Exemple #1
        /// <summary>Handle the events of our parent moving; need to adjust our exit context commands and such.</summary>
        /// <param name="root">The event sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event args.</param>
        private void ParentMovementEventHandler(Thing root, Events.GameEvent e)
            // If our parent (the thing with exit behavior) was removed from something (like a room)...
            var removeChildEvent = e as RemoveChildEvent;

            if (removeChildEvent != null &&
                removeChildEvent.ActiveThing == Parent &&
                removeChildEvent.OldParent != null)
                // Remove the old exit command, if one was rigged up to the old location.
                string oldExitCommand = GetExitCommandFrom(removeChildEvent.OldParent);

            // If our parent (the thing with exit behavior) was placed in something (like a room)...
            var addChildEvent = e as AddChildEvent;

            if (addChildEvent != null &&
                addChildEvent.ActiveThing == Parent &&
                addChildEvent.NewParent != null)
                // Add the appropriate exit command for the new location.
        public void Init()
            // Create the basic actor instances and behavior for test.
            this.witness = new Thing() { Name = "Witness", ID = TestThingID.Generate("testthing") };
            this.stalker1 = new Thing() { Name = "Stalker1", ID = TestThingID.Generate("testthing") };
            this.stalker2 = new Thing() { Name = "Stalker2", ID = TestThingID.Generate("testthing") };
            this.victim1 = new Thing() { Name = "Victim1", ID = TestThingID.Generate("testthing") };
            this.victim2 = new Thing() { Name = "Victim2", ID = TestThingID.Generate("testthing") };

            // Set up the rooms.
            this.room1 = new Thing() { Name = "Room", ID = TestThingID.Generate("room") };
            this.room2 = new Thing() { Name = "Room 2", ID = TestThingID.Generate("room") };

            // Set up an exit connecting the two rooms.
            this.exit = new Thing() { Name = "East Exit", ID = TestThingID.Generate("exit") };
            var exitBehavior = new ExitBehavior();
            ////exitBehavior.AddDestination("west", room1.ID);
            ////exitBehavior.AddDestination("east", room1.ID);


            // Populate the first room.

            // Prepare to verify correct eventing occurs.
            this.witness.Eventing.MovementRequest += (root, e) => { this.lastWitnessRequest = e; };
            this.witness.Eventing.MovementEvent += (root, e) => { this.lastWitnessEvent = e; };
            this.stalker1.Eventing.MovementRequest += (root, e) => { this.lastStalkerRequest = e; };
            this.stalker1.Eventing.MovementEvent += (root, e) => { this.lastStalkerEvent = e; };
            this.stalker2.Eventing.MovementRequest += (root, e) => { this.lastStalkerRequest = e; };
            this.stalker2.Eventing.MovementEvent += (root, e) => { this.lastStalkerEvent = e; };
            this.victim1.Eventing.MovementRequest += (root, e) => { this.lastVictimRequest = e; };
            this.victim1.Eventing.MovementEvent += (root, e) => { this.lastVictimEvent = e; };
            this.victim2.Eventing.MovementRequest += (root, e) => { this.lastVictimRequest = e; };
            this.victim2.Eventing.MovementEvent += (root, e) => { this.lastVictimEvent = e; };
        public void Init()
            // Create the basic actor instances and behavior for test.
            this.witnessThing = new Thing() { Name = "WitnessThing", ID = TestThingID.Generate("testthing") };
            this.actingThing = new Thing() { Name = "ActingThing", ID = TestThingID.Generate("testthing") };
            this.lockableThing = new Thing() { Name = "LockableThing", ID = TestThingID.Generate("testthing") };
            this.locksUnlocksBehavior = new LocksUnlocksBehavior();

            // Set up the actors inside another (which we'll call a "room" although it needn't actually be a room).
            this.room = new Thing() { Name = "Room", ID = TestThingID.Generate("room") };

            // Prepare to verify correct eventing occurs.
            this.witnessThing.Eventing.MiscellaneousRequest += (root, e) => { this.lastWitnessRequest = e; };
            this.witnessThing.Eventing.MiscellaneousEvent += (root, e) => { this.lastWitnessEvent = e; };
            this.actingThing.Eventing.MiscellaneousRequest += (root, e) => { this.lastActorRequest = e; };
            this.actingThing.Eventing.MiscellaneousEvent += (root, e) => { this.lastActorEvent = e; };
Exemple #4
        private void OnEvent(Func<ThingEventing, GameEventHandler> handlerSelector, GameEvent e)
            // Build an event target queue which starts with our owner Thing and visits all it's Children.
            // (This is a queue instead of recursion to help avoid stack overflows and such with very large object trees.)
            Queue<Thing> eventTargetQueue = new Queue<Thing>();

            while (eventTargetQueue.Count > 0)
                // If anything (like one of the thing's Behaviors) is subscribed to this event, send it there.
                Thing currentEventTarget = eventTargetQueue.Dequeue();
                var handler = handlerSelector(currentEventTarget.Eventing);
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(currentEventTarget, e);

                // Enqueue all the current target's children for processing.
                foreach (Thing child in currentEventTarget.Children)
Exemple #5
        private void OnEvent(Func<ThingEventing, GameEventHandler> handlerSelector, GameEvent e, EventScope eventScope)
            // Determine what layer(s) we're broadcasting to; beyond the first layer, these should all be to Children.
            switch (eventScope)
                case EventScope.ParentsDown:
                    // Send the event to each parent.
                    List<Thing> allParents = this.owner.Parents;
                    foreach (var parent in allParents)
                        parent.Eventing.OnEvent(handlerSelector, e);

                case EventScope.SelfDown:
                    this.OnEvent(handlerSelector, e);
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises the <see cref="MovementEvent"/> event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="WheelMUD.Core.Events.GameEvent"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 /// <param name="eventScope">The base target(s) to broadcast to, including their children.</param>
 public void OnMovementEvent(GameEvent e, EventScope eventScope)
     Func<ThingEventing, GameEventHandler> handlerSelector = (t) => { return t.MovementEvent; };
     this.OnEvent(handlerSelector, e, eventScope);
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>Called when a player logs in, to raise the player log in events.</summary>
 /// <param name="player">The player.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="WheelMUD.Core.Events.GameEvent"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 public static void OnPlayerLogIn(Thing player, GameEvent e)
     var eventHandler = GlobalPlayerLogInEvent;
     if (eventHandler != null)
         eventHandler(player.Parent, e);
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Receives an event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">The root.</param>
 /// <param name="theEvent">The event to be received.</param>
 public void Receive(Thing root, GameEvent theEvent)
Exemple #9
 /// <summary>Raises the <see cref="CombatEvent"/> event.</summary>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="WheelMUD.Core.Events.GameEvent"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 /// <param name="eventScope">The base target(s) to broadcast to, including their children.</param>
 public void OnCombatEvent(GameEvent e, EventScope eventScope)
     this.OnEvent(t => t.CombatEvent, e, eventScope);
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>Raises the <see cref="MiscellaneousEvent"/> event.</summary>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="WheelMUD.Core.Events.GameEvent"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 /// <param name="eventScope">The base target(s) to broadcast to, including their children.</param>
 public void OnMiscellaneousEvent(GameEvent e, EventScope eventScope)
     this.OnEvent(t => t.MiscellaneousEvent, e, eventScope);
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>Raises the <see cref="CommunicationEvent"/> event.</summary>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="WheelMUD.Core.Events.GameEvent"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 /// <param name="eventScope">The base target(s) to broadcast to, including their children.</param>
 public void OnCommunicationEvent(GameEvent e, EventScope eventScope)
     this.OnEvent(t => t.CommunicationEvent, e, eventScope);
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>Raises the <see cref="CombatEvent"/> event.</summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="WheelMUD.Core.Events.GameEvent"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        /// <param name="eventScope">The base target(s) to broadcast to, including their children.</param>
        public void OnCombatEvent(GameEvent e, EventScope eventScope)
            Func <ThingEventing, GameEventHandler> handlerSelector = (t) => { return(t.CombatEvent); };

            this.OnEvent(handlerSelector, e, eventScope);
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>Raises the <see cref="MiscellaneousEvent"/> event.</summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="WheelMUD.Core.Events.GameEvent"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        /// <param name="eventScope">The base target(s) to broadcast to, including their children.</param>
        public void OnMiscellaneousEvent(GameEvent e, EventScope eventScope)
            Func <ThingEventing, GameEventHandler> handlerSelector = (t) => { return(t.MiscellaneousEvent); };

            this.OnEvent(handlerSelector, e, eventScope);
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>Executes the command.</summary>
        /// <param name="actionInput">The full input specified for executing the command.</param>
        public override void Execute(ActionInput actionInput)
            // Contextual message text to be supplied based on the action below
            var response = new ContextualString(this.sender.Thing, this.room.Parent);

            if (this.command == "add")
                // Add or update the description
                this.room.Visuals[this.visualName] = this.visualDescription;
                response.ToOriginator = string.Format("Visual '{0}' added/updated on room {1} [{2}].", this.visualName, this.roomName, this.roomId);

                //// TODO: Save change
            else if (this.command == "remove")
                if (this.room.Visuals.ContainsKey(this.visualName))

                    response.ToOriginator = string.Format("Visual '{0}' removed from room {1} [{2}]", this.visualName, this.roomName, this.roomId);

                //// TODO: Save change
            else if (this.command == "show")
                var output = new StringBuilder();

                if (this.room.Visuals.Count > 0)
                    output.AppendLine(string.Format("Visuals for {0} [{1}]:", this.roomName, this.roomId)).AppendLine();

                    foreach (var name in this.room.Visuals.Keys)
                        output.AppendLine(string.Format("  {0}: {1}", name, this.room.Visuals[name]));
                    output.Append(string.Format("No visuals found for {0} [{1}].", this.roomName, this.roomId));

                //// HACK: Using sender.Write() for now to avoid the ViewEngine stripping newlines.

                // No need to raise event.

            var message = new SensoryMessage(SensoryType.Sight, 100, response);
            var evt = new GameEvent(this.sender.Thing, message);
            this.sender.Thing.Eventing.OnMiscellaneousEvent(evt, EventScope.SelfDown);
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Processes the player log out events from the player manager; disconnects logged out characters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">The root location where the log out event originated.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
 private void PlayerManager_GlobalPlayerLogOutEvent(Thing root, GameEvent e)
     // If the player was user-controlled during log out, disconnect that user.
     var userControlledBehavior = e.ActiveThing.Behaviors.FindFirst<UserControlledBehavior>();
     if (userControlledBehavior != null && userControlledBehavior.Controller != null)
         var session = userControlledBehavior.Controller as Session;
         if (session != null && session.Connection != null)
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Raises the <see cref="CommunicationEvent"/> event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="WheelMUD.Core.Events.GameEvent"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 /// <param name="eventScope">The base target(s) to broadcast to, including their children.</param>
 public void OnCommunicationEvent(GameEvent e, EventScope eventScope)
     Func<ThingEventing, GameEventHandler> handlerSelector = (t) => { return t.CommunicationEvent; };
     this.OnEvent(handlerSelector, e, eventScope);
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the movement event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="root">The root.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The e.</param>
        private void ProcessMovementEvent(Thing root, GameEvent e)
            var self = this.Parent;
            var currentRoom = self.Parent;
            var arriveEvent = e as ArriveEvent;

            if (arriveEvent != null && arriveEvent.ActiveThing == this.Target && arriveEvent.GoingFrom == currentRoom)
                var leaveMessage = this.CreateLeaveMessage(self);
                var arriveMessage = this.CreateArriveMessage(self);

                var movableBehavior = self.Behaviors.FindFirst<MovableBehavior>();
                movableBehavior.Move(arriveEvent.GoingTo, arriveEvent.GoingVia, leaveMessage, arriveMessage);
Exemple #18
 /// <summary>Raises the <see cref="MovementEvent"/> event.</summary>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="WheelMUD.Core.Events.GameEvent"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 /// <param name="eventScope">The base target(s) to broadcast to, including their children.</param>
 public void OnMovementEvent(GameEvent e, EventScope eventScope)
     this.OnEvent(t => t.MovementEvent, e, eventScope);
 /// <summary>
 /// Clear all potentially tracked events so we can verify new ones.
 /// </summary>
 private void ClearTrackedEvents()
     this.lastActorEvent = null;
     this.lastActorRequest = null;
     this.lastWitnessEvent = null;
     this.lastWitnessRequest = null;
Exemple #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Process a specified event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="root">The root.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The event to be processed.</param>
 public void ProcessEvent(Thing root, GameEvent e)
     // Events with no sensory component have no chance to be percieved/relayed to player's terminal...
     if (e.SensoryMessage != null)
         string output = this.ProcessMessage(e.SensoryMessage);
         if (output != string.Empty)
 /// <summary>
 /// Clear all potentially tracked events so we can verify new ones.
 /// </summary>
 private void ClearTrackedEvents()
     this.lastStalkerEvent = null;
     this.lastStalkerRequest = null;
     this.lastVictimEvent = null;
     this.lastVictimRequest = null;
     this.lastWitnessEvent = null;
     this.lastWitnessRequest = null;
Exemple #22
 private void ProcessPlayerLogOutEvent(Thing root, GameEvent e)
     // If this is a friend, ensure we get a 'your friend logged out' message regardless of location.
     if (this.IsFriend(e.ActiveThing.Name) && e is PlayerLogOutEvent)
         var userControlledBehavior = this.Parent.Behaviors.FindFirst<UserControlledBehavior>();
         string message = string.Format("Your friend {0} has logged out.", e.ActiveThing.Name);