Exemple #1
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
            double dateTime = reader.ReadDouble();
            // ignore the stupid timezone

            DateTime sent = new DateTime( 1970, 1, 1 );

            // get the offset of the time zone the server is in
            double localTimezoneOffset = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset( sent ).TotalMilliseconds;
            // convert 1/1/1970 12AM to UTC
            sent = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToUniversalTime( sent );
            double localTimezoneOffset = TimeZoneInfo.Local.GetUtcOffset( sent ).TotalMilliseconds;
            sent = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime( sent, TimeZoneInfo.Utc );
            // bring it back to 12AM
            sent = sent.AddMilliseconds( localTimezoneOffset );

            // now that the sent object is in UTC and it represents 1/1/1970 12AM
            // convert it to the time sent by the client. The result of the operation
            // is going to be client's datetime object in UTC
            sent = sent.AddMilliseconds( dateTime );

            return new DateType( sent );
Exemple #2
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			int refId = reader.ReadVarInteger();

			if( (refId & 0x1) == 0 )
				return (DateType) parseContext.getReference( refId >> 1 );

			double dateTime = reader.ReadDouble();

            DateTime sent = new DateTime( 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc );

                sent = sent.AddMilliseconds(dateTime).ToLocalTime();
            catch(Exception e)
                if (Log.isLogging(LoggingConstants.EXCEPTION))
                    Log.log(LoggingConstants.EXCEPTION, e);

                sent = DateTime.MinValue;

			DateType dateType = new DateType( sent );
			parseContext.addReference( dateType );
			return dateType;
 public object readExternal( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext context )
   ArrayType arrayType = (ArrayType) RequestParser.readData( reader, context );
   object array = arrayType.defaultAdapt();
   Object[] arrayCopy = new Object[ ((ICollection) array).Count ];
   ((ICollection) array).CopyTo( arrayCopy, 0 );
   return new ArrayCollectionType( arrayCopy, arrayType );
   //return new WebORBArrayCollection( (ICollection) array );
Exemple #4
        public ParseContext getCachedContext( int version )
            if( cachedContext == null )
                cachedContext = new Dictionary<int, ParseContext>();

            if( !cachedContext.ContainsKey( version ) )
                cachedContext[ version ] = new ParseContext( version );

            return cachedContext[ version ];
Exemple #5
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			int length = reader.ReadInteger();
			IAdaptingType[] array = new IAdaptingType[ length ];
			ArrayType arrayType = new ArrayType( array );
			parseContext.addReference( arrayType );

			for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
				array[ i ] = RequestParser.readData( reader, parseContext );

			return arrayType;
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			int refId = reader.ReadVarInteger();

			if( (refId & 0x1) == 0 )
				return parseContext.getReference( refId >> 1 );

			int arraySize = refId >> 1;
			IAdaptingType adaptingType = null;
			object container = null;

			while( true )
				string str = ReaderUtils.readString( reader, parseContext );

				if( str == null || str.Length == 0 )

				if( container == null )
					container = new Dictionary<object, object>();
					adaptingType = new AnonymousObject( (IDictionary) container );
					parseContext.addReference( adaptingType );

				object obj = RequestParser.readData( reader, parseContext );
				((IDictionary) container)[ str ] = obj;

			if( adaptingType == null )
				container = new object[ arraySize ];
				adaptingType = new ArrayType( (object[]) container );
				parseContext.addReference( adaptingType );

				for( int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++ )
					((object[]) container)[ i ] = RequestParser.readData( reader, parseContext );
				for( int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++ )
					object obj = RequestParser.readData( reader, parseContext );
					((IDictionary) container)[ i.ToString() ] = obj;

			return adaptingType;
Exemple #7
		public static string readString( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			int len = reader.ReadVarInteger();

			if( (len & 0x1) == 0 )
				return (string) parseContext.getStringReference( len >> 1 );

			string str = reader.ReadUTF( len >> 1 );

			if( str.Length == 0 )
				return str;

			parseContext.addStringReference( str );
			return str;
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			int refId = reader.ReadVarInteger();

			if( (refId & 0x1) == 0 )
				return (ArrayType) parseContext.getReference( refId >> 1 );

			byte[] bytes = reader.ReadBytes( refId >> 1 );
            IAdaptingType[] objArray = new IAdaptingType[bytes.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                objArray[i] = new NumberObject( bytes[i] );

			ArrayType arrayType = new ArrayType( objArray );
			parseContext.addReference( arrayType );
			return arrayType;
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			//int capacity = reader.ReadInt32();
            int capacity = reader.ReadInteger();
            Dictionary<String, Object> properties = new Dictionary<String, Object>( capacity );
			AnonymousObject anonymousObject = new AnonymousObject( properties );
			parseContext.addReference( anonymousObject );

			while( true )
				String propName = reader.ReadUTF();
				object obj =  RequestParser.readData( reader, parseContext );

				if( obj == null )

				properties[ propName ] = obj;

			return anonymousObject;
Exemple #10
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			return RequestParser.readData( reader, parseContext.getVersion() == 3 ? parseContext : parseContext.getCachedContext( 3 ) );
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			return undefinedType;
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			int refId = reader.ReadVarInteger();

			if( (refId & 0x1) == 0 )
				return (IAdaptingType) parseContext.getReference( refId >> 1 );

			ClassInfo classInfo = getClassInfo( refId, reader, parseContext );

		  Type mappedType = null;
      if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( classInfo.className ) ) 
        mappedType = Types.Types.getServerTypeForClientClass( classInfo.className );

      if ( classInfo.externalizable || typeof( IExternalizable ).IsAssignableFrom( mappedType ) )
                Type type = Types.Types.getServerTypeForClientClass( classInfo.className );
                object extobj = null;

                if( type != null )
                    extobj = ObjectFactories.CreateServiceObject( type );
                    extobj = ObjectFactories.CreateServiceObject( classInfo.className );

                if( !(extobj is IExternalizable) )
                    throw new Exception( "object must implement IExternalizable" );
                    CacheableAdaptingTypeWrapper wrapper = new CacheableAdaptingTypeWrapper();
                    parseContext.addReference( wrapper );

                    IAdaptingType returnValue = null;
                    extobj = ((IExternalizable)extobj).readExternal( reader, parseContext );

                    if( extobj is IAdaptingType )
                        returnValue = (IAdaptingType) extobj;
                        returnValue = new ConcreteObject( extobj );

                    wrapper.setType( returnValue );
                    return returnValue;
                Dictionary<String, IAdaptingType> props = new Dictionary<String, IAdaptingType>();
                AnonymousObject anonObj = new AnonymousObject();
                IAdaptingType returnValue = anonObj;

                if( classInfo.className != null && classInfo.className.Length > 0 )
                    returnValue = new NamedObject( classInfo.className, anonObj );

                parseContext.addReference( returnValue );
                int propCount = classInfo.getPropertyCount();

                for( int i = 0; i < propCount; i++ )
                    if( Log.isLogging( LoggingConstants.DEBUG ) )
                        Log.log( LoggingConstants.DEBUG, "reading object property " + classInfo.getProperty( i ) );

                    props[ classInfo.getProperty( i ) ] = RequestParser.readData( reader, parseContext );

                if( classInfo.looseProps )
                    while( true )
                        string propName = ReaderUtils.readString( reader, parseContext );

                        if( propName == null || propName.Length == 0 )

                        props[ propName ] = RequestParser.readData( reader, parseContext );

                anonObj.Properties = props;
                return returnValue;
		private ClassInfo getClassInfo( int refId, FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			if( (refId & 0x3) == 1 )
				return (ClassInfo) parseContext.getClassInfoReference( refId >> 2 );

			ClassInfo classInfo = new ClassInfo();
            classInfo.externalizable = (refId & 0x4) == 4; 
			classInfo.looseProps = (refId & 0x8) == 8;			
			classInfo.className = ReaderUtils.readString( reader, parseContext );
			int propsCount = refId >> 4;

			for( int i = 0; i < propsCount; i++ )
				classInfo.addProperty( ReaderUtils.readString( reader, parseContext ) );

			parseContext.addClassInfoReference( classInfo );
			return classInfo;
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			string objectName = reader.ReadUTF();
			return new NamedObject( objectName, objectReader.read( reader, parseContext ) );
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			return new StringType( reader.ReadUTF() );
Exemple #16
 public object readExternal( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext context )
     return RequestParser.readData( reader, context );
 public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
     return RequestParser.readData( reader, parseContext );
Exemple #18
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			return null;
Exemple #19
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			double d = reader.ReadDouble();
			return new NumberObject( d );
Exemple #20
 public static IAdaptingType readData(FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext, ITypeReader[] readers)
   int type = reader.ReadByte();
   return readers[type].read(reader, parseContext);
Exemple #21
 public static IAdaptingType readData(int dataType, FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext, ITypeReader[] readers)
   return readers[dataType].read(reader, parseContext);
Exemple #22
 public static IAdaptingType readData(int dataType, FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext)
   return readData(dataType, reader, parseContext, READERS[parseContext.getVersion()]);
Exemple #23
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			return new BooleanType( initialized ? val : reader.ReadBoolean() );
Exemple #24
		public Weborb.Types.IAdaptingType read(FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext)
			return new NullType();
Exemple #25
		public Weborb.Types.IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			return new NumberObject( (reader.ReadVarInteger() << 3) >> 3 );
Exemple #26
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			int pointer = reader.ReadUnsignedShort();
			return parseContext.getReference( pointer );
 public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
   int dataLength = reader.ReadInteger();
   byte[] buffer = reader.ReadBytes( dataLength );
   return new StringType( Encoding.UTF8.GetString( buffer, 0, buffer.Length ) );
		public IAdaptingType read( FlashorbBinaryReader reader, ParseContext parseContext )
			return new StringType( ReaderUtils.readString( reader, parseContext ) );