Exemple #1
        public static void ParseSearchNibl(string[] searchQuery)
            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser();
            var niblSearchResults = new List<NiblSearchInformation>();

            foreach (string searchParam in searchQuery)
                parser.ParseUrl("http://nibl.co.uk/bots.php?search=" + searchParam);
                string[,,] test = parser.CutHtml("botlistitem");

                int bound0 = test.GetUpperBound(0);
                int bound1 = test.GetUpperBound(1);

                for (int i = 0; i <= bound0; i++)
                    string bot = "";
                    string pack = "";
                    string filename = "";
                    string res = "";
                    for (int a = 0; a <= bound1; a++)
                        string tag = test[i, a, 0];
                        string textInsidetag = test[i, a, 1];
                            if (tag.Contains("botname") || textInsidetag.Contains("botname"))
                                bot = textInsidetag.Split('<')[0].Trim();

                            if (tag.Contains("packnumber"))
                                pack = textInsidetag.Trim();

                            if (tag.Contains("filename"))
                                filename = textInsidetag.Split('<')[0].Trim();

                                if (filename.Contains("480") || filename.Contains("360") || filename.Contains("576") || filename.Contains("SD"))
                                    res = "480";
                                else if (filename.Contains("720") || filename.Contains("768"))
                                    res = "720";
                                else if (filename.Contains("1080") || filename.Contains("1000"))
                                    res = "1080";
                                    res = "unknown";

                            if (filename != "" && bot != "" && pack != "")
                                niblSearchResults.Add(new NiblSearchInformation() { botname = bot, filename = filename, packnumber = pack, resolution = res });

                        catch (Exception e)



            var sd = new List<NiblSearchInformation>();
            var hd = new List<NiblSearchInformation>();
            var fhd = new List<NiblSearchInformation>();
            var unknown = new List<NiblSearchInformation>();
            var bots = new List<string>();

            foreach (NiblSearchInformation info in niblSearchResults)
                if (info.resolution.Contains("480"))
                else if (info.resolution.Contains("720"))
                else if (info.resolution.Contains("1080"))

            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<NiblSearchInformation>>> values = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<NiblSearchInformation>>>();

            Dictionary<string, List<NiblSearchInformation>> everyResolution = new Dictionary<string, List<NiblSearchInformation>>();

            string currentBot = " ";
            string previousBot = "";
            foreach (NiblSearchInformation info in niblSearchResults)
                currentBot = info.botname;

                if (currentBot != previousBot)
                    if (!values.ContainsKey(currentBot))
                    previousBot = currentBot;

            foreach (string currentBotToSearch in bots)

                var search480p = sd.FindAll(x => x.botname.Contains(currentBotToSearch));
                var search720p = hd.FindAll(x => x.botname.Contains(currentBotToSearch));
                var search1080p = fhd.FindAll(x => x.botname.Contains(currentBotToSearch));
                var searchUnkown = unknown.FindAll(x => x.botname.Contains(currentBotToSearch));
                everyResolution.Add("480", search480p);
                everyResolution.Add("720", search720p);
                everyResolution.Add("1080", search1080p);
                everyResolution.Add("unknown", searchUnkown);
                values.Add(currentBotToSearch, everyResolution);
                everyResolution = new Dictionary<string, List<NiblSearchInformation>>();

            string actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(values, Formatting.Indented);
            niblSearchJson = "[{\"NIBL\" : " + actualJson + "}]";
Exemple #2
        /// <ParseAnimeSeason>
        /// <summary>
        ///  Parses all the anime from the html source of Myanimelists.net 's seasons page
        /// </summary
        /// </ParseAnimeSeason>
        private static void ParseAnimeSeason(string url, string yearAndseason)
            if (!Directory.Exists("DataStorage/Anime"))
            string path = "DataStorage/Anime/anime" + yearAndseason + ".json";

            string localJson = "";
            if (!File.Exists(path))

                var animeSeasonsJson = new List<AnimeInfo>();

                string prevAnime = "";

                HtmlParser parseCurrentSeason = new HtmlParser();
                string[,,] test = parseCurrentSeason.CutHtml("seasonal-anime js-seasonal-anime");

                int bound0 = test.GetUpperBound(0);
                int bound1 = test.GetUpperBound(1);

                for (int i = 0; i <= bound0; i++)
                    string animeTitle = "";
                    string animeCover = "";
                    string animeSynopsis = "";
                    string animeGenres = "";
                    string animeScore = "";
                    string animeId = "";
                    for (int a = 0; a <= bound1; a++)
                        string tag = test[i, a, 0];
                        string textInsidetag = test[i, a, 1];
                            if (tag.Contains("link-image") || textInsidetag.Contains("link-image"))
                                animeTitle = textInsidetag.Trim();
                            if (tag.Contains("lazyload") || textInsidetag.Contains("lazyload"))
                                animeCover = tag.Split('"')[3].Split('"')[0];
                                string[] partsOfUrl = animeCover.Split('/');
                                animeId = partsOfUrl[partsOfUrl.Length - 1].Split('.')[0];
                            if (tag.Contains("synopsis js-synopsis") || textInsidetag.Contains("synopsis js-synopsis"))
                                animeSynopsis = textInsidetag.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Replace("'", "\'").Split(new string[] { "<p" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
                            if (tag.Contains("genre") || textInsidetag.Contains("genre"))
                                animeGenres = textInsidetag.Trim();
                            if (tag.Contains("score") || textInsidetag.Contains("score"))
                                animeScore = textInsidetag.Trim();
                            if (animeScore != "" && animeGenres != "" && animeSynopsis != "" && animeId != "" && animeCover != "" && animeTitle != "")
                                if (prevAnime != animeTitle)
                                    animeSeasonsJson.Add(new AnimeInfo() { id = animeId, title = animeTitle, cover = animeCover, synopsis = animeSynopsis, genres = animeGenres, score = animeScore });

                                    prevAnime = animeTitle;
                        catch (Exception e)


                using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                    string actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(animeSeasonsJson, Formatting.Indented);
                    DebugCallbackMethod("WRITING ANIME JSON");
                    localJson = "[{\"Anime\" : " + actualJson + "}]";
                DebugCallbackMethod(" |LAUNCH| " + Path.GetFileName(path) + " created!");
                DebugCallbackMethod(" |LAUNCH| " + "No need to parse html, anime already parsed, reading file instead!");
                localJson = File.ReadAllText(path);
            animePerSeasonJson = localJson;
Exemple #3
        /// <ParseSearchAnime>
        /// <summary>
        ///  Parses html received from the search page of Myanimelist.net
        /// </summary
        /// </ParseSearchAnime>
        private static void ParseSearchAnime(string url)
            searchedAnimeJson = "";
            string prevAnime = "";

            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser();

            var searchedAnimeJsonList = new List<AnimeInfo>();
            string[,,] test = parser.CutHtml("picSurround");

            int bound0 = test.GetUpperBound(0);
            int bound1 = test.GetUpperBound(1);

            for (int i = 0; i <= bound0; i++)
                string animeTitle = "";
                string animeCover = "";
                string animeSynopsis = "";
                string animeGenres = "N/A";
                string animeScore = "";
                string animeId = "";
                for (int a = 0; a <= bound1; a++)
                    string tag = test[i, a, 0];
                    string textInsidetag = test[i, a, 1];
                        if (tag.Contains("lazyload"))
                            animeTitle = tag.Split('"')[11].Split('"')[0].Trim();
                            animeCover = tag.Split('"')[3].Split('"')[0].Replace("r/50x70/", "").Trim();
                            string[] partsOfUrl = animeCover.Split('/');
                            animeId = partsOfUrl[partsOfUrl.Length - 1].Split('.')[0];

                        if (tag.Contains("pt4"))
                            animeSynopsis = textInsidetag.Trim();

                        if (tag.Contains("borderClass ac bgColor1\" width=\"50\"") || tag.Contains("borderClass ac bgColor0\" width=\"50\""))
                            animeScore = textInsidetag.Trim();

                        if (animeTitle != "" && animeSynopsis != "" && animeCover != "" && animeId != "" && animeScore != "")
                            searchedAnimeJsonList.Add(new AnimeInfo() { id = animeId, title = animeTitle, cover = animeCover, synopsis = animeSynopsis, genres = animeGenres, score = animeScore });

                    catch (Exception e)



            string actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(searchedAnimeJsonList, Formatting.Indented);
            DebugCallbackMethod("WRITING ANIME JSON");
            searchedAnimeJson = "[{\"Anime\" : " + actualJson + "}]";
Exemple #4
        /// <ParseAllSeasons>
        /// <summary>
        ///  Gets all the available seasons from Myanimelist.net, and writes them to a json file, or if the json file already exist, reads the json file(faster) instead of html parsing 
        /// </summary
        /// </ParseAllSeasons>
        private static void ParseAllSeasons()
            if (!Directory.Exists("DataStorage"))

            string path = "DataStorage/allSeasonsJson.json";

            if (!File.Exists(path))

                string prevSeason = "";
                var seasons = new List<AnimeSeasons>();
                HtmlParser parseSeasons = new HtmlParser();

                string[,,] test = parseSeasons.CutHtml("<td>");

                int bound0 = test.GetUpperBound(0);
                int bound1 = test.GetUpperBound(1);

                for (int i = 0; i <= bound0; i++)
                    string seasonUrl = "";
                    string seasonYear = "";
                    for (int a = 0; a <= bound1; a++)
                        string tag = test[i, a, 0];
                        string textInsidetag = test[i, a, 1];
                            if (tag.Contains("http://myanimelist.net/anime/season") || textInsidetag.Contains("http://myanimelist.net/anime/season"))
                                seasonUrl = tag.Replace("a href=\"", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim();
                                seasonYear = textInsidetag.Trim();
                                if (prevSeason != seasonYear)
                                    seasons.Add(new AnimeSeasons() { season = seasonYear, url = seasonUrl });
                                    prevSeason = seasonYear;

                        catch (Exception e)


                using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                    string actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seasons, Formatting.Indented);
                    allSeasonsJson = "[{\"allSeasons\" : " + actualJson + "}]";
                DebugCallbackMethod(" |LAUNCH| " + Path.GetFileName(path) + " created!");
                DebugCallbackMethod(" |LAUNCH| " + "No need to parse html, seasons already parsed, reading file instead!");
                allSeasonsJson = File.ReadAllText(path);
Exemple #5
        public static void ParseSearchNibl(string[] searchQuery)
            HtmlParser parser            = new HtmlParser();
            var        niblSearchResults = new List <NiblSearchInformation>();

            foreach (string searchParam in searchQuery)
                parser.ParseUrl("http://nibl.co.uk/bots.php?search=" + searchParam);
                string[,,] test = parser.CutHtml("botlistitem");

                int bound0 = test.GetUpperBound(0);
                int bound1 = test.GetUpperBound(1);

                for (int i = 0; i <= bound0; i++)
                    string bot      = "";
                    string pack     = "";
                    string filename = "";
                    string res      = "";
                    for (int a = 0; a <= bound1; a++)
                        string tag           = test[i, a, 0];
                        string textInsidetag = test[i, a, 1];
                            if (tag.Contains("botname") || textInsidetag.Contains("botname"))
                                bot = textInsidetag.Split('<')[0].Trim();

                            if (tag.Contains("packnumber"))
                                pack = textInsidetag.Trim();

                            if (tag.Contains("filename"))
                                filename = textInsidetag.Split('<')[0].Trim();

                                if (filename.Contains("480") || filename.Contains("360") || filename.Contains("576") || filename.Contains("SD"))
                                    res = "480";
                                else if (filename.Contains("720") || filename.Contains("768"))
                                    res = "720";
                                else if (filename.Contains("1080") || filename.Contains("1000"))
                                    res = "1080";
                                    res = "unknown";

                            if (filename != "" && bot != "" && pack != "")
                                niblSearchResults.Add(new NiblSearchInformation()
                                    botname = bot, filename = filename, packnumber = pack, resolution = res
                        catch (Exception e)

            var sd      = new List <NiblSearchInformation>();
            var hd      = new List <NiblSearchInformation>();
            var fhd     = new List <NiblSearchInformation>();
            var unknown = new List <NiblSearchInformation>();
            var bots    = new List <string>();

            foreach (NiblSearchInformation info in niblSearchResults)
                if (info.resolution.Contains("480"))
                else if (info.resolution.Contains("720"))
                else if (info.resolution.Contains("1080"))

            Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <NiblSearchInformation> > > values = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <NiblSearchInformation> > >();

            Dictionary <string, List <NiblSearchInformation> > everyResolution = new Dictionary <string, List <NiblSearchInformation> >();

            string currentBot  = " ";
            string previousBot = "";

            foreach (NiblSearchInformation info in niblSearchResults)
                currentBot = info.botname;

                if (currentBot != previousBot)
                    if (!values.ContainsKey(currentBot))
                    previousBot = currentBot;

            foreach (string currentBotToSearch in bots)
                var search480p   = sd.FindAll(x => x.botname.Contains(currentBotToSearch));
                var search720p   = hd.FindAll(x => x.botname.Contains(currentBotToSearch));
                var search1080p  = fhd.FindAll(x => x.botname.Contains(currentBotToSearch));
                var searchUnkown = unknown.FindAll(x => x.botname.Contains(currentBotToSearch));
                everyResolution.Add("480", search480p);
                everyResolution.Add("720", search720p);
                everyResolution.Add("1080", search1080p);
                everyResolution.Add("unknown", searchUnkown);
                values.Add(currentBotToSearch, everyResolution);
                everyResolution = new Dictionary <string, List <NiblSearchInformation> >();

            string actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(values, Formatting.Indented);

            niblSearchJson = "[{\"NIBL\" : " + actualJson + "}]";
Exemple #6
        /// <ParseAllSeasons>
        /// <summary>
        ///  Gets all the available seasons from Myanimelist.net, and writes them to a json file, or if the json file already exist, reads the json file(faster) instead of html parsing
        /// </summary
        /// </ParseAllSeasons>
        private static void ParseAllSeasons()
            if (!Directory.Exists("DataStorage"))

            string path = "DataStorage/allSeasonsJson.json";

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                string     prevSeason   = "";
                var        seasons      = new List <AnimeSeasons>();
                HtmlParser parseSeasons = new HtmlParser();

                string[,,] test = parseSeasons.CutHtml("<td>");

                int bound0 = test.GetUpperBound(0);
                int bound1 = test.GetUpperBound(1);

                for (int i = 0; i <= bound0; i++)
                    string seasonUrl  = "";
                    string seasonYear = "";
                    for (int a = 0; a <= bound1; a++)
                        string tag           = test[i, a, 0];
                        string textInsidetag = test[i, a, 1];
                            if (tag.Contains("http://myanimelist.net/anime/season") || textInsidetag.Contains("http://myanimelist.net/anime/season"))
                                seasonUrl  = tag.Replace("a href=\"", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim();
                                seasonYear = textInsidetag.Trim();
                                if (prevSeason != seasonYear)
                                    seasons.Add(new AnimeSeasons()
                                        season = seasonYear, url = seasonUrl
                                    prevSeason = seasonYear;
                        catch (Exception e)

                using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                    string actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(seasons, Formatting.Indented);
                    allSeasonsJson = "[{\"allSeasons\" : " + actualJson + "}]";
                DebugCallbackMethod(" |LAUNCH| " + Path.GetFileName(path) + " created!");
                DebugCallbackMethod(" |LAUNCH| " + "No need to parse html, seasons already parsed, reading file instead!");
                allSeasonsJson = File.ReadAllText(path);
Exemple #7
        /// <ParseSearchAnime>
        /// <summary>
        ///  Parses html received from the search page of Myanimelist.net
        /// </summary
        /// </ParseSearchAnime>
        private static void ParseSearchAnime(string url)
            searchedAnimeJson = "";
            string prevAnime = "";

            HtmlParser parser = new HtmlParser();


            var searchedAnimeJsonList = new List <AnimeInfo>();

            string[,,] test = parser.CutHtml("picSurround");

            int bound0 = test.GetUpperBound(0);
            int bound1 = test.GetUpperBound(1);

            for (int i = 0; i <= bound0; i++)
                string animeTitle    = "";
                string animeCover    = "";
                string animeSynopsis = "";
                string animeGenres   = "N/A";
                string animeScore    = "";
                string animeId       = "";
                for (int a = 0; a <= bound1; a++)
                    string tag           = test[i, a, 0];
                    string textInsidetag = test[i, a, 1];
                        if (tag.Contains("lazyload"))
                            animeTitle = tag.Split('"')[11].Split('"')[0].Trim();
                            animeCover = tag.Split('"')[3].Split('"')[0].Replace("r/50x70/", "").Trim();
                            string[] partsOfUrl = animeCover.Split('/');
                            animeId = partsOfUrl[partsOfUrl.Length - 1].Split('.')[0];

                        if (tag.Contains("pt4"))
                            animeSynopsis = textInsidetag.Trim();

                        if (tag.Contains("borderClass ac bgColor1\" width=\"50\"") || tag.Contains("borderClass ac bgColor0\" width=\"50\""))
                            animeScore = textInsidetag.Trim();

                        if (animeTitle != "" && animeSynopsis != "" && animeCover != "" && animeId != "" && animeScore != "")
                            searchedAnimeJsonList.Add(new AnimeInfo()
                                id = animeId, title = animeTitle, cover = animeCover, synopsis = animeSynopsis, genres = animeGenres, score = animeScore
                    catch (Exception e)

            string actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(searchedAnimeJsonList, Formatting.Indented);

            DebugCallbackMethod("WRITING ANIME JSON");
            searchedAnimeJson = "[{\"Anime\" : " + actualJson + "}]";
Exemple #8
        /// <ParseAnimeSeason>
        /// <summary>
        ///  Parses all the anime from the html source of Myanimelists.net 's seasons page
        /// </summary
        /// </ParseAnimeSeason>
        private static void ParseAnimeSeason(string url, string yearAndseason)
            if (!Directory.Exists("DataStorage/Anime"))
            string path = "DataStorage/Anime/anime" + yearAndseason + ".json";

            string localJson = "";

            if (!File.Exists(path))
                var animeSeasonsJson = new List <AnimeInfo>();

                string prevAnime = "";

                HtmlParser parseCurrentSeason = new HtmlParser();
                string[,,] test = parseCurrentSeason.CutHtml("seasonal-anime js-seasonal-anime");

                int bound0 = test.GetUpperBound(0);
                int bound1 = test.GetUpperBound(1);

                for (int i = 0; i <= bound0; i++)
                    string animeTitle    = "";
                    string animeCover    = "";
                    string animeSynopsis = "";
                    string animeGenres   = "";
                    string animeScore    = "";
                    string animeId       = "";
                    for (int a = 0; a <= bound1; a++)
                        string tag           = test[i, a, 0];
                        string textInsidetag = test[i, a, 1];
                            if (tag.Contains("link-image") || textInsidetag.Contains("link-image"))
                                animeTitle = textInsidetag.Trim();
                            if (tag.Contains("lazyload") || textInsidetag.Contains("lazyload"))
                                animeCover = tag.Split('"')[3].Split('"')[0];
                                string[] partsOfUrl = animeCover.Split('/');
                                animeId = partsOfUrl[partsOfUrl.Length - 1].Split('.')[0];
                            if (tag.Contains("synopsis js-synopsis") || textInsidetag.Contains("synopsis js-synopsis"))
                                animeSynopsis = textInsidetag.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Replace("'", "\'").Split(new string[] { "<p" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
                            if (tag.Contains("genre") || textInsidetag.Contains("genre"))
                                animeGenres = textInsidetag.Trim();
                            if (tag.Contains("score") || textInsidetag.Contains("score"))
                                animeScore = textInsidetag.Trim();
                            if (animeScore != "" && animeGenres != "" && animeSynopsis != "" && animeId != "" && animeCover != "" && animeTitle != "")
                                if (prevAnime != animeTitle)
                                    animeSeasonsJson.Add(new AnimeInfo()
                                        id = animeId, title = animeTitle, cover = animeCover, synopsis = animeSynopsis, genres = animeGenres, score = animeScore

                                    prevAnime = animeTitle;
                        catch (Exception e)

                using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                    string actualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(animeSeasonsJson, Formatting.Indented);
                    DebugCallbackMethod("WRITING ANIME JSON");
                    localJson = "[{\"Anime\" : " + actualJson + "}]";
                DebugCallbackMethod(" |LAUNCH| " + Path.GetFileName(path) + " created!");
                DebugCallbackMethod(" |LAUNCH| " + "No need to parse html, anime already parsed, reading file instead!");
                localJson = File.ReadAllText(path);
            animePerSeasonJson = localJson;