} //mthod to end public void Reloadtime(int Sec) { timerButton.Text = "timer running..."; Device.StartTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, Sec), () => { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { // interact with UI elements timerButton.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("mm:ss") + " past the hour"; WebSerchi.UpdateNewYork(); WebSerchi.UpdateTokyo(); }); return(true); // runs again, or false to stop }); }
public MainDisplay() { Padding = new Thickness(5, Device.OnPlatform(20, 10, 10), 10, 10); DateTime time = DateTime.Now; //new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); StackLayout Date = new StackLayout() { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Children = { new Label { Text = time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss") //Reloadtime(1); } } }; var status = new Label(); var html = new Label { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.WordWrap, Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize(NamedSize.Small), }; City = new Label { Text = "City", WidthRequest = 250, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 15, }; Goingprice = new Label { Text = "Goingprice", WidthRequest = 250, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.End, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }; Probability = new Button { Text = "Probability", TextColor = Color.FromHex("FFFFFF"), WidthRequest = 80, /* BackgroundColor = Color.Red*/ }; StackLayout NewyorkLayout = new StackLayout { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Spacing = 2, Children = { City, Goingprice, Probability } }; City1 = new Label { Text = "City", WidthRequest = 250, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 15, }; Goingprice1 = new Label { Text = "Goingprice", WidthRequest = 250, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.End, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }; Probability1 = new Button { Text = "Probability", TextColor = Color.FromHex("FFFFFF"), WidthRequest = 80, BackgroundColor = Color.Red }; StackLayout TokyoLayout = new StackLayout { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Spacing = 2, Children = { City1, Goingprice1, Probability1 } }; Label Asset = new Label { Text = "Asset", WidthRequest = 250, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 15, }; TotalAsset = new Label { Text = "Total Asset", WidthRequest = 250, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.End, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }; Button UptoAsset = new Button { Text = "UptoAsset", TextColor = Color.FromHex("FFFFFF"), WidthRequest = 80, /* BackgroundColor = Color.Red*/ }; StackLayout AssetLayout = new StackLayout { HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.StartAndExpand, Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, Spacing = 2, Children = { Asset, TotalAsset, UptoAsset, } }; StackLayout Toplayout = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0, Children = { Date, NewyorkLayout, TokyoLayout, AssetLayout, timerButton, html } }; int count = 1; StackLayout[] stack = new StackLayout[count]; StackLayout Allstack = new StackLayout(); //ボタンコントロール配列のフィールドを作成 Button[] UptoButtons = new Button[count]; Label[] AddCity = new Label[count]; Label[] AddGoingprice = new Label[count]; var scroll = new ScrollView(); //Content = scroll; for (int i = 0; i < (UptoButtons.Length); i++) { //インスタンス AddCity[i] = new Label { Text = "Add", // + i, WidthRequest = 250, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 15 }; //ラベルタッチでイベントを発生させる var tgr = new TapGestureRecognizer(); tgr.Tapped += (sender, e) => OnLabelClicked(sender, e); AddCity[i].GestureRecognizers.Add(tgr); AddGoingprice[i] = new Label { Text = "AddGoingprice", WidthRequest = 250, HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontSize = 15 }; UptoButtons[i] = new Button { Text = "UptoAcet" + i, WidthRequest = 80, TextColor = Color.FromHex("FFFFFF"), //BackgroundColor = Color.Red }; //UptoButtons[i].Clicked += uptoButtons_Clicked; stack[i] = new StackLayout(); stack[i].Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal; stack[i].Children.Add(AddCity[i]); //Label stack[i].Children.Add(AddGoingprice[i]); stack[i].Children.Add(UptoButtons[i]); Allstack.Children.Add(stack[i]); } //for to end //Price p = new Price(); StackLayout Secondlayout = new StackLayout { Children = { new ScrollView { Content = Allstack } } }; StackLayout Baselayout = new StackLayout { Children = { Toplayout, Secondlayout, } }; Content = Baselayout; WebSerchi.UpdateNewYork(); WebSerchi.UpdateTokyo(); Reloadtime(1); } //mthod to end