public void GetUri_WhiteSpaceAllOver()
            System.Uri baseUri = new System.Uri("");
            IUrlService service = new DefaultUrlService(baseUri, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(new System.Uri(""), service.GetUri("	RelativePath/Path  "), @"
            The GetUri method should take in a path and append it to the end of the base Url.
            If the path has a preceeding slash or not, it shouldn't matter.
        public void GetUri_NullPath()
            System.Uri baseUri = new System.Uri("");
            IUrlService service = new DefaultUrlService(baseUri, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(new System.Uri(""), service.GetUri(null), @"
            The GetUri method should take in a path and append it to the end of the base Url.
            If null is passed in for the path, then the Base Uri should be returned.