public SKUDetailTableSource(nfloat wid, UIViewController parent, UINavigationController navCtrl, ItemDetails Data, int storeid)
                _store = storeid;
                Width  = wid;
                Parent = parent;
                NavigationController = navCtrl;
                data = Data;

                data.Producer       = Data.Producer;
                data.AverageRating  = Data.AverageRating;               // 4.25m;
                data.WineProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                ServiceWrapper     sw      = new ServiceWrapper();
                ItemReviewResponse ratings = sw.GetItemReviewsByWineID(data.Barcode).Result;
                data.Reviews = ratings.Reviews.ToList();
                //temp = new UITableViewCell[17];
            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingClass.LogError(ex.ToString(), screenid, ex.StackTrace);
        public void Internal_ViewDidLoad(Boolean refresh)
                LoggingClass.LogInfo("Entered into detail view of " + _wineId, screen);
                nfloat width = View.Frame.Width;
                ItemDetailsResponse mydata = svc.GetItemDetailsBarcode(_wineId, _storeId).Result;
                //ItemReviewResponse rv = svc.GetItemReviewUID(CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId()).Result;
                var data = mydata.ItemDetails;
                if (data.Barcode != null)
                    var lblName = new UILabel();
                    lblName.Frame         = new CGRect(0, 0, width, 40);
                    lblName.Text          = data.Name;
                    lblName.Font          = UIFont.FromName("Verdana-Bold", 16f);
                    lblName.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
                    lblName.TextColor     = UIColor.Purple;

                    //var Separator = new UIImageView();
                    //Separator.Frame = new CGRect(0, 50, View.Frame.Width, 2);
                    //Separator.Image = UIImage.FromFile("separator.png");

                    var lblVintage = new UILabel();
                    lblVintage.Frame = new CGRect(View.Frame.Width / 2 - 10, 40, 40, 20);
                    double l = Math.Floor(Math.Log10(data.Vintage) + 1);
                    if (l < 4)
                        lblVintage.Text = " ";
                        lblVintage.Text = data.Vintage.ToString();
                    lblVintage.Font            = UIFont.FromName("Verdana", 12f);
                    lblVintage.TextAlignment   = UITextAlignment.Center;
                    lblVintage.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromPatternImage(UIImage.FromFile("line123.png"));

                    var btlImage = new UIImageView();                     //92 * 233
                    btlImage.Frame = new CGRect(0, 10, width, width);
                    UIImage image = new UIImage("Images/loadin.png");

                    var btnBuy = new UIButton();
                    btnBuy.Frame             = new CGRect(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width - 140, 70 + View.Frame.Width, 130, 70);
                    btnBuy.ClipsToBounds     = true;
                    btnBuy.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
                    //btnBuy.Layer.EdgeAntialiasingMask = CAEdgeAntialiasingMask.LeftEdge | CAEdgeAntialiasingMask.RightEdge | CAEdgeAntialiasingMask.BottomEdge | CAEdgeAntialiasingMask.TopEdge;
                    btnBuy.SetImage(UIImage.FromFile("buy.png"), UIControlState.Normal);
                    btnBuy.TouchUpInside += delegate {
                        UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl("" + data.SKU + ".html"));

                    CGRect rect      = btlImage.Bounds;
                    nfloat boxHeight = rect.Height;                     // which is = width;
                    //nfloat imgHeight = image.Size.Height;
                    //nfloat ratio = boxHeight / imgHeight;
                    //CGSize newSize = new CGSize(image.Size.Width * ratio, image.Size.Height * ratio);
                    //image = image.Scale(newSize);
                    nfloat X = (rect.Width / 2) - 50;
                    btlImage.Frame = new CGRect(X, btlImage.Bounds.Height / 2, 100, 100);
                    btlImage.Image = image;
                    DownloadAsync(data.Barcode, _storeId, btlImage, boxHeight, 70);
                    nfloat Y1 = 90 + View.Frame.Width;

                    UITextView txtWineleft = new UITextView(new CGRect(0, Y1 + 10, width, 40));
                    txtWineleft.Text          = "Wine left in bottle: " + data.AvailableVolume.ToString() + ".ml";
                    txtWineleft.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
                    txtWineleft.Editable      = false;
                    //uip.SetProgress(Convert.ToSingle(data.AvailableVolume), false);
                    //uip.ProgressTintColor = UIColor.Green;
                    //uip.TintColor = UIColor.Gray;
                    //CGAffineTransform transform=CGAffineTransform.MakeScale(1.0f,Convert.ToSingle(data.AvailableVolume));
                    //uip.Transform = transform;

                    var ratingConfig = new RatingConfig(emptyImage: UIImage.FromBundle("Stars/empty.png"),
                                                        filledImage: UIImage.FromBundle("Stars/star.png"),
                                                        chosenImage: UIImage.FromBundle("Stars/star.png"));

                    nfloat Y = 70 + View.Frame.Width;
                    ratingView = new PDRatingView(new CGRect(width * 3 / 8 + 2, Y, width / 4, 20f), ratingConfig, data.AverageRating);
                    ratingView.UserInteractionEnabled = false;

                    var lblRateTitle = new UILabel();
                    lblRateTitle.Frame         = new CGRect(4, Y + 40, width, 50);
                    lblRateTitle.Text          = "Rate this Wine";
                    lblRateTitle.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
                    lblRateTitle.Font          = UIFont.FromName("Verdana-Bold", 16f);
                    lblRateTitle.TextColor     = UIColor.Purple;

                    var lblRateRequest = new UILabel();
                    lblRateRequest.Frame         = new CGRect(4, Y + 75, width, 10);
                    lblRateRequest.Text          = "Select number of Stars";
                    lblRateRequest.Font          = UIFont.FromName("AmericanTypewriter", 10f);
                    lblRateRequest.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;

                    var starUpLine = new UIImageView(new CGRect(4, Y + 90, width - 8, 1));
                    starUpLine.AutoresizingMask  = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
                    starUpLine.Image             = UIImage.FromFile("separator.png");
                    starUpLine.ContentMode       = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFill;
                    starUpLine.ClipsToBounds     = true;
                    starUpLine.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
                    starUpLine.BackgroundColor   = UIColor.LightGray;
                    Y = Y + 10;
                    PDRatingView     ratingViewSelect = new PDRatingView(new CGRect(width * 2 / 8, Y + 82, width / 2, 36f), ratingConfig, 0m);
                    UIViewController that             = this;

                    var starDownLine = new UIImageView(new CGRect(4, Y + 120, View.Frame.Width - 8, 1));
                    starDownLine.AutoresizingMask  = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
                    starDownLine.Image             = UIImage.FromFile("separator.png");
                    starDownLine.ContentMode       = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFill;
                    starDownLine.ClipsToBounds     = true;
                    starDownLine.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.White.CGColor;
                    starDownLine.BackgroundColor   = UIColor.LightGray;

                    Y = Y + 140;
                    var lblDesc = new UILabel();
                    lblDesc.Frame         = new CGRect(4, Y, View.Frame.Width, 20);
                    lblDesc.Text          = "Description: ";
                    lblDesc.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left;

                    Y = Y + 20;
                    var lblDescText = new UITextView();
                    lblDescText.Editable = false;
                    if (data.Description == null || data.Description == "")
                        lblDescText.Text = "Not available";
                        lblDescText.Font = UIFont.FromName("EuphemiaUCAS-Italic", 10f);
                        lblDescText.Text = data.Description.Trim();
                    lblDescText.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Justified;
                    CGSize sTemp = new CGSize(width, 100);
                    sTemp             = lblDescText.SizeThatFits(sTemp);
                    lblDescText.Frame = new CGRect(0, Y, width, sTemp.Height);

                    Y = Y + lblDescText.Frame.Size.Height;
                    var table = new UITableView();
                    table.Frame           = new CGRect(0, Y, width, data.WineProperties.Count * 22);
                    table.Source          = new WineInfoTableSource(data.WineProperties);
                    table.AllowsSelection = false;
                    table.ScrollEnabled   = false;

                    Y = Y + table.Frame.Size.Height + 10;
                    var lblProducer = new UILabel();
                    lblProducer.Frame         = new CGRect(4, Y, width, 20);
                    lblProducer.Text          = "Producer: ";
                    lblProducer.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left;

                    Y = Y + 20;
                    var lblProducerText = new UITextView();
                    lblProducerText.Editable = false;
                    if (data.Producer == null || data.Producer == "")
                        lblProducerText.Text = "Not available";
                        lblProducerText.Font = UIFont.FromName("EuphemiaUCAS-Italic", 10f);
                        lblProducerText.Text = data.Producer.Trim();
                    lblProducerText.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Justified;
                    sTemp = new CGSize(width, 100);
                    sTemp = lblProducerText.SizeThatFits(sTemp);
                    lblProducerText.Frame = new CGRect(0, Y, width, sTemp.Height);

                    ItemReviewResponse ratings = svc.GetItemReviewsByWineID(data.Barcode).Result;
                    data.Reviews = ratings.Reviews.ToList();
                    Y            = Y + lblProducerText.Frame.Size.Height;
                    var review = LoadReviews(data, Y, width);
                    Y = Y + review.Frame.Size.Height;

                    //Y = Y + 20;
                    var NoReviews = new UITextView();
                    NoReviews.Hidden = true;
                    if (data.Reviews.Count == 0)
                        _noreviews = true;
                        reviewTable.SeparatorColor = UIColor.Clear;
                        NoReviews.Text             = ratings.ErrorDescription;
                        sTemp                   = NoReviews.SizeThatFits(sTemp);
                        NoReviews.Frame         = new CGRect(0, Y - 50, width, 40);
                        NoReviews.Editable      = false;
                        NoReviews.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
                        NoReviews.Hidden        = false;

                    var    currentReview = data.Reviews.Where(x => x.ReviewUserId == CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId()).FirstOrDefault();
                    string currComments  = "";
                    if (currentReview != null)
                        currComments = currentReview.RatingText;
                    if (_notif == true)
                        //ratingViewSelect.RatingChosen += (sender, e) =>
                        //if (CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId() == 0)
                        //	UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
                        //	{
                        //		Title = "This feature is allowed only for VIP Card holders",
                        //		//Message = "Coming Soon..."
                        //	};
                        //		alert.AddButton("OK");
                        //	alert.AddButton("Know more");
                        //	alert.Clicked += (senderalert, buttonArgs) =>
                        //	{
                        //		if (buttonArgs.ButtonIndex == 1)
                        //		{
                        //			UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(""));
                        //		}
                        //	};
                        //	alert.Show();
                        //	ratingViewSelect.ChosenRating = 0;
                            LoggingClass.LogInfo("Came from notifications and giving rating for " + data.Barcode, screen);
                            PopupView yourController = new PopupView(data.Barcode, _storeId);
                            yourController.NavController          = NavigationController;
                            yourController.parent                 = that;
                            yourController.StartsSelected         = 5;
                            yourController.Comments               = currComments;
                            yourController.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.OverCurrentContext;
                            that.PresentModalViewController(yourController, false);
                        catch (Exception exe)
                            LoggingClass.LogError(exe.Message, screen, exe.StackTrace);
                    ratingViewSelect.RatingChosen += (sender, e) =>
                        if (CurrentUser.RetreiveUserId() == 0)
                            UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
                                Title = "This feature is allowed only for VIP Card holders",
                                //Message = "Coming Soon..."
                            alert.AddButton("Know more");
                            alert.Clicked += (senderalert, buttonArgs) =>
                                if (buttonArgs.ButtonIndex == 1)
                                    UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl(new NSUrl(""));
                            ratingViewSelect.ChosenRating = 0;
                            LoggingClass.LogInfo("Clicked on stars to give rating on " + data.Barcode, screen);
                            PopupView yourController = new PopupView(data.Barcode, _storeId);
                            yourController.NavController          = NavigationController;
                            yourController.parent                 = that;
                            yourController.StartsSelected         = e.Rating;
                            yourController.Comments               = currComments;
                            yourController.ModalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationStyle.OverCurrentContext;
                            that.PresentModalViewController(yourController, false);
                    scrollView       = new UIScrollView();
                    scrollView.Frame = new CGRect(0, 70, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height);
                    if (_noreviews == true)
                        scrollView.ContentSize = new CGSize(View.Frame.Width, Y + 70);
                        scrollView.ContentSize = new CGSize(View.Frame.Width, Y + 20);
                    if (refresh == true)
                        //scrollView.ContentSize = new CGSize(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds.Width, 70);
                        scrollView.ContentOffset = new CGPoint(0, 300);
                        var tap = new UITapGestureRecognizer {
                            CancelsTouchesInView = false
                        tap.AddTarget(() =>
                            scrollView.ContentSize   = new CGSize(View.Frame.Width, Y + 70);
                            scrollView.ContentOffset = new CGPoint(0, 0);

                    scrollView.BackgroundColor  = UIColor.White;
                    scrollView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;
                    if (_fav != true)
                    //When making it async the Frame.Y is messing up by image Y. So changing it to 70. Ideally it should be 0.
                    //Same will apply to ContentSize.Y
                    UIAlertView alert = new UIAlertView()
                        Title   = "Sorry",
                        Message = "Something went wrong. We are on it"

            catch (Exception ex)
                LoggingClass.LogError(ex.Message, screen, ex.StackTrace.ToString());