 2.0) + Math.Pow(posA.Y - posB.Y, 2.0)) <= COLLISION_TOLERANCE_SQ);