protected override void OnApplyTemplate() { base.OnApplyTemplate(); _topChew = GetTemplateChild(TopChew) as Path; _botChew = GetTemplateChild(BotChew) as Path; PropertyChangedCallback(); }
public Path GetCircleSegment(Point centrePoint, Point currentPoint, double radius, double stripWidth, double angle) { var path = new Path { Stroke = _strokeBrush }; var pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(); var circleStart = new Point(centrePoint.X, centrePoint.Y - radius); // Arc var arcSegment = new ArcSegment { IsLargeArc = angle > 180.0, Point = _mathHelper.ScaleUnitCirclePoint(centrePoint, angle, radius), Size = new Size(radius, radius), SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise }; //The path figure includes first, the first line from the centre to line1End, then the arc var pathFigure = new PathFigure { StartPoint = circleStart, IsClosed = false }; pathFigure.Segments.Add(arcSegment); pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure); path.Data = pathGeometry; path.StrokeThickness = stripWidth; return path; }
public void Draw(EasingFunctionBase easingFunction) { canvas1.Children.Clear(); var pathSegments = new PathSegmentCollection(); for (double i = 0; i < 1; i += SamplingInterval) { double x = i * canvas1.Width; double y = easingFunction.Ease(i) * canvas1.Height; var segment = new LineSegment(); segment.Point = new Point(x, y); pathSegments.Add(segment); } var p = new Path(); p.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black); p.StrokeThickness = 3; var figures = new PathFigureCollection(); figures.Add(new PathFigure() { Segments = pathSegments }); p.Data = new PathGeometry() { Figures = figures }; canvas1.Children.Add(p); }
private Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path GetWindowsPath(Path path, Paint paint, PathFigureCollection pathFigureCollection) { // TODO paint.ColorFilter var isStroke = paint.Style == Paint.PaintStyle.Stroke; var gradient = paint.Shader as Gradient; var brush = gradient != null?gradient.GetBrush(paint.Alpha) : new SolidColorBrush(paint.Color); var windowsPath = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path { Stroke = isStroke ? brush : null, StrokeThickness = paint.StrokeWidth, StrokeDashCap = paint.StrokeCap, StrokeLineJoin = paint.StrokeJoin, RenderTransform = GetCurrentRenderTransform(), Data = new PathGeometry { FillRule = path.FillType == PathFillType.EvenOdd ? FillRule.EvenOdd : FillRule.Nonzero, Figures = pathFigureCollection } }; paint.PathEffect?.Apply(windowsPath, paint); if (!isStroke) { windowsPath.Fill = brush; } return(windowsPath); }
public void CreateWorkOutline() { WorkOutline = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); GeometryGroup gg = new GeometryGroup(); Point origin = new Point(0, 0); EllipseGeometry eg = new EllipseGeometry(); eg.Center = origin; eg.RadiusX = eg.RadiusY = (_viewmodel.CurrentPathData as LatticeData).Layout.ClipRange.End; gg.Children.Add(eg); if ((_viewmodel.CurrentPathData as LatticeData).Layout.ClipRange.Start > 0) { eg = new EllipseGeometry(); eg.Center = origin; eg.RadiusX = eg.RadiusY = (_viewmodel.CurrentPathData as LatticeData).Layout.ClipRange.Start; gg.Children.Add(eg); } WorkOutline.Data = gg; WorkOutline.StrokeThickness = 1 / ScaleFactor; WorkOutline.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Wheat); WorkOutline.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection() { 5, 5 }; WorkOutline.Name = "WorkOutline"; }
private void DrawChart() { if ((dataSet != null) && (dataSet.Length > 0)) { var path = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); path.Stroke = chartColor; path.StrokeThickness = 15; path.StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Round; path.StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round; path.StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round; var geometry = new PathGeometry(); var figure = new PathFigure(); figure.IsClosed = false; figure.StartPoint = new Point(offsetList[0].OffsetX, offsetList[0].OffsetY); for (int i = 0; i < offsetList.Count; i++) { var segment = new LineSegment(); segment.Point = new Point(offsetList[i].OffsetX, offsetList[i].OffsetY); figure.Segments.Add(segment); } geometry.Figures.Add(figure); path.Data = geometry; Children.Add(path); } }
private void CurvingEllipse_ManipulationStarted(object sender, ManipulationStartedRoutedEventArgs e) { Path path = activeLine.bezierPath; if (activeLine.bezierPath == null) { path = DrawABezierCurve( activeLine.initialX1, activeLine.initialX2, activeLine.initialY1, activeLine.initialY2); // We add the path to the Canvas ShapesCanvas.Children.Add(path); // We keep track of the bezier segment activeLine.bezierPath = path; activeLine.initialCenterEllipseX = activeLine.initialX1 + (activeLine.initialX2 - activeLine.initialX1) / 2; activeLine.initialCenterEllipseY = activeLine.initialY1 + (activeLine.initialY2 - activeLine.initialY1) / 2; // We remove the line // i.e. the path will "replace" the line ShapesCanvas.Children.Remove(activeLine.line); } // Initialize the transforms that will be used to manipulate the shape curveTranslation = new TranslateTransform(); Ellipse el = (Ellipse)sender; el.RenderTransform = curveTranslation; el.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Orange); }
public static Path GetCircleSegment(Point centerPoint, double radius, double angle) { var path = new Path(); var pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(); var circleStart = new Point(centerPoint.X, centerPoint.Y - radius); var arcSegment = new ArcSegment { IsLargeArc = angle > 180.0, Point = ScaleUnitCirclePoint(centerPoint, angle, radius), Size = new Size(radius, radius), SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise }; var pathFigure = new PathFigure { StartPoint = circleStart, IsClosed = false }; pathFigure.Segments.Add(arcSegment); pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure); path.Data = pathGeometry; return path; }
void GenerateSubFromPath(ref StringBuilder sb, Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path path) { CurrentPathIndex = (int)path.Tag; Bind(ref sb, PathStartTemplate()); PathFragment points = new PathFragment(); if (path.Data is GeometryGroup) { GeometryGroup gg = path.Data as GeometryGroup; foreach (PathGeometry pg in gg.Children) { foreach (PathFigure pf in pg.Figures) { // now deal with all lines in this figure foreach (PathSegment ps in pf.Segments) { if (ps is LineSegment) { _currentPoint = _context.FirstPoint = new Cartesian(pf.StartPoint); Bind(ref sb, _context.Templates.FirstPointTemplate); LineSegment ls = ps as LineSegment; _currentPoint = _context.LastPoint = new Cartesian(ls.Point); BindableCodeTemplate tmpl = (_context.UseRotaryTable) ? _context.Templates.RA_Point_Template : _context.Templates.XY_Point_Template; Bind(ref sb, tmpl); Bind(ref sb, _context.Templates.LastPointTemplate); } if (ps is PolyLineSegment) { PolyLineSegment pls = ps as PolyLineSegment; BindableCodeTemplate tmpl = (_context.UseRotaryTable) ? _context.Templates.RA_Point_Template : _context.Templates.XY_Point_Template; _context.FirstPoint = new Cartesian(pls.Points.First()); _context.LastPoint = new Cartesian(pls.Points.Last()); foreach (Point p in pls.Points) { _currentPoint = new Cartesian(p); if (_currentPoint == _context.FirstPoint) { Bind(ref sb, _context.Templates.FirstPointTemplate); } else if (_currentPoint == _context.LastPoint) { Bind(ref sb, _context.Templates.LastPointTemplate); } else { Bind(ref sb, tmpl); } } } Bind(ref sb, PathEndTemplate()); } } } } }
private void DrawChart() { if (_offsetList == null || _offsetList.Count <= 0) { return; } var path = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(GRAPG_COLOR); path.StrokeThickness = GRAPH_STROKETHICKNESS; path.StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Round; path.StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round; path.StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round; var geometry = new PathGeometry(); var figure = new PathFigure(); figure.IsClosed = false; figure.StartPoint = new Point(_offsetList[0].OffsetX, _offsetList[0].OffsetY); for (int i = 0; i < _offsetList.Count; i++) { var segment = new LineSegment(); segment.Point = new Point(_offsetList[i].OffsetX, _offsetList[i].OffsetY); figure.Segments.Add(segment); } geometry.Figures.Add(figure); path.Data = geometry; Children.Add(path); }
private void RenderArc(double Angle, Path pathRoot, PathFigure pathFigure, ArcSegment arcSegment) { Point startPoint = new Point(Radius, 0); Point endPoint = ComputeCartesianCoordinate(Angle, Radius); endPoint.X += Radius; endPoint.Y += Radius; pathRoot.Width = Radius * 2 + StrokeThickness; pathRoot.Height = Radius * 2 + StrokeThickness; pathRoot.Margin = new Thickness(StrokeThickness, StrokeThickness, 0, 0); bool largeArc = Angle > 180.0; Size outerArcSize = new Size(Radius, Radius); pathFigure.StartPoint = startPoint; if (startPoint.X == Math.Round(endPoint.X) && startPoint.Y == Math.Round(endPoint.Y)) { endPoint.X -= 0.01; } arcSegment.Point = endPoint; arcSegment.Size = outerArcSize; arcSegment.IsLargeArc = largeArc; }
public void LoadPathIcon(string pathData, Brush iconColor = null, int width = 25, int height = 25) { if (ccIcon == null) { return; } if (iconColor == null) { iconColor = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.DimGray); } if (width == 0) { width = 25; } if (height == 0) { height = 25; } string pthString = @"<Path xmlns="""" Data=""" + pathData + @""" />"; Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path pth = (Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path)Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup.XamlReader.Load(pthString); pth.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform; pth.Fill = iconColor; pth.Width = width; pth.Height = height; if (pthMoreItems != null) { pthMoreItems.Fill = iconColor; } ccIcon.Content = pth; }
private void RenderStroke(InkStroke stroke, Color color, double width, double opacity = 1) { var renderingStrokes = stroke.GetRenderingSegments(); var path = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); path.Data = new PathGeometry(); ((PathGeometry)path.Data).Figures = new PathFigureCollection(); var pathFigure = new PathFigure(); pathFigure.StartPoint = renderingStrokes.First().Position; ((PathGeometry)path.Data).Figures.Add(pathFigure); foreach (var renderStroke in renderingStrokes) { pathFigure.Segments.Add(new BezierSegment() { Point1 = renderStroke.BezierControlPoint1, Point2 = renderStroke.BezierControlPoint2, Point3 = renderStroke.Position }); } path.StrokeThickness = width; path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(color); path.Opacity = opacity; InkCanvas.Children.Add(path); }
private void RefreshPaths() { for (int i = 0; i < Profile.Path.PathList.Count; i++) { Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path segmentBezierPath = paths[i]; PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure figure = new PathFigure(); Point controlPtOnePoint = new Point(Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptOne[0], MainCanvas.Height - Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptOne[1]); figure.StartPoint = controlPtOnePoint; BezierSegment bezierSegment = new BezierSegment { Point1 = new Point(Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptTwo[0], MainCanvas.Height - Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptTwo[1]), Point2 = new Point(Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptThree[0], MainCanvas.Height - Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptThree[1]), Point3 = new Point(Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptFour[0], MainCanvas.Height - Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptFour[1]) }; figure.Segments.Add(bezierSegment); geometry.Figures.Add(figure); segmentBezierPath.Data = geometry; segmentBezierPath.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Purple); segmentBezierPath.StrokeThickness = (Profile.Robot.Width + Profile.Robot.BumperThickness * 2); segmentBezierPath.Opacity = 0.5; segmentBezierPath.StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Square; segmentBezierPath.StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Square; } }
public Crossline(Color color, PointerPoint point) { this.horizontalPath = new Path(); this.verticalPath = new Path(); this.point = point; horizontalPath.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(color); verticalPath.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(color); LineGeometry horizontalLg = new LineGeometry(); horizontalLg.StartPoint = new Point(0, 0); horizontalLg.EndPoint = new Point(Window.Current.Bounds.Width, 0); TranslateTransform horizontalLineTrans = new TranslateTransform(); horizontalLineTrans.Y = point.Position.Y; horizontalLineTrans.X = 0; horizontalLg.Transform = horizontalLineTrans; horizontalPath.Data = horizontalLg; horizontalPath.StrokeThickness = strokeThickness; LineGeometry verticalLg = new LineGeometry(); verticalLg.StartPoint = new Point(0, 0); verticalLg.EndPoint = new Point(0, Window.Current.Bounds.Height); TranslateTransform verticalLineTrans = new TranslateTransform(); verticalLineTrans.X = point.Position.X; verticalLineTrans.Y = 0; verticalLg.Transform = verticalLineTrans; verticalPath.Data = verticalLg; verticalPath.StrokeThickness = strokeThickness; }
/// <summary> /// Draws the collection of ellipses, where all have the same stroke and fill. /// This performs better than calling DrawEllipse multiple times. /// </summary> /// <param name="rectangles">The rectangles.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The stroke thickness.</param> public void DrawEllipses(IList <OxyRect> rectangles, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { var path = new Path(); this.SetStroke(path, stroke, thickness); if (fill.IsVisible()) { path.Fill = this.GetCachedBrush(fill); } var gg = new GeometryGroup { FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; foreach (var rect in rectangles) { gg.Children.Add( new EllipseGeometry { Center = new Point(rect.Left + (rect.Width / 2), rect.Top + (rect.Height / 2)), RadiusX = rect.Width / 2, RadiusY = rect.Height / 2 }); } path.Data = gg; this.Add(path); }
// </SnippetPointerReleasedHandler> // Render ink strokes as cubic bezier segments. // <SnippetRenderAllStrokes> private void RenderAllStrokes() { // Clear the canvas. InkCanvas.Children.Clear(); // Get the InkStroke objects. IReadOnlyList <InkStroke> inkStrokes = _inkManager.GetStrokes(); // Process each stroke. foreach (InkStroke inkStroke in inkStrokes) { PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(); PathFigureCollection pathFigures = new PathFigureCollection(); PathFigure pathFigure = new PathFigure(); PathSegmentCollection pathSegments = new PathSegmentCollection(); // Create a path and define its attributes. Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path path = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); path.StrokeThickness = STROKETHICKNESS; // Get the stroke segments. IReadOnlyList <InkStrokeRenderingSegment> segments; segments = inkStroke.GetRenderingSegments(); // Process each stroke segment. bool first = true; foreach (InkStrokeRenderingSegment segment in segments) { // The first segment is the starting point for the path. if (first) { pathFigure.StartPoint = segment.BezierControlPoint1; first = false; } // Copy each ink segment into a bezier segment. BezierSegment bezSegment = new BezierSegment(); bezSegment.Point1 = segment.BezierControlPoint1; bezSegment.Point2 = segment.BezierControlPoint2; bezSegment.Point3 = segment.Position; // Add the bezier segment to the path. pathSegments.Add(bezSegment); } // Build the path geometerty object. pathFigure.Segments = pathSegments; pathFigures.Add(pathFigure); pathGeometry.Figures = pathFigures; // Assign the path geometry object as the path data. path.Data = pathGeometry; // Render the path by adding it as a child of the Canvas object. InkCanvas.Children.Add(path); } }
/// <summary> /// Invoked when this page is about to be displayed in a Frame. /// </summary> /// <param name="e">Event data that describes how this page was reached. /// This parameter is typically used to configure the page.</param> protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry(); geo.Figures.Add(figure); path p = new path(); p.Data = geo; p.Stroke = black; G.Children.Add(p); }
private static PathGeometry Clone(string data) { string p = "<Path xmlns=\"\" Data=\"" + data + "\"/>"; Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path o = XamlReader.Load(p) as Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path; PathGeometry geo = Clone(o.Data as PathGeometry); return(geo); }
public virtual Path CreateGrid() { Path _outline = new Path(); _outline.Name = ((Name == null || Name == string.Empty)) ? "GRID" : Name; _outline.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform(); SolidColorBrush mySolidColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(); mySolidColorBrush.Color = Foreground; _outline.Stroke = mySolidColorBrush; _outline.StrokeThickness = 0.5; return _outline; }
public Grid DrawCut(Trajectory trajectory) { var polygon1 = new Polygon(); polygon1.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.LightBlue); var points = new PointCollection(); points.Add(new Point(10, 200)); points.Add(new Point(60, 140)); points.Add(new Point(130, 140)); points.Add(new Point(180, 200)); polygon1.Points = points; var path1 = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); path1.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); path1.StrokeThickness = 1; var geometryGroup1 = new GeometryGroup(); var pathGeometry1 = new PathGeometry(); var pathFigureCollection1 = new PathFigureCollection(); var pathFigure1 = new PathFigure(); pathFigureCollection1.Add(pathFigure1); pathGeometry1.Figures = pathFigureCollection1; var pathSegmentCollection1 = new PathSegmentCollection(); var pathSegment2 = new BezierSegment(); pathSegment2.Point1 = new Point(125, 300); pathSegment2.Point2 = new Point(275, 100); pathSegment2.Point3 = new Point(trajectory.Px, trajectory.Px); pathSegmentCollection1.Add(pathSegment2); pathFigure1.Segments = pathSegmentCollection1; geometryGroup1.Children.Add(pathGeometry1); path1.Data = geometryGroup1; MyGridCut.Children.Add(path1); return(MyGridCut); }
protected override void OnPointerMoved(PointerRoutedEventArgs args) { // Get ID from event arguments uint id = args.Pointer.PointerId; // If ID is in dictionary, start a loop if (pointerDictionary.ContainsKey(id)) { PointerInfo pointerInfo = pointerDictionary[id]; IList <PointerPoint> pointerpoints = args.GetIntermediatePoints(this); for (int i = pointerpoints.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PointerPoint pointerPoint = pointerpoints[i]; // For each point, create a new Line element and add to Grid Point point = pointerPoint.Position; float pressure = pointerPoint.Properties.Pressure; double radius = 24 * pressure; Geometry geometry = CreateTaperedLineGeometry(pointerInfo.PreviousPoint, pointerInfo.PreviosRadius, point, radius); Path path = new Path { Data = geometry, Fill = pointerInfo.Brush }; /* * Line line = new Line * { * X1 = pointerInfo.PreviousPoint.X, * Y1 = pointerInfo.PreviousPoint.Y, * X2 = point.X, * Y2 = point.Y, * Stroke = pointerInfo.Brush, * StrokeThickness = pressure * 24, * StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Round, * StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Round * };*/ contentGrid.Children.Add(path); // Update PointerInfo pointerInfo.PreviousPoint = point; } // Store PointerInfo back in dictionary pointerDictionary[id] = pointerInfo; } base.OnPointerMoved(args); }
protected override void OnApplyTemplate() { base.OnApplyTemplate(); if (_glow == null) { object g = this.GetTemplateChild("Lightbulb"); if (g is Path) { _glow = (Path)g; } } }
/// <summary> /// Draws a collection of polygons, where all polygons have the same stroke and fill. /// This performs better than calling DrawPolygon multiple times. /// </summary> /// <param name="polygons">The polygons.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The stroke thickness.</param> /// <param name="dashArray">The dash array.</param> /// <param name="lineJoin">The line join type.</param> /// <param name="aliased">if set to <c>true</c> the shape will be aliased.</param> public void DrawPolygons( IList <IList <ScreenPoint> > polygons, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness, double[] dashArray, LineJoin lineJoin, bool aliased) { var path = new Path(); this.SetStroke(path, stroke, thickness, lineJoin, dashArray, aliased); if (fill.IsVisible()) { path.Fill = this.GetCachedBrush(fill); } var pg = new PathGeometry { FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; foreach (var polygon in polygons) { var figure = new PathFigure { IsClosed = true }; bool first = true; foreach (var p in polygon) { if (first) { figure.StartPoint = p.ToPoint(aliased); first = false; } else { figure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = p.ToPoint(aliased) }); } } pg.Figures.Add(figure); } path.Data = pg; this.Add(path); }
void OnDragVectorChanged(object sender, Vector e) { moveDirection = e; moveDirection.Normalize(); movedSoFar = new Vector(0, 0); steps = 0; if (e.X == 0 && e.Y == 0) { // stop moving StopMoving(); if (arrowHead != null) { ImageOverlay.Children.Remove(arrowHead); arrowHead = null; } } else { Point downPos = gesture.MouseDownPosition; Point endPos = new Point(downPos.X + e.X, downPos.Y + e.Y); Vector v = new Vector(downPos, endPos); double length = v.Length; double msDelay = (10000 / length); if (msDelay < 1) { msDelay = 1; } if (msDelay > 1000) { msDelay = 1000; } StartMoving((int)msDelay); moveTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1); if (arrowHead == null) { arrowHead = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path() { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xA0, 0xF0, 0xF0, 0xFF)) }; ImageOverlay.Children.Add(arrowHead); } UpdatePathGeometry(arrowHead, downPos, endPos); } }
private Path MkPath(double indx, double increment) { Path path = new Path(); path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); path.Name = string.Format("Braid{0}", indx); path.Tag = indx; GeometryGroup g = new GeometryGroup(); path.Data = g; PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry(); g.Children.Add(pg); //pg.Figures.Add(BuildStrand(indx * repeatAngle, 0, increment)); for (int i = 0; i < bd.NumStrands; i++) { pg.Figures.Add(BuildStrand(indx * repeatAngle, i, increment)); } return path; }
public CurvePanel() { _bgcanvas = new Canvas(); _bgcanvas.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch; _bgcanvas.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Stretch; _path = new Path(); _path.Stroke = Stroke; _path.StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness; PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry(); _bfigure = new PathFigure(); _bseg = new BezierSegment(); _bfigure.Segments.Add(_bseg); geo.Figures.Add(_bfigure); _path.Data = geo; _bgcanvas.Children.Add(_path); this.Children.Add(_bgcanvas); this.SizeChanged += OnSizeChanged; }
Child GetChild(ChildType type) { while (nextChildIndex < children.Count && children[nextChildIndex].Type != type) { // TODO: This shape is out of order nextChildIndex++; } if (nextChildIndex >= children.Count) { FrameworkElement shape; switch (type) { case ChildType.Rectangle: shape = new Shapes.Rectangle(); break; case ChildType.Ellipse: shape = new Shapes.Ellipse(); break; case ChildType.Path: shape = new Shapes.Path(); break; case ChildType.Image: shape = new Image(); break; case ChildType.Text: shape = new TextBlock(); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(type + " not supported"); } var ch = new Child { Type = type, Shape = shape, }; children.Add(ch); nextChildIndex = children.Count; return(ch); } else { var ch = children[nextChildIndex]; nextChildIndex++; return(ch); } }
/// <summary> /// Draws the multiple line segments defined by points (0,1) (2,3) (4,5) etc. /// This should have better performance than calling DrawLine for each segment. /// </summary> /// <param name="points">The points.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The stroke thickness.</param> /// <param name="dashArray">The dash array.</param> /// <param name="lineJoin">The line join type.</param> /// <param name="aliased">if set to <c>true</c> the shape will be aliased.</param> public void DrawLineSegments( IList <ScreenPoint> points, OxyColor stroke, double thickness, double[] dashArray, LineJoin lineJoin, bool aliased) { var path = new Path(); this.SetStroke(path, stroke, thickness, lineJoin, dashArray, aliased); var pg = new PathGeometry(); for (int i = 0; i + 1 < points.Count; i += 2) { // if (points[i].Y==points[i+1].Y) // { // var line = new Line(); // line.X1 = 0.5+(int)points[i].X; // line.X2 = 0.5+(int)points[i+1].X; // line.Y1 = 0.5+(int)points[i].Y; // line.Y2 = 0.5+(int)points[i+1].Y; // SetStroke(line, OxyColors.DarkRed, thickness, lineJoin, dashArray, aliased); // Add(line); // continue; // } var figure = new PathFigure { StartPoint = points[i].ToPoint(aliased), IsClosed = false }; figure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = points[i + 1].ToPoint(aliased) }); pg.Figures.Add(figure); } path.Data = pg; this.Add(path); }
private void RenderStroke(InkStroke stroke, double width = 3.0, double opacity = 1) { // Each stroke might have more than one segments var renderingStrokes = stroke.GetRenderingSegments(); // // Set up the Path to insert the segments var path = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); path.Data = new PathGeometry(); ((PathGeometry)path.Data).Figures = new PathFigureCollection(); var pathFigure = new PathFigure(); pathFigure.StartPoint = renderingStrokes.First().Position; ((PathGeometry)path.Data).Figures.Add(pathFigure); // // Foreach segment, we add a BezierSegment foreach (var renderStroke in renderingStrokes) { pathFigure.Segments.Add(new BezierSegment() { Point1 = renderStroke.BezierControlPoint1, Point2 = renderStroke.BezierControlPoint2, Point3 = renderStroke.Position }); } // Set the general options (i.e. Width and Color) path.StrokeThickness = width; path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue); // Opacity is used for highlighter path.Opacity = opacity; PanelCanvas.Children.Add(path); }
//Returns an array of UI path objects that can be displayed private Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path[] GetUIPathObjects() { Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path[] PathOutputs = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path[Profile.Path.PathList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Profile.Path.PathList.Count; i++) { Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path segmentBezierPath = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure figure = new PathFigure(); Point controlPtOnePoint = new Point(Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptOne[0], MainCanvas.Height - Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptOne[1]); figure.StartPoint = controlPtOnePoint; BezierSegment bezierSegment = new BezierSegment { Point1 = new Point(Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptTwo[0], MainCanvas.Height - Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptTwo[1]), Point2 = new Point(Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptThree[0], MainCanvas.Height - Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptThree[1]), Point3 = new Point(Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptFour[0], MainCanvas.Height - Profile.Path.PathList[i].ControlptFour[1]) }; figure.Segments.Add(bezierSegment); geometry.Figures.Add(figure); segmentBezierPath.Data = geometry; if (!Profile.Path.IsReversed) { segmentBezierPath.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Purple); } else { segmentBezierPath.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Red); } segmentBezierPath.StrokeThickness = (Profile.Robot.Width + Profile.Robot.BumperThickness * 2); segmentBezierPath.Opacity = 0.5; segmentBezierPath.StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Square; segmentBezierPath.StrokeStartLineCap = PenLineCap.Square; PathOutputs[i] = segmentBezierPath; } paths = PathOutputs; return(PathOutputs); }
public TileUC() { this.InitializeComponent(); brush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green); var c = 32; for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { var f = Dim / c; var p = f * i; { var geo = new LineGeometry() { StartPoint = new Point(0, p), EndPoint = new Point(Dim - p, Dim) }; var item = new Path(); item.Data = geo; item.Stroke = brush; item.StrokeThickness = .5; item.StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Square; this.Content.Children.Add(item); } if (i == 0) continue; { var geo = new LineGeometry() { StartPoint = new Point(p, 0), EndPoint = new Point(Dim, Dim - p) }; var item = new Path(); item.Data = geo; item.Stroke = brush; item.StrokeThickness = .5; item.StrokeEndLineCap = PenLineCap.Square; this.Content.Children.Add(item); } } }
public Drawing() { this.InitializeComponent(); //path PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry(); geo.Figures.Add(figure);// constructor(new shape) geo.Figures.Add(f); figure.StartPoint = new Point(25, 25); f.StartPoint = new Point(75, 75); path p = new path();//constructor p.Data = geo; p.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(new Color {A = 100}); CompositeTransform c = new CompositeTransform(); p.RenderTransform = c; c.TranslateX = 0; c.TranslateY = 0; G.Children.Add(p); f.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = new Point(100, 100) }); f.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = new Point(100, 150) }); figure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = new Point(50, 50) }); figure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = new Point(50, 100) }); p.Fill = black; }
private void DrawArcSegment(Point start, Point end, SweepDirection dir) { // DebugUtil.Log("draw arc: " + start.X + " " + start.Y + " " + end.X + " " + end.Y + " " + dir); PathFigure pthFigure = new PathFigure(); pthFigure.StartPoint = start; ArcSegment arcSeg = new ArcSegment(); arcSeg.Point = end; arcSeg.Size = new Size(Math.Abs(start.X - end.X), Math.Abs(start.Y - end.Y)); arcSeg.IsLargeArc = false; arcSeg.SweepDirection = dir; arcSeg.RotationAngle = 90; PathSegmentCollection myPathSegmentCollection = new PathSegmentCollection(); myPathSegmentCollection.Add(arcSeg); pthFigure.Segments = myPathSegmentCollection; PathFigureCollection pthFigureCollection = new PathFigureCollection(); pthFigureCollection.Add(pthFigure); PathGeometry pthGeometry = new PathGeometry(); pthGeometry.Figures = pthFigureCollection; Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path arcPath = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); arcPath.Stroke = this.Stroke; arcPath.StrokeThickness = this.StrokeThickness; arcPath.Data = pthGeometry; Lines.Children.Add(arcPath); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a collection of rectangles, where all have the same stroke and fill. /// This performs better than calling DrawRectangle multiple times. /// </summary> /// <param name="rectangles">The rectangles.</param> /// <param name="fill">The fill color.</param> /// <param name="stroke">The stroke color.</param> /// <param name="thickness">The stroke thickness.</param> public void DrawRectangles(IList <OxyRect> rectangles, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { var path = new Path(); this.SetStroke(path, stroke, thickness); if (fill.IsVisible()) { path.Fill = this.GetCachedBrush(fill); } var gg = new GeometryGroup { FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; foreach (var rect in rectangles) { gg.Children.Add(new RectangleGeometry { Rect = rect.ToRect(true) }); } path.Data = gg; this.Add(path); }
public void Draw() { if (Elements.Count == 0) { return; } double unit = ActualWidth / NumberOfDays; valueLayer.Children.Clear(); //Polygon polygon = new Polygon { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray) , FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd}; Path path = new Path { Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray) }; var data = new PathGeometry { FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; PathFigure pathFigure = new PathFigure(); /*First Point After M is the Start Point*/ pathFigure.StartPoint = new Point(ActualWidth, root.ActualHeight); pathFigure.IsClosed = true; data.Figures.Add(pathFigure); /* Adding it to path Geometry*/ for (int x = 0; x < Elements.Count; x++) { /* Line line = new Line * { * X1 = x * unit, * X2 = x * unit + unit, * Y1 = root.ActualHeight - ((Elements[x] == 0? 0 : (Elements[x]/Elements.Max()))) * root.ActualHeight, * Y2 = root.ActualHeight - ((Elements[x+1] == 0? 0 : (Elements[x+1]/Elements.Max()))) * root.ActualHeight, * Stroke = Color, * StrokeThickness = 2.5 * }; * pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = new Point(line.X1 , line.Y1) }); * pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = new Point(line.X2,line.Y2) }); * Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse * { * Width = 20 , Height = 20 , StrokeThickness = 0 , Fill = Color * * }; * valueLayer.Children.Add(ellipse); * Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse,line.X1 - 5); * Canvas.SetTop(ellipse, line.Y1 - 5); * * * Ellipse ellipse2 = new Ellipse * { * Width = 10, * Height = 10, * StrokeThickness = 0, * Fill = Color * }; * valueLayer.Children.Add(ellipse2); * Canvas.SetLeft(ellipse2, line.X2 - 5); * Canvas.SetTop(ellipse2, line.Y2 - 5); * valueLayer.Children.Add(line); * } * pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment{Point = new Point(0,root.ActualHeight) * }); * path.Data = data; * // polygon.Points.Add(new Point(root.ActualHeight, root.ActualWidth)); * // valueLayer.Children.Add(path); * */ double height = ((Elements[x] == 0 ? 0 : (Elements[x] / Elements.Max()))) * root.ActualHeight; Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle { Width = unit, Height = height, Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange), Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), StrokeThickness = 2.5 }; valueLayer.Children.Add(rectangle); Canvas.SetLeft(rectangle, x * unit); Canvas.SetTop(rectangle, root.ActualHeight - height); TextBlock block = new TextBlock { Text = Elements[x].ToString(), FontSize = NumberOfDays > 7?19 : 25, Foreground = rectangle.Fill }; block.Loaded += (a, b) => { var bl = a as TextBlock; Canvas.SetLeft((a as TextBlock), Canvas.GetLeft(bl) - bl.ActualWidth / 2.0); Canvas.SetTop(bl, Canvas.GetTop(bl) - bl.ActualHeight - 5); }; valueLayer.Children.Add(block); Canvas.SetLeft(block, Canvas.GetLeft(rectangle) + unit / 2.0); Canvas.SetTop(block, Canvas.GetTop(rectangle)); } }
public void InitializePieChart() { // draw the full circle/arc _arcSegment360 = new ArcSegment { SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise }; _pathFigure360 = new PathFigure { Segments = new PathSegmentCollection { _arcSegment360 } }; _pathRoot360 = new Path { Stroke = Segment360Color, StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Data = new PathGeometry { Figures = new PathFigureCollection { _pathFigure360 } } }; //draw a circle with the given angle _arcSegment = new ArcSegment { SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise }; _pathFigure = new PathFigure { Segments = new PathSegmentCollection { _arcSegment } }; _pathRoot = new Path { Stroke = SegmentColor, StrokeThickness = StrokeThickness, HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center, Data = new PathGeometry { Figures = new PathFigureCollection { _pathFigure } } }; Content = new Grid { Background = BackgroundColor, Children = { _pathRoot360, _pathRoot, } }; }
// Plots a graph of the passed easing function using the given sampling interval on the "Graph" Canvas control private void PlotEasingFunctionGraph(EasingFunctionBase easingFunction, double samplingInterval) { UISettings UserSettings = new UISettings(); Graph.Children.Clear(); Path path = new Path(); PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure pathFigure = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(0, 0) }; PathSegmentCollection pathSegmentCollection = new PathSegmentCollection(); // Note that an easing function is just like a regular function that operates on doubles. // Here we plot the range of the easing function's output on the y-axis of a graph. for (double i = 0; i < 1; i += samplingInterval) { double x = i * GraphContainer.Width; double y = easingFunction.Ease(i) * GraphContainer.Height; LineSegment segment = new LineSegment(); segment.Point = new Point(x, y); pathSegmentCollection.Add(segment); } pathFigure.Segments = pathSegmentCollection; pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure); path.Data = pathGeometry; path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(UserSettings.UIElementColor(UIElementType.ButtonText)); path.StrokeThickness = 1; // Add the path to the Canvas Graph.Children.Add(path); }
private void UpdatePathGeometry(Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path arrowHead, Point start, Point end) { arrowHead.Data = GeometryUtilities.CreateFatArrow(end, start, 10, 16, 16); }
private void Draw() { IsDrawn = true; Map.Children.Clear(); if (Windows.ApplicationModel.DesignMode.DesignModeEnabled) { Map.Children.Add(new TextBlock { Text = "Designer preview is not currently available", Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, FontSize = 12, //Effect = new DropShadowEffect //{ // ShadowDepth = 2, // RenderingBias = RenderingBias.Performance //} }); return; } var map = MapResolver.Get(Source); if (map == null) return; var desiredSize = new Size(map.DesiredWidth, map.DesiredHeight); var r = desiredSize.Width/desiredSize.Height; var wr = ActualWidth/desiredSize.Width; var hr = ActualHeight/desiredSize.Height; double s; if (wr < hr) { IsWidthDominant = true; Map.Width = ActualWidth; Map.Height = Map.Width/r; s = wr; OriginalPosition = new Point(0, (ActualHeight - Map.Height)*.5); Canvas.SetLeft(Map, OriginalPosition.X); Canvas.SetTop(Map, OriginalPosition.Y); } else { IsWidthDominant = false; Map.Height = ActualHeight; Map.Width = r*ActualHeight; s = hr; OriginalPosition = new Point((ActualWidth - Map.Width)*.5, 0d); Canvas.SetLeft(Map, OriginalPosition.X); Canvas.SetTop(Map, OriginalPosition.Y); } var t = new ScaleTransform() {ScaleX = s, ScaleY = s}; foreach (var land in map.Data) { var p = new Path { Data = GeometryHelper.Parse(land.Data), RenderTransform = t }; land.Shape = p; Lands[land.Id] = land; Map.Children.Add(p); //p.MouseEnter += POnMouseEnter; //p.MouseLeave += POnMouseLeave; //p.MouseMove += POnMouseMove; //p.MouseDown += POnMouseDown; p.SetBinding(Shape.StrokeProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath("LandStroke"), Source = this }); var behavior = new MultiBindingBehavior() { Converter = new ScaleStrokeConverter(), PropertyName = "StrokeThickness" }; behavior.Items.Add(new MultiBindingItem() {Parent = behavior.Items, Value = new Binding() { Path = new PropertyPath("LandStrokeThickness"), Source = this } }); behavior.Items.Add(new MultiBindingItem() {Parent = behavior.Items, Value = new Binding() { Path = new PropertyPath("ScaleX"), Source = t } }); Interaction.SetBehaviors(p, new BehaviorCollection() {behavior}); } ShowMeSomeHeat(); }
/// <summary> /// Read the SVG file as XML /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">文件流</param> /// <returns></returns> private static Tuple <Size, List <Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path>, SolidColorBrush> ReadStreamAndConvertToPath(Stream stream, bool isDefaultBlack) { List <Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path> pathsToReturn = new List <Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path>(); SolidColorBrush defaultColor = isDefaultBlack ? new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black) : new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); try { //Load XAML document var root = XElement.Load(stream); //Get some info. var widthInfo = root.Attributes().Where(a => a.Name.LocalName == "width").FirstOrDefault(); var heightInfo = root.Attributes().Where(a => a.Name.LocalName == "height").FirstOrDefault(); var width = widthInfo?.Value.Replace("px", string.Empty); var height = heightInfo?.Value.Replace("px", string.Empty); var size = new Size(double.Parse(width), double.Parse(height)); if (size.Width == 0 || size.Height == 0) { size = Size.Empty; } //Get all paths var elements = root.Descendants().Where(e => (e.Name.LocalName == "path" || e.Name.LocalName == "polygon")); foreach (var element in elements) { var localName = element.Name.LocalName; if (localName == "path") { var d = (element.Attributes().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "d")).FirstOrDefault(); var fill = (element.Attributes().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "fill")).FirstOrDefault(); var newColor = isDefaultBlack ? new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black) : new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); var opacityInfo = (element.Attributes().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "opacity")).FirstOrDefault(); var opacity = 1.0d; if (opacityInfo != null) { opacity = double.Parse(opacityInfo.Value); } //In some case fill 's value is "none" if (fill != null) { try { newColor = new SolidColorBrush(ColorConverter.Hex2Color(fill.Value)); } catch (Exception) { } } Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path newPath = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path() { Fill = newColor, Opacity = opacity, }; var binding = new Binding { Source = d.Value, }; BindingOperations.SetBinding(newPath, Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path.DataProperty, binding); pathsToReturn.Add(newPath); } else if (localName == "polygon") { var newColor = isDefaultBlack ? new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black) : new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); var point = element.Attributes().Where(a => a.Name.LocalName == "points"); var dataStr = point.FirstOrDefault().Value; var fill = (element.Attributes().Where(a => a.Name.LocalName == "fill")).FirstOrDefault(); var opacityInfo = (element.Attributes().Where(e => e.Name.LocalName == "opacity")).FirstOrDefault(); var opacity = 1.0d; if (opacityInfo != null) { opacity = double.Parse(opacityInfo.Value); } Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path newPath = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path() { Fill = newColor, Opacity = opacity }; if (fill != null) { newPath.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(ColorConverter.Hex2Color(fill.Value)); } var binding = new Binding() { Source = dataStr.StartsWith("M") ? dataStr : "M" + dataStr, }; BindingOperations.SetBinding(newPath, Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path.DataProperty, binding); pathsToReturn.Add(newPath); } } return(Tuple.Create(size, pathsToReturn, defaultColor)); } catch (Exception e) { return(Tuple.Create(new Size(), pathsToReturn, defaultColor)); } }
private void Draw() { IsDrawn = true; Map.Children.Clear(); if (Windows.ApplicationModel.DesignMode.DesignModeEnabled) { Map.Children.Add(new TextBlock { Text = "Designer preview is not currently available", Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold, FontSize = 12, //Effect = new DropShadowEffect //{ // ShadowDepth = 2, // RenderingBias = RenderingBias.Performance //} }); return; } var map = MapResolver.Get(Source); if (map == null) { return; } var desiredSize = new Size(map.DesiredWidth, map.DesiredHeight); var r = desiredSize.Width / desiredSize.Height; var wr = ActualWidth / desiredSize.Width; var hr = ActualHeight / desiredSize.Height; double s; if (wr < hr) { IsWidthDominant = true; Map.Width = ActualWidth; Map.Height = Map.Width / r; s = wr; OriginalPosition = new Point(0, (ActualHeight - Map.Height) * .5); Canvas.SetLeft(Map, OriginalPosition.X); Canvas.SetTop(Map, OriginalPosition.Y); } else { IsWidthDominant = false; Map.Height = ActualHeight; Map.Width = r * ActualHeight; s = hr; OriginalPosition = new Point((ActualWidth - Map.Width) * .5, 0d); Canvas.SetLeft(Map, OriginalPosition.X); Canvas.SetTop(Map, OriginalPosition.Y); } var t = new ScaleTransform() { ScaleX = s, ScaleY = s }; foreach (var land in map.Data) { var p = new Path { Data = GeometryHelper.Parse(land.Data), RenderTransform = t }; land.Shape = p; Lands[land.Id] = land; Map.Children.Add(p); //p.MouseEnter += POnMouseEnter; //p.MouseLeave += POnMouseLeave; //p.MouseMove += POnMouseMove; //p.MouseDown += POnMouseDown; p.SetBinding(Shape.StrokeProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath("LandStroke"), Source = this }); var behavior = new MultiBindingBehavior() { Converter = new ScaleStrokeConverter(), PropertyName = "StrokeThickness" }; behavior.Items.Add(new MultiBindingItem() { Parent = behavior.Items, Value = new Binding() { Path = new PropertyPath("LandStrokeThickness"), Source = this } }); behavior.Items.Add(new MultiBindingItem() { Parent = behavior.Items, Value = new Binding() { Path = new PropertyPath("ScaleX"), Source = t } }); Interaction.SetBehaviors(p, new BehaviorCollection() { behavior }); } ShowMeSomeHeat(); }
/// <summary> /// The draw line segments. /// </summary> /// <param name="points"> /// The points. /// </param> /// <param name="stroke"> /// The stroke. /// </param> /// <param name="thickness"> /// The thickness. /// </param> /// <param name="dashArray"> /// The dash array. /// </param> /// <param name="lineJoin"> /// The line join. /// </param> /// <param name="aliased"> /// The aliased. /// </param> public void DrawLineSegments( IList<ScreenPoint> points, OxyColor stroke, double thickness, double[] dashArray, OxyPenLineJoin lineJoin, bool aliased) { var path = new Path(); this.SetStroke(path, stroke, thickness, lineJoin, dashArray, aliased); var pg = new PathGeometry(); for (int i = 0; i + 1 < points.Count; i += 2) { // if (points[i].Y==points[i+1].Y) // { // var line = new Line(); // line.X1 = 0.5+(int)points[i].X; // line.X2 = 0.5+(int)points[i+1].X; // line.Y1 = 0.5+(int)points[i].Y; // line.Y2 = 0.5+(int)points[i+1].Y; // SetStroke(line, OxyColors.DarkRed, thickness, lineJoin, dashArray, aliased); // Add(line); // continue; // } var figure = new PathFigure { StartPoint = points[i].ToPoint(aliased), IsClosed = false }; figure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = points[i + 1].ToPoint(aliased) }); pg.Figures.Add(figure); } path.Data = pg; this.Add(path); }
/// <summary> /// Draws a collection of rectangles, where all have the same stroke and fill. /// This performs better than calling DrawRectangle multiple times. /// </summary> /// <param name="rectangles"> /// The rectangles. /// </param> /// <param name="fill"> /// The fill. /// </param> /// <param name="stroke"> /// The stroke. /// </param> /// <param name="thickness"> /// The thickness. /// </param> public void DrawRectangles(IList<OxyRect> rectangles, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { var path = new Path(); this.SetStroke(path, stroke, thickness); if (fill != null) { path.Fill = this.GetCachedBrush(fill); } var gg = new GeometryGroup { FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; foreach (OxyRect rect in rectangles) { gg.Children.Add(new RectangleGeometry { Rect = rect.ToRect(true) }); } path.Data = gg; this.Add(path); }
private Path CreatePath(double scale, uint rating, bool isRightHalf) { Path newPath = new Path(); newPath.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent); newPath.StrokeThickness = 3; newPath.Stroke = BorderColor; newPath.Tapped += (object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e) => { Rating = rating; }; double adj = isRightHalf ? -60 : 0; double adjScale = isRightHalf ? -scale : scale; PathFigure pathData = new PathFigure(); pathData.StartPoint = new Windows.Foundation.Point((adj + 30.5) * adjScale, 0 * scale); pathData.IsClosed = false; pathData.IsFilled = true; pathData.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Windows.Foundation.Point((adj + 20.2917) * adjScale, 12.1572 * scale) }); pathData.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Windows.Foundation.Point((adj + 5.7296) * adjScale, 17.63355 * scale) }); pathData.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Windows.Foundation.Point((adj + 14.2917) * adjScale, 30.6234 * scale) }); pathData.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Windows.Foundation.Point((adj + 15) * adjScale, 46.1652 * scale) }); pathData.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Windows.Foundation.Point((adj + 30.5) * adjScale, 42.0361 * scale) }); PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(); pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathData); newPath.Data = pathGeometry; return newPath; /* x:Name="Region1" Fill="Transparent" Stroke="{StaticResource PhoneForegroundBrush}" StrokeThickness="3" Tapped="Region1_Tapped" * * <PathFigure StartPoint="30.5,0" IsClosed="False"> <LineSegment Point="20.2917,12.1572" /> <LineSegment Point="5.7296,17.63355" /> <LineSegment Point="14.2917,30.6234" /> <LineSegment Point="15,46.1652" /> <LineSegment Point="30.5,42.0361" /> </PathFigure> * <PathFigure StartPoint="29.5,0" IsClosed="False"> <LineSegment Point="39.7082,12.1572" /> <LineSegment Point="54.2705,17.63355" /> <LineSegment Point="45.7082,30.6234" /> <LineSegment Point="45,46.1652" /> <LineSegment Point="29.5,42.0361" /> </PathFigure> </PathGeometry> * * */ }
/// <summary> /// Generates the pie chart. /// </summary> protected override void GenerateChart() { RootElement.Children.Clear(); var data = ItemsSource; var validData = data == null ? null : data.Where(d => d.Value > 0); if (validData != null && validData.Any()) { if (validData.Count() == 1) { // Only one valid dat ==> draw a circle int colorIndex = validData.Select((k, ind) => ind).FirstOrDefault(); var kvp = data.Where(d => d.Value > 0).First(); EllipseGeometry ellipseGeometry = new EllipseGeometry() { RadiusX = 1, RadiusY = 1 }; Path path = new Path() { Stretch = Stretch.Uniform, Fill = GetColorByIndex(colorIndex), Data = ellipseGeometry }; SetTooltip(path, kvp.Key, string.Format("{0} (100%)", FormattedValue(kvp.Value))); RootElement.Children.Add(path); } else { //We have more than one value to display. Generate pie shapes: var total = validData.Sum(d => d.Value); double current = 0; int colorIndex = 0; const double offset = 0; //Rotational offset (set it to Math.PI * .5 to start first segment upwards, set it to 0 to look like foreach (var kvp in data) { var val = kvp.Value; if (val <= 0.0) // not valid { colorIndex++; continue; } var fraction = val / total; double angle0 = 2 * Math.PI * current - offset; double angle1 = 2 * Math.PI * (current + fraction) - offset; PathFigure pathFigure = new PathFigure {IsClosed = true, StartPoint = new Point(1, 1)}; pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Math.Cos(angle0) + 1, Math.Sin(angle0) + 1) }); bool isLargeArc = fraction > .5; pathFigure.Segments.Add( new ArcSegment { Point = new Point(Math.Cos(angle1) + 1, Math.Sin(angle1) + 1), IsLargeArc = isLargeArc, Size = new Size(1, 1), SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise }); pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(1, 1) }); //Add these two empty line segments to force the drawing to stretch properly //with 1,1 at the center ( 0,0->2,2 is the bounding box for the figure) PathFigure pathFigure2 = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(0, 0) }; pathFigure2.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(0, 0) }); PathFigure pathFigure3 = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(2, 2) }; pathFigure3.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(2, 2) }); PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(); pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure2); pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure3); pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure); Path path = new Path() { Stretch = Stretch.Uniform, Fill = GetColorByIndex(colorIndex), Data = pathGeometry }; // Add outline separating pie slices PathFigure outLineFigure = new PathFigure { IsClosed = false, StartPoint = new Point(1, 1) }; outLineFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(Math.Cos(angle0) + 1, Math.Sin(angle0) + 1) }); //Add these two empty line segments to force the drawing to stretch properly //with 1,1 at the center ( 0,0->2,2 is the bounding box for the figure) PathFigure outLineFigure2 = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(0, 0) }; outLineFigure2.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(0, 0) }); PathFigure outLineFigure3 = new PathFigure() { StartPoint = new Point(2, 2) }; outLineFigure3.Segments.Add(new LineSegment() { Point = new Point(2, 2) }); PathGeometry outLineGeometry = new PathGeometry(); outLineGeometry.Figures.Add(outLineFigure2); outLineGeometry.Figures.Add(outLineFigure3); outLineGeometry.Figures.Add(outLineFigure); Path outLine = new Path() { Fill = null, Stretch = Stretch.Uniform, Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), StrokeThickness = 1.0, Data = outLineGeometry }; SetTooltip(path, kvp.Key, string.Format("{0} ({1:0.##%})", FormattedValue(val), fraction)); RootElement.Children.Add(path); RootElement.Children.Add(outLine); current += fraction; colorIndex++; } } } }
private Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Shape MkPath(int indx, int indy, double inc) { double rad = BasicLib.ToRadians; double deg = BasicLib.ToDegrees; Path path = new Path(); path.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red); path.Name = string.Format("Lattice{0}_{1}", indx, indy); GeometryGroup g = new GeometryGroup(); path.Data = g; PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry(); g.Children.Add(pg); double startAngle = indx * repeatAngle; foreach (Line2D ll in ld.Lines) { PathFigure pf = new PathFigure(); double angle1 = startAngle + ll.X1 * colAngle; double angl1 = angle1 * rad; double angle2 = startAngle + ll.X2 * colAngle; double angl2 = angle2 * rad; double rowstart = indy * ld.Layout.Height; double y1 = ld.Layout.ToolPosition - rowstart - ll.Y1 * rowHeight; double y2 = ld.Layout.ToolPosition - rowstart - ll.Y2 * rowHeight; pf.StartPoint = new Point(y1 * Math.Cos(angl1), y1 * Math.Sin(angl1)); if (ll.IsVertical) { LineSegment ls = new LineSegment(); ls.Point = new Point(y2 * Math.Cos(angl1), y2 * Math.Sin(angl1)); pf.Segments.Add(ls); } else if (ll.IsHorizontal) { PolyLineSegment pls = new PolyLineSegment(); double a = angl1; Point pnt; do { pnt = new Point(y2 * Math.Cos(a), y2 * Math.Sin(a)); pls.Points.Add(pnt); a += (angl1 < angl2) ? inc : -inc; } while ((angl1 < angl2) ? (a < angl2) : ( a > angl2)); if ((angl1 < angl2) ? (a != angl2) : (a != angl1)) { a = (angl1 < angl2) ? angl2 : angl1; pnt = new Point(y2 * Math.Cos(a), y2 * Math.Sin(a)); pls.Points.Add(pnt); } pf.Segments.Add(pls); } else // is diagonal { double i = 0; PolyLineSegment pls = new PolyLineSegment(); for (i = 0; i <= 1.0; i += inc) { pls.Points.Add(Interp(ll.X1,y1,i,ll.X2,y2,startAngle)); } pls.Points.Add(Interp(ll.X1, y1, 1.0, ll.X2, y2,startAngle)); pf.Segments.Add(pls); } pg.Figures.Add(pf); } return path; }
private void GenerateDataPoints(IDictionary<string, double> data, Range dataRange) { int count = data.Count; // Project the data in order to get the points in percent of the drawing space (rectangle 1*1) var points = data.Select((kvp, ind) => new { x = (2.0 * ind + 1.0) / (2.0 * count), y = 1.0 - dataRange.Fraction(kvp.Value)}); // Generate the lines from point to point var firstPoint = points.First(); PathFigure pathFigure = new PathFigure { IsClosed = false, StartPoint = new Point(firstPoint.x, firstPoint.y) }; foreach (var point in points.Skip(1)) { pathFigure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment {Point = new Point(point.x, point.y)}); } //Add these two empty line segments to force the drawing to stretch properly PathFigure pathFigure2 = new PathFigure { StartPoint = new Point(0, 0) }; pathFigure2.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = new Point(0, 0) }); PathFigure pathFigure3 = new PathFigure { StartPoint = new Point(1, 1) }; pathFigure3.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = new Point(1, 1) }); PathGeometry pathGeometry = new PathGeometry(); pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure2); pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure3); pathGeometry.Figures.Add(pathFigure); Path path = new Path { Stretch = Stretch.Fill, // stretch the polyline to fill the chart drawing space Stroke = GetColorByIndex(0), StrokeThickness = 2, StrokeLineJoin = PenLineJoin.Round, Data = pathGeometry, Margin = new Thickness(-1,-1,-1,-1) // half of strokeThickness }; _series.Children.Add(path); // Add a new grid for the points Grid pointsGrid = new Grid(); _series.Children.Add(pointsGrid); // Generate the points foreach (var kvp in data) { GenerateDataPoint(pointsGrid, kvp, dataRange); } }
protected override void OnApplyTemplate() { base.OnApplyTemplate(); _path = (Path)GetTemplateChild(pathName); _thumbGrid = (Grid)GetTemplateChild(thumbGridName); _readingBlock = (TextBlock)GetTemplateChild(readingName); PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry(); _bfigure = new PathFigure(); _bseg = new BezierSegment(); _bfigure.Segments.Add(_bseg); geo.Figures.Add(_bfigure); _path.Data = geo; this.SizeChanged += OnSizeChanged; }
protected override void OnApplyTemplate() { ClusterTextBlock = GetTemplateChild("textBlockClusterNumber") as TextBlock; StationPath = GetTemplateChild("path") as Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path; }
protected override void OnApplyTemplate() { base.OnApplyTemplate(); if (mainGrid == null) { mainGrid = (Grid)GetTemplateChild("grdTile"); sbTilt = (Storyboard)mainGrid.Resources["sbTilt"]; sbHide = (Storyboard)mainGrid.Resources["sbHide"]; sbShow = (Storyboard)mainGrid.Resources["sbShow"]; sbExplode = (Storyboard)mainGrid.Resources["sbExplode"]; sbShowImage = (Storyboard)mainGrid.Resources["sbShowImage"]; recCP = (Rectangle)GetTemplateChild("recCP"); recBackground = (Rectangle)GetTemplateChild("recBackground"); recDisabled = (Rectangle)GetTemplateChild("recDisabled"); recSelected = (Rectangle)GetTemplateChild("recSelected"); lblLabel = (TextBlock)GetTemplateChild("lblLabel"); imgBackground = (Image)GetTemplateChild("imgBackground"); ccIcon = (ContentControl)GetTemplateChild("ccIcon"); ccContent = (ContentControl)GetTemplateChild("ccContent"); pthMoreItems = (Path)GetTemplateChild("pthMoreItems"); DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames planeProjectionRotationX = (DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames)sbTilt.Children[0]; DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames planeProjectionRotationY = (DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames)sbTilt.Children[1]; DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames ScaleTransformX = (DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames)sbTilt.Children[2]; DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames ScaleTransformY = (DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames)sbTilt.Children[3]; kfX = (SplineDoubleKeyFrame)planeProjectionRotationX.KeyFrames[0]; kfY = (SplineDoubleKeyFrame)planeProjectionRotationY.KeyFrames[0]; kfScaleX = (SplineDoubleKeyFrame)ScaleTransformX.KeyFrames[0]; kfScaleY = (SplineDoubleKeyFrame)ScaleTransformY.KeyFrames[0]; mainGrid.PointerMoved += mainGrid_PointerMoved; mainGrid.PointerPressed += mainGrid_PointerPressed; this.Click += TiltTile_Click; //this is what is triggered by buttonbase , pointerreleased is no longer triggered mainGrid.PointerReleased += mainGrid_PointerReleased; //may not need this since moving to ButtonBase mainGrid.PointerExited += mainGrid_PointerExited; recBackground.Fill = NormalBackground; recDisabled.Fill = DisabledBackground; recSelected.Fill = SelectedBackground; if (IsDisabled) { recDisabled.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; //mainGrid.Opacity = 0.4; } else { recDisabled.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; //mainGrid.Opacity = 1; } } }
protected override void OnApplyTemplate() { base.OnApplyTemplate(); _canvas = (Canvas)GetTemplateChild(canvasName); _roundTriangle = (Path)GetTemplateChild(roundTriangeName); _verticalTick = (Canvas)GetTemplateChild(verticalTickName); _arcTick = (Canvas)GetTemplateChild(arcTickName); _rudderBtn = (Ellipse)GetTemplateChild(rudderBtnName); _trackerBtn = (Ellipse)GetTemplateChild(trackerBtnName); _canvas.SizeChanged += OnSizeChanged; _trackerBtn.PointerPressed += _trackerBtn_PointerPressed; _trackerBtn.PointerReleased += _trackerBtn_PointerReleased; _trackerBtn.PointerMoved += _trackerBtn_PointerMoved; }
/// <summary> /// The draw ellipses. /// </summary> /// <param name="rectangles"> /// The rectangles. /// </param> /// <param name="fill"> /// The fill. /// </param> /// <param name="stroke"> /// The stroke. /// </param> /// <param name="thickness"> /// The thickness. /// </param> public void DrawEllipses(IList<OxyRect> rectangles, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness) { var path = new Path(); this.SetStroke(path, stroke, thickness); if (fill != null) { path.Fill = this.GetCachedBrush(fill); } var gg = new GeometryGroup { FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; foreach (OxyRect rect in rectangles) { gg.Children.Add( new EllipseGeometry { Center = new Point(rect.Left + (rect.Width / 2), rect.Top + (rect.Height / 2)), RadiusX = rect.Width / 2, RadiusY = rect.Height / 2 }); } path.Data = gg; this.Add(path); }
private Point DrawLine(Grid container, Brush Palette, double linethickness, Point prevPoint, LineDataPoint DataPoint) { Point Current = getLinePlottingPoint(DataPoint); Point[] LinePoints = Utilities.GetLinePointsOnCircle(prevPoint, Current, DataPoint.CircleRadius); PathFigure path = new PathFigure(); path.StartPoint = LinePoints[0]; path.IsClosed = false; LineSegment Line = new LineSegment(); Line.Point = LinePoints[1]; path.Segments.Add(Line); PathGeometry myPath = new PathGeometry(); myPath.Figures.Add(path); Path output = new Path(); output.Data = myPath; output.StrokeThickness = linethickness; output.Stroke = Palette; container.Children.Add(output); prevPoint = Current; return prevPoint; }
/// <summary> /// The draw polygons. /// </summary> /// <param name="polygons"> /// The polygons. /// </param> /// <param name="fill"> /// The fill. /// </param> /// <param name="stroke"> /// The stroke. /// </param> /// <param name="thickness"> /// The thickness. /// </param> /// <param name="dashArray"> /// The dash array. /// </param> /// <param name="lineJoin"> /// The line join. /// </param> /// <param name="aliased"> /// The aliased. /// </param> public void DrawPolygons( IList<IList<ScreenPoint>> polygons, OxyColor fill, OxyColor stroke, double thickness, double[] dashArray, OxyPenLineJoin lineJoin, bool aliased) { var path = new Path(); this.SetStroke(path, stroke, thickness, lineJoin, dashArray, aliased); if (fill != null) { path.Fill = this.GetCachedBrush(fill); } var pg = new PathGeometry { FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; foreach (var polygon in polygons) { var figure = new PathFigure { IsClosed = true }; bool first = true; foreach (ScreenPoint p in polygon) { if (first) { figure.StartPoint = p.ToPoint(aliased); first = false; } else { figure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment { Point = p.ToPoint(aliased) }); } } pg.Figures.Add(figure); } path.Data = pg; this.Add(path); }
/// <summary> /// Invoked whenever application code or internal processes (such as a rebuilding layout pass) call ApplyTemplate. In simplest terms, this means the method is called just before a UI element displays in your app. Override this method to influence the default post-template logic of a class. /// </summary> protected override void OnApplyTemplate() { // Code might use some null reference checks here. this.layoutRoot = this.GetTemplateChild(LayoutRootPartName) as Grid; this.selectRegion = this.GetTemplateChild(SelectRegionPartName) as Path; this.selectRegion.ManipulationMode = ManipulationModes.Scale | ManipulationModes.TranslateX | ManipulationModes.TranslateY; selectedRegion = new SelectedRegion { MinSelectRegionSize = 2 * CornerSize }; this.DataContext = selectedRegion; this.topLeftCorner = this.GetTemplateChild(TopLeftCornerPartName) as ContentControl; this.topRightCorner = this.GetTemplateChild(TopRightCornerPartName) as ContentControl; this.bottomLeftCorner = this.GetTemplateChild(BottomLeftCornerPartName) as ContentControl; this.bottomRightCorner = this.GetTemplateChild(BottomRightCornerPartName) as ContentControl; this.imageCanvas = this.GetTemplateChild(ImageCanvasPartName) as Canvas; this.sourceImage = this.GetTemplateChild(SourceImagePartName) as Image; // Handle the pointer events of the corners. AddCornerEvents(this.topLeftCorner); AddCornerEvents(this.topRightCorner); AddCornerEvents(this.bottomLeftCorner); AddCornerEvents(this.bottomRightCorner); // Handle the manipulation events of the selectRegion this.selectRegion.ManipulationDelta += SelectRegion_ManipulationDelta; this.selectRegion.ManipulationCompleted += SelectRegion_ManipulationCompleted; this.sourceImage.SizeChanged += SourceImage_SizeChanged; }
private void DrawFibonacciSpiral(Point StartPoint, double w, double h) { // DebugUtil.Log("draw fibonaci: " + w + " " + h); PathFigure figure = new PathFigure(); figure.StartPoint = StartPoint; var FullWidth = w; var FullHeight = h; var HorizontallyReversed = false; var VerticallyReversed = false; if (StartPoint.X == w) { HorizontallyReversed = true; } else if (StartPoint.X != 0) { DebugUtil.Log("Error: start point must be at corner"); return; } if (StartPoint.Y == h) { VerticallyReversed = true; } else if (StartPoint.Y != 0) { DebugUtil.Log("Error: start point must be at corner"); return; } // first control point var x1 = 0.0; var y1 = 0.0; // second contorl point var x2 = 0.0; var y2 = h; // end of line var x3 = w * (1 - GoldenRatio); var y3 = h; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // DebugUtil.Log("Bezier: " + x1 + " " + y1 + " / " + x2 + " " + y2 + " / " + x3 + " " + y3); var seg = new BezierSegment(); var tempX1 = x1; var tempY1 = y1; var tempX2 = x2; var tempY2 = y2; var tempX3 = x3; var tempY3 = y3; if (HorizontallyReversed) { tempX1 = FullWidth - tempX1; tempX2 = FullWidth - tempX2; tempX3 = FullWidth - tempX3; } if (VerticallyReversed) { tempY1 = FullHeight - tempY1; tempY2 = FullHeight - tempY2; tempY3 = FullHeight - tempY3; } seg.Point1 = new Point(tempX1, tempY1); seg.Point2 = new Point(tempX2, tempY2); seg.Point3 = new Point(tempX3, tempY3); figure.Segments.Add(seg); x1 = x3; y1 = y3; switch (i % 4) { case 0: // lower right w = w * GoldenRatio; x2 = x1 + w; y2 = y1; x3 = x1 + w; y3 = y1 - h * (1 - GoldenRatio); break; case 1: h = h * GoldenRatio; x2 = x1; y2 = y1 - h; x3 = x1 - w * (1 - GoldenRatio); y3 = y1 - h; break; case 2: w = w * GoldenRatio; x2 = x1 - w; y2 = y1; x3 = x1 - w; y3 = y1 + h * (1 - GoldenRatio); break; case 3: h = h * GoldenRatio; x2 = x1; y2 = y1 + h; x3 = x1 + w * (1 - GoldenRatio); y3 = y1 + h; break; } } PathFigureCollection pthFigureCollection = new PathFigureCollection(); pthFigureCollection.Add(figure); PathGeometry pthGeometry = new PathGeometry(); pthGeometry.Figures = pthFigureCollection; Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path Fibonacci = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); Fibonacci.Stroke = Stroke = this.Stroke; Fibonacci.StrokeThickness = this.StrokeThickness; Fibonacci.Data = pthGeometry; Lines.Children.Add(Fibonacci); }
void dispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, object e) { DateTimeOffset time = DateTimeOffset.Now; TimeSpan span = time - lastTime; lastTime = time; //Time since last tick should be very very close to Interval //TimerLog.Text += timesTicked + "\t time since last tick: " + span.ToString() + "\n"; for debugging timesTicked++; if (a > 255) { a = 0; } else { a += 51; } if (r > 255) { r = 0; } else { r += 5; } if (g < 0) { g = 255; } else { g--; } if (b > 255) { b = 0; } else { b++; } /* * if (timesTicked > timesToTick) * { * stopTime = time; * //TimerLog.Text += "Calling dispatcherTimer.Stop()\n"; for debugging end dispatch timer * dispatcherTimer.Stop(); * //IsEnabled should now be false after calling stop * // TimerLog.Text += "dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled = " + dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled + "\n"; for debugging * span = stopTime - startTime; * //TimerLog.Text += "Total Time Start-Stop: " + span.ToString() + "\n"; for debugging * } */ var path1 = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Path(); /* * public static Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(byte a, byte r, byte g, byte b); * The above line of code allows us to adjust specific values of: Brightness, Red, Green and Blue */ path1.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b)); var geometryGroup1 = new GeometryGroup(); var ellipseGeometry1 = new EllipseGeometry(); ellipseGeometry1.Center = new Point(positionX, positionY); ellipseGeometry1.RadiusX = radius; ellipseGeometry1.RadiusY = radius; geometryGroup1.Children.Add(ellipseGeometry1); var pathGeometry1 = new PathGeometry(); geometryGroup1.Children.Add(pathGeometry1); path1.Data = geometryGroup1; layoutRoot.Children.Clear(); layoutRoot.Children.Add(path1); positionX += speedX; positionY += speedY; if (positionY + radius > layoutRoot.ActualHeight) { speedY *= -1; } if (positionX + radius > layoutRoot.ActualWidth) { speedX *= -1; } if (positionY - radius < 0) { speedY *= -1; } if (positionX - radius < 0) { speedX *= -1; } }