Exemple #1
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String address = "D:/workshop/holography/WindowsFormsApplication1/WindowsFormsApplication1";

            String file_name = "/Tang25.txt";

            file_manager file = new file_manager(file_name, address);

            // file.write_coordinate_file(file.x, file.y, file.z, file.r, file.g, file.b);

            List <double> obj_x = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_y = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_z = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_r = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_g = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_b = new List <double>();

            List <double> O = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < file.x.Count; i++)
                //System.Console.WriteLine(i + " " + file.x[i] + " " + file.y[i] + " " + file.z[i]);

                obj_x.Add(Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(file.x[i]) + 100) * 5));
                obj_y.Add(Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(file.y[i]) + 50) * 6));
                obj_z.Add(-Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(file.z[i]) - 230));


            int    o      = 8;
            int    t      = 1;
            int    s      = 1024;
            double d      = 0.25;
            double lambda = 532e-9;
            double k      = 2 * Math.PI / lambda;

            double Hologram_sampling_interval = 7.4e-6;
            double dx = Hologram_sampling_interval;
            double dy = Hologram_sampling_interval;

            double[,] image = new double[s, s];

            for (int i = 0; i < obj_x.Count; i++)
                obj_x[i] = obj_x[i] * t;
                obj_y[i] = obj_y[i] * t;
                obj_z[i] = obj_z[i] * 1;

            List <double> Cut = obj_z.Distinct().ToList();

            double Ny = s;
            double Nx = s;
            double fx = 1 / (dx * Nx);
            double fy = 1 / (dy * Ny);

            double[,] x = new double[s, s];
            double[,] y = new double[s, s];

            Complex complex1 = new Complex(1, 1);

            Complex[,] Hologram = new Complex[s, s];

            int counter_y = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
                int counter_x = 0;
                if (counter_y == s / 2)
                    counter_y *= -1;

                for (int j = 0; j < s; j++)
                    if (counter_x == s / 2)
                        counter_x *= -1;

                    x[i, j] = counter_x * fx;
                    y[i, j] = counter_y * fy;



            double d1;

            Complex[,] O_image;
            Complex[,] H = new Complex[s, s];
            Complex[,] film;
            double[,] phase_h = new double[s, s];
            double max = -1.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Cut.Count; i++)
                film    = new Complex[s, s];
                H       = new Complex[s, s];
                O_image = new Complex[s, s];
                d1      = d - Cut[i] * Hologram_sampling_interval / 2;

                for (int j = 0; j < obj_z.Count; j++)
                    if (Cut[i] == obj_z[j])
                        O_image[Convert.ToInt32(obj_x[j]), Convert.ToInt32(obj_y[j])] = (Complex)obj_r[j];

                FourierTransform.FFT2(O_image, FourierTransform.Direction.Backward); // fft2    O_image = fft2(O_image);

                // Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); //creates and start the instance of Stopwatch

                Complex com2 = Complex.Exp(new Complex(0, (1 * k * d1)));
                for (var p = 0; p < s; p++)
                {    //  H = exp(1i*k*d1).*exp(-1i*pi*lambda*d1*(x.^2+y.^2));
                    Complex com1;
                    for (var j = 0; j < s; j++)
                        com1 = Complex.Exp(new Complex(0, (-1 * Math.PI * lambda * d1 * (Math.Pow(x[p, j], 2) + Math.Pow(y[p, j], 2)))));

                        H[p, j]    = Complex.Multiply(com1, com2);             // H = exp(1i*k*d1).*exp(-1i*pi*lambda*d1*(x.^2+y.^2));
                        film[p, j] = Complex.Multiply(O_image[p, j], H[p, j]); // lol =O_image.*H;

                FourierTransform.FFT2(film, FourierTransform.Direction.Forward);    //ifft2    film3 =ifft2(lol);

                for (int p = 0; p < s; p++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < s; j++)
                        Hologram[p, j] = Complex.Add(Hologram[p, j], film[p, j]);  //  Hologram = Hologram+film3;

                        if (i == Cut.Count - 1)
                            phase_h[p, j] = Hologram[p, j].Phase + Math.PI;    //phase_H = angle(Hologram) + pi;
                            if (phase_h[p, j] > max)
                                max = phase_h[p, j];
                        } // end of finding max and adding phase
            } //end of Cut

            // Console.WriteLine(max);
            byte[,] phase_h_image = new byte[s, s];
            double d2 = d - o * 0.0001;

            Complex com3 = Complex.Exp(new Complex(0, (1 * k * -d2)));

            for (int p = 0; p < s; p++)
                Complex com1;

                for (int j = 0; j < s; j++)
                    double temp = 255 * phase_h[p, j] / max;   ///phase_H_image = uint8(255*phase_H/max(max(phase_H)));
                    phase_h_image[p, j] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp);

                    com1    = Complex.Exp(new Complex(0, (-1 * Math.PI * lambda * -d2 * (Math.Pow(x[p, j], 2) + Math.Pow(y[p, j], 2)))));
                    H[p, j] = Complex.Multiply(com1, com3);         //H = exp(1i*k*z).*exp(-1i*pi*lambda*z*(x.^2+y.^2));

            FourierTransform.FFT2(Hologram, FourierTransform.Direction.Backward);  //  O = fft2(object);

            Complex[,] originalR = new Complex[s, s];
            for (int p = 0; p < s; p++)
                for (int j = 0; j < s; j++)
                    originalR[p, j] = Complex.Multiply(Hologram[p, j], H[p, j]); //hologram =ifft2(O.*H); = >    O_F =  O.*H

            FourierTransform.FFT2(originalR, FourierTransform.Direction.Forward);  // hologram =ifft2(O_F)

            double[,] O_F = new double[s, s];
            for (int p = 0; p < s; p++)
                for (int j = 0; j < s; j++)
                    O_F[p, j] = originalR[p, j].Magnitude;   //abs(originalR)

            Bitmap     bmp = ToBitmap(O_F);
            PictureBox P   = new PictureBox();

            P.Image = bmp;
            P.Dock  = DockStyle.Fill;

        }// end of form
Exemple #2
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String address = "D:/workshop/holography/WindowsFormsApplication1/WindowsFormsApplication1";

            String file_name = "/Tang25.txt";

            file_manager file = new file_manager(file_name, address);

            // file.write_coordinate_file(file.x, file.y, file.z, file.r, file.g, file.b);

            List <double> obj_x = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_y = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_z = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_r = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_g = new List <double>();
            List <double> obj_b = new List <double>();

            List <double> O = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < file.x.Count; i++)
                //System.Console.WriteLine(i + " " + file.x[i] + " " + file.y[i] + " " + file.z[i]);

                obj_x.Add(Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(file.x[i]) + 100) * 5));
                obj_y.Add(Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(file.y[i]) + 50) * 6));
                obj_z.Add(-Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(file.z[i]) - 230));


            int    o      = 8;
            int    t      = 1;
            int    s      = 1024;
            double d      = 0.25;
            double lambda = 532e-9;
            double k      = 2 * Math.PI / lambda;

            double Hologram_sampling_interval = 7.4e-6;
            double dx = Hologram_sampling_interval;
            double dy = Hologram_sampling_interval;

            double[,] image = new double[s, s];

            for (int i = 0; i < obj_x.Count; i++)
                obj_x[i] = obj_x[i] * t;
                obj_y[i] = obj_y[i] * t;
                obj_z[i] = obj_z[i] * 1;

            List <double> Cut = obj_z.Distinct().ToList();

            double Ny = s;
            double Nx = s;
            double fx = 1 / (dx * Nx);
            double fy = 1 / (dy * Ny);

            double[,] x = new double[s, s];
            double[,] y = new double[s, s];

            Complex[,] O_image = new Complex[s, s];

            Complex complex1 = new Complex(1, 1);

            Complex[,] H    = new Complex[s, s];
            Complex[,] film = new Complex[s, s];
            Complex[][] Hologram = new Complex[s][];
            Complex[][] O_F;

            int counter_y = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < s; i++)
                // O_image[i]=new Complex[s];
                // film[i] = new Complex[s];
                //H[i] = new Complex[s];
                Hologram[i] = new Complex[s];

                int counter_x = 0;
                if (counter_y == s / 2)
                    counter_y *= -1;

                for (int j = 0; j < s; j++)
                    if (counter_x == s / 2)
                        counter_x *= -1;

                    x[i, j] = counter_x * fx;
                    y[i, j] = counter_y * fy;



            double d1;

            for (int i = 0; i < Cut.Count; i++)
                //Complex[][] O_image2 = new Complex[s][];
                // temp[0] = new List<double>();  //for every unique value of z ( Cut) make an object/ layer which should have R,G,B
                for (int j = 0; j < obj_z.Count; j++)
                    if (Cut[i] == obj_z[j])
                        /* double[] temp = new double[6];
                         * temp[0] = obj_x[j];
                         * temp[1] = obj_y[j];
                         * temp[2] = obj_z[j];
                         * temp[3] = obj_r[j];
                         * temp[4] = obj_g[j];
                         * temp[5] = obj_b[j];
                         * O.AddRange(temp);
                        O_image[Convert.ToInt32(obj_x[j]), Convert.ToInt32(obj_y[j])] = (Complex)obj_r[j];

                d1 = d - Cut[i] * Hologram_sampling_interval / 2;

                FourierTransform.FFT2(O_image, FourierTransform.Direction.Forward);

                for (var p = 0; p < s; p++)
                {    // fourier transform all values of x and y
                    Complex com1;
                    Complex com2;
                    for (var j = 0; j < s; j++)
                        com1    = Complex.Exp(new Complex(0, (-complex1.Im * Math.PI * lambda * d1 * (Math.Pow(x[p, j], 2) + Math.Pow(y[p, j], 2)))));
                        com2    = Complex.Exp(new Complex(0, (complex1.Im * k * d1)));
                        H[i, j] = Complex.Multiply(com1, com2);

                for (int p = 0; p < s; p++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < s; j++)
                        film[i, j] = Complex.Multiply(O_image[i, j], H[i, j]);

                FourierTransform.FFT2(film, FourierTransform.Direction.Backward);

                for (int p = 0; p < Hologram.Length; p++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < Hologram[0].Length; j++)
                        Hologram[i][j] = Complex.Add(Hologram[p][j], film[p, j]);
            } //end of Cut

            double[,] phase_h = new double[s, s];
            double max = -1.0;

            for (int p = 0; p < Hologram.Length; p++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Hologram[0].Length; j++)
                    phase_h[p, j] = Hologram[p][j].Phase + Math.PI;
                    if (Hologram[p][j].Phase > max)
                        max = Hologram[p][j].Phase;

            double[][] phase_h_image = new double[s][];
            for (int p = 0; p < Hologram.Length; p++)
                phase_h_image[p] = new double[s];

                for (int j = 0; j < Hologram[0].Length; j++)
                    double temp = 255 * phase_h[p, j] / max;
                    //phase_h_image[p][j] = System.Convert.ToByte(temp);

            double d2 = d - o * 0.0001;

             * */

            for (var p = 0; p < s; p++)
            {    // fourier transform all values of x and y
                Complex com1;
                Complex com2;
                for (var j = 0; j < s; j++)
                    com1    = Complex.Exp(new Complex(0, (-complex1.Im * Math.PI * lambda * -d2 * (Math.Pow(x[p, j], 2) + Math.Pow(y[p, j], 2)))));
                    com2    = Complex.Exp(new Complex(0, (complex1.Im * k * -d2)));
                    H[p, j] = Complex.Multiply(com1, com2);

            // O_F = FourierTransform2.FFT2(Hologram, "Forward");

            /* for (int p = 0; p < O_F.Length; p++)
             * {
             *   for (int j = 0; j < O_F[0].Length; j++)
             *   {
             *       Hologram[p][j] = Complex.Multiply(O_F[p][j], H[p][j]);
             *   }
             * }
             * /
             * //Hologram = FourierTransform2.FFT2(film, "Backward");
             * this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 102, 178);

        }// end of form