public int LemonsOnHandAfterMadeRecipe(Recipee recipee, Inventory inventory, Player player)
         removeLemons = player.inventory.lemonsonhand -= recipee.lemonsUsedForRecipe;
     catch (Exception)
         Console.WriteLine("You do not have that amount in your inventory, try again! \n");
         recipee.LemonsUsedPerPitcher(inventory, player);
Exemple #2
        };                                                                                                                                                                           //create list of products in the store

        //member method (can do)
        public void RunGame(Inventory inventory, Player player, Store store, Weather weather, Day day, Recipee recipee, Customer customer)
            day.DisplayTheDay();                            //this is day 1 but it still display all days FIX
            weather.WeatherPicker();                        //forecast for today
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Deja's Market you can buy: ");
            differentStuffToBuy.ForEach(Console.WriteLine); //display list
            Console.WriteLine("You have $" + player.Wallet + "\n");
            //day.DisplayTheDay(); //delete all these and below later. this is for testing day method to make sure itll show the correct day
            PurchaseMoreToRestockInventory(store, player, recipee, inventory); //welcome to store
            recipee.CupsOfSugarPerPitcher(inventory, player);
            recipee.LemonsUsedPerPitcher(inventory, player);
            recipee.PricePerCupToSell();    //player set the price per cup
            recipee.ShowRecipePlayerMade(); //shows recipe
            weather.ActualWeather();        //then shows the real weather
            //then the next method to sell the lemonade
            Console.ReadLine();             //delete dont think i need this line