public static void GetLocationData(string locationStr, ScheduleDialog dialog) { var client = new RestClient(""); ProxyWrapper.ApplyProxyToClient(client); var request = new RestRequest("v1/search.php"); request.AddParameter("key", apiKey); request.AddParameter("q", locationStr); request.AddParameter("format", "json"); request.AddParameter("limit", "1"); client.ExecuteAsync <List <LocationIQData> >(request, response => { if (response.IsSuccessful) { JsonConfig.settings.location = locationStr; HandleLocationSuccess(response.Data[0], dialog); } else { MessageDialog.ShowWarning(_("The location you entered was invalid, or you are not connected to " + "the Internet. Check your Internet connection and try a different location. You can use a " + "complete address or just the name of your city/region."), _("Error")); } }); }
private static void LoadLocaleFromWeb() { var client = new RestClient(""); ProxyWrapper.ApplyProxyToClient(client); var request = new RestRequest("/v2/projects/export", Method.POST); request.AddParameter("api_token", JsonConfig.settings.poeditorApiToken); request.AddParameter("id", "293081"); request.AddParameter("language", currentLocale); request.AddParameter("type", "mo"); var response = client.Execute <PoEditorApiData>(request); if (!response.IsSuccessful) { return; } using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { ProxyWrapper.ApplyProxyToClient(client); byte[] moBinary = wc.DownloadData(response.Data.result.url); using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream(moBinary)) { catalog = new Catalog(stream, new CultureInfo(currentLocale)); } } }
private static string GetLatestVersion() { var client = new RestClient(""); ProxyWrapper.ApplyProxyToClient(client); var request = new RestRequest("/repos/t1m0thyj/WinDynamicDesktop/releases/latest"); var response = client.Execute <GitHubApiData>(request); return(response.IsSuccessful ? response.Data.tag_name.Substring(1) : null); }
public DownloadDialog() { InitializeComponent(); Localization.TranslateForm(this); this.Font = SystemFonts.MessageBoxFont; this.FormClosing += OnFormClosing; ThemeLoader.taskbarHandle = this.Handle; ProxyWrapper.ApplyProxyToClient(wc); wc.DownloadProgressChanged += OnDownloadProgressChanged; wc.DownloadFileCompleted += OnDownloadFileCompleted; }
public static void CalcThemeDownloadSize(ThemeConfig theme, Action <string> setSize) { Task.Run(() => { foreach (Uri themeUri in DefaultThemes.GetThemeUriList(theme.themeId)) { var client = new RestClient(themeUri); ProxyWrapper.ApplyProxyToClient(client); var response = client.Head(new RestRequest()); if (response.IsSuccessful) { long sizeBytes = Convert.ToInt64(response.Headers.ToList() .Find(x => x.Name == "Content-Length").Value); setSize(string.Format(_("{0} MB"), (sizeBytes / 1024d / 1024d).ToString("0.#"))); break; } } }); }