/// <summary>
        /// Called when a request to the Token endpoint arrives with a "grant_type" of "password". This occurs when the user has provided name and password
        /// credentials directly into the client application's user interface, and the client application is using those to acquire an "access_token" and
        /// optional "refresh_token". If the web application supports the
        /// resource owner credentials grant type it must validate the context.Username and context.Password as appropriate. To issue an
        /// access token the context.Validated must be called with a new ticket containing the claims about the resource owner which should be associated
        /// with the access token. The application should take appropriate measures to ensure that the endpoint isn’t abused by malicious callers.
        /// The default behavior is to reject this grant type.
        /// See also http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3.2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context of the event carries information in and results out.</param>
        /// <returns>Task to enable asynchronous execution</returns>
        public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
            Logger.log.Debug("Loggin in in AuthorizationServerProvider");
            context.OwinContext.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", new[] { "*" });

            var dto = new AccountDTO()
                UserName        = context.UserName,
                Password        = context.Password,
                ConfirmPassword = context.Password

            OperationResultDTO result = null;

            using (var client = SoapProvider.GetUserServiceClient())
                result = client.CheckCredentials(dto);
            if (!result.Result)
                Logger.log.Error("The user name of password is incorrect");
                context.SetError("invalid_grant", "The user name or password is incorrect.");

            var identity = ConfigureClaims(context, dto);

        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the claims.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="dto">The dto.</param>
        /// <returns>ClaimsIdentity.</returns>
        private ClaimsIdentity ConfigureClaims(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context, AccountDTO dto)
            var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationType);

            using (var client = SoapProvider.GetUserServiceClient())
                var user          = client.FindUserByCredentials(dto);
                int createdChatId = 0;

                using (var botClient = SoapProvider.GetBotServiceClient())
                    createdChatId = (int)botClient.AttachBotToUser(user.Id).Info;

                identity.AddClaim(new Claim("sub", context.UserName));
                identity.AddClaim(new Claim("Id", user.Id.ToString(), ClaimValueTypes.Integer));
                identity.AddClaim(new Claim("BotId", createdChatId.ToString(), ClaimValueTypes.Integer));
                identity.AddClaim(new Claim("role", "user"));
