// We don't actually have to "update" any sense of state. Just easier to conform to this usage
        // in the event that we need to change the implementation to be more complex. Also makes
        // maintaining observers easier, as I'm not familiar with C#'s peculiarities regarding static classes.
        // And, really, the code itself is already dubious.
        public void Update(Person person)
            if (person != null && person.skeletonData != null)
                    if (person.skeletonData.getTrackingState() == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
                        TrackPress(person, true);
                        TrackPress(person, false);

        private ScissorGestureTracker getTrackerForPerson(Person p)
            bool extractionSuccessful;
            ScissorGestureTracker output;

            if (scissorGestureTrackers.ContainsKey(p) != true)
                ScissorGestureTracker newSGT = new ScissorGestureTracker();

                scissorGestureTrackers.Add(p, newSGT);

            extractionSuccessful = scissorGestureTrackers.TryGetValue(p, out output);

            return output;
        public void update(Person subject)
            if (subject.skeletonData != null)
                ScissorGestureTracker gestureTracker = this.getTrackerForPerson(subject);
                if (subject.skeletonData.getTrackingState() == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
                    // Check the state of the user's left and right hands to determine the relation of each to a
                    // wave gesture.
                    TrackGesture(subject, ref gestureTracker);
                // If we can't track the user's motions we'll have to reset our data on them;
                // they may have left and will be replaced by another user.
                } // end if-else

        private void TrackPress(Person person, bool isLeft)
            /* We define a press gesture as being made up of two properties:
             * 1) whether the user's hand is below their shoulder when they make the gesture and
             * 2) whether the user stretches their arm out to approximately a third of their body height
             *    when making the gesture.
             * We require that the arm be outstretched by a third because the average adult arm is approximately
             * half of that adult's height (measuring from the tips of the fingers). We thus allow the user not to have to
             * fully outstretch their arm but also take into accoutn that we are unable to track their fingers. Having
             * tested this on an honest to God child it /also/ inadvertantly helps to accomodate the fact that children
             * have commicaly disproprotionate arms.
            SkeletonWrapper skeleton = person.skeletonData;

            Joint hand, shoulder, head, foot;
            if (isLeft == true)
                hand = skeleton.getLeftHandJoint();
                shoulder = skeleton.getLeftShoulderJoint();
                foot = skeleton.getLeftFootJoint();
                hand = skeleton.getRightHandJoint();
                shoulder = skeleton.getRightShoulderJoint();
                foot = skeleton.getRightFootJoint();
            head = skeleton.getHeadJoint();

            PressPosition pressPosition = PressPosition.None;

            // TODO: Don't spawn if hands are overlapping (deleting vs spawning mode)

            float metricHeight, metricArmExtension;

            // If anybody turns sideways, I swear to God, I'll kill them.
            if (hand.TrackingState == JointTrackingState.Tracked && head.TrackingState == JointTrackingState.Tracked
                && shoulder.TrackingState == JointTrackingState.Tracked)

                // Height of user torso (in meters) - this is innacurate as hell, typically off by about two feet.
                metricHeight = head.Position.Y - foot.Position.Y;
                // Length of user's extension of arm (in meters) - this is also innacurate as hell but it is /proportionally so/,
                // so we can still use the relationship between them to identify a press.

                    metricArmExtension = -(hand.Position.Z - shoulder.Position.Z);

                // If the user's hand is below the shoulder...
                if (hand.Position.Y < (shoulder.Position.Y + HAND_HEIGHT_THRESHOLD))
                    // If the user has extended their arm to the length of a third of their body,
                    // allowing for the grace threshold...
                    if ((metricHeight / 2.78) < (metricArmExtension + ARM_EXTENSION_THRESHOLD) == true)
                        // Then they have extended their arm into a press.
                        pressPosition = PressPosition.Extended;
                        pressPosition = PressPosition.Neutral;
                    } // end if-else if-else

                    // If the user has extended their arm...
                    if (pressPosition == PressPosition.Extended)

                        // Then notify the observers that we have a press. There's going to be a party. There is going to be cake.
                        if (GestureDetected != null)
                                    GestureDetected(this, new PressGestureEventArgs(isLeft, person));
                        } // end if

                    } // end if


        public PressGestureEventArgs(bool leftHandPressing, Person user)
            this.leftHandPressing = leftHandPressing;
            this.rightHandPressing = !leftHandPressing;

            this.user = user;
        /* Computes a unique color for a user based on the average color of their torso.
         * Takes a TorsoData object that defines the dimensions of the user's torso, a width that defines the width
         * of the Kinect's ColorImageFrame, and a colorMap that defines the location of our colorData.
         * Returns a color that defines a user based on their torso color.
        public static Color ComputeUserColor(Person user, int width, Color[] colorMap, KinectSensor kSensor)
            /*  ComputeUserColor computes a Color for a user based on the color of their torso. This
             * color is computed by taking the metric length of their torso and taking a vertical slice
             * from which an average is computed from a selection of color samples. These samples are
             * taken every millimeter from the base of the user's torso to the top of it.
             * For those of us who are not drug users, deals, or Europhiles, this equates to between
             * 300 and 400 color samples for an average adult and approximately 200 samples for a child.

            // Retrieve the skeletal data from the TorsoData.
            SkeletonPoint torsoTop = user.torsoTop;
            SkeletonPoint torsoBottom = user.torsoBottom;
            // Compute the metric length of the user's torso.
            double metricTorsoLength = torsoTop.Y - torsoBottom.Y;

            // The avergae color computed from our user sampling. Defaults to Hot Pink but will be overriden,
            // rather than modified, in the event that we successfully compute a user color.
            Color userColorAverage = Color.HotPink;

            // We initialize the RGB values as integers, rather than bytes, as each of their values prior to being
            // averaged will almost certainly be many times larger than a byte.
            int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
            /* The skeletalSamplePosition defines the location of the skeletal position for which we desire a color sample
            // from the RGB colorMap. As we are taking a vertical color sample we initialize the skeletalSamplePosition
            // as being equivalent to the base of the user's torso and merely modify the Y value for each new color sample. */
            SkeletonPoint skeletalSamplePosition = new SkeletonPoint(); // New as opposed to pointing torsoBottom directly to avoid reference issues.
            skeletalSamplePosition.X = torsoBottom.X;
            skeletalSamplePosition.Y = torsoBottom.Y;
            skeletalSamplePosition.Z = torsoBottom.Z;

            if ((skeletalSamplePosition.X != 0 || skeletalSamplePosition.Y != 0 || skeletalSamplePosition.Z != 0) == false)
                return new Color();
            // Defines the location of the color sample within the RGB space.
            ColorImagePoint colorLocation;
            // The actual color sample defined by colorLocation.
            Color userSampleColor;
            // The number of color samples taken from the user. Used to average our RGB values into an average color.
            int numColorSamples = 0;
            // The distance from the bottom of the user's torso of the current color sample. Measured in millimeters.
            float i;
            for (i = 0; i < metricTorsoLength; i += MILLIMETER)
                // Set the color value to a default, value-less color.
                userSampleColor = new Color();
                // Shift the source of the sample upwards by the value of i.
                skeletalSamplePosition.Y = torsoBottom.Y + i;
                // Convert our skeletal position (colorPosition) to color coordinates.
                colorLocation = kSensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(skeletalSamplePosition, ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30);

                // Ensure that the location of our color sample is a valid index. If the person moves
                // offscreen while we're taking the sample then the colorLocation will contain invalid
                // negative values.
                if (colorLocation.X > 0 && colorLocation.Y > 0)
                    // Extract the color sample from the RGB image.
                    userSampleColor = colorMap[colorLocation.X + colorLocation.Y * width];

                // Sum the color sample data for later averaging.
                r += userSampleColor.R;
                g += userSampleColor.G;
                b += userSampleColor.B;

                // We have now taken a color sample. Let's maintain our invariant.
            } // end for

            /* Average the running sum of RGB values taken from our color sampling.
            // If we were passed an invalid TorsoData then we will not have taken any color samples,
            // so we need to account by division by zero. Unless you want to be a dick, then by all means,
               delete this if-condition. */
            if (numColorSamples != 0)
                userColorAverage.R = (byte)(r / numColorSamples);
                userColorAverage.G = (byte)(g / numColorSamples);
                userColorAverage.B = (byte)(b / numColorSamples);
            } // end if

            // Determine color of area surrounding user

            // Retrieve the position of the user's head as we can use its Y coordinate to define
            // the outer edge of the person
            Joint personTopJoint = user.skeletonData.getHeadJoint();
            SkeletonPoint personTopPos = personTopJoint.Position;

            // Retrieve the position of the user's left shoulder as we can use its X coordinate
            // to define the outer edge of the person
            Joint leftShoulderJoint = user.skeletonData.getLeftShoulderJoint();
            SkeletonPoint leftShoulderPos = leftShoulderJoint.Position;

            // We define the top bound of the person to be excluded as being the height of the person
            // shifted over to their far lefthand side, so we create a faux SkeletonPoint that amalgamates
            // the head and the shoulder
            SkeletonPoint personTopBoundPos = new SkeletonPoint();
            personTopBoundPos.X = leftShoulderPos.X;
            personTopBoundPos.Y = personTopPos.Y;
            personTopBoundPos.Z = personTopPos.Z;

            // We define the bottom bound of the person to be excluded as being their bottom right
            // foot, as this is caddy-corner to our upper bound, implying a rectangle that surrounds
            // the person
            Joint personBottomBoundJoint = user.skeletonData.getRightFootJoint();
            SkeletonPoint personBottomBoundPos = personBottomBoundJoint.Position;

            // Convert the Skeletal location data to color location data so that our locations correspond
            // to the colormap that we are working with
            ColorImagePoint topExclusionBound = kSensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(personTopBoundPos, ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30);
            ColorImagePoint bottomExclusionBound = kSensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToColorPoint(personBottomBoundPos, ColorImageFormat.RgbResolution640x480Fps30);

            Color outerSampleColor;
            int numOuterColorSamples = 0;

            int currY;
            int currX;
            Boolean isOuterColor = true;
            r = 0; g = 0; b = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < colorMap.Length; j++)
                outerSampleColor = new Color();

                currY = j % width;

                // If j currently identifies a point within the exclusion bounds on the Y-axis...
                if (currY >= topExclusionBound.Y && currY <= bottomExclusionBound.Y)
                    // Then it is possible that the color data corresponding to j is within our
                    // exclusion zone.

                    // We'll determine j's X coordinate and compare it to the exclusion bounds.
                    currX = j - (currY * width);
                    if (currX >= topExclusionBound.X && currX <= topExclusionBound.X)
                        isOuterColor = false;
                        isOuterColor = true;
                    isOuterColor = true;

                if (isOuterColor == true)
                    outerSampleColor = colorMap[j];

                    // Sum the color sample data for later averaging.
                    r += outerSampleColor.R;
                    g += outerSampleColor.G;
                    b += outerSampleColor.B;

                // We have now taken a color sample. Let's maintain our invariant.
            } // end for-loop

            Color outerColorAverage = new Color();
            /* Average the running sum of RGB values taken from our color sampling.
            // If we were passed an invalid TorsoData then we will not have taken any color samples,
            // so we need to account by division by zero. Unless you want to be a dick, then by all means,
               delete this if-condition. */
            if (numOuterColorSamples != 0)
                outerColorAverage.R = (byte)(r / numOuterColorSamples);
                outerColorAverage.G = (byte)(g / numOuterColorSamples);
                outerColorAverage.B = (byte)(b / numOuterColorSamples);
            } // end if

            int colorContrast = computerContrast(outerColorAverage, userColorAverage);

            colorycontrasty = colorContrast;

                // If the contrast between the user and the surrounding area is high...
                if (colorContrast > 58)
                    // Then we only need to brighten the color of our resulting color by a small amount
                   userColorAverage = brightenColor(userColorAverage, SLIGHTLY_BRIGHTER);
                // the contrast between the user and the surrounding area is low...
                    // We need to brighten our resulting color by a non-trivial amount
                    userColorAverage = brightenColor(userColorAverage, SIGNIFICANTLY_BRIGHTER);

                //userColorAverage = saturateColor(userColorAverage);

            // HSLColor hslColor = new HSLColor(colorAverage.R, colorAverage.G, colorAverage.B);
            // hslColor.Luminosity *= 0.1;
            // hslColor.Saturation *= 0.8;

            return userColorAverage;
 private void updateUserColor(Person person)
     if (mostRecentFrame != null && mostRecentColorMap.Length != 0)
         TorsoData curr = new TorsoData(person.torsoTop, person.torsoBottom);
         if ((curr.torsoTop.X == 0 && curr.torsoTop.Y == 0 && curr.torsoTop.Z == 0) == false)
             person.color = ColorUtility.ComputeUserColor(person, mostRecentFrame.Width, mostRecentColorMap, kinectSensor);
        private Person updatePerson(SkeletonWrapper skeletonWrap, Person person, bool isGhost)
            // Retrieve hand data.
            Joint rightHand = skeletonWrap.getRightHandJoint();
            Joint leftHand = skeletonWrap.getLeftHandJoint();

            // Store retrieved data.
            if (person == null)
                person = new Person(skeletonWrap, isGhost);

            person.rightHandLocation = this.kinectSensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToDepthPoint(person.rightHandPosition, this.kinectSensor.DepthStream.Format);
            person.leftHandLocation = this.kinectSensor.CoordinateMapper.MapSkeletonPointToDepthPoint(person.leftHandPosition, this.kinectSensor.DepthStream.Format);

            //fileWriter.writeLine(file, timestamp, x, y, z)

            person.setRightHandRadius(person.rightHandLocation.Depth / 60);
            person.setLeftHandRadius(person.leftHandLocation.Depth / 60);

            Button b;
            for (int x = 0; x < buttonsCollection.Count; x++)
                b = (Button)buttonsCollection[x];

                if (b != null)

            //if (tutorialButton != null)
              //  tutorialButton.UpdateHands(users);

            // Update user color.
            if (isGhost == false)

            // Update the gesture detectors of the user's physical state.
            //waveGestureDetector.Update(playerSkeleton, i);

            return person;
        public void updateGhost(SkeletonWrapper skel)
            if (skel == null)
                ghostUser = null;

            if (ghostUser == null)
                ghostUser = new Person(skel, GHOST_USER_COLOR, true);

            updatePerson(skel, ghostUser, true);
        public Person[] getUsers()
            if (users != null)
                int i = 0;
                while (users[i] != null)

                int activeGhost = 0;
                if (ghostUser != null)

                Person[] activeUsers = new Person[i + activeGhost];

                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    activeUsers[j] = users[j];

                if (activeGhost > 0)
                    activeUsers[activeUsers.Length - 1] = ghostUser;

                return activeUsers;

            return new Person[0];
 public void UpdateHands(Person[] newHands)
     if (newHands != null)
         this.people = newHands;
        private void TrackGesture(Person person, ref ScissorGestureTracker gestureTracker)
            if (person.leftHand == null || person.rightHand == null)

            Hand leftHand = person.leftHand;
            Hand rightHand = person.rightHand;

            Vector2 leftHandVelocity = leftHand.getHeading();
            Vector2 rightHandVelocity = rightHand.getHeading();
            Vector2 relativeHeading = Vector2.Subtract(leftHandVelocity, rightHandVelocity);

            DotNET.Point leftHandPosition = leftHand.getLocation();
            DotNET.Point rightHandPosition = rightHand.getLocation();

            DotNET.Vector tempVec = DotNET.Point.Subtract(rightHandPosition, leftHandPosition);
            Vector2 leftToRight = new Vector2((float) tempVec.X, (float) tempVec.Y);

            double dotProduct = Vector2.Dot(relativeHeading, leftToRight);

            if (dotProduct > 0)
                gestureTracker.currState = ScissorGestureState.Converging;
                gestureTracker.currState = ScissorGestureState.Diverging;

            // If the user's hands are converging...
            if (gestureTracker.currState == ScissorGestureState.Converging)
                double leftHandRadius = leftHand.getAgentRadius();
                double rightHandRadius = rightHand.getAgentRadius();

                double minContactRadius = (leftHandRadius + rightHandRadius) * CONTACT_SCALE;

                // Check if they're proximal
                if (minContactRadius <= leftToRight.Length())
                    gestureTracker.currState = ScissorGestureState.Proximal;

            if (gestureTracker.currState == ScissorGestureState.Proximal)
                // send message
                GestureDetected(this, new ScissorGestureEventArgs(person, false, CONTACT_SCALE));
            else if (gestureTracker.currState == ScissorGestureState.Diverging)
                GestureDetected(this, new ScissorGestureEventArgs(person, true, CONTACT_SCALE));
 public ScissorGestureEventArgs(Person user, Boolean diverging, double radiusScale)
     this.user = user;
     this.diverging = diverging;
     this.radiusScale = radiusScale;