public void mysqlligar(String l3, String l4) { MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection("datasource=localhost;port=3306;username=root;password=;database=pessoasc#"); connection.Open(); if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) { button2.BackColor = Color.Green; //string myInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO pessoa (id_pessoa,nome,idade) Values(101, %s,%d)"; MySqlCommand Command = new MySqlCommand(); IEnumerator EmpEnumerator = myAL.GetEnumerator(); //Getting the Enumerator EmpEnumerator.Reset(); //Position at the Beginning int j = 0; while (EmpEnumerator.MoveNext()) //Till not finished do print { if (j == numericUpDown1.Value) { Console.WriteLine((Pessoa)EmpEnumerator.Current); Pessoa p = (Pessoa)EmpEnumerator.Current; Command.Parameters.Add("@nome", MySqlDbType.Text).Value = p.getnome(); Command.Parameters.Add("@idade", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = Convert.ToInt32(p.getage()); Command.Parameters.Add("@id", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = Convert.ToInt32(p.getid()); Command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO pessoa(id_pessoa, nome, idade) Values(@id,@nome,@idade)"; } j++; } // Command.Parameters.Add("@nome", MySqlDbType.Text).Value = textBox1.Text; //Command.Parameters.Add("@idade", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text); //Command.Parameters.Add("@id", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value= // Command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO pessoa(id_pessoa, nome, idade) Values(102,@nome,@idade)"; Command.Connection = connection; // connection.Open();Convert.ToInt32(textBox2.Text) Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Command.Connection.Close(); } else { button2.BackColor = Color.Red; } }
private void numericUpDown1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { label2.Text = ""; //numericUpDown1.; IEnumerator EmpEnumerator = myAL.GetEnumerator(); //Getting the Enumerator EmpEnumerator.Reset(); //Position at the Beginning int j = 0; while (EmpEnumerator.MoveNext()) //Till not finished do print { if (j == numericUpDown1.Value) { Console.WriteLine((Pessoa)EmpEnumerator.Current); Pessoa p = (Pessoa)EmpEnumerator.Current; label2.Text = label2.Text + "\n\nNome:" + p.getnome() + "\nAge:" + p.getage() + "\nId:" + p.getid(); } j++; } //label5 EmpEnumerator.Reset(); int count = myAL.Count; label5.Text = ""; j = 0; //Position at the Beginning while (EmpEnumerator.MoveNext()) //Till not finished do print { if (j <= numericUpDown1.Value + 2 && j >= numericUpDown1.Value) { Console.WriteLine((Pessoa)EmpEnumerator.Current); Pessoa p = (Pessoa)EmpEnumerator.Current; label5.Text = label5.Text + "\n\nNome:" + p.getnome() + "\nAge:" + p.getage(); } j++; } }