Exemple #1
        public static void GetPrevBillD(DataSet ds, string sTableMain, string sMainSql, string sTableDetail, string sDetailSql, string sWhereSql, string sKey1, string keyMember1, string sKey2, string keyMember2)
            string sql = "";

            if (ConvertUtil.GetDBString(sWhereSql) == "")
                sql = "SELECT TOP 1 " + GetTableKeyColumn(sKey1, sKey2) + " FROM " + sTableMain + " WHERE " + sKey1 + " < " + keyMember1 + GetTableKey2Where(sTableMain, sKey2, keyMember2) + " order by " + sKey1 + " desc";
                sql = "SELECT TOP 1 " + GetTableKeyColumn(sKey1, sKey2) + " FROM " + sTableMain + " WHERE " + sKey1 + " < " + keyMember1 + GetTableKey2Where(sTableMain, sKey2, keyMember2) + " AND " + sWhereSql + " order by " + sKey1 + " desc";
            if (ConvertUtil.GetDBString(sKey2) == "")
                keyMember1 = Linker.GetString(sql);
                DataRow dataRow = Linker.GetDataRow(sql);
                keyMember1 = ConvertUtil.GetDBString(dataRow[sKey1]);
                keyMember2 = ConvertUtil.GetDBString(dataRow[sKey2]);
            if (ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(keyMember1) <= 0)
                GetLastBillD(ds, sTableMain, sMainSql, sTableDetail, sDetailSql, sWhereSql, sKey1, sKey2);
                GetCurrentBill(ds, sTableMain, sMainSql, sTableDetail, sDetailSql, sKey1, keyMember1, sKey2, keyMember2);
Exemple #2
        private void CmnLookData(DataRow dr, out DataTable dt, out string st)
            //dt = (DataTable)RTable.Clone();
            dt = (DataTable)userdata.Clone();
            ZKAccess FG = new ZKAccess(ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["SerialPort"]), ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["Port"]), ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["MachineNumber"]), ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["Baudrate"]), dr["IP"].ToString());

            if (FG.Connect_Net())
                st = "连接成功!";
                string sdwEnrollNumber = "";
                string sName           = "";
                string sPassword       = "";
                int    iPrivilege      = 0;
                bool   bEnabled        = false;

                //int idwFingerIndex;
                //string sTmpData = "";

                //int iTmpLength = 0;
                //int iFlag = 0;

                //string sFaceData = "";
                //int iFaceLength = 0;
                //int iFaceIndex = 50;
                FG.m_CZKEMClass.EnableDevice(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, false);
                //Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                FG.m_CZKEMClass.ReadAllUserID(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER);                                                                                          //read all the user information to the memory
                FG.m_CZKEMClass.ReadAllTemplate(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER);                                                                                        //read all the users' fingerprint templates to the memory
                while (FG.m_CZKEMClass.SSR_GetAllUserInfo(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, out sdwEnrollNumber, out sName, out sPassword, out iPrivilege, out bEnabled)) //get all the users' information from the memory
                    DataRow newdr = dt.NewRow();
                    newdr["EnrollNumber"] = sdwEnrollNumber.ToString();
                    newdr["UserName"]     = sName.ToString();
                    newdr["Privilege"]    = iPrivilege;
                    newdr["MPassword"]    = sPassword;
                    newdr["IsEnabled"]    = bEnabled;

                FG.m_CZKEMClass.EnableDevice(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, true);
                st = dr["MachineNumber"].ToString() + "指纹机连接失败";
Exemple #3
        public int GetInt(string sql)
            int dBInt = -2147483648;

                dBInt = ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(this.GetObject(sql));
            catch (Exception exception)
                dBInt             = -2147483648;
                this.ErrException = exception;
                this.ErrMessage   = exception.Message;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 下载更新数据库的用户数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dr"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        protected void CmnDownLoadData(DataRow dr, out string b)
            int    count    = 0;
            int    sumcount = 0;
            string rtstr    = "";

            b = "";
            ZKAccess FG = new ZKAccess(ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["SerialPort"]), ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["Port"]), ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["MachineNumber"]), ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["Baudrate"]), dr["IP"].ToString());

            if (FG.Connect_Net())
                b = dr["MachineNumber"].ToString() + "指纹机连接成功";
                string sdwEnrollNumber = "";
                string sName           = "";
                string sPassword       = "";
                int    iPrivilege      = 0;
                bool   bEnabled        = false;

                int    idwFingerIndex;
                string sTmpData = "";

                int iTmpLength = 0;
                int iFlag      = 0;

                int    iFaceLength = 128 * 1024;
                int    iFaceIndex  = 50;
                byte[] sFaceData   = new byte[iFaceLength];
                FG.m_CZKEMClass.EnableDevice(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, false);
                //Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                FG.m_CZKEMClass.ReadAllUserID(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER);                                                                                          //read all the user information to the memory
                FG.m_CZKEMClass.ReadAllTemplate(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER);                                                                                        //read all the users' fingerprint templates to the memory
                while (FG.m_CZKEMClass.SSR_GetAllUserInfo(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, out sdwEnrollNumber, out sName, out sPassword, out iPrivilege, out bEnabled)) //get all the users' information from the memory
                    sumcount = sumcount + 1;
                    //if (FG.m_CZKEMClass.GetUserFaceStr(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, sdwEnrollNumber, iFaceIndex, ref sFaceData, ref iFaceLength))//get the face templates from the memory

                    if (FG.m_CZKEMClass.GetUserFace(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, sdwEnrollNumber, iFaceIndex, ref sFaceData[0], ref iFaceLength))
                    for (idwFingerIndex = 0; idwFingerIndex < 10; idwFingerIndex++)
                        if (FG.m_CZKEMClass.GetUserTmpExStr(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, sdwEnrollNumber, idwFingerIndex, out iFlag, out sTmpData, out iTmpLength))//get the corresponding templates string and length from the memory
                            if (DBLinker.Linker.GetDataRow("select 1 from d_user where EnrollNumber='" + sdwEnrollNumber.ToString() + "'") == null)
                                string sql = "insert into [d_user] ([LoginName],[UserName],[UserPassword] ,[AllowLogin],[MachineNumber] ,[EnrollNumber] ,[FingerIndex] ,[FaceIndex],[Finger] ,[photo],[Flag] ,[MPassword] ,[Privilege] ,[IsEnabled],FingerLength,FaceLength) VALUES ('" + sdwEnrollNumber + "','" + sName + "','r3B6n6Eq5z8=' ,1," + FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER.ToString() + " ,'" + sdwEnrollNumber + "' ," + idwFingerIndex + " ," + iFaceIndex + ",'" + sTmpData + "','" + sFaceData + "'," + iFlag.ToString() + " ,'" + sPassword + "' ," + iPrivilege.ToString() + " ,'" + bEnabled + "'," + iTmpLength + "," + iFaceLength + ")";
                                if (DBLinker.Linker.ExecuteNonQuery(sql) != -1)
                                    count = count + 1;
                                    rtstr = rtstr + sql + "\r\n";
                                string sql = "UPDATE [d_user] SET [MachineNumber] =" + FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER.ToString() + ",[FingerIndex] = " + idwFingerIndex + ",[FaceIndex] = " + iFaceIndex + " ,[Finger] =  '" + sTmpData + "',[photo] = '" + sFaceData + "' ,[Flag] =  " + iFlag.ToString() + " ,[MPassword] ='" + sPassword + "' ,[Privilege] =" + iPrivilege.ToString() + " ,[IsEnabled] =  '" + bEnabled + "',[FingerLength] = " + iTmpLength + " ,[FaceLength] = " + iFaceLength + " where  [EnrollNumber]='" + sdwEnrollNumber + "'";
                                if (DBLinker.Linker.ExecuteNonQuery(sql) != -1)
                                    count = count + 1;
                                    rtstr = rtstr + sql + "\r\n";

                FG.m_CZKEMClass.EnableDevice(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, true);

                b = ("下载或更新用户信息" + count.ToString() + "条,合计" + sumcount.ToString() + "条,错误提示:\r\n " + rtstr);
                b = dr["MachineNumber"].ToString() + "指纹机连接失败";
Exemple #5
        /// 上传用户数据到机器
        private void CmnUpLoadData(DataRow dr, out string b)
            b = "";
            ZKAccess FG = new ZKAccess(ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["SerialPort"]), ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["Port"]), ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["MachineNumber"]), ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(dr["Baudrate"]), dr["IP"].ToString());

            if (FG.Connect_Net())
                int    idwErrorCode    = 0;
                string sdwEnrollNumber = "";
                string sName           = "";
                int    idwFingerIndex  = 0;
                string sTmpData        = "";
                int    iPrivilege  = 0;
                string sPassword   = "";
                string sEnabled    = "";
                bool   bEnabled    = true;
                int    iFlag       = 1;
                int    iFaceLength = 128 * 1024;
                int    iFaceIndex  = 50;
                byte[] sFaceData   = new byte[iFaceLength];

                int iUpdateFlag = 1;

                FG.m_CZKEMClass.EnableDevice(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, false);
                //    if (FG.m_CZKEMClass.BeginBatchUpdate(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, iUpdateFlag))//create memory space for batching data
                //    {
                //        string sLastEnrollNumber = "";//the former enrollnumber you have upload(define original value as 0)
                //        for (int i = 0; i < gridView.RowCount; i++)
                //        {
                //            DataRow newdr = gridView.GetDataRow(i);
                //            if (newdr["uploaded"].ToString() == "1")
                //            {
                //                sdwEnrollNumber = newdr["EnrollNumber"].ToString();
                //                sName = newdr["UserName"].ToString();
                //                idwFingerIndex = ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(newdr["FingerIndex"]);
                //                sTmpData = newdr["Finger"].ToString();
                //                iPrivilege = ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(newdr["Privilege"]);
                //                sPassword = newdr["MPassword"].ToString();
                //                sEnabled = newdr["IsEnabled"].ToString();
                //                iFlag = ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(newdr["Flag"]);
                //                iFaceLength = ConvertUtil.GetDBInt(newdr["FingerLength"]);

                //                sFaceData = (byte[])newdr["photo"];
                //                if (sEnabled == "true")
                //                {
                //                    bEnabled = true;
                //                }
                //                else
                //                {
                //                    bEnabled = false;
                //                }
                //                if (sdwEnrollNumber != sLastEnrollNumber)//identify whether the user information(except fingerprint templates) has been uploaded
                //                {
                //                    if (FG.m_CZKEMClass.SSR_SetUserInfo(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, sdwEnrollNumber, sName, sPassword, iPrivilege, bEnabled))//upload user information to the memory
                //                    {
                //                        FG.m_CZKEMClass.SetUserTmpExStr(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, sdwEnrollNumber, idwFingerIndex, iFlag, sTmpData);//upload templates information to the memory
                //                    }
                //                    else
                //                    {
                //                        FG.m_CZKEMClass.GetLastError(ref idwErrorCode);

                //                        FG.m_CZKEMClass.EnableDevice(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, true);
                //                        return;
                //                    }

                //                }
                //                else//the current fingerprint and the former one belongs the same user,that is ,one user has more than one template
                //                {
                //                    FG.m_CZKEMClass.SetUserTmpExStr(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, sdwEnrollNumber, idwFingerIndex, iFlag, sTmpData);
                //                }
                //                //更新照片模版。先不要用,免得出错,丢失数据。试验能够成功再使用。
                //                //FG.m_CZKEMClass.SetUserFace(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, sdwEnrollNumber, 50,ref  sFaceData[0], iFaceLength);
                //                sLastEnrollNumber = sdwEnrollNumber;//change the value of iLastEnrollNumber dynamicly
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
                //    FG.m_CZKEMClass.BatchUpdate(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER);//upload all the information in the memory
                //    FG.m_CZKEMClass.RefreshData(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER);//the data in the device should be refreshed
                //    FG.m_CZKEMClass.EnableDevice(FG.COM_MACHINENUMBER, true);
                //    b = "上传完成";
                listBox1.Items.Add(dr["MachineNumber"].ToString() + "指纹机无法连机");