//Send out any delayed messages. This method is called each time through
        //the main game loop
        public void DispatchDelayedMessages()
            //first get current time
            double currentTime = DateTime.Now.Second;

            //Now peek at the queue to see if ane telegrams need dispatching.
            //remove all telegrams from the front of the queue that have gone
            //past their sell-by date.
            while (PriorityQ.Min.DispatchTime < currentTime && PriorityQ.Min.DispatchTime > 0)
                //Read the telegram from the front of the queue
                Telegram telegram = PriorityQ.Min;

                //Find the recipient
                BaseGameEntity msgReceiver = EntityManager.Instance.GetEntityFromId(telegram.Receiver);

                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
                Console.WriteLine("Queude telegram ready for dispatch: Sent to {0}",
                Console.WriteLine("Msg is {0}", EnumsNames.GetMessageDescription(telegram.Msg));

                //Send the telegram to the recipient
                Discharge(msgReceiver, telegram);

                //Remove it from the queue
        //send a message to another agent
        public void DispatchMessage(double delay, int sender, int receiver, int msg, object extraInfo)
            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;

            //Get pointers to the sender and receiver
            BaseGameEntity msgSender   = EntityManager.Instance.GetEntityFromId(sender);
            BaseGameEntity msgReceiver = EntityManager.Instance.GetEntityFromId(receiver);

            //Make sure the receiver is valid
            if (receiver.Equals(null))
                Console.WriteLine("Warning! No Receiver with ID of {0} found", receiver);
            //Create the Telegram
            Telegram telegram = new Telegram(sender, receiver, msg, 0.0f, extraInfo);

            //if there is no delay, route the telegram immediatly
            if (delay <= 0.0)
                Console.WriteLine("Instant telegram dispatched at time {0} by {1} for {2}",
                                  DateTime.Now, EnumsNames.GetNameOfEntity(msgSender.UniqueID),
                Console.WriteLine("Msg is {0}", EnumsNames.GetMessageDescription(msg));

                //Send the telegram to the recipient
                Discharge(msgReceiver, telegram);
                //else calculate the time when the telegram should be dispatched
                double currentTime = DateTime.Now.Second;
                telegram.DispatchTime = currentTime + delay;
                //and put it in the queue

                Console.WriteLine("Delayed telegram from {0} recorded at time {1} for {2}",
                                  EnumsNames.GetNameOfEntity(msgSender.UniqueID), DateTime.Now,
                Console.WriteLine("Msg is {0}", EnumsNames.GetMessageDescription(msg));