public NoUndoNetworkCommand(String name, CommandScope scope, bool active,
     Network net, NetworkCommandType comType)
     : base(name, scope, active)
     commandType = comType;
     network = net;
 public QuitCommand(BaseApplication app,
     String name, CommandScope scope, bool active,
     String dialogTitle, String dialogQuestion)
     : base(name, scope, active, dialogTitle, dialogQuestion)
     application = app;
 public CloseWindowCommand(String name, CommandScope scope,
     bool active, MainWindow window)
     : base(name, scope, active)
     Debug.Assert(window != null);
     this.window = window;
 public NoUndoMWCmd(String name, CommandScope scope, bool active,
     MsgWin win, CmdType comType)
     : base(name, scope, active)
     messageWindow = win;
     commandType = comType;
 public OpenCommand(String name, CommandScope scope, bool active,
     DXApplication app)
     : base(name, scope, active,
     "Save Confirmation", "Do you want to save the program?")
     this.application = app;
 public SaveMacroCommand(String name, CommandScope scope,
     bool active, MacroDefinition md)
     : base(name, scope, active)
 { = md; = null;
 public UIComponentHelpCommand(String name, CommandScope scope,
     bool active, Control control)
     : base(name, scope, active)
     Debug.Assert(control != null);
     this.control = control;
 public DisconnectFromServerCommand(String name,
     CommandScope scope, bool active)
     : base(name, scope, active,
     "Disconnect from Server",
     "Do you really want to disconnect from the server?")
 public NoUndoDXAppCommand(String name, CommandScope scope,
     bool active, DXApplication app, DXApplication.CommandType comType)
     : base(name, scope, active)
     this.commandType = comType;
     this.application = app;
 public NewCommand(String name, CommandScope scope, bool active,
     Network net, Form dialogParent)
     : base(name, scope, active,
     "Save Confirmation", "Do you want to save the program?",
     network = net;
 public NoUndoJavaNetCommand(String name,
     CommandScope scope, bool active, JavaNet n,
     JavaNetCommandType comType)
     : base(name, scope, active)
     commandType = comType;
     network = n;
 public ConfirmedQuitCommand(String name, CommandScope scope,
     bool active, DXApplication app)
     : base(name, scope, active,
     "Save Confirmation", "Do you want to save the program?")
     application = app;
     command = null;
        protected PreActionCommand(String name, CommandScope scope, bool active,
            String dialogTitle, String dialogQuestion)
            : base(name, scope, active)
            Debug.Assert(dialogTitle != null);
            Debug.Assert(dialogQuestion != null);

            this.dialogTitle = dialogTitle;
            this.dialogQuestion = dialogQuestion;
        protected ConfirmedCommand(String name,
            CommandScope scope,
            bool active,
            String dialogTitle,
            String dialogQuestion,
            Form parent)
            : base(name, scope, active)
            Debug.Assert(dialogTitle != null);
            Debug.Assert(dialogQuestion != null);

            this.dialogTitle = dialogTitle;
            this.dialogQuestion = dialogQuestion;
            this.parent = parent;
Exemple #15
        public Command(String name, CommandScope scope, bool active)
            if (name == null)
                StackFrame stackFrame = new StackFrame();
                MethodBase methodBase = stackFrame.GetMethod();
                throw new Exception(string.Format("{0}: invalid arg", methodBase));

   = name;
   = active;
            this.hasUndo = true;
            thisServer = new Server();

            if (scope != null)
Exemple #16
        public bool registerScope(CommandScope scope)
            if (scope == null)
                StackFrame stackFrame = new StackFrame();
                MethodBase methodBase = stackFrame.GetMethod();
                throw new Exception(string.Format("{0}: invalid arg", methodBase));

            if (scopeList.Contains(scope))
                return false;
            return true;
 public HelpMenuCommand(String name, CommandScope scope, bool active, HelpType comType)
     : base(name, scope, active)
     commandType = comType;
 protected NoUndoCommand(String name, CommandScope scope, bool active)
     : base(name, scope, active)
     hasUndo = false;
 protected OptionalPreActionCommand(String name,
     CommandScope scope, bool active, String dialogTitle,
     String dialogQuestion)
     : base(name, scope, active, dialogTitle, dialogQuestion)
        public DXApplication(String s)
            : base(s)
            theDXApplication = this;
            anchor = null;
            serverDisconnectScheduled = false;
            network = null;

            // Create the local command scope.
            commandScope = new CommandScope();

            // Initialize the packet interface.
            serverInfo.packet = null;
            applicationPacket = null;
            messageWindow = null;

            genericHelpCmd = new HelpMenuCommand("genericAppHelp",
                null, true, HelpMenuCommand.HelpType.GenericHelp);
            helpTutorialCmd = new HelpMenuCommand("helpTutorial",
                null, true, HelpMenuCommand.HelpType.HelpTutorial);

            quitCmd = new ConfirmedQuitCommand("quit", commandScope,
                true, this);
            exitCmd = new ConfirmedExitCommand("exit", commandScope,
                true, this);
            openFileCmd = new OpenCommand("open", commandScope,
                true, this);
            messageWindowCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("messageWindowCmd",
                commandScope, true, this, CommandType.OpenMessageWindow);

            openSequencerCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("openSequencerCmd",
                commandScope, false, this, CommandType.OpenSequencer);
            openAllColormapCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("openAllColormapCmd",
                commandScope, false, this, CommandType.OpenAllColormaps);
            loadMacroCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("Load Macro Command",
                commandScope, true, this, CommandType.LoadMacro);
            executeOnceCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("Execute Once",
                commandScope, false, this, CommandType.ExecuteOnce);
            executeOnChangeCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("Execute On Change",
                commandScope, false, this, CommandType.ExecuteOnChange);
            endExecutionCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("End Execution",
                commandScope, false, this, CommandType.EndExecution);
            connectedToServerCmd = new NoOpCommand("Connected To Server",
                commandScope, true);
            disconnectedFromServerCmd = new NoOpCommand("Disconnected From Server",
                commandScope, true);
            executingCmd = new NoOpCommand("executingCmd", commandScope, true);
            notExecutingCmd = new NoOpCommand("notExecutingCmd", commandScope, true);
            connectToServerCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("Start Server",
                commandScope, true, this, CommandType.StartServer);
            resetServerCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("Reset Server",
                commandScope, false, this, CommandType.ResetServer);
            disconnectFromServerCmd = new DisconnectFromServerCommand("disconnectFromServer",
                commandScope, false);
            loadMDFCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("Load MDF...",
                commandScope, true, this, CommandType.LoadUserMDF);
            toggleInfoEnable = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("Enable Information",
                commandScope, true, this, CommandType.ToggleInfoEnabled);
            toggleWarningEnable = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("Enable Warnings",
                commandScope, true, this, CommandType.ToggleWarningEnabled);
            toggleErrorEnable = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("Enable Errors",
                commandScope, true, this, CommandType.ToggleErrorEnabled);
            assignProcessGroupCmd = new NoUndoDXAppCommand("assignProcessGroup",
                commandScope, true, this, CommandType.AssignProcessGroup);



            // Once in execute on change don't allow it again until the user
            // does an endExecutionCmd

            // Set the automatic activation of any commands that depend on whether
            // or not we are currently executing.

            // Don't allow execute on change during an execute once.

            NDAllocatorDictionary.theNDAllocatorDictionary = new NDAllocatorDictionary();

            readFirstNetwork = false;
 public MWClearCmd(String name, CommandScope scope, bool active, MsgWin win)
     : base(name, scope, active)
     messageWindow = win;
        private void CommonConstructor()

            workArea = null;
            commandArea = null;
            Text = "";

            Visible = false;
            if (hasMenuBar)
                commandScope = new CommandScope();
                helpOnWindowCmd = new UIComponentHelpCommand("helpOnWindow", null,
                    true, this);
                commandScope = null;

            Debug.Assert(MainProgram.theApplication != null);

            Load += new EventHandler(MainWindow_Load);
Exemple #23
        public bool unregisterScope(CommandScope scope)
            if (!scopeList.Contains(scope))
                return false;

            return scopeList.Remove(scope);