public static CSV Enrollment(int termId) { CSV csv = new CSV(); using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { Term term = db.Terms.Where(t => == termId).Single(); List <Section> currentSections = term.Sections.Where(sec => sec.Course.goesToSchoology).ToList(); foreach (Section section in currentSections) { //Department Head /*Dictionary<String, String> dept = new Dictionary<string, string>() * { * {"Course Code", Convert.ToString(section.CourseIndex)}, * {"Section Code", Convert.ToString(}, * {"User Unique ID", Convert.ToString(section.Course.Department.DeptHeadId)}, * {"Enrollment Type", enrl_teacher} * }; * * csv.Add(dept);*/ foreach (Faculty teacher in section.Teachers) { Dictionary <String, String> enr = new Dictionary <string, string>(); enr.Add("Course Code", Convert.ToString(section.CourseIndex)); enr.Add("Section Code", Convert.ToString(; enr.Add("User Unique ID", Convert.ToString(teacher.ID)); enr.Add("Enrollment Type", enrl_teacher); enr.Add("Class Name", String.Format("[{0}] {1}", section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name)); enr.Add("Name", String.Format("{0} {1}", teacher.FirstName, teacher.LastName)); csv.Add(enr); } foreach (Student student in section.Students) { Dictionary <String, String> enr = new Dictionary <string, string>(); enr.Add("Course Code", Convert.ToString(section.CourseIndex)); enr.Add("Section Code", Convert.ToString(; enr.Add("User Unique ID", Convert.ToString(student.ID)); enr.Add("Enrollment Type", enrl_student); enr.Add("Class Name", String.Format("[{0}] {1}", section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name)); enr.Add("Name", String.Format("{0} {1}", student.FirstName, student.LastName)); csv.Add(enr); } } } return(csv); }
public static CSV AdvisorList(int termId) { /* * Brad * Erika * Holly * Sarah * Eric * Anne * Jill * emily cornell */ List <String> adv_admins = new List <String>(new string[] { "bbates", "erogers", "hmacy", "sdoenmez", "smcfall", "amackey", "jhutchins", "ecornell", "rbeauzay" }); CSV csv = new CSV(); using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { foreach (Student student in db.Students.Where(st => st.isActive).ToList()) { Dictionary <String, String> row = new Dictionary <string, string>(); row.Add("StudentID", Convert.ToString(student.ID)); row.Add("AdvisorID", Convert.ToString(student.AdvisorID)); csv.Add(row); foreach (String username in adv_admins) { Faculty teacher = db.Faculties.Where(t => t.UserName.Equals(username)).ToList().Single(); Dictionary <String, String> adm = new Dictionary <string, string>(); adm.Add("StudentID", Convert.ToString(student.ID)); adm.Add("AdvisorID", Convert.ToString(teacher.ID)); csv.Add(adm); } foreach (Section sec in student.Sections.Where(sec => sec.Terms.Where(t => == termId).Count() > 0).ToList()) { if (sec.Teachers.Count > 0 && (sec.Course.Name.Contains("Tutorial") || sec.Course.Name.Contains("Evening Assisted"))) { Dictionary <String, String> tut = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tut.Add("StudentID", Convert.ToString(student.ID)); tut.Add("AdvisorID", Convert.ToString(sec.Teachers.FirstOrDefault().ID)); csv.Add(tut); } } } return(csv); } }
/// <summary> /// courseHeaders = { "Course Name", "Department Name", "Course Code", "Section Name", "Section Code" } /// </summary> /// <param name="termId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static CSV FullYearCourses(int termId) { CSV csv = new CSV(); using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { Term term = db.Terms.Where(t => == termId).Single(); List <Section> currentSections = term.Sections.Where(sec => sec.Course.LengthInTerms == 3 && sec.Course.goesToSchoology).ToList(); foreach (Section sec in currentSections) { String TeachersNames = ""; bool first = true; foreach (Faculty faculty in sec.Teachers.ToList()) { TeachersNames += String.Format("{0}{1} {2}", first ? "" : ", ", faculty.FirstName, faculty.LastName); first = false; } Dictionary <string, string> secdata = new Dictionary <string, string>(); secdata.Add("Course Name", sec.Course.Name); secdata.Add("Department Name", sec.Course.Department.Name); secdata.Add("Course Code", Convert.ToString(sec.CourseIndex)); secdata.Add("Section Name", String.Format("[{0}] {1}", sec.Block.LongName, TeachersNames)); secdata.Add("Section Code", Convert.ToString(; csv.Add(secdata); } } return(csv); }
/// <summary> /// Get a CSV containing all the entries of this CSV which do not correspond to entries in the Other CSV. /// </summary> /// <param name="Other"></param> /// <returns></returns> public CSV NotIn(CSV Other) { CSV newCSV = new CSV(); List <String> CommonKeys = new List <string>(); foreach (String key in AllKeys) { if (Other.AllKeys.Contains(key)) { CommonKeys.Add(key); } } foreach (Dictionary <String, String> row in _Data) { Dictionary <String, String> strippedRow = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (String key in CommonKeys) { strippedRow.Add(key, row[key]); } if (!Other.Contains(strippedRow)) { newCSV.Add(row); } } return(newCSV); }
/// <summary> /// userColumns = { "First Name", "Last Name", "Username", "User Unique ID", "Grad Year", "Role" }; /// </summary> /// <param name="academicYear"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static CSV Users(int academicYear) { CSV csv = new CSV(); using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { List <Student> activeStudents = db.Students.Where(st => st.Sections.Where(sec => sec.Course.AcademicYearID == academicYear).Count() > 0).ToList(); List <Faculty> activeFaculty = db.Faculties.Where(fac => fac.Sections.Where(sec => sec.Course.AcademicYearID == academicYear).Count() > 0).ToList(); foreach (Faculty faculty in activeFaculty) { Dictionary <String, String> tdata = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tdata.Add("First Name", faculty.FirstName); tdata.Add("Last Name", faculty.LastName); tdata.Add("User name", faculty.UserName); tdata.Add("E-Mail", string.Format("{0}", faculty.UserName)); tdata.Add("User Unique ID", Convert.ToString(faculty.ID)); tdata.Add("Role", Convert.ToString(faculty.SchoologyRoleId)); /*if (faculty.ID != 67) * tdata.Add("Role", usr_teacher); * else * tdata.Add("Role", usr_admin); */ csv.Add(tdata); } foreach (Student student in activeStudents) { Dictionary <String, String> tdata = new Dictionary <string, string>(); tdata.Add("First Name", student.FirstName); tdata.Add("Last Name", student.LastName); tdata.Add("User name", student.UserName); tdata.Add("E-Mail", string.Format("{0}", student.UserName)); tdata.Add("User Unique ID", Convert.ToString(student.ID)); tdata.Add("Grad Year", Convert.ToString(student.GraduationYear)); tdata.Add("Role", usr_student); csv.Add(tdata); } } return(csv); }
/// <summary> /// Get a CSV file containing completed credit counts for each student in the given list. /// Rows => Students /// Columns => Credits /// </summary> /// <param name="studentIds">Default value is all active students.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static CSV GetStudentCredits(List <int> studentIds = null) { CSV output = new CSV(); using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { List <Student> students = new List <Student>(); if (studentIds == null) { students = db.Students.Where(s => s.isActive).OrderBy(s => s.GraduationYear).ThenBy(s => s.LastName).ThenBy(s => s.FirstName).ToList(); } else { students = db.Students.Where(s => studentIds.Contains(s.ID)).OrderBy(s => s.GraduationYear).ThenBy(s => s.LastName).ThenBy(s => s.FirstName).ToList(); } foreach (Student student in students) { Dictionary <String, float> credits = new Dictionary <string, float>(); foreach (GradeTableEntry credType in db.GradeTableEntries.Where(t => t.GradeTable.Name.Equals("Credit Types")).ToList()) { if (!credits.ContainsKey(credType.Name)) { credits.Add(credType.Name, 0f); } } foreach (Credit credit in student.Credits.ToList()) { credits[credit.CreditType.Name] += credit.CreditValue.Value / 9f; } Dictionary <String, String> row = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "First Name", student.FirstName }, { "Last Name", student.LastName } }; foreach (String credType in credits.Keys) { row.Add(credType, credits[credType].ToString()); } output.Add(row); } } return(output); }
/// <summary> /// Assigns Default Credit Values for all classes for all students. These credits may be modified later and will be passed over by this method if it is run again. /// </summary> /// <returns>CSV object containing all new credits which have been created.</returns> public static CSV AssignDefaultCredits() { CSV output = new CSV(); using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { int newCreditId = db.Credits.Count() > 0? db.Credits.OrderBy(c => + 1 : 0; foreach (AcademicYear acadYear in db.AcademicYears.ToList()) { GradeTable CreditTypes; GradeTable CreditValues; try { CreditTypes = acadYear.GradeTables.Where(t => t.Name.Equals("Credit Types")).Single(); CreditValues = acadYear.GradeTables.Where(t => t.Name.Equals("Credit Values")).Single(); } catch { continue; } foreach (Course course in acadYear.Courses.Where(c => c.Sections.Count > 0).ToList()) { if (CreditTypes.GradeTableEntries.Where(t => course.Department.Name.Contains(t.Name)).Count() <= 0) { WebhostEventLog.Syslog.LogInformation("Skipping nonsense credit for {0}", course.Name); continue; } foreach (Section section in course.Sections.Where(s => s.Students.Count > 0).ToList()) { GradeTableEntry creditType = CreditTypes.GradeTableEntries.Where(t => course.Department.Name.Contains(t.Name)).Single(); GradeTableEntry creditValue = CreditValues.GradeTableEntries.Where(v => v.Value == course.LengthInTerms * 3).Single(); foreach (Student student in section.Students.ToList()) { // if this student already has credit for this section, then don't do anything! it may be that the credit has been altered. if (student.Credits.Where(c => c.Sections.Contains(section)).Count() <= 0) { WebhostEventLog.Syslog.LogInformation("Giving {0} {1} credit for [{2}] {3}", student.FirstName, student.LastName, section.Block.LongName, section.Course.Name); Credit credit = new Credit() { id = newCreditId++, StudentId = student.ID, CreditTypeId =, CreditValueId =, Student = student, CreditType = creditType, CreditValue = creditValue, Notes = "This is a default credit." }; credit.Sections.Add(section); db.Credits.Add(credit); Dictionary <String, String> row = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Student", String.Format("{0} {1}", student.FirstName, student.LastName) }, { "Credit Type", creditType.Name }, { "Credit Value", creditValue.Name }, { "Class", section.Course.Name }, { "Year", } }; output.Add(row); } else { WebhostEventLog.Syslog.LogInformation("{0} {1} already has credit for {2}. Nothing to do.", student.FirstName, student.LastName, section.Course.Name); } } } } } db.SaveChanges(); } return(output); }
/// <summary> /// Import Credits from Blackbaud. /// Use the Query named for this in Blackbaud. /// Returns a CSV contaning everything that was ignored or errored. /// </summary> /// <param name="creditCSV"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static CSV ImportCredits(CSV creditCSV) { CSV output = new CSV(); using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { int newCreditId = db.Credits.Count() > 0 ? db.Credits.OrderBy(c => => + 1 : 0; int year = DateRange.GetCurrentAcademicYear(); foreach (Dictionary <String, String> row in creditCSV.Data) { String note = String.Format("Imported {5} Credit for {0} taken {1} {2} - {3} {4}", row[Credit_CourseName], row[Credit_Term], row[Credit_AcademicYear], row[Credit_FirstName], row[Credit_LastName], row[Credit_Department]); int studentId = Convert.ToInt32(row[Credit_StudentId]); if (db.Students.Where(s => s.ID == studentId).Count() <= 0) { output.Add(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Student", String.Format("{0} {1}", row[Credit_FirstName], row[Credit_LastName]) }, { "Error", "Not in Webhost" } }); continue; } Student student = db.Students.Where(s => s.ID == studentId).Single(); if (student.Credits.Where(c => c.Notes.Equals(note)).Count() > 0) { output.Add(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Student", String.Format("{0} {1}", row[Credit_FirstName], row[Credit_LastName]) }, { "Error", String.Format("{3} Credit already exists for {0} taken {1} {2}", row[Credit_CourseName], row[Credit_Term], row[Credit_AcademicYear], row[Credit_Department]) } }); continue; // Don't re-import the same credit more than once! } GradeTable CreditTypes; GradeTable CreditValues; try { CreditTypes = db.GradeTables.Where(t => t.Name.Equals("Credit Types") && t.AcademicYearID == year).Single(); CreditValues = db.GradeTables.Where(t => t.Name.Equals("Credit Values") && t.AcademicYearID == year).Single(); } catch { continue; } String dept = row[Credit_Department]; if (CreditTypes.GradeTableEntries.Where(t => dept.Contains(t.Name)).Count() <= 0) { output.Add(new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "Student", String.Format("{0} {1}", row[Credit_FirstName], row[Credit_LastName]) }, { "Error", String.Format("{3} No credit given for {0} taken {1} {2}", row[Credit_CourseName], row[Credit_Term], row[Credit_AcademicYear], row[Credit_Department]) } }); continue; } Credit credit = new Credit() { StudentId = studentId, Notes = note, CreditTypeId = CreditTypes.GradeTableEntries.Where(t => dept.Contains(t.Name)).Single().id, CreditValueId = CreditValues.GradeTableEntries.Where(v => v.Value == 3).Single().id, id = newCreditId++ }; db.Credits.Add(credit); } db.SaveChanges(); } return(output); }