Exemple #1
        public List <WXOBJ1> AfterSRepair_P(string userName, int type, int curPage, int pageSize)
            string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string;
            string session = Session.SessionID.ToString();

            if (!cookies.Equals(session))
            int num = curPage * pageSize;

            string where = " and  BILLMAN='" + userName + "'  and  zf3 <> ''   and left(code,1) <> '*' ";
            if (type == 0)
                where += " and  ((zf2=''  and  sz10=0 ) or (zf2<>'" + userName + "')) ";//未接收
            else if (type == 1)
                where += " and  zf2='" + userName + "'   and   id  in( select zf1 from L_AfterRepair a where not exists(select 1 from L_AfterRepair b where b.refercode = a.refercode and b.id > a.id)  and OPERATE_TYPE = '接受' and BILLMAN ='" + userName + "' ) ";//处理中
            else if (type == 2)
                where += " and  zf2='" + userName + "'   and   id  in( select zf1 from L_AfterRepair a where not exists(select 1 from L_AfterRepair b where b.refercode = a.refercode and b.id > a.id)  and OPERATE_TYPE = '完结' and BILLMAN ='" + userName + "' )  ";//维修完成
            List <WXOBJ1> ms = new List <WXOBJ1>();

            string sql = " select top " + pageSize.ToString() + " o.* from (  " +
                         " select row_number() over(order by id desc) as rownumber, N_A.* from( " +
                         " select * from clientservice_AfterServiceBill " +
                         " where 1 = 1 " + where +
                         " ) as N_A) as o where rownumber> " + num.ToString();

            DataTable dt = DBLL.ExecuteDataTable(MyGlobal.DataBase, sql);

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                WXOBJ1 o = new WXOBJ1();
                o.ID       = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"].ToString());
                o.CODE     = row["CODE"].ToString();//维修单号
                o.BILLMAN  = row["BILLMAN"].ToString();
                o.CLIENT   = row["CLIENT"].ToString();
                o.BILLTYPE = row["BILLTYPE"].ToString();
                o.ZF1      = row["ZF1"].ToString();     //机床编号
                o.NOTEPRE  = row["NOTEPRE"].ToString(); //内容描述(电话回访)
                o.ZF3      = row["ZF3"].ToString();     //分析描述 初判断
                o.CONTACT  = row["ZF27"].ToString();
                o.PHONE    = row["ZF28"].ToString();
                o.ZF5      = row["ZF5"].ToString();
Exemple #2
        public List <WXOBJ1> AfterSRepair(string userName, int type)
            string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string;
            string session = Session.SessionID.ToString();

            if (!cookies.Equals(session))
            string where = " and  BILLMAN='" + userName + "'  and  zf3 <> ''   and left(code,1) <> '*' ";
            string by = " top 20 * ";

            if (type == 0)
                where += " and  ((zf2=''  and  sz10=0 ) or (zf2<>'" + userName + "'))  order by id desc  ";//未接收
            else if (type == 1)
                where += " and  zf2='" + userName + "'   and   id  in( select zf1 from L_AfterRepair a where not exists(select 1 from L_AfterRepair b where b.refercode = a.refercode and b.id > a.id)  and OPERATE_TYPE = '接受' and BILLMAN ='" + userName + "' ) order by id desc";//处理中
            else if (type == 2)
                where += " and  zf2='" + userName + "'   and   id  in( select zf1 from L_AfterRepair a where not exists(select 1 from L_AfterRepair b where b.refercode = a.refercode and b.id > a.id)  and OPERATE_TYPE = '完结' and BILLMAN ='" + userName + "' )  order by id desc";//维修完成
            List <WXOBJ1> ms = new List <WXOBJ1>();
            clientservice_AfterServiceBill        bill = new clientservice_AfterServiceBill();
            List <clientservice_AfterServiceBill> list = bill.Select(where, by);

            foreach (clientservice_AfterServiceBill c in list)
                WXOBJ1 o = new WXOBJ1();
                o.ID       = c.ID;
                o.CODE     = c.CODE;//维修单号
                o.BILLMAN  = c.BILLMAN;
                o.CLIENT   = c.CLIENT;
                o.BILLTYPE = c.BILLTYPE;
                o.ZF1      = c.ZF1;     //机床编号
                o.NOTEPRE  = c.NOTEPRE; //内容描述(电话回访)
                o.ZF3      = c.ZF3;     //分析描述 初判断
                o.CONTACT  = c.ZF27;
                o.PHONE    = c.ZF28;
                o.ZF5      = c.ZF5;
Exemple #3
        public List <WXOBJ1> NeibuWx(string userName)
            string cookies = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"] == null ? "" : HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["guid"].Value as string;
            string session = Session.SessionID.ToString();

            if (!cookies.Equals(session))
            List <WXOBJ1> ms = new List <WXOBJ1>();
            BILLnouse2    JC = new BILLnouse2();

            string where = "and  BILLTYPE ='售后返厂维修' and (isnull(Paytype,'')<>'')and left(code,1)<>'*' and  (freenum5 is null or freenum5 < 1)";
            List <BILLnouse2> bs  = JC.Select(where, " PAYTYPE ");
            string            str = string.Empty;

            foreach (BILLnouse2 h in bs)
                str += "'" + h.PAYTYPE + "',";
            str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
            clientservice_AfterServiceBill        bill = new clientservice_AfterServiceBill();
            List <clientservice_AfterServiceBill> list = bill.Select(" and  BILLMAN='" + userName + "'   and code in (" + str + ")");

            foreach (clientservice_AfterServiceBill c in list)
                WXOBJ1 o = new WXOBJ1();
                o.BILLMAN  = c.BILLMAN;
                o.CLIENT   = c.CLIENT;
                o.BILLTYPE = c.BILLTYPE;
                o.ZF1      = c.ZF1;