protected void LoadByUid(string uid) { WebmailResourceManager _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); _uid = uid; if (Directory.Exists(_folderFullPath)) { DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(_folderFullPath); FileInfo[] files = dir.GetFiles(uid + "*"); foreach (FileInfo file in files) { string tuid = GetUIDByFileName(file.Name); if (tuid == uid) { _fileName = file.Name; _flagsStr = GetFlagsByFileName(file.Name); _size = GetSizeByFileName(file.Name); _flags = Utils.StrToSystemMessageFlags(_flagsStr); break; } } } else { throw new WebMailWMServerException(_resMan.GetString("PROC_MSG_HAS_DELETED")); } }
public void Save() { WebmailResourceManager _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); _flagsStr = Utils.SystemMessageFlagsToStr(_flags); string FullOldFileName = Path.Combine(_folderFullPath, _fileName); string NewFileName; if (_flagsStr.Trim() != string.Empty) { NewFileName = _uid + Constants.SIZE_DELIMETER + _size + Constants.FLAG_DELIMETER + _flagsStr; } else { NewFileName = _uid + Constants.SIZE_DELIMETER + _size + Constants.FLAG_DELIMETER; } string FullFileName = Path.Combine(_folderFullPath, NewFileName); if (File.Exists(FullOldFileName)) { File.Move(FullOldFileName, FullFileName); } else { throw new WebMailWMServerException(_resMan.GetString("PROC_MSG_HAS_DELETED")); } }
public static User CreateUser() { WebmailResourceManager resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); User newUser = null; DbManagerCreator creator = new DbManagerCreator(); DbManager dbMan = creator.CreateDbManager(); try { dbMan.Connect(); WebmailSettings settings = (new WebMailSettingsCreator()).CreateWebMailSettings(); int LicensesNum = Utils.GetLicensesNum(settings.LicenseKey); int Users = dbMan.GetUsersCountNotDel(); bool Deleted = ((LicensesNum > 0) && (Users >= LicensesNum)) ? true : false; if (!Deleted) { newUser = dbMan.CreateUser(Deleted); } else { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorMaximumUsersLicenseIsExceeded")); } } finally { dbMan.Disconnect(); } return(newUser); }
public void CreateAccount() { WebmailResourceManager resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); if (!IsFolderNameValid(_accountName)) { throw new WebMailIOException(resMan.GetString("CantCreateAccount")); } CreateFolder(""); }
protected void AutoCheckMailForAccount(Account acct) { if (acct != null) { try { DbStorage dbs = DbStorageCreator.CreateDatabaseStorage(acct); MailProcessor mp = new MailProcessor(dbs); WebmailResourceManager _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); try { mp.MessageDownloaded += new DownloadedMessageHandler(mp_MessageDownloaded); mp.Connect(); FolderCollection fc1 = dbs.GetFolders(); FolderCollection fc2 = new FolderCollection(); foreach (Folder fld in fc1) { if (fld.Type == FolderType.Inbox) { fc2.Add(fld); } } Dictionary <long, string> updatedFolders = mp.Synchronize(fc2); string strFolders = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <long, string> kvp in updatedFolders) { strFolders += "{id: " + kvp.Key.ToString() + ", fullName: '" + kvp.Value + "'}, "; } Response.Write(@"<script type=""text/javascript"">parent.SetUpdatedFolders([" + strFolders.TrimEnd(new char[2] { ',', ' ' }) + "], false);</script>"); } finally { mp.MessageDownloaded -= new DownloadedMessageHandler(mp_MessageDownloaded); mp.Disconnect(); } } catch (WebMailException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); errorDesc = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(ex.Message); if (Type == 1 || Type == 2) { Session.Add(Constants.sessionErrorText, errorDesc); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Put user code to initialize the page here string lang = Request.QueryString.Get("lang"); if (null == lang) { _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); } else { _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(lang); } }
public Integration(string wmDataPath, string wmRootPath) { HttpApplicationState app = HttpContext.Current.Application; if (app != null) { if (app[Constants.appSettingsDataFolderPath] == null) { app.Add(Constants.appSettingsDataFolderPath, wmDataPath); } } _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); _wmRoot = wmRootPath.TrimEnd(new char[2] { '/', '\\' });; }
protected void CheckMailForAccount(Account acct) { if (acct != null) { try { DbStorage dbs = DbStorageCreator.CreateDatabaseStorage(acct); MailProcessor mp = new MailProcessor(dbs); WebmailResourceManager _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); try { mp.MessageDownloaded += new DownloadedMessageHandler(mp_MessageDownloaded); Response.Write(@"<script type=""text/javascript"">parent.SetStateTextHandler(""" + _resMan.GetString("LoggingToServer") + @""");</script>"); mp.Connect(); Response.Write(@"<script type=""text/javascript"">parent.SetStateTextHandler(""" + _resMan.GetString("GettingMsgsNum") + @""");</script>"); Dictionary <long, string> updatedFolders = mp.Synchronize(dbs.GetFolders()); if (Type == 0) { string strFolders = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <long, string> kvp in updatedFolders) { strFolders += "{id: " + kvp.Key.ToString() + ", fullName: '" + kvp.Value + "'}, "; } Response.Write(@"<script type=""text/javascript"">parent.SetUpdatedFolders([" + strFolders.TrimEnd(new char[2] { ',', ' ' }) + "]);</script>"); } } finally { mp.MessageDownloaded -= new DownloadedMessageHandler(mp_MessageDownloaded); Response.Write(@"<script type=""text/javascript"">parent.SetStateTextHandler(""" + _resMan.GetString("LoggingOffFromServer") + @""");</script>"); mp.Disconnect(); } } catch (WebMailException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); errorDesc = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(ex.Message); if (Type == 1) { Session.Add(Constants.sessionErrorText, errorDesc); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { acct = (Account)Session[Constants.sessionAccount]; if (acct == null) { Response.Redirect("default.aspx?error=1", true); } else { acctFriendlyNm = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(acct.FriendlyName); acctEmail = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(acct.Email); acctSignature = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(acct.Signature); ReadRequestValues(); ReadSettingsValues(); PrepareViewMessage(); _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); } }
public WebmailResourceManager CreateResourceManager(string lang) { if (lang.Length < 1) { WebmailSettings settings = (new WebMailSettingsCreator()).CreateWebMailSettings(); lang = settings.DefaultLanguage; } if (/*this.Context*/ HttpContext.Current.Session[Constants.sessionAccount] != null) { Account acct = /*this.Context*/ HttpContext.Current.Session[Constants.sessionAccount] as Account; if (acct != null) { if ((acct.UserOfAccount != null) && (acct.UserOfAccount.Settings != null)) { lang = acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.DefaultLanguage; } } } string culture = ""; string langsXml = Path.Combine(Utils.GetDataFolderPath(), @"langs\langs.xml"); if (File.Exists(langsXml)) { XPathDocument xpathDoc = new XPathDocument(langsXml); XPathNavigator nav = xpathDoc.CreateNavigator(); XPathNodeIterator langIter = nav.Select(string.Format("langs/lang[Name='{0}']/CultureName", lang)); if (langIter.MoveNext()) { culture = langIter.Current.Value; } else { culture = ""; } } WebmailResourceManager newManager = new WebmailResourceManager(Path.Combine(Utils.GetDataFolderPath(), @"langs")); newManager.Culture = new CultureInfo(culture); return(newManager); }
public void RenameAccount(string newName) { WebmailResourceManager resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); if (!IsFolderNameValid(_accountName)) { throw new WebMailIOException(resMan.GetString("PROC_CANT_UPDATE_ACCT")); } try { string sourceDirName = CreateFolderFullPath(""); _accountName = newName; string destDirName = CreateFolderFullPath(""); if (Directory.Exists(sourceDirName)) { string rootDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(destDirName); Directory.CreateDirectory(rootDir); Directory.Move(sourceDirName, destDirName); } else { throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailIOException(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailIOException(ex); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailIOException(ex); } }
public override void Connect() { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); WebmailResourceManager resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); try { _pop3Obj.InboxPreloadOptions = Pop3InboxPreloadOptions.Uidl; if (_account.MailIncomingPort == 995) { _pop3Obj.SslMode = SslStartupMode.OnConnect; _pop3Obj.SslProtocol = SecurityProtocol.Auto; _pop3Obj.SslCertificates.AutoValidation = CertificateValidationFlags.None; } Log.WriteLine("POP3 Connect", string.Format(@"'{0}' - '{1}'", _account.MailIncomingHost, _account.MailIncomingPort)); Log.WriteLine("POP3 Connect", string.Format(@"IsConnected - '{0}'", _pop3Obj.IsConnected)); _pop3Obj.Connect(_account.MailIncomingHost, _account.MailIncomingPort, true); Log.WriteLine("POP3 Connect", string.Format(@"IsConnected - '{0}'", _pop3Obj.IsConnected)); Log.WriteLine("POP3 Login", string.Format(@"'{0}' - '{1}'", _account.MailIncomingLogin, _account.MailIncomingPassword)); Log.WriteLine("POP3 Login", string.Format(@"IsLogined - '{0}'", _pop3Obj.IsLoggedIn)); _pop3Obj.Login(_account.MailIncomingLogin, _account.MailIncomingPassword, AuthenticationMethods.Auto, AuthenticationOptions.PreferSimpleMethods, null); Log.WriteLine("POP3 Login", string.Format(@"IsLogined - '{0}'", _pop3Obj.IsLoggedIn)); } catch (MailBeeConnectionException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorPOP3Connect")); } catch (MailBeePop3LoginBadCredentialsException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorPOP3IMAP4Auth")); } catch (MailBeeException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailMailBeeException(ex); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account acct = Session[Constants.sessionAccount] as Account; if (acct != null) { int fileType = (string.Compare(Request.Form["file_type"], "0", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) ? 0 : 1; HttpFileCollection files = Request.Files; if ((files != null) && (files.Count > 0)) { HttpPostedFile file = files[0]; if (file != null) { byte[] buffer = null; using (Stream uploadStream = file.InputStream) { buffer = new byte[uploadStream.Length]; long numBytesToRead = uploadStream.Length; long numBytesRead = 0; while (numBytesToRead > 0) { int n = uploadStream.Read(buffer, (int)numBytesRead, (int)numBytesToRead); if (n == 0) { break; } numBytesRead += n; numBytesToRead -= n; } } if (buffer != null) { try { string csvText = Encoding.Default.GetString(buffer); CsvParser parser = new CsvParser(csvText, true); DataTable dt = parser.Parse(); if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { WebmailResourceManager resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); Log.WriteLine("import Page_Load", "Error: No contacts for import"); _jsErrorCode = 2; _jsContactsImported = 0; Session[Constants.sessionReportText] = string.Format(@"{0}", resMan.GetString("ErrorNoContacts")); return; } ArrayList contacts = new ArrayList(); for (int rowsIndex = 0; rowsIndex < dt.Rows.Count; rowsIndex++) { bool contactInitialized = false; AddressBookContact contact = new AddressBookContact(); contact.IDUser = acct.UserOfAccount.ID; string firstName = string.Empty; string lastName = string.Empty; string nickname = string.Empty; string displayName = string.Empty; string birthday = string.Empty; DataRow dr = dt.Rows[rowsIndex]; for (int columnsIndex = 0; columnsIndex < dt.Columns.Count; columnsIndex++) { if (dr[columnsIndex] != DBNull.Value) { if (dr[columnsIndex] as string != null) { switch (dt.Columns[columnsIndex].ColumnName.ToLower()) { case "first name": case "firstname": firstName = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "last name": case "lastname": lastName = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "notes": contact.Notes = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "home street": case "homestreet": case "homeaddress": contact.HStreet = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "home city": case "homecity": contact.HCity = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "home postal code": case "zip": contact.HZip = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "home state": case "homestate": contact.HState = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "home country": case "homecountry": case "home country/region": contact.HCountry = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "home phone": case "homephone": contact.HPhone = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "home fax": case "homefax": contact.HFax = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "mobile phone": case "mobilephone": contact.HMobile = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "web page": case "webpage": case "personal web page": case "personalwebpage": contact.HWeb = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "company": contact.BCompany = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "business street": case "businessstreet": contact.BStreet = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "business city": case "businesscity": contact.BCity = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "business state": case "businessstate": contact.BState = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "business postal code": contact.BZip = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "business country": case "business country/region": contact.BCountry = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "job title": case "jobtitle": contact.BJobTitle = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "department": contact.BDepartment = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "office location": case "officelocation": contact.BOffice = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "business phone": case "businessphone": contact.BOffice = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "business fax": case "businessfax": contact.BFax = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "business web page": case "businesswebpage": contact.BWeb = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "e-mail address": case "e-mailaddress": case "emailaddress": case "e-mail": case "email": contact.HEmail = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "e-mail display name": case "e-maildisplayname": case "emaildisplayname": case "name": displayName = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "birthday": birthday = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; case "nickname": nickname = dr[columnsIndex] as string; contactInitialized = true; break; } } } } if (!contactInitialized) { WebmailResourceManager resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); Log.WriteLine("import Page_Load", "Error: CSV file has invalid format"); _jsErrorCode = 3; _jsContactsImported = 0; Session[Constants.sessionReportText] = string.Format(@"{0}", resMan.GetString("ErrorInvalidCSV")); break; } string fullName; if (nickname != string.Empty) { fullName = string.Format("{0} \"{1}\" {2}", firstName, nickname, lastName); } else { fullName = string.Format("{0} {1}", firstName, lastName); } contact.FullName = fullName; try { DateTime birthdayDate = DateTime.Parse(birthday); contact.BirthdayDay = (byte)birthdayDate.Day; contact.BirthdayMonth = (byte)birthdayDate.Month; contact.BirthdayYear = (short)birthdayDate.Year; } catch {} contacts.Add(contact); } DbStorage storage = DbStorageCreator.CreateDatabaseStorage(acct); try { storage.Connect(); foreach (AddressBookContact contact in contacts) { contact.AutoCreate = true; try { storage.CreateAddressBookContact(contact); _jsContactsImported++; } catch { } } _jsErrorCode = 1; WebmailResourceManager resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); Session[Constants.sessionReportText] = string.Format(@"{0} {1} {2}", resMan.GetString("InfoHaveImported"), _jsContactsImported, resMan.GetString("InfoNewContacts")); } finally { storage.Disconnect(); } } catch { Log.WriteLine("import Page_Load", "Error while importing contacts"); _jsErrorCode = 0; _jsContactsImported = 0; } } } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { acct = Session[Constants.sessionAccount] as Account; if (acct == null) { Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true); } else { if (acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.RTL) { _stylesRtl = true; } defaultSkin = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.DefaultSkin); _manager = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); if (Request.QueryString["filename"] != null) { FileName = Request.QueryString["filename"]; } try { IsHTMLMsg = false; msgPlain = null; msgHTML = null; string tempFolder = Utils.GetTempFolderName(Page.Session); string FilePath = Path.Combine(tempFolder, FileName); msg.Parser.WorkingFolder = tempFolder; msg.LoadMessage(FilePath); LabelFrom.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.From.ToString()); LabelTo.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.To.ToString()); CcAddr = msg.Cc.ToString(); if (CcAddr != string.Empty) { LabelCc.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.Cc.ToString()); } DateFormatting df = new DateFormatting(acct, msg.Date); LabelDate.Text = df.FullDate; LabelSubject.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.Subject); AttachmentCollection AttachmentsColl = msg.Attachments; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Attachment Attach in AttachmentsColl) { string filename = Utils.CreateTempFilePath(tempFolder, (Attach.Filename.Length > 0) ? Attach.Filename : Attach.Name); Attach.Save(filename, true); FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(filename); if (Attach.ContentType.ToLower().StartsWith("image")) { sb.AppendFormat(@"<a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>", Attach.Filename, Utils.GetAttachmentDownloadLink(Attach, false)); sb.AppendFormat(@" (<a href=""{0}"">View</a>), ", Utils.GetAttachmentDownloadLink(Attach, true)); } else if (Attach.ContentType.ToLower().StartsWith("message")) { sb.AppendFormat(@"<a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>", Attach.Filename, Utils.GetAttachmentDownloadLink(Attach, false)); sb.AppendFormat(@" (<a href=""view-embedded-msg.aspx?filename={0}"">View</a>), ", fi.Name); } else { sb.AppendFormat(@"<a href=""{1}"">{0}</a>, ", Attach.Filename, Utils.GetAttachmentDownloadLink(Attach, false)); } } if (sb.Length > 2) { sb.Remove(sb.Length - 2, 2); } Attachments = sb.ToString(); if (Attachments.Length > 0) { LabelAttachments.Text = Attachments; } msgPlain = Utils.MakeHtmlBodyFromPlainBody(msg.BodyPlainText, true, ""); msgHTML = msg.BodyHtmlText; if (msgPlain == "") { msgPlain = Utils.ConvertHtmlToPlain(msgHTML); } if (msgHTML != "") { IsHTMLMsg = true; //Message body MessageBody.Text = msgHTML; } else { IsHTMLMsg = false; MessageBody.Text = msgPlain; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); } } }
public static Account LoginAccount(string email, string login, string password, string incomingMailServer, IncomingMailProtocol incomingMailProtocol, int incomingPort, string outgoingMailServer, int outgoingMailPort, bool useSmtpAuthentication, bool signAutomatically, bool advanced_login, string language) { WebmailSettings settings = (new WebMailSettingsCreator()).CreateWebMailSettings(); string tempLogin = login; if (!advanced_login) { switch (settings.HideLoginMode) { case LoginMode.HideLoginFieldLoginIsAccount: login = EmailAddress.Parse(email).GetAccountName(); tempLogin = null; break; case LoginMode.HideLoginFieldLoginIsEmail: login = email; tempLogin = null; break; case LoginMode.HideEmailField: case LoginMode.HideEmailFieldDisplayDomainAfterLogin: email = string.Format("{0}@{1}", login, settings.DefaultDomainOptional); break; case LoginMode.HideEmailFieldLoginIsLoginAndDomain: case LoginMode.HideEmailFieldDisplayDomainAfterLoginAndLoginIsLoginAndDomain: email = string.Format("{0}@{1}", login, settings.DefaultDomainOptional); login = email; tempLogin = email; break; } } WebmailResourceManager resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); string domainName = EmailAddress.GetDomainFromEmail(email); Domain domain = LoadDomainFromDb(domainName); /* * if (domain != null && (domain.MailIncomingProtocol == IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer || * incomingMailProtocol == IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer) && settings.EnableWmServer) * { * tempLogin = EmailAddress.GetAccountNameFromEmail(tempLogin); * if (tempLogin != null && tempLogin != EmailAddress.GetAccountNameFromEmail(email)) * { * throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorPOP3IMAP4Auth")); * } * } */ Account result = LoadFromDb(email, tempLogin, null); if (result == null) { if (!settings.AllowNewUsersRegister) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorPOP3IMAP4Auth")); } if (domain != null) { if (settings.AllowNewUsersRegister && domain.MailIncomingProtocol == IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorPOP3IMAP4Auth")); } } Account acct = new Account(); if (domain != null && (domain.MailIncomingProtocol != IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer || settings.EnableWmServer)) { acct.Email = email; if (domain.MailIncomingProtocol == IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer) { acct.MailIncomingLogin = EmailAddress.GetAccountNameFromEmail(email); } else { acct.MailIncomingLogin = login; } acct.MailIncomingPassword = password; acct.MailIncomingHost = domain.MailIncomingHost; acct.MailIncomingPort = domain.MailIncomingPort; acct.MailIncomingProtocol = domain.MailIncomingProtocol; acct.MailOutgoingHost = domain.MailOutgoingHost; acct.MailOutgoingPort = domain.MailOutgoingPort; acct.MailOutgoingAuthentication = domain.MailOutgoingAuthentication; acct.IDDomain = domain.ID; } else { acct.Email = email; acct.MailIncomingLogin = login; acct.MailIncomingPassword = password; acct.MailIncomingHost = incomingMailServer; acct.MailIncomingPort = incomingPort; acct.MailIncomingProtocol = incomingMailProtocol; acct.MailOutgoingHost = outgoingMailServer; acct.MailOutgoingPort = outgoingMailPort; acct.MailOutgoingAuthentication = useSmtpAuthentication; acct.IDDomain = 0; } bool isWmServer = (acct.MailIncomingProtocol == IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer); bool isIMAP4 = (acct.MailIncomingProtocol == IncomingMailProtocol.Imap4); if (!isWmServer) { MailServerStorage mss = MailServerStorageCreator.CreateMailServerStorage(acct); try { mss.Connect(); } finally { if (mss.IsConnected()) { mss.Disconnect(); } } } User usr = null; try { usr = User.CreateUser(); FolderSyncType syncType = Folder.DefaultInboxSyncType; if (settings.DirectModeIsDefault) { syncType = FolderSyncType.DirectMode; } if (isWmServer) { syncType = FolderSyncType.AllHeadersOnly; } if (isIMAP4) { syncType = FolderSyncType.DirectMode; } result = usr.CreateAccount(acct, syncType, advanced_login); } catch (WebMailException) { if (null != usr) { User.DeleteUserSettings(usr.ID); } throw; } } else { if (result.UserOfAccount.Deleted) { throw new WebMailException((new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager().GetString("ErrorMaximumUsersLicenseIsExceeded")); } if (result.Deleted) { throw new WebMailException("Your account is inactive, please contact the system administrator on this."); } if (string.Compare(result.MailIncomingPassword, password, false, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != 0) { result.MailIncomingPassword = password; MailServerStorage mss = MailServerStorageCreator.CreateMailServerStorage(result); try { mss.Connect(); } finally { if (mss.IsConnected()) { mss.Disconnect(); } } } if (result.DefaultAccount == false) { DbManagerCreator creator = new DbManagerCreator(); DbManager dbMan = creator.CreateDbManager(); int nonDefaultCount; try { dbMan.Connect(); nonDefaultCount = dbMan.GetNotDefaultAccountCount(email, login, password); } finally { dbMan.Disconnect(); } if (nonDefaultCount > 1) { throw new WebMailException((new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager().GetString("PROC_CANT_LOG_NONDEF")); } } } if ((result != null) && (result.UserOfAccount != null) && (result.UserOfAccount.Settings != null)) { result.UserOfAccount.Settings.LastLogin = DateTime.Now; result.UserOfAccount.Settings.LoginsCount++; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(language) && settings.AllowLanguageOnLogin) { result.UserOfAccount.Settings.DefaultLanguage = language; } if (result.MailIncomingProtocol == IncomingMailProtocol.Imap4) { ImapStorage imapStorage = new ImapStorage(result); try { imapStorage.Connect(); result.Namespace = imapStorage.GetNamespace(); if (settings.TakeImapQuota) { if (imapStorage.IsQuotaSupported()) { if (result.Imap_quota != 0) { result.Imap_quota = 1; result.UserOfAccount.Settings.MailboxLimit = imapStorage.GetMailStorageSize(); } } else { result.Imap_quota = -1; } } } finally { imapStorage.Disconnect(); } } result.Update(true); } // Create Trash Folder if Trash not found in the list if (result != null && result.MailIncomingProtocol == IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer) { MailServerStorage wmServerStorage = MailServerStorageCreator.CreateMailServerStorage(result); try { wmServerStorage.Connect(); FolderCollection fc = wmServerStorage.GetFolders(); FileSystem fs = new FileSystem(result.Email, result.ID, true); Folder fld = fc[FolderType.Trash]; if (fld == null) { string fullPath = result.Delimiter + Constants.FolderNames.Trash; const string name = Constants.FolderNames.Trash; if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Trash); } fld = new Folder(result.ID, -1, fullPath, name); wmServerStorage.CreateFolder(fld); DbManagerCreator creator = new DbManagerCreator(); DbManager dbMan = creator.CreateDbManager(); try { dbMan.Connect(); dbMan.CreateFolder(result.ID, -1, FolderType.Trash, name, fullPath, FolderSyncType.AllHeadersOnly, false, 3); } finally { dbMan.Disconnect(); } } } catch { } } return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool showPicturesSettings = false; acct = Session[Constants.sessionAccount] as Account; if (acct == null) { Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true); } else { if (acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.RTL) { _stylesRtl = true; } defaultSkin = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.DefaultSkin); _manager = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); if ((acct.UserOfAccount != null) && (acct.UserOfAccount.Settings != null)) { showPicturesSettings = ((acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.ViewMode & ViewMode.AlwaysShowPictures) > 0) ? true : false; } try { int charset; string full_name_folder; long id_folder; string uid; int id; if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null) { id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); uid = Request.QueryString["uid"]; id_folder = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["id_folder"]); full_name_folder = Request.QueryString["full_name_folder"]; charset = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["charset"]); } else { id = (int)Session["id"]; uid = (string)Session["uid"]; id_folder = (long)Session["id_folder"]; full_name_folder = (string)Session["full_name_folder"]; charset = (int)Session["charset"]; } IsHTMLMsg = false; msgPlain = null; msgHTML = null; BaseWebMailActions bwml = new BaseWebMailActions(acct, Page); if (showPicturesSettings) { msg = bwml.GetMessage(id, uid, id_folder, charset, 1, true, false, false, MessageMode.None); } else { msg = bwml.GetMessage(id, uid, id_folder, full_name_folder, charset, false, MessageMode.None); } LabelFrom.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.FromMsg.ToString()); LabelTo.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.ToMsg.ToString()); CcAddr = msg.CcMsg.ToString(); if (CcAddr != string.Empty) { LabelCc.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.CcMsg.ToString()); } DateFormatting df = new DateFormatting(acct, msg.MsgDate); LabelDate.Text = df.FullDate; LabelSubject.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.Subject); AttachmentCollection AttachmentsColl = msg.MailBeeMessage.Attachments; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (Attachment Attach in AttachmentsColl) { sb.AppendFormat(@"{0}, ", Attach.Filename); } if (sb.Length > 2) { sb.Remove(sb.Length - 2, 2); } Attachments = sb.ToString(); if (Attachments.Length > 0) { LabelAttachments.Text = Attachments; } msgPlain = Utils.MakeHtmlBodyFromPlainBody(msg.MailBeeMessage.BodyPlainText, true, ""); msgHTML = msg.MailBeeMessage.BodyHtmlText; if (msgPlain == "") { msgPlain = Utils.ConvertHtmlToPlain(msgHTML); } if (msgHTML != "") { IsHTMLMsg = true; //Message body MessageBody.Text = msgHTML; } else { IsHTMLMsg = false; MessageBody.Text = msgPlain; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); Response.Write(ex.Message); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(MapPath(""), "VERSION"))) { _WmVersion = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(MapPath(""), "VERSION")); } if (!IsPostBack) { Log.Write("WebMail Version: " + _WmVersion + "\r\n"); this.Context.Application.Remove(Constants.sessionSettings); if (Request.QueryString.Get("mode") != null) { mode = Request.QueryString.Get("mode"); } if (mode == "logout") { Log.WriteLine("Page_Load", "Session Clear"); Session.Clear(); } if (Application[Constants.appSettingsDataFolderPath] == null) { Application[Constants.appSettingsDataFolderPath] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.appSettingsDataFolderPath]; } Session.Remove(Constants.sessionAccount); } Dictionary <string, string> supportedLangs = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { settings = (new WebMailSettingsCreator()).CreateWebMailSettings(Utils.GetDataFolderPath(), Request.Url.Host); supportedLangs = Utils.GetSupportedLangs(); if (settings.AllowLanguageOnLogin) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in supportedLangs) { _languageOptions += @"<a href=""#"" name=""lng_" + kvp.Key + @""" onclick=""ChangeLang(this); return false;"">" + kvp.Value + @"</a>"; } _languageClassName = ""; } } catch (WebMailDatabaseException) { } catch (WebMailSettingsException) { Response.Write(@" <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"" """" /> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=utf-8"" /> <link rel=""shortcut icon"" href=""favicon.ico"" /> <meta http-equiv=""Content-Script-Type"" content=""text/javascript"" /> <meta http-equiv=""Cache-Control"" content=""private,max-age=1209600"" /> <title>WebMail probably not configured</title> <link rel=""stylesheet"" href=""skins/AfterLogic/styles.css"" type=""text/css"" /> </head> <body> <div align=""center"" id=""content"" class=""wm_content""> <div class=""wm_logo"" id=""logo"" tabindex=""-1""></div> <div class=""wm_login_error"">WebMail could not find data folder. Check SettingsPath in Web.config</div> </div> <div class=""wm_copyright"" id=""copyright""> Powered by <a href="""" target=""_blank""> AfterLogic WebMail Pro</a><br> Copyright © 2002-2010 <a href="""" target=""_blank"">AfterLogic Corporation</a> </div> </body> </html> "); Response.End(); return; } try { defaultTitle = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(settings.SiteName); defaultSkin = settings.DefaultSkin; string[] supportedSkins = Utils.GetSupportedSkins((Page != null) ? Page.MapPath("skins") : string.Empty); if (Utils.GetCurrentSkinIndex(supportedSkins, defaultSkin) < 0) { if (supportedSkins.Length > 0) { defaultSkin = supportedSkins[0]; } } defaultSkin = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(defaultSkin); if (Request["lang"] != null && supportedLangs.ContainsKey(Request["lang"])) { defaultLang = Request["lang"]; HttpCookie defLangCookie = new HttpCookie("awm_defLang"); defLangCookie.Value = defaultLang; defLangCookie.Path = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath; Response.AppendCookie(defLangCookie); } else if (Request.Cookies["awm_defLang"] != null && supportedLangs.ContainsKey(Request.Cookies["awm_defLang"].Value)) { defaultLang = Request.Cookies["awm_defLang"].Value; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultLang)) { defaultLang = settings.DefaultLanguage; } defaultLangName = supportedLangs[defaultLang]; _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(defaultLang); if (defaultLang == "Hebrew" || defaultLang == "Arabic") { _stylesRtl = true; _rtl = "true"; } defaultIncServer = settings.IncomingMailServer; switch (settings.IncomingMailProtocol) { case IncomingMailProtocol.Pop3: { defaultIncProtocol = POP3_PROTOCOL; break; } case IncomingMailProtocol.Imap4: { defaultIncProtocol = IMAP4_PROTOCOL; break; } case IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer: { defaultIncProtocol = WMSERVER_PROTOCOL; break; } } defaultIncPort = settings.IncomingMailPort; defaultOutServer = settings.OutgoingMailServer; defaultOutPort = settings.OutgoingMailPort; defaultUseSmtpAuth = settings.ReqSmtpAuth; defaultSignMe = false; defaultIsAjax = settings.AllowAjax ? "true" : "false"; defaultAllowAdvancedLogin = (settings.AllowAdvancedLogin) ? "true" : "false"; defaultHideLoginMode = (int)settings.HideLoginMode; defaultDomainOptional = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(settings.DefaultDomainOptional); pop3Selected = (defaultIncProtocol == POP3_PROTOCOL) ? @" selected=""selected""" : ""; imap4Selected = (defaultIncProtocol == IMAP4_PROTOCOL) ? @" selected=""selected""" : ""; wmserverSelected = (defaultIncProtocol == WMSERVER_PROTOCOL) ? @" selected=""selected""" : ""; smtpAuthChecked = defaultUseSmtpAuth ? @" checked=""checked""" : ""; signMeChecked = defaultSignMe ? @" checked=""checked""" : ""; //for version without ajax errorClass = "wm_hide"; //if there is no error errorDesc = ""; mode = Request["mode"]; //mode = standard|advanced|submit switch (mode) { case "advanced": DisplayAdvancedMode(); break; case "submit": DisplayStandardMode(); globalEmail = Request["email"]; globalLogin = Request["login"]; globalPassword = Request["password"]; globalSignMe = Request["sign_me"]; globalAdvancedLogin = Request["advanced_login"]; //0|1 if (globalAdvancedLogin == "1" || (int)settings.HideLoginMode < 20) { if (!Validation.CheckIt(Validation.ValidationTask.Email, globalEmail)) { errorDesc = _resMan.GetString(Validation.ErrorMessage); errorClass = "wm_login_error"; break; } globalEmail = Validation.Corrected; } if (globalAdvancedLogin == "1" || (int)settings.HideLoginMode != 10 && (int)settings.HideLoginMode != 11) { if (!Validation.CheckIt(Validation.ValidationTask.Login, globalLogin)) { errorDesc = _resMan.GetString(Validation.ErrorMessage); errorClass = "wm_login_error"; break; } globalLogin = Validation.Corrected; } if (!Validation.CheckIt(Validation.ValidationTask.Password, globalPassword)) { errorDesc = _resMan.GetString(Validation.ErrorMessage); errorClass = "wm_login_error"; break; } if (globalAdvancedLogin == "1") { globalIncServer = Request["inc_server"]; globalIncProtocol = Request["inc_protocol"]; globalIncPort = Request["inc_port"]; globalOutServer = Request["out_server"]; globalOutPort = Request["out_port"]; globalUseSmtpAuth = Request["smtp_auth"]; if (!Validation.CheckIt(Validation.ValidationTask.INServer, globalIncServer, globalAdvancedLogin)) { errorDesc = _resMan.GetString(Validation.ErrorMessage); errorClass = "wm_login_error"; break; } globalIncServer = Validation.Corrected; if (!Validation.CheckIt(Validation.ValidationTask.INPort, globalIncPort, globalAdvancedLogin)) { errorDesc = _resMan.GetString(Validation.ErrorMessage); errorClass = "wm_login_error"; break; } globalIncPort = Validation.Corrected; if (!Validation.CheckIt(Validation.ValidationTask.OUTServer, globalOutServer, globalAdvancedLogin)) { errorDesc = _resMan.GetString(Validation.ErrorMessage); errorClass = "wm_login_error"; break; } globalOutServer = Validation.Corrected; if (!Validation.CheckIt(Validation.ValidationTask.OUTPort, globalOutPort, globalAdvancedLogin)) { errorDesc = _resMan.GetString(Validation.ErrorMessage); errorClass = "wm_login_error"; break; } globalOutPort = Validation.Corrected; } else { globalIncServer = settings.IncomingMailServer; globalIncProtocol = (settings.IncomingMailProtocol == IncomingMailProtocol.Imap4) ? "1" : "0"; globalIncPort = settings.IncomingMailPort.ToString(); globalOutServer = settings.OutgoingMailServer; globalOutPort = settings.OutgoingMailPort.ToString(); globalUseSmtpAuth = settings.ReqSmtpAuth ? "1" : "0"; } try { bool advancedLogin = (string.Compare(globalAdvancedLogin, "1", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) ? true : false; bool signAuto = (string.Compare(globalSignMe, "1", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) ? true : false; bool useSmtpAuth = (string.Compare(globalUseSmtpAuth, "1", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) ? true : false; string language = Request["language"]; Account acct = Account.LoginAccount(globalEmail, globalLogin, globalPassword, globalIncServer, (IncomingMailProtocol)Convert.ToInt32(globalIncProtocol), Convert.ToInt32(globalIncPort), globalOutServer, Convert.ToInt32(globalOutPort), useSmtpAuth, signAuto, advancedLogin, language); if (acct != null) { if (globalSignMe == "1") { HttpCookie idAcctCookie = new HttpCookie("awm_autologin_id"); idAcctCookie.Value = acct.ID.ToString(); idAcctCookie.Path = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath; Response.AppendCookie(idAcctCookie); string hash = Utils.GetMD5DigestHexString(Utils.EncodePassword(acct.MailIncomingPassword)); HttpCookie autoLoginCookie = new HttpCookie("awm_autologin_data"); autoLoginCookie.Value = hash; autoLoginCookie.Path = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath; Response.AppendCookie(autoLoginCookie); } Session.Add(Constants.sessionAccount, acct); if (acct.GetMailAtLogin) { Response.Redirect("basewebmail.aspx?check=1", false); } else { Response.Redirect("basewebmail.aspx", false); } } } catch (Exception message) { Log.WriteLine("Page_Load", "Login Account"); Log.WriteException(message); errorDesc = message.Message; errorClass = "wm_login_error"; //if the error was occured } break; default: DisplayStandardMode(); break; } //end for version without ajax string error = Request["error"] ?? string.Empty; if (error == "1") { errorDesc = "The previous session was terminated due to a timeout."; errorClass = "wm_login_error"; //if the error was occured } else { HttpCookie idAcctCookie = Request.Cookies["awm_autologin_id"]; HttpCookie autoLoginCookie = Request.Cookies["awm_autologin_data"]; if ((idAcctCookie != null) && (autoLoginCookie != null)) { int id_acct = -1; try { id_acct = int.Parse(idAcctCookie.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLine("Page_Load", "int.Parse"); Log.WriteException(ex); } Account acct = Account.LoadFromDb(id_acct, -1, false); if (acct != null) { string encodePassword = Utils.GetMD5DigestHexString(Utils.EncodePassword(acct.MailIncomingPassword)); if (string.Compare(encodePassword, autoLoginCookie.Value, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) { Session.Add(Constants.sessionAccount, acct); idAcctCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(14); if (settings.AllowAjax) { Response.Redirect("webmail.aspx?check=1", false); } else { Response.Redirect("basewebmail.aspx?check=1", false); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); } }
public Account CreateAccount(bool def_acct, bool deleted, string email, IncomingMailProtocol mail_protocol, string mail_inc_host, string mail_inc_login, string mail_inc_pass, int mail_inc_port, string mail_out_host, string mail_out_login, string mail_out_pass, int mail_out_port, bool mail_out_auth, string friendly_nm, bool use_friendly_nm, DefaultOrder def_order, bool getmail_at_login, MailMode mail_mode, short mails_on_server_days, string signature, SignatureType signature_type, SignatureOptions signature_opt, string delimiter, long mailbox_size, FolderSyncType inboxSyncType, bool advanced_login, int id_domain, bool mailing_list, int imap_quota, string Namespace) { WebmailResourceManager resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); //----- validate incoming data ----- if ((email == null) || (email.Trim().Length == 0)) { if (advanced_login) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningEmailFieldBlank")); } } Regex r = new Regex(@"[\w!#\$%\^\{}`~&'\+-=_\.]+@[\w-\.]+"); Match m = r.Match(email); if (!m.Success) { throw new WebMailException("WarningCorrectEmail"); } if ((mail_inc_login == null) || (mail_inc_login.Trim().Length == 0)) { if (advanced_login) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningLoginFieldBlank")); } } if (mail_inc_login.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '"', '/', '\\', '*', '?', '<', '>', '|', ':' }) >= 0) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningCorrectLogin")); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail_inc_pass)) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningPassBlank")); } if ((mail_inc_host == null) || (mail_inc_host.Trim().Length == 0)) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningIncServerBlank")); } r = new Regex(@"[^(\w-\.)]+"); m = r.Match(mail_inc_host); if (m.Success) { if (advanced_login) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningCorrectIncServer")); } } if ((mail_inc_port < 0) || (mail_inc_port > 65535)) { if (advanced_login) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningIncPortNumber")); } } if ((mail_out_host == null) || (mail_out_host.Trim().Length == 0)) { if (advanced_login) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningOutServerBlank")); } } r = new Regex(@"[^(\w-\.)]+"); m = r.Match(mail_out_host); if (m.Success) { if (advanced_login) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningCorrectOutServer")); } } if ((mail_out_port < 0) || (mail_out_port > 65535)) { if (advanced_login) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("WarningOutPortNumber")); } } //------ end validate incoming data -------- WebmailSettings settings = (new WebMailSettingsCreator()).CreateWebMailSettings(); Account newAccount = null; DbManagerCreator creator = new DbManagerCreator(); DbManager dbMan = creator.CreateDbManager(); try { dbMan.Connect(); if (settings.EnableWmServer && mail_protocol == IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer) { string emailDomain = EmailAddress.GetDomainFromEmail(email); string emailUser = EmailAddress.GetAccountNameFromEmail(email); WMServerStorage storage = new WMServerStorage(null); string[] domains = storage.GetDomainList(); bool domainExists = false; foreach (string domain in domains) { if (string.Compare(emailDomain, domain, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) { Domain dom = Domain.GetDomain(emailDomain); if (dom != null) { id_domain = dom.ID; } WMServerUser[] users = storage.GetUserList(emailDomain); bool userExists = false; bool mailingListExists = false; foreach (WMServerUser user in users) { if (string.Compare(emailUser, user.Name, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) { if (string.Compare("U", user.Type, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0) { userExists = true; } else { mailingListExists = true; } break; } } if (!userExists && !mailing_list || !mailingListExists && mailing_list) { if (!mailingListExists) { storage.AddUser(emailDomain, emailUser, mail_inc_pass); } else { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorPOP3IMAP4Auth")); } } domainExists = true; break; } } if (!domainExists) { throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorDomainExist")); } } if (mail_protocol == IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer) { delimiter = "."; } newAccount = dbMan.CreateAccount(_id, def_acct, deleted, email, mail_protocol, mail_inc_host, mail_inc_login, mail_inc_pass, mail_inc_port, mail_out_host, mail_out_login, mail_out_pass, mail_out_port, mail_out_auth, friendly_nm, use_friendly_nm, def_order, getmail_at_login, mail_mode, mails_on_server_days, signature, signature_type, signature_opt, delimiter, mailbox_size, id_domain, mailing_list, imap_quota, Namespace); newAccount.UserOfAccount = this; dbMan.DbAccount = newAccount; FileSystem fs = new FileSystem(email, newAccount.ID, true); if (mail_protocol != IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer) { fs.CreateAccount(); } if (mail_protocol == IncomingMailProtocol.Pop3) { if (settings.AllowDirectMode && settings.DirectModeIsDefault) { inboxSyncType = FolderSyncType.DirectMode; } // -- this fix for gmail pop3 -- if (mail_inc_host == "") { inboxSyncType = FolderSyncType.AllEntireMessages; } // ----------------------------- if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Inbox); } dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Inbox, Constants.FolderNames.Inbox, Constants.FolderNames.Inbox, inboxSyncType, false, 0); if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.SentItems); } dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.SentItems, Constants.FolderNames.SentItems, Constants.FolderNames.SentItems, FolderSyncType.DontSync, false, 1); if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Drafts); } dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Drafts, Constants.FolderNames.Drafts, Constants.FolderNames.Drafts, FolderSyncType.DontSync, false, 2); if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Spam); } dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Spam, Constants.FolderNames.Spam, Constants.FolderNames.Spam, FolderSyncType.DontSync, false, 3); if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Trash); } dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Trash, Constants.FolderNames.Trash, Constants.FolderNames.Trash, FolderSyncType.DontSync, false, 4); } else if (mail_protocol == IncomingMailProtocol.WMServer) { MailServerStorage wmServerStorage = MailServerStorageCreator.CreateMailServerStorage(newAccount); try { wmServerStorage.Connect(); FolderCollection fc = wmServerStorage.GetFolders(); Folder fld = fc[FolderType.SentItems]; if (fld == null) { string fullPath = newAccount.Delimiter + Constants.FolderNames.SentItems; const string name = Constants.FolderNames.SentItems; if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.SentItems); } fld = new Folder(newAccount.ID, -1, fullPath, name); wmServerStorage.CreateFolder(fld); dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.SentItems, name, fullPath, FolderSyncType.AllHeadersOnly, false, 1); } fld = fc[FolderType.Drafts]; if (fld == null) { string fullPath = newAccount.Delimiter + Constants.FolderNames.Drafts; const string name = Constants.FolderNames.Drafts; if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Drafts); } fld = new Folder(newAccount.ID, -1, fullPath, name); wmServerStorage.CreateFolder(fld); dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Drafts, name, fullPath, FolderSyncType.AllHeadersOnly, false, 2); } fld = fc[FolderType.Spam]; if (fld == null) { string fullPath = newAccount.Delimiter + Constants.FolderNames.Spam; const string name = Constants.FolderNames.Spam; if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Spam); } fld = new Folder(newAccount.ID, -1, fullPath, name); wmServerStorage.CreateFolder(fld); dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Spam, name, fullPath, FolderSyncType.AllHeadersOnly, false, 3); } fld = fc[FolderType.Trash]; if (fld == null) { string fullPath = newAccount.Delimiter + Constants.FolderNames.Trash; const string name = Constants.FolderNames.Trash; if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Trash); } fld = new Folder(newAccount.ID, -1, fullPath, name); wmServerStorage.CreateFolder(fld); dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Trash, name, fullPath, FolderSyncType.AllHeadersOnly, false, 4); } fld = fc[FolderType.Quarantine]; if (fld == null) { string fullPath = newAccount.Delimiter + Constants.FolderNames.Quarantine; const string name = Constants.FolderNames.Quarantine; if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Quarantine); } fld = new Folder(newAccount.ID, -1, fullPath, name); wmServerStorage.CreateFolder(fld); dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Quarantine, name, fullPath, FolderSyncType.AllHeadersOnly, false, 5); } dbMan.CreateFoldersTree(fc); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailException(ex); } } else if (mail_protocol == IncomingMailProtocol.Imap4) { MailServerStorage imapStorage = MailServerStorageCreator.CreateMailServerStorage(newAccount); try { imapStorage.Connect(); FolderCollection fc = imapStorage.GetFolders(); Folder fld = fc[FolderType.Inbox]; if (fld != null) { fld.SyncType = FolderSyncType.DirectMode; } // if (settings.AllowDirectMode && settings.DirectModeIsDefault) // { fc.ReSetSyncTypeToDirectMode(); // } fld = fc[FolderType.Drafts]; if (fld == null) { if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Drafts); } dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Drafts, Constants.FolderNames.Drafts, Constants.FolderNames.Drafts, FolderSyncType.DontSync, false, 2); } fld = fc[FolderType.SentItems]; if (fld == null) { if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.SentItems); } dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.SentItems, Constants.FolderNames.SentItems, Constants.FolderNames.SentItems, FolderSyncType.DontSync, false, 1); } fld = fc[FolderType.Spam]; if (fld == null) { if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Spam); } dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Spam, Constants.FolderNames.Spam, Constants.FolderNames.Spam, FolderSyncType.DontSync, false, 3); } fld = fc[FolderType.Trash]; if (fld == null && settings.Imap4DeleteLikePop3) { if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFolder(Constants.FolderNames.Trash); } dbMan.CreateFolder(newAccount.ID, -1, FolderType.Trash, Constants.FolderNames.Trash, Constants.FolderNames.Trash, FolderSyncType.DontSync, false, 4); } newAccount.Delimiter = (fc.Count > 0) ? fc[0].ImapFolder.Delimiter : newAccount.Delimiter; if (!settings.StoreMailsInDb) { fs.CreateFoldersTree(fc); } dbMan.CreateFoldersTree(fc); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailException(ex); } finally { imapStorage.Disconnect(); } } } catch (IOException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailException(ex); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailException(ex); } catch (WebMailException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); if (newAccount != null) { if (dbMan.IsConnected) { dbMan.DeleteAccount(newAccount.ID); } else { dbMan.Connect(); dbMan.DeleteAccount(newAccount.ID); } } throw; } finally { dbMan.Disconnect(); } return(newAccount); }
public static void SendMail(Account account, WebMailMessage message, string dataFolder) { WebmailResourceManager resMan; if (dataFolder != string.Empty) { resMan = new WebmailResourceManager(dataFolder); } else { resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); } try { MailMessage messageToSend = new MailMessage(); messageToSend.Priority = message.MailBeeMessage.Priority; messageToSend.Sensitivity = message.MailBeeMessage.Sensitivity; messageToSend.From = message.MailBeeMessage.From; messageToSend.To = message.MailBeeMessage.To; messageToSend.Cc = message.MailBeeMessage.Cc; messageToSend.Bcc = message.MailBeeMessage.Bcc; messageToSend.Subject = message.MailBeeMessage.Subject; messageToSend.ConfirmRead = message.MailBeeMessage.ConfirmRead; messageToSend.Date = DateTime.Now; messageToSend.BodyHtmlText = message.MailBeeMessage.BodyHtmlText; messageToSend.BodyPlainText = message.MailBeeMessage.BodyPlainText; if (HttpContext.Current != null) { string str = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"]; messageToSend.Headers.Add("X-Originating-IP", str, false); } foreach (Attachment attach in message.MailBeeMessage.Attachments) { messageToSend.Attachments.Add(attach); } WebmailSettings settings; if (dataFolder != string.Empty) { settings = (new WebMailSettingsCreator()).CreateWebMailSettings(dataFolder); } else { settings = (new WebMailSettingsCreator()).CreateWebMailSettings(); } MailBee.SmtpMail.Smtp.LicenseKey = settings.LicenseKey; MailBee.SmtpMail.Smtp objSmtp = new MailBee.SmtpMail.Smtp(); if (settings.EnableLogging) { objSmtp.Log.Enabled = true; if (dataFolder != string.Empty) { objSmtp.Log.Filename = Path.Combine(dataFolder, Constants.logFilename); } else { string dataFolderPath = Utils.GetDataFolderPath(); if (dataFolderPath != null) { objSmtp.Log.Filename = Path.Combine(dataFolderPath, Constants.logFilename); } } } SmtpServer server = new SmtpServer(); // server.SmtpOptions = ExtendedSmtpOptions.NoChunking; server.Name = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.MailOutgoingHost) ? account.MailOutgoingHost : account.MailIncomingHost; server.Port = account.MailOutgoingPort; server.AccountName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.MailOutgoingLogin) ? account.MailOutgoingLogin : account.MailIncomingLogin; server.Password = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.MailOutgoingPassword)) ? account.MailOutgoingPassword : account.MailIncomingPassword; if (account.MailOutgoingAuthentication) { server.AuthMethods = AuthenticationMethods.Auto; server.AuthOptions = AuthenticationOptions.PreferSimpleMethods; } if (server.Port == 465) { server.SslMode = SslStartupMode.OnConnect; server.SslProtocol = SecurityProtocol.Auto; server.SslCertificates.AutoValidation = CertificateValidationFlags.None; } if (server.Port == 587 && Constants.UseStartTLS) { server.SslMode = SslStartupMode.UseStartTlsIfSupported; } objSmtp.SmtpServers.Add(server); Encoding outgoingCharset = Utils.GetOutCharset(account.UserOfAccount.Settings); messageToSend.Charset = outgoingCharset.HeaderName; objSmtp.Message = messageToSend; try { objSmtp.Connect(); objSmtp.Send(); } catch (MailBeeGetHostNameException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorSMTPConnect")); } catch (MailBeeConnectionException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorSMTPConnect")); } catch (MailBeeSmtpLoginBadCredentialsException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailException(resMan.GetString("ErrorSMTPAuth")); } catch (MailBeeException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailMailBeeException(ex); } finally { if (objSmtp.IsConnected) { objSmtp.Disconnect(); } } } catch (MailBeeException ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); throw new WebMailMailBeeException(ex); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool showPicturesSettings = false; Account acct = Session[Constants.sessionAccount] as Account; if (acct == null) { Response.Redirect("default.aspx", true); } else { try { if (acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.RTL) { _stylesRtl = true; } defaultSkin = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.DefaultSkin); _manager = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]); string uid = Request.QueryString["uid"]; long id_folder = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["id_folder"]); string full_name_folder = Request.QueryString["full_name_folder"]; int charset = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["charset"]); if ((acct.UserOfAccount != null) && (acct.UserOfAccount.Settings != null)) { showPicturesSettings = ((acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.ViewMode & ViewMode.AlwaysShowPictures) > 0) ? true : false; } WebMailMessage msg; BaseWebMailActions bwml = new BaseWebMailActions(acct, Page); if (showPicturesSettings) { msg = bwml.GetMessage(id, uid, id_folder, charset, 1, false, false, false, MessageMode.None); } else { msg = bwml.GetMessage(id, uid, id_folder, charset, 1, false, false, false, MessageMode.None); } if (msg != null) { LabelFrom.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.FromMsg.ToString()); LabelTo.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.ToMsg.ToString()); DateFormatting df = new DateFormatting(acct, msg.MsgDate); LabelDate.Text = df.FullDate; LabelSubject.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(msg.Subject); string msgPlain = msg.MailBeeMessage.BodyPlainText; string msgHTML = msg.MailBeeMessage.BodyHtmlText; switch (Request.QueryString["bodytype"]) { case "1": MessageBody.Text = msgHTML; break; default: MessageBody.Text = string.Format("<pre>{0}</pre>", msgPlain); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteException(ex); Response.Write(ex.Message); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(MapPath(""), "VERSION"))) { _WmVersion = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(MapPath(""), "VERSION")); } HMailServer hmailserver = new HMailServer(); if (hmailserver.IsLoaded) { hMailServer = "true"; } acct = (Account)Session[Constants.sessionAccount]; if (acct == null) { Response.Redirect("default.aspx?error=1", true); } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Page.MapPath(""), "cs"))) { CSType = "true"; } if (Request.QueryString.Get("check") != null) { check = Request.QueryString.Get("check"); } if (Request.QueryString.Get("start") != null) { start = Request.QueryString.Get("start"); } if (Request.QueryString.Get("to") != null) { to = Request.QueryString.Get("to"); } jsClearStart = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(start); jsClearToAddr = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(to); _resMan = (new WebmailResourceManagerCreator()).CreateResourceManager(); WebmailSettings settings = (new WebMailSettingsCreator()).CreateWebMailSettings(); if (acct != null) { if ((acct.UserOfAccount != null) && (acct.UserOfAccount.Settings != null)) { if (acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.RTL) { _stylesRtl = true; _rtl = "true"; } defaultTitle = settings.SiteName; defaultSkin = acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.DefaultSkin; string[] supportedSkins = Utils.GetSupportedSkins((Page != null) ? Page.MapPath("skins") : string.Empty); if (Utils.GetCurrentSkinIndex(supportedSkins, defaultSkin) < 0) { if (supportedSkins.Length > 0) { defaultSkin = supportedSkins[0]; } } defaultLang = acct.UserOfAccount.Settings.DefaultLanguage; jsClearDefaultTitle = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(defaultTitle); jsClearDefaultSkin = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(defaultSkin); return; } } defaultTitle = settings.SiteName; defaultSkin = settings.DefaultSkin; defaultLang = settings.DefaultLanguage; jsClearDefaultTitle = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(defaultTitle); jsClearDefaultSkin = Utils.EncodeJsSaveString(defaultSkin); }