/// <summary> /// Write the text representation of the specified array of objects to /// server log agent using the specified format information. /// </summary> /// <param name="display">Shall the representation be displayed in the console window.</param> /// <param name="format">A composite format string.</param> /// <param name="arg">An array of objects to write using format.</param> public void WriteLine(bool display, string format, params object[] arg) { string str; string timestamp; if (FirstTime) { timestamp = string.Format("{0}+0", BeginTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")); FirstTime = false; } else { timestamp = GetTime(BeginTime); } if (timestamp.Length < 20) //15:55:58.283+7600010 = 20 character long { str = string.Format("{0}+0\t\t{1}", BeginTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"), string.Format(format, arg)); LogAgent.WriteLine(str, display, false); str = string.Format("{0}+0\t{1}", BeginTime.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff"), string.Format(format, arg)); LogAgent.WriteLine(str, false, true); } else { str = string.Format("{0}\t{1}", GetTime(BeginTime), string.Format(format, arg)); LogAgent.WriteLine(str, display); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "WebOne"; Console.WriteLine("WebOne HTTP Proxy Server {0}\n(C) https://github.com/atauenis/webone\n\n", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version); //process command line arguments ProcessCommandLine(args); ConfigFileName = GetConfigurationFileName(); //load configuration file and set port number if (Port < 1) { Port = ConfigFile.Port; } else { ConfigFile.Port = Port; } //process remaining command line arguments and override configuration file options ProcessCommandLineOptions(); //enable log if (!ConfigFile.HaveLogFile) { LogAgent.OpenLogFile(null); } ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = int.MaxValue; //https://qna.habr.com/q/696033 //https://github.com/atauenis/webone/issues/2 Console.Title = "WebOne @ " + ConfigFile.DefaultHostName + ":" + ConfigFile.Port; try { new HTTPServer(ConfigFile.Port); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot start server: {0}!", ex.Message); #if DEBUG throw; #endif } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Write the text representation of the specified array of objects to /// server log agent using the specified format information. /// </summary> /// <param name="display">Shall the representation be displayed in the console window.</param> /// <param name="format">A composite format string.</param> /// <param name="arg">An array of objects to write using format.</param> public void WriteLine(bool display, bool displayTimestamp, string format, params object[] arg) { string str; string timestamp; string message = string.Format(format, arg); if (FirstTime) { timestamp = string.Format("{0}+0", BeginTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff")); FirstTime = false; } else { timestamp = GetTime(BeginTime); } if (displayTimestamp) //e.g. ">GET http://example.com/ (" { if (timestamp.Length < 20) //23.02.2021 15:55:58.283+7600010 = 31 character long { str = string.Format("{0}+0\t\t{1}", BeginTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"), message); LogAgent.WriteLine(str, display, false); str = string.Format("{0}+0\t{1}", BeginTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"), message); LogAgent.WriteLine(str, false, true); } else { str = string.Format("{0}\t{1}", GetTime(BeginTime), message); LogAgent.WriteLine(str, true, display); } } else //e.g. "Starting server..." { str = string.Format("{0}+0\t{1}", BeginTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss.fff"), message); LogAgent.WriteLine(str, display, true, message); return; } }
static ConfigFile() { //ConfigFileName = "webone.conf"; Console.WriteLine("Using configuration file {0}.", ConfigFileName); int i = 0; try { if (!File.Exists(ConfigFileName)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: no such config file. Using defaults.", ConfigFileName); return; } ; string[] CfgFile = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(ConfigFileName); string Section = ""; for (i = 0; i < CfgFile.Count(); i++) { try { if (CfgFile[i] == "") { continue; //empty lines } if (CfgFile[i].StartsWith(";")) { continue; //comments } if (CfgFile[i].StartsWith("[")) //section { Section = CfgFile[i].Substring(1, CfgFile[i].Length - 2); StringListConstructor.Clear(); if (Section.StartsWith("FixableURL:")) { FixableURLs.Add(Section.Substring(11)); FixableUrlActions.Add(Section.Substring(11), new Dictionary <string, string>()); } if (Section.StartsWith("FixableType:")) { FixableTypes.Add(Section.Substring(12)); FixableTypesActions.Add(Section.Substring(12), new Dictionary <string, string>()); } if (Section.StartsWith("ContentPatch:")) { ContentPatches.Add(Section.Substring(13)); ContentPatchActions.Add(Section.Substring(13), new Dictionary <string, string>()); } if (Section.StartsWith("ContentPatchFind:")) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: ContentPatchFind sections are no longer supported. See wiki."); } if (Section.StartsWith("Edit:")) { LastRawEditSet++; RawEditSets.Add(new List <string>()); RawEditSets[LastRawEditSet].Add("OnUrl=" + Section.Substring("Edit:".Length)); } if (Section == "Edit") { LastRawEditSet++; RawEditSets.Add(new List <string>()); } continue; } //Console.WriteLine(Section); if (Program.CheckString(Section, SpecialSections)) //special sections (patterns, lists, etc) { //Console.WriteLine("{0}+={1}", Section, CfgFile[i]); switch (Section) { case "ForceHttps": StringListConstructor.Add(CfgFile[i]); ForceHttps = StringListConstructor.ToArray(); continue; case "TextTypes": StringListConstructor.Add(CfgFile[i]); TextTypes = StringListConstructor.ToArray(); continue; case "ForceUtf8": StringListConstructor.Add(CfgFile[i]); ForceUtf8 = StringListConstructor.ToArray(); continue; case "InternalRedirectOn": StringListConstructor.Add(CfgFile[i]); InternalRedirectOn = StringListConstructor.ToArray(); continue; case "Converters": Converters.Add(new Converter(CfgFile[i])); continue; default: Console.WriteLine("Warning: The special section {0} is not implemented in this build.", Section); continue; } //continue; //statement cannot be reached } int BeginValue = CfgFile[i].IndexOf("="); //regular sections if (BeginValue < 1) { continue; //bad line } string ParamName = CfgFile[i].Substring(0, BeginValue); string ParamValue = CfgFile[i].Substring(BeginValue + 1); //Console.WriteLine("{0}.{1}={2}", Section, ParamName, ParamValue); //Console.WriteLine(Section); if (Section.StartsWith("FixableURL")) { //Console.WriteLine("URL Fix rule: {0}/{1} = {2}",Section.Substring(11),ParamName,ParamValue); FixableUrlActions[Section.Substring(11)].Add(ParamName, ParamValue); continue; } if (Section.StartsWith("FixableType")) { FixableTypesActions[Section.Substring(12)].Add(ParamName, ParamValue); continue; } if (Section.StartsWith("ContentPatch:")) { if (!ContentPatches.Contains(Section.Substring(13))) { ContentPatches.Add(Section.Substring(13)); } ContentPatchActions[Section.Substring(13)].Add(ParamName, ParamValue); continue; } if (Section.StartsWith("Edit:")) { if (RawEditSets.Count > 0) { RawEditSets[LastRawEditSet].Add(CfgFile[i]); } continue; } switch (Section) { case "Server": switch (ParamName) { case "Port": Port = Convert.ToInt32(ParamValue); break; case "OutputEncoding": if (ParamValue == "Windows" || ParamValue == "Win" || ParamValue == "ANSI") { //OutputEncoding = Encoding.Default; //.NET 4.0 OutputEncoding = CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ANSICodePage); continue; } else if (ParamValue == "DOS" || ParamValue == "OEM") { OutputEncoding = CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage); continue; } else if (ParamValue == "Mac" || ParamValue == "Apple") { OutputEncoding = CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.MacCodePage); continue; } else if (ParamValue == "EBCDIC" || ParamValue == "IBM") { OutputEncoding = CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.EBCDICCodePage); continue; } else if (ParamValue == "0" || ParamValue == "AsIs") { OutputEncoding = null; continue; } else { try { //OutputEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(ParamValue); OutputEncoding = CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance.GetEncoding(ParamValue); if (OutputEncoding == null) { try { OutputEncoding = CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance.GetEncoding(int.Parse(ParamValue)); } catch { } } if (OutputEncoding == null && ParamValue.ToLower().StartsWith("utf")) { switch (ParamValue.ToLower()) { case "utf-7": OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF7; break; case "utf-8": OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; break; case "utf-16": case "utf-16le": OutputEncoding = Encoding.Unicode; break; case "utf-16be": OutputEncoding = Encoding.BigEndianUnicode; break; case "utf-32": case "utf-32le": OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF32; break; } } if (OutputEncoding == null) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Unknown codepage {0}, using AsIs. See MSDN 'Encoding.GetEncodings Method' article for list of valid encodings.", ParamValue); } ; } catch (ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Bad codepage {0}, using {1}. Get list of available encodings at http://{2}:{3}/!codepages/.", ParamValue, OutputEncoding.EncodingName, ConfigFile.DefaultHostName, Port); } } continue; case "Authenticate": Authenticate = ParamValue; continue; case "HideClientErrors": HideClientErrors = ToBoolean(ParamValue); continue; case "SearchInArchive": SearchInArchive = ToBoolean(ParamValue); continue; case "ShortenArchiveErrors": ShortenArchiveErrors = ToBoolean(ParamValue); continue; case "SecurityProtocols": try { System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (System.Net.SecurityProtocolType)(int.Parse(ParamValue)); } catch (NotSupportedException) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Bad TLS version {1} ({0}), using {2} ({2:D}).", ParamValue, (System.Net.SecurityProtocolType)(int.Parse(ParamValue)), System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol); }; continue; case "UserAgent": UserAgent = ParamValue; continue; case "DefaultHostName": DefaultHostName = ParamValue.Replace("%HostName%", Environment.MachineName); bool ValidHostName = (Environment.MachineName.ToLower() == DefaultHostName.ToLower()); if (!ValidHostName) { foreach (System.Net.IPAddress LocIP in Program.GetLocalIPAddresses()) { if (LocIP.ToString() == DefaultHostName) { ValidHostName = true; } } } if (!ValidHostName) { try { if (System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(DefaultHostName).AddressList.Count() > 0) { ValidHostName = true; } } catch { } } if (!ValidHostName) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: DefaultHostName setting is not applicable to this computer!"); } continue; case "ValidateCertificates": ValidateCertificates = ToBoolean(ParamValue); continue; case "TemporaryDirectory": if (ParamValue.ToUpper() == "%TEMP%" || ParamValue == "$TEMP" || ParamValue == "$TMPDIR") { TemporaryDirectory = Path.GetTempPath(); } else { TemporaryDirectory = ParamValue; } continue; case "LogFile": LogAgent.OpenLogFile(GetLogFilePath(ParamValue), false); HaveLogFile = true; continue; case "AppendLogFile": LogAgent.OpenLogFile(GetLogFilePath(ParamValue), true); HaveLogFile = true; continue; default: Console.WriteLine("Warning: Unknown server option: " + ParamName); break; } break; case "Edit": if (RawEditSets.Count > 0) { RawEditSets[LastRawEditSet].Add(CfgFile[i]); } break; case "Translit": TranslitTable.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(ParamName, ParamValue)); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Warning: Unknown section: " + Section); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error on line {1}: {0}", ex.Message, i); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("All next lines will be ignored. Invoking debugging."); throw; #endif } } i++; foreach (List <string> RawEdit in RawEditSets) { EditRules.Add(new EditSet(RawEdit)); } AddLegacyFixableURLs(); AddLegacyFixableTypes(); AddLegacyContentPatches(); } catch (Exception ex) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Error in configuration file: {0}. Line {1}. Go to debugger.", ex.ToString(), i); throw; #else Console.WriteLine("Error in configuration file: {0}.\nAll next lines after {1} are ignored.", ex.Message, i); #endif } if (i < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: curiously short file. Probably line endings are not valid for this OS."); } Console.WriteLine("{0} load complete.", ConfigFileName); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "WebOne"; Console.WriteLine("WebOne HTTP Proxy Server {0}\n(C) https://github.com/atauenis/webone\n\n", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version); //process command line arguments ProcessCommandLine(args); ConfigFileName = GetConfigurationFileName(); //load configuration file and set port number try { ConfigFileLoader.LoadFile(GetConfigurationFileName()); ConfigFileLoader.ProcessConfiguration(); if (Port < 1) { Port = ConfigFile.Port; } else { ConfigFile.Port = Port; } } catch (Exception ConfigLoadException) { Console.WriteLine("Error while loading configuration: {0}", ConfigLoadException.Message); if (!DaemonMode) { Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } Log.WriteLine(false, false, "WebOne has been exited due to lack of configuration."); return; } //process remaining command line arguments and override configuration file options ProcessCommandLineOptions(); //if log is not declared, say "Not using log file" if (OverrideLogFile == null) { LogAgent.OpenLogFile(null); } //check for --daemon mode if (DaemonMode) { if (!LogAgent.IsLoggingEnabled) { Console.WriteLine("Error: log file is not available, please fix the problem. Exiting."); return; } Console.Title = "WebOne (silent) @ " + ConfigFile.DefaultHostName + ":" + ConfigFile.Port; Console.WriteLine("The proxy runs in daemon mode. See all messages in the log file."); } ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = int.MaxValue; //https://qna.habr.com/q/696033 //https://github.com/atauenis/webone/issues/2 //set console window title if (!DaemonMode) { Console.Title = "WebOne @ " + ConfigFile.DefaultHostName + ":" + ConfigFile.Port; } Log.WriteLine(false, false, "Configured to http://{1}:{2}/, HTTP 1.0", ConfigFileName, ConfigFile.DefaultHostName, ConfigFile.Port); HTTPS = new HTTPServer(ConfigFile.Port); //start the server from 1 or 2 attempts for (int StartAttempts = 0; StartAttempts < 2; StartAttempts++) { try { HTTPS.Start(); break; } catch (HttpListenerException ex) { Log.WriteLine(true, false, "Cannot start server: {0}", ex.Message); if (!DaemonMode && ex.NativeErrorCode == 5) { //access (for listen TCP port) denied, show troubleshooting help if (ex.NativeErrorCode == 5 && Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) //access denied @ *nix { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(@"You need to use ""sudo WebOne"" or use Port greater than 1024."); Shutdown(ex.NativeErrorCode); break; } if (ex.NativeErrorCode == 5 && Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT && StartAttempts == 0) //access denied @ Win32 { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Seems that Windows has been blocked running WebOne with non-admin rights."); Console.WriteLine("Read more in project's wiki:"); Console.WriteLine("https://github.com/atauenis/webone/wiki/Windows-installation#how-to-run-without-admin-privileges"); Console.Write("Do you want to add a Windows Network Shell rule to run WebOne with user rights? (Y/N)"); if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Y) { ConfigureWindowsNetShell(Port); continue; } else { Shutdown(ex.NativeErrorCode); break; } } } Shutdown(ex.NativeErrorCode); break; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLine(true, false, "Server start failed: {0}", ex.Message); Shutdown(ex.HResult); break; } } //register Ctrl+C/kill handler System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext.Default.Unloading += (ctx) => { Shutdown(); }; Console.CancelKeyPress += (s, e) => { Shutdown(); }; //wait while server is in work while (HTTPS.Working) { Thread.Sleep(250); } //the end Shutdown(); }
/// <summary> /// Process command line arguments /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Array of WebOne.exe startup arguments</param> private static void ProcessCommandLine(string[] args) { string ArgName = CmdLineArgUnnamed; string ArgValue = ""; List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > Args = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(); KeyValuePair <string, string> LastArg = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(); bool LastWasValue = false; foreach (string arg in args) { if (arg.StartsWith("-") || arg.StartsWith("/")) { LastWasValue = false; LastArg = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(ArgName, ArgValue); Args.Add(LastArg); ArgName = arg; ArgValue = ""; continue; } else { if (LastWasValue) { LastArg = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(ArgName, ArgValue); Args.Add(LastArg); } ArgValue = arg; LastWasValue = true; continue; } } LastArg = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(ArgName, ArgValue); Args.Add(LastArg); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in Args) { CmdLineOptions.Add(kvp); //Console.WriteLine("Arg: '{0}' = '{1}'", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); switch (kvp.Key) { case "/l": case "-l": case "--log": if (kvp.Value == "" || kvp.Value == "no") { OverrideLogFile = null; break; } OverrideLogFile = kvp.Value; LogAgent.OpenLogFile(OverrideLogFile); break; case "/t": case "-t": case "--tmp": case "--temp": case "/p": case "-p": case "--port": case "--http-port": case "/h": case "-h": case "--host": case "--hostname": case "/a": case "-a": case "--proxy-authenticate": case "--dump-headers": case "--dump-requests": //will be processed in ProcessCommandLineOptions() break; case "--daemon": DaemonMode = true; break; case "--help": case "-?": case "/?": Console.WriteLine("All command line arguments can be found in WebOne Wiki:"); Console.WriteLine("https://github.com/atauenis/webone/wiki"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Initially made by Alexander Tauenis. Moscow, Russian Federation."); Environment.Exit(0); break; case CmdLineArgUnnamed: if (kvp.Value == string.Empty) { break; } try { Port = Convert.ToInt32(kvp.Value); Console.WriteLine("Using custom port {0}.", Port); } catch { ConfigFileName = kvp.Value; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown command line argument: {0}.", kvp.Key); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Parse loaded configuration files (RawEntries) and load them to ConfigFile properties /// </summary> public static void ProcessConfiguration() { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> entry in RawEntries) { if (entry.Value.StartsWith('[')) { //section title RawSections.Add(new ConfigFileSection(entry.Value, entry.Key)); } else { //section value if (RawSections.Count > 0) { RawSections[RawSections.Count - 1].Options.Add(new ConfigFileOption(entry.Value, entry.Key)); } else { throw new Exception("Found option outside section."); } } } foreach (var Section in RawSections) { switch (Section.Kind) { case "Server": foreach (ConfigFileOption Option in Section.Options) { switch (Option.Key) { case "Port": ConfigFile.Port = Convert.ToInt32(Option.Value); break; case "OutputEncoding": ConfigFile.OutputEncoding = GetCodePage(Option.Value); break; case "Authenticate": ConfigFile.Authenticate.Add(Option.Value); break; case "AuthenticateMessage": ConfigFile.AuthenticateMessage = Option.Value; break; case "AuthenticateRealm": ConfigFile.AuthenticateRealm = Option.Value; break; case "HideClientErrors": ConfigFile.HideClientErrors = ToBoolean(Option.Value); break; case "SearchInArchive": ConfigFile.SearchInArchive = ToBoolean(Option.Value); break; case "ShortenArchiveErrors": ConfigFile.ShortenArchiveErrors = ToBoolean(Option.Value); break; case "SecurityProtocols": try { System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = (System.Net.SecurityProtocolType)(int.Parse(Option.Value)); } catch (NotSupportedException) { Log.WriteLine(true, false, "Warning: Bad TLS version {1} ({0}), using {2} ({2:D}).", Option.Value, (System.Net.SecurityProtocolType)(int.Parse(Option.Value)), System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol); }; break; case "UserAgent": ConfigFile.UserAgent = Option.Value; break; case "DefaultHostName": ConfigFile.DefaultHostName = Option.Value.Replace("%HostName%", Environment.MachineName); bool ValidHostName = (Environment.MachineName.ToLower() == ConfigFile.DefaultHostName.ToLower()); if (!ValidHostName) { foreach (System.Net.IPAddress LocIP in Program.GetLocalIPAddresses()) { if (LocIP.ToString() == ConfigFile.DefaultHostName) { ValidHostName = true; } } } if (!ValidHostName) { try { if (System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(ConfigFile.DefaultHostName).AddressList.Count() > 0) { ValidHostName = true; } } catch { } } if (!ValidHostName) { Log.WriteLine(true, false, "Warning: DefaultHostName setting is not applicable to this computer!"); } break; case "ValidateCertificates": ConfigFile.ValidateCertificates = ToBoolean(Option.Value); break; case "TemporaryDirectory": if (Option.Value.ToUpper() == "%TEMP%" || Option.Value == "$TEMP" || Option.Value == "$TMPDIR") { ConfigFile.TemporaryDirectory = Path.GetTempPath(); } else { ConfigFile.TemporaryDirectory = Option.Value; } break; case "LogFile": if (Program.OverrideLogFile != null && Program.OverrideLogFile == "") { LogAgent.OpenLogFile(Program.GetLogFilePath(Option.Value), false); } break; case "AppendLogFile": if (Program.OverrideLogFile != null && Program.OverrideLogFile == "") { LogAgent.OpenLogFile(Program.GetLogFilePath(Option.Value), true); } break; case "DisplayStatusPage": ConfigFile.DisplayStatusPage = Option.Value; break; default: Log.WriteLine(true, false, "Warning: Unknown server option {0} in {1}.", Option.Key, Option.Location); break; } } break; case "ForceHttps": foreach (ConfigFileOption Line in Section.Options) { ConfigFile.ForceHttps.Add(Line.RawString); } break; case "TextTypes": foreach (ConfigFileOption Line in Section.Options) { ConfigFile.TextTypes.Add(Line.RawString); } break; case "ForceUtf8": foreach (ConfigFileOption Line in Section.Options) { ConfigFile.ForceUtf8.Add(Line.RawString); } break; case "InternalRedirectOn": foreach (ConfigFileOption Line in Section.Options) { ConfigFile.InternalRedirectOn.Add(Line.RawString); } break; case "Converters": foreach (ConfigFileOption Line in Section.Options) { ConfigFile.Converters.Add(new Converter(Line.RawString)); } break; case "Edit": ConfigFile.EditRules.Add(new EditSet(Section)); break; case "Translit": foreach (ConfigFileOption Line in Section.Options) { if (Line.HaveKeyValue) { ConfigFile.TranslitTable.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(Line.Key, Line.Value)); } } break; case "Authenticate": foreach (ConfigFileOption Line in Section.Options) { if (Line.RawString.Split(":").Length == 2 && !Line.RawString.Contains(" ")) { //login:password pair ConfigFile.Authenticate.Add(Line.RawString); } else { //option name/value pair if (Line.HaveKeyValue) { switch (Line.Key) { case "AuthenticateMessage": ConfigFile.AuthenticateMessage = Line.Value; break; case "AuthenticateRealm": ConfigFile.AuthenticateRealm = Line.Value; break; default: Log.WriteLine(true, false, "Warning: Invalid authentication option at {0}.", Line.Location); break; } } else { Log.WriteLine(true, false, "Warning: Invalid authentication credentials at {0}.", Line.Location); } } } break; case "FixableURL": case "FixableType": case "ContentPatch": Log.WriteLine(true, false, "Warning: {0} section at {1} is no longer supported.", Section.Kind, Section.Location); Log.WriteLine(true, false, "See https://github.com/atauenis/webone/wiki/Configuration-file about [{0}].", Section.Kind, Section.Location); break; default: Log.WriteLine(true, false, "Warning: Unknown section {0} in {1}.", Section.Kind, Section.Location); break; } } Console.WriteLine("Configuration load complete."); foreach (string f in LoadedFiles) { Log.WriteLine(false, false, "Configuration file {0} load complete.", f); } }
/// <summary> /// Process command line options that overrides webone.conf /// </summary> private static void ProcessCommandLineOptions() { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in CmdLineOptions) { try { //Console.WriteLine("Opt: '{0}' = '{1}'", kvp.Key, kvp.Value); switch (kvp.Key) { case "/l": case "-l": case "--log": if (kvp.Value == "" || kvp.Value == "no") { ConfigFile.HaveLogFile = false; break; } LogAgent.OpenLogFile(GetLogFilePath(kvp.Value), false); ConfigFile.HaveLogFile = true; break; case "/t": case "-t": case "--tmp": case "--temp": if (kvp.Value.ToUpper() == "%TEMP%" || kvp.Value == "$TEMP" || kvp.Value == "$TMPDIR") { ConfigFile.TemporaryDirectory = Path.GetTempPath(); } else { ConfigFile.TemporaryDirectory = kvp.Value; } break; case "/p": case "-p": case "--port": case "--http-port": Port = Convert.ToInt32(kvp.Value); ConfigFile.Port = Convert.ToInt32(kvp.Value); break; case "/h": case "-h": case "--host": case "--hostname": ConfigFile.DefaultHostName = kvp.Value; break; case "/a": case "-a": case "--proxy-authenticate": ConfigFile.Authenticate = kvp.Value; break; case "--dump-headers": string HdrDmpPath = "dump-hd-%Url%.log"; if (kvp.Value != "") { HdrDmpPath = kvp.Value; } Console.WriteLine("Will dump headers to: {0}.", HdrDmpPath); List <string> HdrDumpRule = new List <string>(); HdrDumpRule.Add("AddHeaderDumping=" + HdrDmpPath); ConfigFile.EditRules.Add(new EditSet(HdrDumpRule)); break; case "--dump-requests": string RqDmpPath = "dump-rq-%Url%.log"; if (kvp.Value != "") { RqDmpPath = kvp.Value; } Console.WriteLine("Will dump headers & uploads's bodies to: {0}.", RqDmpPath); List <string> RqDumpRule = new List <string>(); RqDumpRule.Add("AddRequestDumping=" + RqDmpPath); ConfigFile.EditRules.Add(new EditSet(RqDumpRule)); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: Wrong argument '{1} {2}': {0}.", ex.Message, kvp.Key, kvp.Value); } } }