Exemple #1
        public static string stdGetSQL(SQLCondition conditions, bool selectFull, bool includeStdCond)
            string field;

            if (selectFull)
                SQLWhat what = new SQLWhat(new DBOnlineSeries());
                what.AddWhat(new DBSeries());
                field = what;
                field = DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID) + " from " + DBOnlineSeries.cTableName;

            if (includeStdCond)

            string conds   = conditions;
            string orderBy = string.Empty;

            if (selectFull)
                bool bUseSortName = DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cUseSortName);
                orderBy = conditions.customOrderStringIsSet
                      ? conditions.orderString
                      : " order by " + (bUseSortName?"upper(" + DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cSortName) + "),":"") + "upper(" + DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName) + ")";
            return("select " + field + " left join " + cTableName + " on " + DBSeries.Q(cID) + "==" + DBOnlineSeries.Q(cID)
                   + conds
                   + orderBy
                   + conditions.limitString);
Exemple #2
        public static string stdGetSQL(SQLCondition condition, bool selectFull, bool includeStdCond)
            string orderBy = !condition.customOrderStringIsSet
                  ? " order by " + Q(cIndex)
                  : condition.orderString;

            if (includeStdCond)

                if (!Settings.isConfig)
                    SQLCondition fullSubCond = new SQLCondition();
                    //fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    //fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeasonIndex), DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cIndex), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    //condition.AddCustom(" season.seasonindex in ( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false, true, DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID)) + " )");
                    string join = null;
                    if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cOnlyShowLocalFiles))
                        fullSubCond = DBEpisode.stdConditions;
                        condition.AddCustom(fullSubCond.ConditionsSQLString.Replace("where", "and"));
                        join = " left join local_episodes on season.seriesid = local_episodes.seriesid " +
                               " and season.seasonindex = local_episodes.seasonindex left join online_episodes on local_episodes.compositeid = online_episodes.compositeid ";
                        join = " left join online_episodes on season.seriesid = online_episodes.seriesid " +
                               " and season.seasonindex = online_episodes.seasonindex";
                    return("select " + new SQLWhat(new DBSeason()) +
                           join +
                           condition + " group by season.id " + orderBy + condition.limitString);

            if (selectFull)
                return("select " + new SQLWhat(new DBSeason()) + condition + orderBy + condition.limitString);
                return("select " + DBSeason.cID + " from " + DBSeason.cTableName + " " + condition + orderBy + condition.limitString);
Exemple #3
        public static List <DBSeries> Get(SQLCondition conditions, bool onlyWithUnwatchedEpisodes, bool includeStdCond)
            if (onlyWithUnwatchedEpisodes)
	                        select count(*) from online_episodes
	                        seriesID = local_series.ID
                            and watched = '0'
                            ) > 0");

            String sqlQuery = stdGetSQL(conditions, true, includeStdCond);

Exemple #4
        public void addSQLCondition(string what, string type, string condition)
            if ((!what.Contains("<") || !what.Contains(".")) && !what.Contains("custom:"))

            SQLConditionType condtype;

            switch (type)
            case "=":
                condtype = SQLConditionType.Equal;

            case ">":
                condtype = SQLConditionType.GreaterThan;

            case ">=":
                condtype = SQLConditionType.GreaterEqualThan;

            case "<":
                condtype = SQLConditionType.LessThan;

            case "<=":
                condtype = SQLConditionType.LessEqualThan;

            case "!=":
                condtype = SQLConditionType.NotEqual;

            case "like":
                condtype = SQLConditionType.Like;

                condtype = SQLConditionType.Equal;

            DBTable table      = null;
            string  tableField = string.Empty;

            getTableFieldname(what, out table, out tableField);
            Type lType = table.GetType();

            SQLCondition fullSubCond = new SQLCondition();

            if (logicalViewStep.type.series == Type && (lType != typeof(DBSeries) && lType != typeof(DBOnlineSeries)))
                if (lType == typeof(DBSeason))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID), DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);

                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBSeason.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
                else if (lType == typeof(DBOnlineEpisode))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" online_series.id in ( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false, true, DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID)) + " )");
                else if (lType == typeof(DBEpisode))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBEpisode.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" online_series.id in ( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false, true, DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID)) + " )");
            else if (logicalViewStep.type.season == Type && lType != typeof(DBSeason))
                if (lType == typeof(DBOnlineSeries) || lType == typeof(DBSeries))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID), DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineSeries.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBSeries.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
                else if (lType == typeof(DBOnlineEpisode))
                    // we rely on the join in dbseason for this (much, much faster)
                    conds.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                else if (lType == typeof(DBEpisode))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeasonIndex), DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cIndex), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBEpisode.Q(tableField), condition, condtype);
                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
            else if (logicalViewStep.type.episode == Type && (lType != typeof(DBEpisode) && lType != typeof(DBOnlineEpisode)))
                if (lType == typeof(DBOnlineSeries) || lType == typeof(DBSeries))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID), DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineSeries.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBSeries.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
                if (lType == typeof(DBSeason))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID), DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cIndex), DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeasonIndex), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBSeason.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
                // condition is on current table itself
                conds.Add(table, tableField, condition.Trim(), condtype);
Exemple #5
        public void addHierarchyConditions(ref int stepIndex, ref string[] currentStepSelection, ref SQLCondition conditions)
            logicalViewStep step = m_steps[stepIndex];

            conditions = step.conds.Copy(); // important, don't change the steps themselves

            // we need to add one additional condition to reflect the selection one hierarchy up
            if (currentStepSelection != null && currentStepSelection.Length > 0 && stepIndex > 0)
                switch (m_steps[stepIndex - 1].Type)
                case logicalViewStep.type.group:
                    bool requiresSplit = false;     // use sql 'like' for split fields

                    // selected group label
                    string selectedItem = currentStepSelection[0];

                    // we expect to get the selected group's label
                    // unknown really is "" so get all with null values here
                    if (selectedItem == Translation.Unknown)
                        selectedItem = string.Empty;
                    if (m_steps[stepIndex - 1].groupedBy.attempSplit)
                        requiresSplit = true;

                    string fieldName     = m_steps[stepIndex - 1].groupedBy.rawFieldname;
                    string tableName     = m_steps[stepIndex - 1].groupedBy.table.m_tableName;
                    string tableField    = tableName + "." + fieldName;
                    string userEditField = tableField + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix;
                    string value         = requiresSplit ? "like " + "'%" + selectedItem + "%'" : "= " + "'" + selectedItem + "'";
                    string sql           = string.Empty;

                    // check if the useredit column exists
                    if (DBTable.ColumnExists(tableName, fieldName + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix))
                        sql = "(case when (" + userEditField + " is null or " + userEditField + " = " + "'" + "'" + ") " +
                              "then " + tableField + " else " + userEditField + " " +
                              "end) " + value;
                        sql = tableField + " " + value;


                case logicalViewStep.type.series:
                    // we expect to get the seriesID as stepSel
                    conditions.Add(new DBSeason(), DBSeason.cSeriesID, currentStepSelection[0], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cSortSpecialSeasonLast))
                        conditions.InsertOrderItem(DBSeason.cTableName + "." + DBSeason.cIndex + " = 0", SQLCondition.orderType.Ascending);

                case logicalViewStep.type.season:
                    // we expect to get the seriesID/seasonIndex as stepSel

                    // we want to query episodes using the CombinedSeason if Sort Order is "DVD"
                    // CombinedSeason gives us the DVD Season and if empty will give us the Aired Season
                    DBSeries series      = Helper.getCorrespondingSeries(int.Parse(currentStepSelection[0]));
                    bool     SortByDVD   = series[DBOnlineSeries.cEpisodeSortOrder] == "DVD";
                    string   seasonIndex = SortByDVD ? DBOnlineEpisode.cCombinedSeason : DBOnlineEpisode.cSeasonIndex;

                    conditions.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID, currentStepSelection[0], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    conditions.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), seasonIndex, currentStepSelection[1], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cSortSpecials) && !SortByDVD)
                        conditions.nextIsOr = true;
                        conditions.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cAirsBeforeSeason, currentStepSelection[1], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                        conditions.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cAirsAfterSeason, currentStepSelection[1], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                        conditions.nextIsOr = false;
Exemple #6
        public List <string> getGroupItems(int stepIndex, string[] currentStepSelection) // in nested groups, eg. Networks-Genres-.. we also need selections
            SQLCondition conditions = null;

            MPTVSeriesLog.Write("View: GetGroupItems: Begin", MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Debug);
            if (stepIndex >= m_steps.Count)
                return(null);                            // wrong index specified!!
            addHierarchyConditions(ref stepIndex, ref currentStepSelection, ref conditions);
            logicalViewStep step  = m_steps[stepIndex];
            List <string>   items = new List <string>();

            // to ensure we respect on the fly filter settings
            if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cOnlyShowLocalFiles) && (typeof(DBOnlineEpisode) != step.groupedBy.table.GetType() && typeof(DBEpisode) != step.groupedBy.table.GetType()))
                // not generic
                SQLCondition fullSubCond = new SQLCondition();
                fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                conditions.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
            else if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cOnlyShowLocalFiles))
                // has to be grouped by something episode
                conditions.Add(new DBEpisode(), DBEpisode.cFilename, "", SQLConditionType.NotEqual);

            string fieldName     = step.groupedBy.rawFieldname;
            string tableName     = step.groupedBy.table.m_tableName;
            string tableField    = step.groupedBy.tableField;
            string userEditField = tableField + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix;
            string sql           = string.Empty;

            // check if the useredit column exists
            if (DBTable.ColumnExists(tableName, fieldName + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix))
                sql = "select distinct(" +
                      "case when (" + userEditField + " is null or " + userEditField + " = " + "'" + "'" + ") " +
                      "then " + tableField + " else " + userEditField + " " +
                      "end) as gnr, " +
                      "count(*) from " + tableName + conditions + " group by gnr" + step.conds.orderString;
                sql = "select distinct " + tableField +
                      " , count(*) " +
                      " from " + tableName + conditions +
                      " group by " + tableField +
            SQLite.NET.SQLiteResultSet results = DBTVSeries.Execute(sql);
            MPTVSeriesLog.Write("View: GetGroupItems: SQL complete", MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Debug);
            if (results.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int index = 0; index < results.Rows.Count; index++)
                    string tmpItem = results.Rows[index].fields[0];
                    // assume we now have a list of all distinct ones
                    if (step.groupedBy.attempSplit)
                        // we want to try to split by "|" eg. for actors/genres
                        string[] split = DBOnlineEpisode.splitField(tmpItem);
                        foreach (string item in split)
                            if (item.Trim().Length == 0)
                                // display "Unknown" if field is empty"
                        if (tmpItem.Trim().Length == 0)
                if (step.groupedBy.attempSplit)
                    // have to check for dups (because we split eg. Drama|Action so "Action" might be in twice
                    items = Helper.RemoveDuplicates(items);
                // now we have to sort them again (Unknown/splitting above)
                if (step.groupedBy.attempSplit)
                    // and limit in memory here (again because those splits are hard to deal with)
                    if (step.limitItems > 0)
                        Helper.LimitList(ref items, step.limitItems);
            MPTVSeriesLog.Write("View: GetGroupItems: Complete", MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Debug);
Exemple #7
        public void addSQLCondition(string what, string type, string condition)
            if ((!what.Contains("<") || !what.Contains(".")) && !what.Contains("custom:")) return;

            SQLConditionType condtype;
            switch (type)
                case "=":
                    condtype = SQLConditionType.Equal;
                case ">":
                    condtype = SQLConditionType.GreaterThan;
                case ">=":
                    condtype = SQLConditionType.GreaterEqualThan;
                case "<":
                    condtype = SQLConditionType.LessThan;
                case "<=":
                    condtype = SQLConditionType.LessEqualThan;
                case "!=":
                    condtype = SQLConditionType.NotEqual;
                case "like":
                    condtype = SQLConditionType.Like;
                    condtype = SQLConditionType.Equal;

            DBTable table = null;
            string tableField = string.Empty;
            getTableFieldname(what, out table, out tableField);
            Type lType = table.GetType();

            SQLCondition fullSubCond = new SQLCondition();

            if (logicalViewStep.type.series == Type && (lType != typeof(DBSeries) && lType != typeof(DBOnlineSeries)))

                if (lType == typeof(DBSeason))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID), DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);

                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBSeason.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
                else if (lType == typeof(DBOnlineEpisode))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" online_series.id in ( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false, true, DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID)) + " )");
                else if (lType == typeof(DBEpisode)) {
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBEpisode.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" online_series.id in ( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false, true, DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID)) + " )");
            else if (logicalViewStep.type.season == Type && lType != typeof(DBSeason))

                if (lType == typeof(DBOnlineSeries) || lType == typeof(DBSeries))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID), DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineSeries.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBSeries.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
                else if (lType == typeof(DBOnlineEpisode))
                    // we rely on the join in dbseason for this (much, much faster)
                    conds.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                else if (lType == typeof(DBEpisode)) {
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeasonIndex), DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cIndex), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBEpisode.Q(tableField), condition, condtype);
                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
            else if (logicalViewStep.type.episode == Type && (lType != typeof(DBEpisode) && lType != typeof(DBOnlineEpisode)))

                if (lType == typeof(DBOnlineSeries) || lType == typeof(DBSeries))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID), DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineSeries.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBSeries.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
                if (lType == typeof(DBSeason))
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cSeriesID), DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(DBSeason.cIndex), DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeasonIndex), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBSeason.Q(tableField), condition, condtype, true);
                    conds.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBSeason.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
                // condition is on current table itself
                conds.Add(table, tableField, condition.Trim(), condtype);
Exemple #8
        // in nested groups, eg. Networks-Genres-.. we also need selections
        public List<string> getGroupItems(int stepIndex, string[] currentStepSelection)
            SQLCondition conditions = null;
            MPTVSeriesLog.Write("View: GetGroupItems: Begin", MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Debug);
            if (stepIndex >= m_steps.Count) return null; // wrong index specified!!
            addHierarchyConditions(ref stepIndex, ref currentStepSelection, ref conditions);
            logicalViewStep step = m_steps[stepIndex];
            List<string> items = new List<string>();
            // to ensure we respect on the fly filter settings
            if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cView_Episode_OnlyShowLocalFiles) && (typeof(DBOnlineEpisode) != step.groupedBy.table.GetType() && typeof(DBEpisode) != step.groupedBy.table.GetType()))
                // not generic
                SQLCondition fullSubCond = new SQLCondition();
                fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                conditions.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
            else if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cView_Episode_OnlyShowLocalFiles))
                // has to be grouped by something episode
                conditions.Add(new DBEpisode(), DBEpisode.cFilename, "", SQLConditionType.NotEqual);

            string fieldName = step.groupedBy.rawFieldname;
            string tableName = step.groupedBy.table.m_tableName;
            string tableField = step.groupedBy.tableField;
            string userEditField = tableField + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix;
            string sql = string.Empty;

            // check if the useredit column exists
            if (DBTable.ColumnExists(tableName, fieldName + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix))
                sql = "select distinct(" +
                             "case when (" + userEditField + " is null or " + userEditField + " = " + "'" + "'" + ") " +
                             "then " + tableField + " else " + userEditField + " " +
                             "end) as gnr, " +
                             "count(*) from " + tableName + conditions + " group by gnr" + step.conds.orderString;
                sql = "select distinct " + tableField +
                             " , count(*) " +
                             " from " + tableName + conditions +
                             " group by " + tableField +

            SQLite.NET.SQLiteResultSet results = DBTVSeries.Execute(sql);
            MPTVSeriesLog.Write("View: GetGroupItems: SQL complete", MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Debug);
            if (results.Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int index = 0; index < results.Rows.Count; index++)
                    string tmpItem = results.Rows[index].fields[0];
                    // assume we now have a list of all distinct ones
                    if (step.groupedBy.attempSplit) {
                        // we want to try to split by "|" eg. for actors/genres
                        string[] split = DBOnlineEpisode.splitField(tmpItem);
                        foreach (string item in split) {
                            if (item.Trim().Length == 0) {
                                // display "Unknown" if field is empty"
                            else {
                    else {
                        if (tmpItem.Trim().Length == 0)
                if (step.groupedBy.attempSplit)
                    // have to check for dups (because we split eg. Drama|Action so "Action" might be in twice
                    items = Helper.RemoveDuplicates(items);
                // now we have to sort them again (Unknown/splitting above)
                if (step.groupedBy.attempSplit)
                    // and limit in memory here (again because those splits are hard to deal with)
                    if (step.limitItems > 0)
                        Helper.LimitList(ref items, step.limitItems);
            MPTVSeriesLog.Write("View: GetGroupItems: Complete", MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Debug);
            return items;
Exemple #9
        public void addHierarchyConditions(ref int stepIndex, ref string[] currentStepSelection, ref SQLCondition conditions)
            logicalViewStep step = m_steps[stepIndex];
            conditions = step.conds.Copy(); // important, don't change the steps themselves

            // we need to add one additional condition to reflect the selection one hierarchy up
            if (currentStepSelection != null && currentStepSelection.Length > 0 && stepIndex > 0)
                switch (m_steps[stepIndex - 1].Type)
                    case logicalViewStep.type.group:
                        bool requiresSplit = false; // use sql 'like' for split fields

                        // selected group label
                        string selectedItem = currentStepSelection[0];

                        // we expect to get the selected group's label
                        // unknown really is "" so get all with null values here
                        if (selectedItem == Translation.Unknown)
                            selectedItem = string.Empty;
                            if (m_steps[stepIndex - 1].groupedBy.attempSplit) requiresSplit = true;

                        string fieldName = m_steps[stepIndex - 1].groupedBy.rawFieldname;
                        string tableName = m_steps[stepIndex - 1].groupedBy.table.m_tableName;
                        string tableField = tableName + "." + fieldName;
                        string userEditField = tableField + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix;
                        string value = requiresSplit ? "like " + "'%" + selectedItem + "%'" : "= " + "'" + selectedItem + "'";
                        string sql = string.Empty;

                        // check if the useredit column exists
                        if (DBTable.ColumnExists(tableName, fieldName + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix))
                            sql = "(case when (" + userEditField + " is null or " + userEditField + " = " + "'" + "'" + ") " +
                                     "then " + tableField + " else " + userEditField + " " +
                                     "end) " + value;
                            sql = tableField + " " + value;

                    case logicalViewStep.type.series:
                        // we expect to get the seriesID as stepSel
                        conditions.Add(new DBSeason(), DBSeason.cSeriesID, currentStepSelection[0], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                        if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cSortSpecialSeasonLast))
                            conditions.InsertOrderItem(DBSeason.cTableName + "." + DBSeason.cIndex + " = 0", SQLCondition.orderType.Ascending);
                    case logicalViewStep.type.season:
                        // we expect to get the seriesID/seasonIndex as stepSel

                        // we want to query episodes using the CombinedSeason if Sort Order is "DVD"
                        // CombinedSeason gives us the DVD Season and if empty will give us the Aired Season
                        DBSeries series = Helper.getCorrespondingSeries(int.Parse(currentStepSelection[0]));
                        bool SortByDVD = series[DBOnlineSeries.cEpisodeSortOrder] == "DVD";
                        string seasonIndex = SortByDVD ? DBOnlineEpisode.cCombinedSeason : DBOnlineEpisode.cSeasonIndex;

                        conditions.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID, currentStepSelection[0], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                        conditions.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), seasonIndex, currentStepSelection[1], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                        if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cSortSpecials) && !SortByDVD)
                            conditions.nextIsOr = true;
                            conditions.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cAirsBeforeSeason, currentStepSelection[1], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                            conditions.Add(new DBOnlineEpisode(), DBOnlineEpisode.cAirsAfterSeason, currentStepSelection[1], SQLConditionType.Equal);
                            conditions.nextIsOr = false;
Exemple #10
        private void Group_OnItemSelected(GUIListItem item)
            m_SelectedSeries = null;
            m_SelectedSeason = null;
            m_SelectedEpisode = null;
            if (item == null) return;


            // let's try to give the user a bit more information
            string groupedBy = m_CurrLView.groupedInfo(m_CurrViewStep);
            if (groupedBy.Contains("<Ser"))
                int count = 0;
                string seriesNames = string.Empty;
                SQLCondition cond = new SQLCondition();
                cond.AddOrderItem(DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName), SQLCondition.orderType.Ascending);

                bool requiresSplit = false; // use sql 'like' for split fields

                // selected group label
                string selectedItem = this.m_Facade.SelectedListItem.Label.ToString();

                // unknown really is "" so get all with null values here
                if (selectedItem == Translation.Unknown)
                    selectedItem = string.Empty;
                    if (m_CurrLView.m_steps[m_CurrViewStep].groupedBy.attempSplit) requiresSplit = true;

                string field = groupedBy.Substring(groupedBy.IndexOf('.') + 1).Replace(">", "");
                string tableName = "online_series";
                string tableField = tableName + "." + field;
                string userEditField = tableField + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix;
                string value = requiresSplit ? "like " + "'%" + selectedItem + "%'" : "= " + "'" + selectedItem + "'";
                string sql = string.Empty;

                // check if the useredit column exists
                if (DBTable.ColumnExists(tableName, field + DBTable.cUserEditPostFix))
                    sql = "(case when (" + userEditField + " is null or " + userEditField + " = " + "'" + "'" + ") " +
                             "then " + tableField + " else " + userEditField + " " +
                             "end) " + value;
                    sql = tableField + " " + value;


                if (DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cView_Episode_OnlyShowLocalFiles))
                    // not generic
                    SQLCondition fullSubCond = new SQLCondition();
                    fullSubCond.AddCustom(DBOnlineEpisode.Q(DBOnlineEpisode.cSeriesID), DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID), SQLConditionType.Equal);
                    cond.AddCustom(" exists( " + DBEpisode.stdGetSQL(fullSubCond, false) + " )");
                if (!DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cShowHiddenItems))
                    cond.AddCustom("exists ( select id from local_series where id = online_series.id and hidden = 0)");

                foreach (string series in DBOnlineSeries.GetSingleField(DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName, cond, new DBOnlineSeries()))
                    seriesNames += series + Environment.NewLine;

                setGUIProperty(guiProperty.SeriesCount, count.ToString());
                setGUIProperty(guiProperty.Subtitle, count.ToString() + " " + (count == 1 ? Translation.Series : Translation.Series_Plural));
                setGUIProperty(guiProperty.Description, seriesNames);

            setGUIProperty(guiProperty.Title, item.Label.ToString());

            setGUIProperty(guiProperty.Logos, localLogos.getLogos(m_CurrLView.groupedInfo(m_CurrViewStep), this.m_Facade.SelectedListItem.Label, logosHeight, logosWidth));


Exemple #11
        public static string stdGetSQL(SQLCondition conditions, bool selectFull, bool includeStdCond)
            string field;
            if (selectFull)
                SQLWhat what = new SQLWhat(new DBOnlineSeries());
                what.AddWhat(new DBSeries());
                field = what;
            else field = DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cID) + " from " + DBOnlineSeries.cTableName;

            if (includeStdCond)

            string conds = conditions;
            string orderBy = string.Empty;
            if (selectFull)
                bool bUseSortName = DBOption.GetOptions(DBOption.cUseSortName);
                orderBy = conditions.customOrderStringIsSet
                      ? conditions.orderString
                      : " order by " + (bUseSortName?"upper(" + DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cSortName) + "),":"") + "upper(" + DBOnlineSeries.Q(DBOnlineSeries.cPrettyName) + ")";
            return "select " + field + " left join " + cTableName + " on " + DBSeries.Q(cID) + "==" + DBOnlineSeries.Q(cID)
                             + conds
                             + orderBy
                             + conditions.limitString;

Exemple #12
        public static List<DBSeries> Get(SQLCondition conditions, bool onlyWithUnwatchedEpisodes, bool includeStdCond)
            if (onlyWithUnwatchedEpisodes)
	                        select count(*) from online_episodes
	                        seriesID = local_series.ID
                            and watched = '0'
                            ) > 0");

            String sqlQuery = stdGetSQL(conditions, true, includeStdCond);
            return Get(sqlQuery);