public void SetCompanyTimes(List <int> items2Set, bool isOpeningtime = true, bool isClosingTime = false) { try { //select enum required List <int> selectedEnum = OpeningTime; if (isClosingTime) { selectedEnum = ClosingTime; } //loop throught selected list // foreach (int time in selectedEnum) { for (int i = 0; i < selectedEnum.Count; i++) { //set given time selectedEnum[i] = items2Set[i]; } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); } }
public static bool IsUserOfType(string aspUserName, bool isTypeClient = false, bool isTypeEndUser = false) { try { //get aspUserID Guid aspUserID = (Guid)AppSettings.GetUserIDByUserName(aspUserName); var curUser = ClientBLL.GetPersonByASPuserID(aspUserID); byte curUserRole = 0; // get curUser ROLE if (curUser != null) { curUserRole = (byte)curUser.Rows[0].ItemArray[5]; } //check parameters condition which applys if (isTypeClient) { if (curUserRole == (byte)RolesEnum.CLIENT) { return(true); } } if (isTypeEndUser) { if (curUserRole == (byte)RolesEnum.END_USER) { return(true); } } //for now 18/7/16 --- anything else return false return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(false); } }
public static List <string> GetServiceDetails(Installation i, bool isNames = true, bool isDesc = false, bool isDuration = false, bool isPrice = false) { try { //create list to save services items List <string> liServNames = new List <string>(); //loop through services foreach (ServicesBLL service in i.Services) { //select appropriate detail if (isNames) { //save service name to new list of string liServNames.Add(; } if (isDesc) { //save service name to new list of string liServNames.Add(service.description); } if (isDuration) { //save service name to new list of string liServNames.Add(service.duration.ToString()); } if (isPrice) { //save service name to new list of string liServNames.Add(service.price.ToString()); } } return(liServNames); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(null); } }
public static List <string> GetAllStaff1stNames() { try { List <string> staffNames = new List <string>(); //get all employees dataTable var allStaff = GetAllEmployees(); // ... Loop over all rows. foreach (DataRow row in allStaff.Rows) { // ... Write value of 3rd field as integer. System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(row.Field <string>(2)); //add name to list staffNames.Add(row.Field <string>(2)); } return(staffNames); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Get object with exception handling settings /// </summary> /// <param name="filename"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks></remarks> public static AppSettings GetAppSettings(string filename) { try { if (!File.Exists(filename)) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("BLL.AppSettings.GetAppSettings(): EXCEPTION in GetAppSettings: FileNotFoundException: " + filename); throw new FileNotFoundException("Exception in BLL.AppSettings.GetAppSettings()" + filename + " cannot be found / accessed"); } //load exception handling settings //sdkfj assign to this public class // dynamic exceptions = GetExceptionHandlingSettings(filename); //create new instance of AppSettings AppSettings sharedSets = new AppSettings(); //load the settings XML file dynamic doc = XDocument.Load(filename); //query XML to get all children of Settings--Setting dynamic y = doc.Element(XMLConstants.Settings).Elements(XMLConstants.Setting); //create settings object from values in var _with2 = sharedSets; //SettingsXML _with2.SettingsXML = filename; ////exception //_with2.EmailNotificationsOn = exceptions.EmailNotificationsOn; //_with2.RecordToDataBase = exceptions.RecordToDataBase; //_with2.ExceptionRecipient = exceptions.ExceptionRecipient; ////client //_with2.SystemUserID = new Guid(UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.SystemUserID)); //_with2.ApplicationName = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.ApplicationName); //_with2.Client = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.CLIENT); //_with2.ClientAsset = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.ClientAsset); //_with2.ClientLogo = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.ClientLogo); //_with2.ClientUnit = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.ClientUnit); ////Q & A filename //_with2.QAFilename = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.QAFilename); ////units filename //_with2.UnitsXMLFilename = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.UnitsXMLFilename); ////demo //_with2.TotalLoginsAllowed = UtilsShared.GetNumberInt(UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.TotalPeriodAllowed)); //_with2.NumberOfLogins = UtilsShared.GetNumberInt(UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.NumberOfLogins)); // _with2.ApplicationsXML = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.ApplicationsXML); // _with2.TagMatchingXml = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.TagMatchingXml); //_with2.InstallationDemoXML = UtilsShared.GetSettingValueUsingLINQ(y, XMLConstantsShared.InstallationDemoXML); return(sharedSets); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(null); } }
}//end AddNode2ISummaryXML public static List <int> GetIDsList(XmlDocument iSumXmlDoc, string perform) { try { //convert to XDoc XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(iSumXmlDoc.OuterXml); //check file is not null xDoc = xDoc ?? new XDocument(); string id2Search = ""; //select ID according to given parameter switch (perform) { case iTimestamp: // case operations id2Search = iTimestamp; break; case iCompanyID: // case operations id2Search = iCompanyID; break; case iEmpID: // case operations id2Search = iEmpID; break; case iServID: // case operations id2Search = iServID; break; case iuserID: // case operations id2Search = iuserID; break; case iApptID: // case operations id2Search = iApptID; break; // default: // Do nothing } //ie: get NatureBusiness code // var indElem = from key in xmlDocument.Descendants("ID") where key.Parent.Element("Name").Value == natureOfBus select key.Value; // var items = from key in xDoc.Descendants("Time") where key.ElementsAfterSelf.items[0].Value == "Busy" select key.Value select key.value; var items = from key in xDoc.Descendants(id2Search) select key.Value; //convert items to list List <string> stringItems = items.ToList(); //convert to ints List <int> intIDs = new List <int>(); // ... Loop with the foreach string. foreach (string idStrg in stringItems) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(id2Search + "\t ID: \t" + idStrg); //convert to int and add to list intIDs.Add((int)Utils.GetNumberInt(idStrg)); } return(intIDs); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(new List <int>()); } }//end AddNode2ISummaryXML
}//end CreateISummaryXML public static XmlDocument AddNode2ISummaryXML(string fileName, string perform, string value2Add, int index = 0, bool addChild = true) { try { //OpenFile handles new file XmlDocument xdoc = QueryXML.OpenFile(fileName, rootName: "Installation"); //declare parent Names string parentName = ""; string parentValue = ""; string childName = ""; string childValue = ""; bool addparent = true; //only allow 1 child Parent to be added once if (index != 0) { addparent = false; } //set parent Names switch (perform) { case iTimestamp: // case operations parentName = iTimestamp; parentValue = value2Add; addChild = false; break; case iCompanyID: // case operations parentName = iCompanyID; parentValue = value2Add; addChild = false; break; case iEmpID: // case operations parentName = "Employees"; childName = iEmpID; childValue = value2Add; break; case iServID: // case operations parentName = "Services"; childName = iServID; childValue = value2Add; break; case iuserID: // case operations parentName = "EndUsers"; childName = iuserID; childValue = value2Add; break; case iApptID: // case operations parentName = "Appointments"; childName = iApptID; childValue = value2Add; break; // default: // Do nothing } //Add parents to xml file if (addparent) { xdoc = QueryXML.AddChild2Root(filename: fileName, childName: parentName, childIValue: parentValue); } if (addChild) { xdoc = QueryXML.AddChild2LastChild(filename: fileName, childName: childName, childIValue: childValue); } //save document xdoc.Save(fileName); return(xdoc); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(null); } }//end AddNode2ISummaryXML
public static XmlDocument GetInstallationSummaryXML(Installation i, string fileName) { try { //create XML file XmlDocument xmlDoc = QueryXML.OpenFile(fileName); XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(xmlDoc.OuterXml); //get xml file timestamp var xTimestamp = from key in xDoc.Descendants(AppSettings.iTimestamp) select key.Value; DateTime?xFileTimestamp = Utils.GetDateFromString(xTimestamp.ToList().First()); if (xFileTimestamp == null || DateTime.Compare((DateTime)xFileTimestamp, i.Timestamp) != 0) { xmlDoc = CreateNewInstallSummaryXML(fileName); } //get given installation timestamp DateTime curInstTimestamp = i.Timestamp; //add to xml xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iTimestamp, curInstTimestamp.ToString()); //get company int curInstCoID = (int)i.Company.ID; //add to xml xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iCompanyID, curInstCoID.ToString()); // Loop through all employees int tempStaffID = 0; for (int a = 0; a < i.Employees.Count; a++) { EmployeeBLL employee = i.Employees[a]; //get staff ID tempStaffID = (int)employee.ID; //add to xml xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iEmpID, tempStaffID.ToString(), a); } ////still add Employees parent node if users dont exist this point if (i.Employees.Count == 0) { xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iEmpID, String.Empty, 0, addChild: false); } // Loop through all services int tempServID = 0; for (int b = 0; b < i.Services.Count; b++) { ServicesBLL service = i.Services[b]; //get service ID tempServID = (int)service.ID; //add to xml xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iServID, tempServID.ToString(), b); } ////still add services parent node if users dont exist this point if (i.Services.Count == 0) { xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iServID, String.Empty, 0, addChild: false); } // Loop through all endUsers int tempEndUserID = 0; for (int c = 0; c < i.EndUsers.Count; c++) { EndUserBLL endUser = i.EndUsers[c]; //get endUser ID tempEndUserID = (int)endUser.ID; //add to xml xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iuserID, tempEndUserID.ToString(), c); } //still add EndUser parent node if users dont exist this point if (i.EndUsers.Count == 0) { xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iuserID, String.Empty, 0, addChild: false); } // Loop through all appointments int tempApptID = 0; for (int d = 0; d < i.Appointments.Count; d++) { ApptBLL appt = i.Appointments[d]; //get appt ID tempApptID = (int)appt.ID; //add to xml xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iApptID, tempApptID.ToString(), d); } ////still add appt parent node if users dont exist this point if (i.Appointments.Count == 0) { xmlDoc = AddNode2ISummaryXML(fileName, AppSettings.iApptID, String.Empty, 0, addChild: false); } //return XML file return(xmlDoc); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(null); } }//end GetInstallationSummaryXML
/// <summary> /// Send email notification that an exception has occurred. /// </summary> /// <param name="ex"></param> /// <returns>Details of if exception was successful/unsuccessful</returns> /// <remarks></remarks> /*public static string SendEmailException(ref Exception ex) { * * try { * if (SharedSettings.Settings == null) { * throw new Exception("Shared Settings is empty! this means settings.xml needs to be loaded in the application"); * } * dynamic exceptionHand = SharedSettings.Settings; * * * * if (exceptionHand.EmailNotificationsOn) { * //create email message * MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", exceptionHand.Client + " " + exceptionHand.ApplicationName + " Exception"); * * string exceptionRecipient = exceptionHand.ExceptionRecipient; * MailAddress toAddress = new MailAddress(exceptionRecipient, "To PI-e2 Support"); * * * //set email body * * string Body = ""; * //= "<html><head>Application Exception</head><body>" * Body = Body + "Error on: " + exceptionHand.Client + " " + exceptionHand.ApplicationName + ExceptionHandling.buildErrorMessage(ex); * Body = "\n" + "Dear PI-e2 Supporter,<p></p>Unfortunately an exception has occurred on " + exceptionHand.Client + " " + exceptionHand.ApplicationName + " Please check the client's database exceptions table and read the exception below for details.<p></p>" + Body; * Body = Body + "<p></p>Regards," + "\n" + "<p></p>PI-e2 developers"; * //Body = Body & "</body></html>" * * string Subject = "Error on " + exceptionHand.Client + " " + exceptionHand.ApplicationName; * //, sent at " & DateTime.Now.ToString() * * DeliveryNotificationOptions DeliveryOptions = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure; * System.Net.Mail.MailPriority Priority = MailPriority.Normal; * * string Attachfile = null; * MailAddress bcc = null; * MailAddress CC = null; * SendMail.Send(Body, Subject, DeliveryOptions, Priority, toAddress, fromAddress, Attachfile, bcc, CC); * * return "Successfully send email exception"; * } * return "Settings mean this is not to send an email!"; * } * catch (Exception ex) { * //do nothing if there is an exception logging an exception - really bad! * System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Error in sending email exception " + "\n" + ex.StackTrace + "\n" + ex.Message); ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); * return ""; * } * } * * /// <summary> * /// * /// </summary> * /// <param name="message"></param> * /// <returns></returns> * /// <remarks></remarks> * public static string sendEmailException(ref string message) { * try { * if (SharedSettings.Settings == null) { * throw new Exception("Shared Settings is empty! this means settings.xml needs to be loaded in the application"); * } * dynamic exceptionHand = SharedSettings.Settings; * * if (exceptionHand.EmailNotificationsOn) { * //create email message * string exceptionRecipient = exceptionHand.ExceptionRecipient; * MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", exceptionHand.Client + " " + exceptionHand.ApplicationName + " Exception"); * MailAddress toAddress = new MailAddress(exceptionRecipient, "To PI-e2 Support"); * * //set email body * string Body = message; * string Subject = "Message from " + exceptionHand.Client + " " + exceptionHand.ApplicationName + ", sent at " + DateTime.Now.ToString(); * * * DeliveryNotificationOptions DeliveryOptions = DeliveryNotificationOptions.OnFailure; * System.Net.Mail.MailPriority Priority = MailPriority.Normal; * * string Attachfile = null; * MailAddress bcc = null; * MailAddress CC = null; * SendMail.Send(Body, Subject, DeliveryOptions, Priority, toAddress, fromAddress, Attachfile, bcc, CC); * * * return "Successfully send email exception"; * } * return "Settings mean this is not to send an email!"; * } * catch (Exception ex) { * //do nothing if there is an exception logging an exception - really bad! * System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Error in sending email exception " + "\n" + ex3.StackTrace + "\n" + ex.Message); ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); * return ""; * } * }*/ #endregion /// <summary> /// Log exception to text file. /// </summary> /// <param name="strData"></param> /// <param name="FullPath"></param> /// <remarks></remarks> //As Boolean public static void LogExceptionTextFile(ref string strData, ref string FullPath) { try { // Get a StreamReader class that can be used to read the file System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("LogException 3:"); StreamWriter objStreamWriter = null; objStreamWriter = File.AppendText(FullPath); // Append the the end of the string // followed by the current date and time objStreamWriter.WriteLine("Exception occurred at: " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); // + Strings.Chr(13)); objStreamWriter.WriteLine(strData); objStreamWriter.WriteLine("------------------------------------------------------------"); // Close the stream objStreamWriter.Close(); objStreamWriter = null; } catch (Exception ex) { //error in logging exception - really bad! System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Error in LogException" + "\n" + ex.StackTrace + "\n" + ex.Message); ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(ex.StackTrace.ToString()); } }
public static void SaveInstallationToDB2(ref Installation i, ref ApptBLL appt, string selectedStaff1stName, string staffFilePhath, string iSumXMLfileName) { try { //get ----summary installation xml----- XmlDocument iXmlDoc = CompanyBLL.GetInstallSummanyXMLDoc((short)i.Company.ID, iSumXMLfileName); //------ save End-user --------- only 1 always!? int?endUser_ContDetID; //check user exists on DB // int userIndex = i.EndUsers.FindIndex(endUser => endUser.aspnetUserID.ToString().Equals(endUserASPUserID.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal)); int endUserIndex = i.EndUsers.Count - 1; //endUser added is always the last one?? use IndexFinder INSTEAD?? 22/7/16 int?endUser_ID = EndUserBLL.GetPersonIDByASPuserID(i.EndUsers[endUserIndex].aspnetUserID); //only add if it doesnt exist if (endUser_ID == null) { //save endUser contact details to --- DB ---- var _with1 = i.EndUsers[endUserIndex].contactDetail; endUser_ContDetID = ContactDetailsBLL.AddContactDetails(_with1.address, _with1.postCode,,, _with1.landline,,; //save endUser contact details ID to session _with1.ID = endUser_ContDetID; //save End-user to DB var _with2 = i.EndUsers[endUserIndex]; endUser_ID = EndUserBLL.AddEndUser(_with2.title, _with2.firstName, _with2.lastName, endUser_ContDetID, _with2.aspnetUserID); //save endUser ID to ---- session ----- _with2.ID = endUser_ID; //save USERID to installation xml summary iXmlDoc = AppSettings.AddChild2ISummaryXML(iSumXMLfileName, AppSettings.iuserID, endUser_ID.ToString()); iXmlDoc.Save(iSumXMLfileName); } appt.endUserID = (int)endUser_ID; //------ save appointment ------------ //save appt to ---- DB ---- int?newApptID = ApptBLL.AddAppointment(, appt.time, appt.endUserID, appt.serviceID, appt.provider, appt.notes); //save apptID to session //source Predicate <ApptBLL> oscarFinder = (ApptBLL p) => { return(p.endUserID == endUser_ID); }; int apptIndex = i.Appointments.FindLastIndex(oscarFinder); i.Appointments[apptIndex].ID = newApptID; //save USERID to installation xml summary if (newApptID != null || newApptID != 0) { iXmlDoc = AppSettings.AddChild2ISummaryXML(iSumXMLfileName, AppSettings.iApptID, newApptID.ToString()); iXmlDoc.Save(iSumXMLfileName); } //------- save staff daily schedule to ---- session ------------ string minutes = ""; if (appt.time.Minutes == 0) { minutes = "00"; } else { minutes = appt.time.Minutes.ToString(); } int timeINT = (int)Utils.GetNumberInt(appt.time.Hours.ToString() + minutes); //get staff agenda //source: //ie: list1.FindIndex(x => x==5); // should return 3, as list1[3] == 5; // given list1 {3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8} int empIndex = i.Employees.FindIndex(employee => employee.firstName.Equals(selectedStaff1stName, StringComparison.Ordinal)); var curSelStaffCalendar = i.Employees[empIndex].agenda.staffCalendar; //add booking --- IMPORTANT --> this updates staff's agenda (as BY REF is used) bool addedBooking = AgendaBLL.AddBooking(ref curSelStaffCalendar, (DateTime), timeINT); //R if (!addedBooking) //R throw new Exception("<H2>ERROR ADDING BOOKING!</H2>");//throw exc here?it doesnt allow DB save 20/7/16 //------- save staff daily schedule to ---- DB ------------ //get xml from staff daySchedule XmlDocument staffDayScheXML = DayScheduleXML.CreateXMLFromDaySchedule(i.Employees[empIndex], staffFilePhath, (DateTime); //add dailySchedule to db int?newDailySchedID = DailySchedule.AddDailySchedule(i.Employees[empIndex].agenda.ID, (DateTime), staffDayScheXML); //add ID back to xml DayScheduleXML.Add_ID_2DayScheduleXML(DayScheduleXML.STAFF_DAYSCHEDULEXML_FILENAME, newDailySchedID.ToString()); //i.DailySchedules.Add(newDailySched); //------- SAVE INSTALLATION XML SUMMARY TO DB ------------ int?NumbXmlAdded = CompanyBLL.AddCompanyInstallationSummaryXMLByID((short)i.Company.ID, iXmlDoc); //------- SAVE INSTALLATION XML SUMMARY TO SESSION ------------ i.Company.iSummaryXML = iXmlDoc; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); } }//end SaveInstallationToDB2
}//end SaveInstallationToDB2 public static void SaveInstallationToDB(ref Installation i, string iSumXMLfileName) { try { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(i.ToString()); //save CLient contact Details var _with1 = i.Company.mainClientContact.contactDetail; int?contDetID = ContactDetailsBLL.AddContactDetails(; _with1.ID = contDetID; //save CLient var _with2 = i.Company.mainClientContact; int?clientID = ClientBLL.AddClient(_with2.title, _with2.firstName, _with2.lastName, (int)contDetID, _with2.aspnetUserID); _with2.ID = clientID; //save Company address/phone numb var _with3 = i.Company.businessAddress; int?compContDetID = ContactDetailsBLL.AddContactDetails(null, null, null, null, _with3.landline, null, null); _with3.ID = compContDetID; //save Company var _with4 = i.Company; int?compID = CompanyBLL.AddCompany(_with4.domain, _with4.industry, _with4.natureOfBusiness, (int)clientID, (int)compContDetID); _with4.ID = compID; //save Employees int? tempStaffContDetID, tempStaffID; short?tempStaffAgendaID; foreach (EmployeeBLL staff in i.Employees) { //save staff contact details tempStaffContDetID = ContactDetailsBLL.AddContactDetails(; //save ID to Installation staff.contactDetail.ID = tempStaffContDetID; //save staff agenda tempStaffAgendaID = AgendaBLL.AddAgenda(false, false); staff.agenda.ID = tempStaffAgendaID; //save employee tempStaffID = EmployeeBLL.AddEmployee(staff.title, staff.firstName, staff.lastName, (int)tempStaffContDetID, staff.aspnetUserID, null, null, tempStaffAgendaID); staff.ID = tempStaffID; } //save services int?tempServID; foreach (ServicesBLL service in i.Services) { //save service tempServID = ServicesBLL.AddService(, service.isCertifReq, service.isInsuranceReq, service.description, service.duration, service.durationUnit, service.price); service.ID = tempServID; } //save Provide //FINK!! FINK18/7//16 //return i //?? Installation if IDs not added byRef //------- create and save summary installation xml file ------------ XmlDocument iXmlDoc = AppSettings.GetInstallationSummaryXML(i, iSumXMLfileName); iXmlDoc.Save(iSumXMLfileName); //save intall XML SUMMARY TO DB AND SESSION int?NumbXmlAdded = CompanyBLL.AddCompanyInstallationSummaryXMLByID((short)i.Company.ID, iXmlDoc); i.Company.iSummaryXML = iXmlDoc; } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); } }
}//end AddBooking public static bool AddBooking(ref SerializableDictionary <DateTime, DaySchedule> staffCalendar, DateTime date2Add, int time2Add) { try { bool bookingAdded = false; bool isStaffBusy = false; //clean dateTime parameter to only show date DateTime cleanDate = date2Add.Date; DaySchedule newDaySchedule = new DaySchedule();//(isTest: true); DaySchedule resultDaySchedule = null; //check staff isnt already busy at the given date and time //NB IsStaffBusy could be null then an cast error is going to occur here 19/7/16, must test isStaffBusy = (bool)IsStaffBusy(ref staffCalendar, cleanDate, time2Add); //check whether a dailySchedule exists for the given date if (!staffCalendar.TryGetValue(cleanDate, out resultDaySchedule)) { //create one if is doesnt exist staffCalendar[cleanDate] = newDaySchedule; } if (!isStaffBusy) { //TryGet daySchedule for giving date if (staffCalendar.TryGetValue(cleanDate, out resultDaySchedule)) { //add daySchedule to local variable SerializableDictionary <int, string> staffDaySchedule = resultDaySchedule.daySchedule; //add to daySchedule and return return(DaySchedule.AddBooking(ref staffDaySchedule, time2Add)); } } //shouldnt get here return(bookingAdded); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("<h2>BLL.AgendaBLL.AddBooking(x3)</h2>\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n" + ex.InnerException + "\n" + ex.Message); ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(false); } }//end AddBooking
}//end AddBooking public static bool?IsStaffBusy(ref SerializableDictionary <DateTime, DaySchedule> staffCalendar, DateTime date2Check, int time2Check) { try { //source //ie: d.Remove("cat"); // Removes cat. DaySchedule resultDaySchedule = null; DaySchedule newDaySchedule = new DaySchedule();//(isTest: true); //clean dateTime parameter to only show date DateTime cleanDate = date2Check.Date; //try to find if staffCalendar has this date set on it. if (staffCalendar.TryGetValue(cleanDate, out resultDaySchedule)) // Returns true or false. { //if true fills in newDaySchedule with corresponding value of given key //print current date to check System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Current Day being checked is: " + cleanDate.ToString()); //check day schedule status return(DaySchedule.IsStaffBusy(newDaySchedule.daySchedule, time2Check)); } //current day doesnt exist on staff calendar so add it a new day shedule for the given date //R staffCalendar[cleanDate] = newDaySchedule; return(false); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("<h2>BLL.AgendaBLL.IsStaffBusy(x3)</h2>\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n" + ex.InnerException + "\n" + ex.Message); ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(null); } }//end IsStaffBusy
/// <summary> /// Get test installation object. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks></remarks> public static Installation GetTestInstallation() { try { Installation i = new Installation(); //Company var _with2 = i.Company; _with2.ID = 1; _with2.domain = "TESTING Ltd"; _with2.industry = "Net Business"; _with2.natureOfBusiness = 99999; _with2.regNumb = "9372370-2"; _with2.dateIncorporated = (DateTime)Utils.GetDateFromString2("04/08/2016 07:00:00"); _with2.url = ""; _with2.isVATreg = true; _with2.VATnumb = "9234902-0"; _with2.businessAddress = new ContactDetailsBLL(); //client (main company contact) var _with1 = _with2.mainClientContact; _with1.ID = 1; _with1.title = Person.MRS; _with1.firstName = "ME"; _with1.lastName = "McSantos"; _with1.role = (byte)RolesEnum.CLIENT; _with1.aspnetUserID = (Guid)Utils.GetTestASP_UserID(); //client Contact Details var _with11 = _with1.contactDetail; _with11.ID = 3; _with11.address = "rua 23 qd 46 lot 28"; = "Azerbejan"; _with11.postCode = "88402-445"; = "South Africa"; _with11.landline = "9047201-02348578"; = "234532455465"; = "*****@*****.**"; _with11.dateCreated = Utils.GetDatetimeNOW(); _with11.dateUpdated = (DateTime)Utils.GetDateFromString("01/12/2010 10:04:08"); //employees var _with3 = i.Employees; EmployeeBLL oi1 = new EmployeeBLL(Person.MRS, "RUTH", "Simpson", "*****@*****.**", (Guid)Utils.GetTestASP_UserID()); oi1.ID = 1; oi1.agenda.ID = 1; //NB AgendaID must be valid to save xml to DB DaySchedule newTestDaySchedule = new DaySchedule(isTest: true); oi1.agenda.staffCalendar.Add(Utils.GetDatetimeNOW().Date, newTestDaySchedule); _with3.Add(oi1); //staff 2 EmployeeBLL oi2 = new EmployeeBLL(Person.MS, "Lorenzo", "Victor", new ContactDetailsBLL(), "34802342-289", "developer", new AgendaBLL(), (Guid)Utils.GetTestASP_UserID()); oi2.ID = 2; oi2.agenda.ID = 2; //NB AgendaID must be valid to save xml to DB DaySchedule newTestDaySchedule2 = new DaySchedule(isTest: true); oi2.agenda.staffCalendar.Add(Utils.GetDatetimeNOW().Date.AddDays(1), newTestDaySchedule); _with3.Add(oi2); //staff 3 EmployeeBLL oi3 = new EmployeeBLL(Person.MR, "Alves", "Thomas", new ContactDetailsBLL(), "34802342-289", "developer", new AgendaBLL(), (Guid)Utils.GetTestASP_UserID()); oi3.ID = 3; oi3.agenda.ID = 3; //NB AgendaID must be valid to save xml to DB DaySchedule newTestDaySchedule3 = new DaySchedule(isTest: true); oi3.agenda.staffCalendar.Add(Utils.GetDatetimeNOW().Date.AddDays(2), newTestDaySchedule); _with3.Add(oi3); //services var _with4 = i.Services; ServicesBLL a = new ServicesBLL("service 1", "wrap up without a word", 55, 99.3m); a.ID = 1; ServicesBLL b = new ServicesBLL("service 2", "no no no ", 89, 102236.893m); b.ID = 2; ServicesBLL c = new ServicesBLL("service 3", "FFS84857 983*33h", byte.MaxValue, decimal.MaxValue); c.ID = 3; ServicesBLL d = new ServicesBLL("service 4", "wrap up again", byte.MinValue, decimal.MinValue); d.ID = 4; _with4.Add(a); _with4.Add(b); _with4.Add(c); _with4.Add(d); //services Provided By Staff var _with5 = i.ServicesProvidedByStaff; _with5 = null; return(i); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// MUST review 11/7/16 /// </summary> /// <param name="i"></param> /// <param name="company"></param> public static Installation PopulateInstalationObjFromDB(ref Installation i, int?companyID, string iSumXMLfileName) { try { if (i == null) { i = new Installation(); //timestamp i.Timestamp = Utils.GetDatetimeNOW(); } //------ company --------- //get company dataTable var company = CompanyBLL.GetCompanyByID(companyID); //.GetAllCompanies();?? if (company.Count > 0) //==1 //get ----summary installation xml----- { XmlDocument iXmlDoc = CompanyBLL.GetInstallSummanyXMLDoc(companyID, iSumXMLfileName); //get ----company contact Details ----- dataTable int coContactDetID = company.Rows[0].Field <int>(8); var coContactDet = ContactDetailsBLL.GetContactDetailByID(coContactDetID); //populate an instance of contactDetBLL var _with11 = coContactDet.Rows[0]; ContactDetailsBLL coContactBLL = new ContactDetailsBLL(_with11.Field <string>(1), _with11.Field <string>(3), _with11.Field <string>(2), _with11.Field <string>(4), _with11.Field <string>(5), _with11.Field <string>(6), _with11.Field <string>(7)); coContactBLL.ID = _with11.Field <int>(0); //polulate an instance of companyBLL var _with1 = company.Rows[0]; CompanyBLL coBLL = new CompanyBLL(_with1.Field <string>(1), _with1.Field <string>(2), _with1.Field <int?>(3), _with1.Field <string>(4), _with1.Field <DateTime?>(5), _with1.Field <string>(6), _with1.Field <bool?>(9), _with1.Field <string>(10)); coBLL.ID = _with1.Field <int>(0);//same as companyID //add contact details to coBLL coBLL.businessAddress = coContactBLL; //------- SAVE INSTALLATION XML SUMMARY TO SESSION ------------ i.Company.iSummaryXML = iXmlDoc; //foreign keys int clientID = _with1.Field <int>(7); //------ Client --------- //get client dataTable var client = ClientBLL.GetClientByID(clientID);//GetAllClients(); //get ---- client contact ------dataTable int cltContactDetID = client.Rows[0].Field <int>(4); var cltContactDet = ContactDetailsBLL.GetContactDetailByID(cltContactDetID); //populate an instance of contactDetBLL var _with21 = cltContactDet.Rows[0]; ContactDetailsBLL clientContactBLL = new ContactDetailsBLL(_with21.Field <string>(1), _with21.Field <string>(3), _with21.Field <string>(2), _with21.Field <string>(4), _with21.Field <string>(5), _with21.Field <string>(6), _with21.Field <string>(7)); clientContactBLL.ID = _with21.Field <int>(0); //Populate clientBLL var _with2 = client.Rows[0]; ClientBLL clientBLL = new ClientBLL(_with2.Field <string>(1), _with2.Field <string>(2), _with2.Field <string>(3), clientContactBLL, _with2.Field <Guid>(9)); clientBLL.ID = _with2.Field <int>(0); //add client to company coBLL.mainClientContact = clientBLL; //add to installation i.Company = coBLL; //----------------------------------------------end of company--------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------ Employees -------------- List <int> thisCoEmployees = AppSettings.GetIDsList(iSumXmlDoc: iXmlDoc, perform: AppSettings.iEmpID); //loop through all employees registered to this company foreach (int staffID in thisCoEmployees) { //get employee dataTable var employees = EmployeeBLL.GetEmployeeByID(staffID); // Loop through all employees foreach (DataRow employee in employees.Rows) { //get ---- employee agenda ------dataTable short staffAgendaID = employee.Field <short>(8); var staffAgenda = AgendaBLL.GetAgendaByID(staffAgendaID); //populate an instance of agendaBLL var _with41 = staffAgenda.Rows[0]; //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("staffAgendaID from employee Table is: " + staffAgendaID.ToString() + "staffAgendaID from AGENDA Table is: " + _with41.Field<short>(0).ToString()); AgendaBLL staffAgendaBLL = new AgendaBLL(staffAgendaID, _with41.Field <bool?>(1), _with41.Field <bool?>(2)); staffAgendaBLL.ID = _with41.Field <short>(0); //get ---- employee contact ------dataTable int staffContDetID = employee.Field <int>(4); var staffContDet = ContactDetailsBLL.GetContactDetailByID(staffContDetID); //populate an instance of contactDetBLL var _with31 = cltContactDet.Rows[0]; ContactDetailsBLL staffContactBLL = new ContactDetailsBLL(_with31.Field <string>(1), _with31.Field <string>(3), _with31.Field <string>(2), _with31.Field <string>(4), _with31.Field <string>(5), _with31.Field <string>(6), _with31.Field <string>(7)); staffContactBLL.ID = _with31.Field <int>(0); //Populate staffBLL var _with3 = employee; EmployeeBLL staffBLL = new EmployeeBLL(_with3.Field <string>(1), _with3.Field <string>(2), _with3.Field <string>(3), staffContactBLL, _with3.Field <string>(6), _with3.Field <string>(7), staffAgendaBLL, _with3.Field <Guid>(9)); staffBLL.ID = _with3.Field <int>(0); //add contact detail & agenda to staff // staffBLL.contactDetail = staffContactBLL;//already added on constructor staffBLL.agenda = staffAgendaBLL; //get ---- DailyShedules foreach agenda ------dataTable var curStaffCalendar = staffBLL.agenda.staffCalendar; List <int> bookingTimes = new List <int>(); //get data stored on db var staffAgendaDailyShedules = DailySchedule.GetDailySchedulesByAgendaID(staffAgendaID); // Loop through each dailySchedule on staff's agenda foreach (DataRow dailySchedule in staffAgendaDailyShedules.Rows) { //create a new DayScheduleBLL DaySchedule daySchedBLL = new DaySchedule(); DateTime date = dailySchedule.Field <DateTime>(2); XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Parse(dailySchedule.Field <System.String>(3)); //loopthrough db xml and get a list of "busy times" bookingTimes = DayScheduleXML.GetTimesFromDayScheduleXML(xDoc); //add appts to daySchedBLL foreach (int time in bookingTimes) { //add appts to daySchedBLL bool added = AgendaBLL.AddBooking(ref curStaffCalendar, date, time); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("ADDED?\t " + added.ToString()); } // } //end loop daySchedule //add employee to installation i.Employees.Add(staffBLL); } //// endLoop emploee dataTable } // endLoop through all employees //----------------------------------------------end of employees--------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------ services -------------- List <int> thisCoServices = AppSettings.GetIDsList(iSumXmlDoc: iXmlDoc, perform: AppSettings.iServID); //loop through all employees registered to this company foreach (int serviceID in thisCoServices) { //get services dataTable var services = ServicesBLL.GetServiceByID(serviceID); // Loop through all services foreach (DataRow service in services.Rows) { //Populate serviceBLL var _with4 = service; ServicesBLL serviceBLL = new ServicesBLL(_with4.Field <string>(1), _with4.Field <bool?>(2), _with4.Field <bool?>(3), _with4.Field <string>(4), _with4.Field <byte?>(5), _with4.Field <string>(6), _with4.Field <decimal?>(8)); serviceBLL.ID = _with4.Field <int>(0); //add service to installation i.Services.Add(serviceBLL); } } //----------------------------------------------end of services--------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------ End-Users -------------- List <int> thisCoEndUsers = AppSettings.GetIDsList(iSumXmlDoc: iXmlDoc, perform: AppSettings.iuserID); //loop through all employees registered to this company foreach (int endUserID in thisCoEndUsers) { //get staff dataTable var endUsers = EndUserBLL.GetEndUserByID(endUserID); // Loop through all endUsers foreach (DataRow endUser in endUsers.Rows) { //get ---- endUser contact ------dataTable int endUserContDetID = endUser.Field <int>(4); var endUserContDet = ContactDetailsBLL.GetContactDetailByID(endUserContDetID); //populate an instance of contactDetBLL var _with51 = cltContactDet.Rows[0]; ContactDetailsBLL endUserContactBLL = new ContactDetailsBLL(_with51.Field <string>(1), _with51.Field <string>(3), _with51.Field <string>(2), _with51.Field <string>(4), _with51.Field <string>(5), _with51.Field <string>(6), _with51.Field <string>(7)); endUserContactBLL.ID = _with51.Field <int>(0); //Populate endUserBLL var _with5 = endUser; EndUserBLL endUserBLL = new EndUserBLL(_with5.Field <string>(1), _with5.Field <string>(2), _with5.Field <string>(3), endUserContactBLL, _with5.Field <Guid>(9)); endUserBLL.ID = _with5.Field <int>(0); //add service to installation i.EndUsers.Add(endUserBLL); } } //----------------------------------------------end of End-Users--------------------------------------------------------------------- //------------ Appointments -------------- List <int> thisCoAppts = AppSettings.GetIDsList(iSumXmlDoc: iXmlDoc, perform: AppSettings.iApptID); //loop through all employees registered to this company foreach (int apptID in thisCoAppts) { //get appts dataTable var appts = ApptBLL.GetAppointmentByID(apptID); // Loop through all appts foreach (DataRow appt in appts.Rows) { //Populate apptBLL var _with6 = appt; ApptBLL apptBLL = new ApptBLL(_with6.Field <DateTime>(1), _with6.Field <TimeSpan>(2), _with6.Field <int>(3), _with6.Field <int>(4), _with6.Field <string>(5), _with6.Field <string>(6)); apptBLL.ID = _with6.Field <int>(0); //add appt to installation i.Appointments.Add(apptBLL); } } //----------------------------------------------end of Appointments--------------------------------------------------------------------- } return(i); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex); return(null); } }