Exemple #1
        public async Task UpdateUserState(int mediaServerUuid, int currentMediaUuid, bool isPlaying, double lastSeekPosition, UserBufferState bufferState)
            //Check that the media server exists
            if (!Server.UuidToMediaServer.ContainsKey(mediaServerUuid))

            MediaServer mediaServer = Server.UuidToMediaServer[mediaServerUuid];

            //Check that the user exists
            if (!mediaServer.SignalRConnectionToUser.ContainsKey(Context.ConnectionId))

            int  userUuid = mediaServer.SignalRConnectionToUser[Context.ConnectionId];
            User user     = mediaServer.Users[userUuid];

            //If nothing changed, drop it
            if (user.CurrentMediaUuid == currentMediaUuid && user.IsPlaying == isPlaying && user.LastSeekPosition == lastSeekPosition && user.BufferState == bufferState)

            await Clients.Client(mediaServer.ServerSignalRId).SendAsync("ServerUpdateUserState", userUuid, currentMediaUuid, isPlaying, lastSeekPosition, bufferState);
Exemple #2
        public override async Task OnDisconnectedAsync(Exception exception)
            MediaServer server = null;

            //Find the media server that this user was in
            foreach (MediaServer thisMediaServer in Server.UuidToMediaServer.Values)
                //Check all users
                foreach (User thisUser in thisMediaServer.Users.Values)
                    if (thisUser.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId)
                        server = thisMediaServer;

            //If we didn't find one, that means the user wasn't logged in, so forget about them
            if (server != null)
                //Send the client disconnected
                IClientProxy client = Clients.Client(server.ServerSignalRId);

                if (client != null)
                    //Client exists, send them the message
                    await client.SendAsync("UserDisconnect", server.SignalRConnectionToUser[Context.ConnectionId]);

            await base.OnDisconnectedAsync(exception);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a media server connects. Adds the connection to the appropriate dictionaries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection that connected</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of connection. Should be TCP</param>
        /// <returns>A Task representing the operation</returns>
        private static async Task WebMediaConnected(Connection connection, Network.Enums.ConnectionType type)
            //Check that it's TCP
            if (type != Network.Enums.ConnectionType.TCP)

            ConLog.Log("WebMedia Link", "Media server " + connection.IPRemoteEndPoint.ToString() + " connected", LogType.Info);

            //Check that SignalR is connected - if not, disconnect them
            if (SignalRConnectionState != HubConnectionState.Connected)
                ConLog.Log("WebMedia Link", "Disconnecting media server " + connection.IPRemoteEndPoint.ToString() + " because the server is not done setting up", LogType.Info);

            //Create a new media server with the given name
            MediaServer newServer = new MediaServer((TcpConnection)connection);

            await newServer.Init();

            //Add to dictionaries
            UuidToMediaServer.Add(newServer.UUID, newServer);
            ConnectionToUuid.Add(newServer.Connection, newServer.UUID);

            //Update SignalR
            await UpdateAllSignalRClients();

            ConLog.Log("WebMedia Link", "Added media server with name " + newServer.Name + " and address " + newServer.Connection.IPRemoteEndPoint.ToString(), LogType.Ok);
Exemple #4
        public async Task DownloadMedia(int mediaServerUuid, string urlToDownload)
            //Check that the media server exists
            if (!Server.UuidToMediaServer.ContainsKey(mediaServerUuid))

            MediaServer mediaServer = Server.UuidToMediaServer[mediaServerUuid];

            //Check that the user exists
            if (!mediaServer.SignalRConnectionToUser.ContainsKey(Context.ConnectionId))

            int userUuid = mediaServer.SignalRConnectionToUser[Context.ConnectionId];

            await Clients.Client(mediaServer.ServerSignalRId).SendAsync("ServerDownloadMedia", urlToDownload);
Exemple #5
        public async Task ModifyQueue(int mediaServerUuid, int[] newQueue, bool shouldResetPlayback)
            //Check that the media server exists
            if (!Server.UuidToMediaServer.ContainsKey(mediaServerUuid))

            MediaServer mediaServer = Server.UuidToMediaServer[mediaServerUuid];

            //Check that the user exists
            if (!mediaServer.SignalRConnectionToUser.ContainsKey(Context.ConnectionId))

            int userUuid = mediaServer.SignalRConnectionToUser[Context.ConnectionId];

            await Clients.Client(mediaServer.ServerSignalRId).SendAsync("ServerModifyQueue", newQueue, shouldResetPlayback);
Exemple #6
        public async Task UpdatePlaybackState(int mediaServerUuid, PlaybackStateUpdateType opcode, string operand)
            //Check that the media server exists
            if (!Server.UuidToMediaServer.ContainsKey(mediaServerUuid))

            MediaServer mediaServer = Server.UuidToMediaServer[mediaServerUuid];

            //Check that the user exists
            if (!mediaServer.SignalRConnectionToUser.ContainsKey(Context.ConnectionId))

            int userUuid = mediaServer.SignalRConnectionToUser[Context.ConnectionId];

            await Clients.Client(mediaServer.ServerSignalRId).SendAsync("ServerUpdatePlaybackState", opcode, operand);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the information about all servers as a JSON string
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The JSON string representing the information about the servers</returns>
        private static string GetServerlistJson()
            SignalR.Serverlist.ServerlistInfo info = new SignalR.Serverlist.ServerlistInfo();

            info.Servers = new SignalR.Serverlist.ServerInfo[UuidToMediaServer.Count];

            Dictionary <int, MediaServer> .ValueCollection.Enumerator enumerator = UuidToMediaServer.Values.GetEnumerator();
            for (int i = 0; i < UuidToMediaServer.Count; i++)
                MediaServer thisServer = enumerator.Current;
                info.Servers[i] = new SignalR.Serverlist.ServerInfo()
                    Name        = thisServer.Name,
                    HasPassword = thisServer.Password != "",
                    ImageUrl    = thisServer.ImageUrl,
                    UserCount   = thisServer.UserCount,
                    ServerUuid  = thisServer.UUID

Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when a media server disconnects. Removes the connection from the appropriate dictionaries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection that disconnected</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type of connection. Should be TCP</param>
        /// <param name="reason">The reason for disconnecting</param>
        /// <returns>A Task representing the operation</returns>
        private static async Task WebMediaDisconnected(Connection connection, Network.Enums.ConnectionType type, Network.Enums.CloseReason reason)
            //Check that it's TCP
            if (type != Network.Enums.ConnectionType.TCP)

            //Check that it exists
            if (ConnectionToUuid.ContainsKey((TcpConnection)connection))
                //Get the UUID
                MediaServer deadServer = UuidToMediaServer[ConnectionToUuid[(TcpConnection)connection]];

                ConLog.Log("WebMedia Link", "Media server with name " + deadServer.Name + " and address " + connection.IPRemoteEndPoint.ToString() + " disconnected", LogType.Info);

                //Remove the packet handlers

                //Close it
                await deadServer.Close(false);

                //Remove from dictionaries

                //Update SignalR
                await UpdateAllSignalRClients();

                ConLog.Log("WebMedia Link", "Removed media server with name " + deadServer.Name, LogType.Ok);
                ConLog.Log("WebMedia Link", "Media server with address " + connection.IPRemoteEndPoint.ToString() + " disconnected", LogType.Info);
Exemple #9
        public async Task Login(int serverUuid, string username, string password)
            string errorMessage = "";

            //Check that this connection ID isn't already logged in
            foreach (MediaServer thisMediaServer in Server.UuidToMediaServer.Values)
                //Check the server's signalR client
                if (thisMediaServer.ServerSignalRId == Context.ConnectionId)
                    errorMessage = "Error: Already logged in. Try reloading";

                //Check all users
                foreach (User thisUser in thisMediaServer.Users.Values)
                    if (thisUser.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId)
                        errorMessage = "Error: Already logged in. Try reloading";

            //Check that the media server exists
            if (!Server.UuidToMediaServer.ContainsKey(serverUuid))
                errorMessage = "Error: Media server not found. Maybe the media server went offline?";

            //Check that the username is not whitespace
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username))
                errorMessage = "Error: Username cannot be blank";

            //Check that the username is longer than 32 characters
            if (username.Length > 32)
                errorMessage = "Error: Username cannot be longer than 32 characters";

            //Send error message
            if (errorMessage != "")
                await Clients.Caller.SendAsync("LoginError", errorMessage);


            //Get media server
            MediaServer mediaServer = Server.UuidToMediaServer[serverUuid];

            //Check that the passwords match
            if (mediaServer.Password != password)
                errorMessage = "Error: Incorrect password";

            //Check that the username isn't already taken
            foreach (User thisUser in mediaServer.Users.Values)
                if (thisUser.Username == username)
                    errorMessage = "Error: Username taken";

            //Send error message
            if (errorMessage != "")
                await Clients.Caller.SendAsync("LoginError", errorMessage);


            //Right, we're good to go
            await Clients.Client(mediaServer.ServerSignalRId).SendAsync("LoginRequest", Context.ConnectionId, username);