public int Confirm_Imgr1(Imgr request) { int Result = -1; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), UpdateBy = request.UserID }); if (Result != -1) { List <Imgr2_Receipt> Result1 = null; Result1 = db.Select <Imgr2_Receipt>( "select Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo,Imgr1.CustomerCode,Imgr2.LineItemNo,Imgr1.TrxNo from imgr1 join imgr2 on imgr1.TrxNo =imgr2.TrxNo where Imgr1.TrxNo = '" + request.TrxNo + "' " ); if (Result1 != null && Result1.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Result1.Count; i++) { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("Update Imgr2 Set MovementTrxNo=(Select TrxNo From Impm1 Where BatchNo=@GoodsReceiptNoteNo And BatchLineItemNo=@BatchLineItemNo And CustomerCode=@CustomerCode) Where TrxNo=@TrxNo And LineItemNo=@LineItemNo", new { GoodsReceiptNoteNo = Result1[i].GoodsReceiptNoteNo, BatchLineItemNo = Result1[i].LineItemNo, CustomerCode = Result1[i].CustomerCode, TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), LineItemNo = Result1[i].LineItemNo }); } } } } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2_Putaway> Get_Imgr2_Putaway_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2_Putaway> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { //string strDefaultStoreNo = " IsNull(( Select Top 1 StoreNo from Impm1 Where Impm1.CustomerCode = 'UNITED' and Impm1.ProductTrxNo = 5 AND Impm1.TrxType = '1' and( case DimensionFlag when '1' then " + //" isnull(BalancePackingQty, 0) when '2' then isnull(BalanceWholeQty, 0) else isnull(BalanceLooseQty, 0) end) > 0 Order By Impm1.ReceiptDate DEsc),'') as DefaultStoreNo "; string strDefaultStoreNo = " IsNull(( Select Top 1 case (( case DimensionFlag when '1' then isnull(BalancePackingQty,0) when '2' then isnull(BalanceWholeQty,0) else " + " isnull(BalanceLooseQty, 0) end )) when 0 then '' else StoreNo end AS DefaultStoreNo from Impm1 Where " + " Impm1.CustomerCode =Imgr1.CustomerCode and Impm1.ProductTrxNo = imgr2.ProductTrxNo AND Impm1.TrxType = '1' Order By Impm1.ReceiptDate DEsc ),'') as DefaultStoreNo "; string strSql = "Select Imgr2.TrxNo, Imgr2.LineItemNo, Imgr2.StoreNo," + strDefaultStoreNo + ",0 as ProductIndex," + "isnull((Select StagingAreaFlag From Whwh2 Where WarehouseCode=Imgr2.WarehouseCode And StoreNo=Imgr2.StoreNo),'N') AS StagingAreaFlag," + "IsNull(Imgr2.ProductCode,'') AS ProductCode, IsNull(Imgr2.ProductDescription,'') AS ProductDescription, IsNull(Imgr2.UserDefine1,'') AS UserDefine1," + "(Case Imgr2.DimensionFlag When '1' Then Imgr2.PackingQty When '2' Then Imgr2.WholeQty Else Imgr2.LooseQty End) AS Qty,(Case Imgr2.DimensionFlag When '1' Then Imgr2.PackingQty When '2' Then Imgr2.WholeQty Else Imgr2.LooseQty End) AS ActualQty," + getBarCodeListSelect() + "(Select Top 1 SerialNoFlag From Impr1 Where TrxNo=Imgr2.ProductTrxNo) AS SerialNoFlag," + "0 AS ScanQty,Imgr2.DimensionFlag,Imgr2.PackingQty,Imgr2.WholeQty,Imgr2.LooseQty,Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo,'' As QtyStatus,'' AS NewBarCode,'' AS NewFlag " + "From Imgr2 " + "Left Join Imgr1 On Imgr2.TrxNo = Imgr1.TrxNo " + "Where Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "'"; Result = db.Select <Imgr2_Putaway>(strSql); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public int Update_Imgr2_StoreNo(Imgr request) { int Result = -1; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection()) { Result = db.Update <Imgr2>( new { StoreNo = request.StoreNo }, p => p.TrxNo == int.Parse(request.TrxNo) && p.LineItemNo == int.Parse(request.LineItemNo) ); Result = db.Update <Impm1>( new { StoreNo = request.StoreNo }, p => p.BatchNo == request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo && p.BatchLineItemNo == int.Parse(request.LineItemNo) ); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2_Receipt> Get_Imgr2_Receipt_List(Imgr request) { // Tropolis List <Imgr2_Receipt> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { List <Impa1> impa1 = db.Select <Impa1>("Select * from Impa1"); string strBarCodeFiled = impa1[0].BarCodeField; string strSql = "Select Imgr2.*, " + "(Select Top 1 " + strBarCodeFiled + " From Impr1 Where TrxNo=Imgr2.ProductTrxNo) AS BarCode,Imgr1.CustomerCode," + //"(Select Top 1 SerialNoFlag From Impr1 Where TrxNo=Imgr2.ProductTrxNo) AS SerialNoFlag," + " '' AS SerialNoFlag," + // Tropolis "0 AS ScanQty , " + "0 AS SumScanQty , " + "0 AS SumAcutalQty , " + " '' AS ScanedBarCodeFlag " + "From Imgr2 " + "Left Join Imgr1 On Imgr2.TrxNo = Imgr1.TrxNo " + "Where Imgr1.TrxNo='" + request.TrxNo + "'"; Result = db.Select <Imgr2_Receipt>(strSql); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public int Confirm_Imgr1(Imgr request) { int Result = -1; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection()) { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), UpdateBy = request.UserID }); //List<int> results = db.SqlList<int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo @UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = request.TrxNo, UpdateBy = request.UserID }); //using (var cmd = db.SqlProc("spi_Imgr_Confirm", new { TrxNo = request.TrxNo, UpdateBy = request.UserID })) //{ // Result = cmd.ConvertTo<int>(); //} if (Result > -1) { string GoodsReceiptNoteNo = db.Scalar <string>("Select GoodsReceiptNoteNo From Imgr1 Where TrxNo=" + int.Parse(request.TrxNo)); db.Insert( new Imsl1 { DocNo = GoodsReceiptNoteNo, Description = "TALLY", StatusLogDateTime = DateTime.Now, UserId = request.UserID, StatusCode = "EXE", UpdateBy = request.UserID, UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now } ); } } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2_Putaway> Get_Imgr2_Putaway_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2_Putaway> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection()) { string strSql = "Select " + "Imgr2.TrxNo, Imgr2.LineItemNo, Imgr2.ProductTrxNo," + "IsNull(Imgr2.ProductCode,'') AS ProductCode, IsNull(Imgr2.ProductDescription,'') AS ProductDescription," + "IsNull(Imgr2.SerialNo,'') AS SerialNo, IsNull(Imgr2.DimensionFlag,'') AS DimensionFlag," + "IsNull(Imgr2.StoreNo,'') AS StoreNo," + "(Select StagingAreaFlag From Whwh2 Where WarehouseCode=Imgr2.WarehouseCode And StoreNo=Imgr2.StoreNo) AS StagingAreaFlag," + "Imgr2.PackingQty, Imgr2.WholeQty, Imgr2.LooseQty," + "0 AS ScanQty " + "From Imgr2 " + "Left Join Imgr1 On Imgr2.TrxNo = Imgr1.TrxNo " + "Where Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "'"; Result = db.Select <Imgr2_Putaway>(strSql); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2> Get_Imgr2_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection()) { Result = db.Select <Imgr2>( "Select " + "Imgr2.TrxNo, Imgr2.LineItemNo," + "IsNull(Imgr2.StoreNo,'') AS StoreNo, IsNull(Imgr2.WarehouseCode,'') AS WarehouseCode," + "Imgr2.MovementTrxNo, Imgr2.ProductTrxNo," + "Imgr2.ProductCode, Imgr2.DimensionFlag," + "Imgr2.PackingQty, Imgr2.WholeQty, Imgr2.LooseQty," + "Imgr2.Volume, Imgr2.Weight, Imgr2.SpaceArea," + "Imgr2.UserDefine1 " + "From Imgr2 " + "Left Join Imgr1 On Imgr2.TrxNo = Imgr1.TrxNo " + "Where Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "'" ); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr1> Get_Imgr1_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr1> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.CustomerCode)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.StatusCode)) { Result = db.SelectParam <Imgr1>( i => i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != null && i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != "" && i.StatusCode != null && i.StatusCode != "DEL" && i.StatusCode != "EXE" && i.StatusCode != "CMP" && i.CustomerCode == request.CustomerCode ).OrderByDescending(i => i.ReceiptDate).ToList <Imgr1>(); } else { Result = db.SelectParam <Imgr1>( i => i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != null && i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != "" && i.StatusCode == request.StatusCode && i.CustomerCode == request.CustomerCode ).OrderByDescending(i => i.ReceiptDate).ToList <Imgr1>(); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.StatusCode)) { //Result = db.SelectParam<Imgr1>( // i => i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != null && i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != "" && i.StatusCode != null && i.StatusCode != "DEL" && i.StatusCode != "EXE" && i.StatusCode != "CMP" && i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo.StartsWith(request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo) //); Result = db.Select <Imgr1>( "Select Imgr1.* From Imgr1 " + "Where IsNUll(StatusCode,'')<>'DEL' And IsNUll(StatusCode,'')<>'EXE' And IsNUll(StatusCode,'')<>'CMP' " + "And (Select count(*) from Imgr2 Where Imgr2.TrxNo=Imgr1.TrxNo) > 0 " + "And IsNUll(GoodsReceiptNoteNo,'') LIKE '" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "%'" ); } else { //Result = db.SelectParam<Imgr1>( // i => i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != null && i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != "" && i.StatusCode == request.StatusCode && i.GoodsReceiptNoteNo.StartsWith(request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo) //); Result = db.Select <Imgr1>( "Select Imgr1.* From Imgr1 " + "Where IsNUll(StatusCode,'')='" + request.StatusCode + "' " + "And (Select count(*) from Imgr2 Where Imgr2.TrxNo=Imgr1.TrxNo) > 0 " + "And IsNUll(GoodsReceiptNoteNo,'') LIKE '" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "%'" ); } } } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
//public string[] test(string[] s) { // if (s == null) // { // return null; // } // else { // return s; // } //} public int Update_Imgr2_StoreNo(Imgr request) { int Result = -1; try { string[] QtyRemarkDetail = { "" }; if (request.QtyRemarkList != null && request.NewFlagList.Trim() != "") { QtyRemarkDetail = request.QtyRemarkList.Split(','); } string[] LineItemNoDetail = request.LineItemNoList.Split(','); string[] DimensionFlagDetail = request.DimensionFlagList.Split(','); string[] NewFlagDetail = request.NewFlagList.Split(','); string[] DimensionQtyDetail = request.DimensionQtyList.Split(','); string[] StoreNoDetail = request.StoreNoList.Split(','); using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { string UpdateNewFlag = "N"; if (request.NewFlagList == null || request.NewFlagList.Trim() == "") { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr2_Mobile @TrxNo,@LineItemNo,@NewFlag,@DimensionQty,@QtyRemark,@DimensionFlag,@StoreNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), LineItemNo = int.Parse(request.LineItemNoList), NewFlag = UpdateNewFlag, DimensionQty = int.Parse(request.DimensionQtyList), QtyRemark = request.QtyRemarkList, DimensionFlag = request.DimensionFlagList, StoreNo = request.StoreNoList, UpdateBy = request.UserID }); } else { for (int i = 0; i < DimensionFlagDetail.Length; i++) { UpdateNewFlag = NewFlagDetail[i]; if (UpdateNewFlag != "Y") { UpdateNewFlag = "N"; } Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr2_Mobile @TrxNo,@LineItemNo,@NewFlag,@DimensionQty,@QtyRemark,@DimensionFlag,@StoreNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), LineItemNo = int.Parse(LineItemNoDetail[i]), NewFlag = UpdateNewFlag, DimensionQty = DimensionQtyDetail[i], QtyRemark = QtyRemarkDetail[i], DimensionFlag = DimensionFlagDetail[i], StoreNo = StoreNoDetail[i], UpdateBy = request.UserID }); } } Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), UpdateBy = request.UserID }); if (Result != -1) { List <Imgr2_Receipt> Result1 = null; Result1 = db.Select <Imgr2_Receipt>( "select Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo,Imgr1.CustomerCode,Imgr2.LineItemNo,Imgr1.TrxNo from imgr1 join imgr2 on imgr1.TrxNo =imgr2.TrxNo where Imgr1.TrxNo = '" + request.TrxNo + "' " ); if (Result1 != null && Result1.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Result1.Count; i++) { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("Update Imgr2 Set MovementTrxNo=(Select top 1 TrxNo From Impm1 Where BatchNo=@GoodsReceiptNoteNo And BatchLineItemNo=@BatchLineItemNo And CustomerCode=@CustomerCode) Where TrxNo=@TrxNo And LineItemNo=@LineItemNo", new { GoodsReceiptNoteNo = Result1[i].GoodsReceiptNoteNo, BatchLineItemNo = Result1[i].LineItemNo, CustomerCode = Result1[i].CustomerCode, TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), LineItemNo = Result1[i].LineItemNo }); } } } } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public int Confirm_Imgr1(Imgr request) { Get_Impa1_List(); int Result = -1; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { int intMaxLineItemNo = 1; List <Sael1> list1 = db.Select <Sael1>("Select Max(LineItemNo) LineItemNo from Sael1 Where TableName = 'Imgr1' and PrimaryKeyName ='GoodsReceiptNoteNo' and PrimaryKeyValue='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "'"); if (request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != null && request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != "") { if (list1 != null) { if (list1[0].LineItemNo > 0) { intMaxLineItemNo = list1[0].LineItemNo + 1; } } db.Insert(new Sael1 { TableName = "Imgr1", PrimaryKeyName = "GoodsReceiptNoteNo", PrimaryKeyValue = request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo, DateTime = DateTime.Now, UpdateDatetime = DateTime.Now, LineItemNo = intMaxLineItemNo, UpdateBy = request.UserID, Description = "GOODS TALLIED" }); } if (AppTallyConfirmStatus == "EXE") { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), UpdateBy = request.UserID }); } if (AppTallyConfirmStatus != "") { string str; str = "TallyDateTime=getDate(),StatusCode='" + AppTallyConfirmStatus + "' "; db.Update("Imgr1", str, " GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + " '"); } } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public int Confirm_Imgr1(Imgr request) { int Result = -1; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), UpdateBy = request.UserID }); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2_Putaway> Imgr2CheckExist(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2_Putaway> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { string strSql = "Select StatusCode From Imgr1 " + "Where TrxNo='" + request.TrxNo + "'"; Result = db.Select <Imgr2_Putaway>(strSql); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2> Get_Imgr2_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { Result = db.Select <Imgr2>( "Select Imgr2.* From Imgr2 " + "Left Join Imgr1 On Imgr2.TrxNo = Imgr1.TrxNo " + "Where Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "'" ); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2_Transfer> Get_Imgr2_Transfer_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2_Transfer> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { string strSql = "Select Imgr2.*, " + "(Select Top 1 SerialNoFlag From Impr1 Where TrxNo=Imgr2.ProductTrxNo) AS SerialNoFlag " + "From Imgr2 " + "Where Imgr2.TrxNo=" + int.Parse(request.TrxNo) + " And Imgr2.LineItemNo=" + int.Parse(request.LineItemNo); Result = db.Select <Imgr2_Transfer>(strSql); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public int Confirm_Imgr1(Imgr request) { int Result = -1; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), UpdateBy = request.UserID }); //List<int> results = db.SqlList<int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo @UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = request.TrxNo, UpdateBy = request.UserID }); //using (var cmd = db.SqlProc("spi_Imgr_Confirm", new { TrxNo = request.TrxNo, UpdateBy = request.UserID })) //{ // Result = cmd.ConvertTo<int>(); //} } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr1> Get_Imgr1_List(Imgr request) { string strImgr = ""; List <Imgr1> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.UserDefine01)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.StatusCode)) { strImgr = "Select Top 10 Imgr1.* From Imgr1 " + "Where IsNull(GoodsReceiptNoteNo,'')<>'' And IsNUll(StatusCode,'')<>'DEL' And IsNUll(StatusCode,'')<>'EXE' And IsNUll(StatusCode,'')<>'CMP' " + "And (Select count(*) from Imgr2 Where Imgr2.TrxNo=Imgr1.TrxNo) > 0 " + "And IsNUll(UserDefine01,'') = '" + request.UserDefine01 + "' " + "Order By Imgr1.ReceiptDate Desc"; Result = db.Select <Imgr1>( strImgr ); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.InvoiceNo)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.StatusCode)) { strImgr = "Select Top 10 Imgr1.* From Imgr1 " + "Where IsNUll(StatusCode,'')<>'DEL' And IsNUll(StatusCode,'')<>'EXE' And IsNUll(StatusCode,'')<>'CMP' " + "And (Select count(*) from Imgr2 Where Imgr2.TrxNo=Imgr1.TrxNo) > 0 " + "And IsNUll(CustGrnNo,'') LIKE '" + request.InvoiceNo + "%'"; Result = db.Select <Imgr1>( strImgr ); } } } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2_Putaway> Get_Imgr2_Putaway_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2_Putaway> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { string strSql = "Select Imgr2.TrxNo, Imgr2.LineItemNo, IsNull(Imgr2.StoreNo,'') AS StoreNo," + "(Select StagingAreaFlag From Whwh2 Where WarehouseCode=Imgr2.WarehouseCode And StoreNo=Imgr2.StoreNo) AS StagingAreaFlag,Imgr1.CustomerCode," + "IsNull(Imgr2.ProductCode,'') AS ProductCode, IsNull(Imgr2.ProductDescription,'') AS ProductDescription, IsNull(Imgr2.UserDefine1,'') AS UserDefine1," + "(Case Imgr2.DimensionFlag When '1' Then Imgr2.PackingQty When '2' Then Imgr2.WholeQty Else Imgr2.LooseQty End) AS Qty " + "From Imgr2 " + "Left Join Imgr1 On Imgr2.TrxNo = Imgr1.TrxNo " + "Where Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "'"; Result = db.Select <Imgr2_Putaway>(strSql); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2_Receipt> Get_Imgr2_Receipt_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2_Receipt> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { string strSql = "Select Imgr2.*,'' As QtyStatus, " + "" + getBarCodeListSelect() + "(Select Top 1 SerialNoFlag From Impr1 Where TrxNo=Imgr2.ProductTrxNo) AS SerialNoFlag," + "0 AS ScanQty,GoodsReceiptNoteNo " + "From Imgr2 " + "Left Join Imgr1 On Imgr2.TrxNo = Imgr1.TrxNo " + "Where Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + Modfunction.SQLSafe(request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo) + "'"; Result = db.Select <Imgr2_Receipt>(strSql); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2_Putaway> Get_Imgr2_Putaway_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2_Putaway> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { List <Impa1> impa1 = db.Select <Impa1>("Select * from Impa1"); string strBarCodeFiled = impa1[0].BarCodeField; string strSql = "Select Imgr2.*, " + "(Select Top 1 " + strBarCodeFiled + " From Impr1 Where TrxNo=Imgr2.ProductTrxNo) AS BarCode," + "(Select StagingAreaFlag From Whwh2 Where WarehouseCode=Imgr2.WarehouseCode And StoreNo=Imgr2.StoreNo) AS StagingAreaFlag " + "From Imgr2 " + "Left Join Imgr1 On Imgr2.TrxNo = Imgr1.TrxNo " + "Where Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "'"; Result = db.Select <Imgr2_Putaway>(strSql); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public List <Imgr2_Transfer> Get_Imgr2_Transfer_List(Imgr request) { List <Imgr2_Transfer> Result = null; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { string strSql = "Select Imgr2.TrxNo, Imgr2.LineItemNo, IsNull(Imgr2.StoreNo,'') AS StoreNo," + "(Select StagingAreaFlag From Whwh2 Where WarehouseCode=Imgr2.WarehouseCode And StoreNo=Imgr2.StoreNo) AS StagingAreaFlag," + "IsNull(Imgr2.ProductCode,'') AS ProductCode, IsNull(Imgr2.ProductDescription,'') AS ProductDescription," + "(Case Imgr2.DimensionFlag When '1' Then Imgr2.PackingQty When '2' Then Imgr2.WholeQty Else Imgr2.LooseQty End) AS Balance," + "0 AS Qty, '' AS NewStoreNo,'' As QtyStatus ," + getBarCodeListSelect() + "From Imgr2 " + "Left Join Imgr1 On Imgr2.TrxNo = Imgr1.TrxNo " + "Where Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "'"; Result = db.Select <Imgr2_Transfer>(strSql); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public int Update_Imgr2_StoreNo(Imgr request) { int Result = -1; try { string[] QtyRemarkDetail = request.QtyRemarkList.Split(','); string[] LineItemNoDetail = request.LineItemNoList.Split(','); string[] DimensionFlagDetail = request.DimensionFlagList.Split(','); string[] NewFlagDetail = request.NewFlagList.Split(','); string[] DimensionQtyDetail = request.DimensionQtyList.Split(','); string[] StoreNoDetail = request.StoreNoList.Split(','); using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { string UpdateNewFlag = "N"; if (request.NewFlagList.Trim() == "") { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr2_Mobile @TrxNo,@LineItemNo,@NewFlag,@DimensionQty,@QtyRemark,@DimensionFlag,@StoreNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), LineItemNo = int.Parse(request.LineItemNoList), NewFlag = UpdateNewFlag, DimensionQty = int.Parse(request.DimensionQtyList), QtyRemark = request.QtyRemarkList, DimensionFlag = request.DimensionFlagList, StoreNo = request.StoreNoList, UpdateBy = request.UserID }); } else { for (int i = 0; i < DimensionFlagDetail.Length; i++) { UpdateNewFlag = NewFlagDetail[i]; if (UpdateNewFlag != "Y") { UpdateNewFlag = "N"; } Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr2_Mobile @TrxNo,@LineItemNo,@NewFlag,@DimensionQty,@QtyRemark,@DimensionFlag,@StoreNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), LineItemNo = int.Parse(LineItemNoDetail[i]), NewFlag = UpdateNewFlag, DimensionQty = DimensionQtyDetail[i], QtyRemark = QtyRemarkDetail[i], DimensionFlag = DimensionFlagDetail[i], StoreNo = StoreNoDetail[i], UpdateBy = request.UserID }); } } Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), UpdateBy = request.UserID }); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
public int Update_Imgr2_QtyRemark(Imgr request) { int Result = -1; try { using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { if (request.QtyFieldName == "PackingQty") { Result = db.Update <Imgr2>( new { PackingQty = request.QtyRemarkQty, UpdateBy = request.UserID }, p => p.TrxNo == int.Parse(request.TrxNo) && p.LineItemNo == int.Parse(request.LineItemNo) ); Result = db.Update("Impm1", "BalancePackingQty = " + request.QtyRemarkQty , " BatchNo = " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo) + " AND BatchLineItemNo = " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.LineItemNo) ); } else if (request.QtyFieldName == "WholeQty") { Result = db.Update <Imgr2>( new { WholeQty = request.QtyRemarkQty, UpdateBy = request.UserID }, p => p.TrxNo == int.Parse(request.TrxNo) && p.LineItemNo == int.Parse(request.LineItemNo) ); Result = db.Update("Impm1", "BalanceWholeQty = " + request.QtyRemarkQty , " BatchNo = " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo) + " AND BatchLineItemNo = " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.LineItemNo) ); } else { Result = db.Update <Imgr2>( new { LooseQty = request.QtyRemarkQty, UpdateBy = request.UserID }, p => p.TrxNo == int.Parse(request.TrxNo) && p.LineItemNo == int.Parse(request.LineItemNo) ); Result = db.Update("Impm1", "BalanceLooseQty = " + request.QtyRemarkQty , " BatchNo = " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo) + " AND BatchLineItemNo = " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.LineItemNo) ); } Result = db.Update <Imgr1>(" Remark=isnull(Remark,'') + (case isnull(Remark,'') when '' then '' else char(13)+char(10) end) + " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.QtyRemark) + ",UpdateDateTime = getdate(),UpdateBy = " + Modfunction.SQLSafeValue(request.UserID) , " TrxNo = " + request.TrxNo ); } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }
//public string[] test(string[] s) { // if (s == null) // { // return null; // } // else { // return s; // } //} public int Update_Imgr2_StoreNo(Imgr request) { Get_Impa1_List(); int Result = -1; try { string[] QtyRemarkDetail = { "" }; if (request.QtyRemarkList != null && request.NewFlagList.Trim() != "") { QtyRemarkDetail = request.QtyRemarkList.Split(','); } string[] LineItemNoDetail = request.LineItemNoList.Split(','); string[] DimensionFlagDetail = request.DimensionFlagList.Split(','); string[] NewFlagDetail = request.NewFlagList.Split(','); string[] DimensionQtyDetail = request.DimensionQtyList.Split(','); string[] StoreNoDetail = request.StoreNoList.Split(','); using (var db = DbConnectionFactory.OpenDbConnection("WMS")) { string UpdateNewFlag = "N"; if (request.NewFlagList == null || request.NewFlagList.Trim() == "") { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr2_Mobile @TrxNo,@LineItemNo,@NewFlag,@DimensionQty,@QtyRemark,@DimensionFlag,@StoreNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), LineItemNo = int.Parse(request.LineItemNoList), NewFlag = UpdateNewFlag, DimensionQty = int.Parse(request.DimensionQtyList), QtyRemark = request.QtyRemarkList, DimensionFlag = request.DimensionFlagList, StoreNo = request.StoreNoList, UpdateBy = request.UserID }); } else { for (int i = 0; i < DimensionFlagDetail.Length; i++) { UpdateNewFlag = NewFlagDetail[i]; if (UpdateNewFlag != "Y") { UpdateNewFlag = "N"; } Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr2_Mobile @TrxNo,@LineItemNo,@NewFlag,@DimensionQty,@QtyRemark,@DimensionFlag,@StoreNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), LineItemNo = int.Parse(LineItemNoDetail[i]), NewFlag = UpdateNewFlag, DimensionQty = DimensionQtyDetail[i], QtyRemark = QtyRemarkDetail[i], DimensionFlag = DimensionFlagDetail[i], StoreNo = StoreNoDetail[i], UpdateBy = request.UserID }); } } int intMaxLineItemNo = 1; List <Sael1> list1 = db.Select <Sael1>("Select Max(LineItemNo) LineItemNo from Sael1 Where TableName = 'Imgr1' and PrimaryKeyName ='GoodsReceiptNoteNo' and PrimaryKeyValue='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "'"); if (request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != null && request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo != "") { if (list1 != null) { if (list1[0].LineItemNo > 0) { intMaxLineItemNo = list1[0].LineItemNo + 1; } } db.Insert(new Sael1 { TableName = "Imgr1", PrimaryKeyName = "GoodsReceiptNoteNo", PrimaryKeyValue = request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo, DateTime = DateTime.Now, UpdateDatetime = DateTime.Now, LineItemNo = intMaxLineItemNo, UpdateBy = request.UserID, Description = "PUTAWAY" }); } if (AppPutawayConfirmStatus == "EXE") { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("EXEC spi_Imgr_Confirm @TrxNo,@UpdateBy", new { TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), UpdateBy = request.UserID }); if (Result != -1) { List <Imgr2_Receipt> Result1 = null; Result1 = db.Select <Imgr2_Receipt>( "select Imgr1.GoodsReceiptNoteNo,Imgr1.CustomerCode,Imgr2.LineItemNo,Imgr1.TrxNo from imgr1 join imgr2 on imgr1.TrxNo =imgr2.TrxNo where Imgr1.TrxNo = '" + request.TrxNo + "' " ); if (Result1 != null && Result1.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < Result1.Count; i++) { Result = db.SqlScalar <int>("Update Imgr2 Set MovementTrxNo=(Select top 1 TrxNo From Impm1 Where BatchNo=@GoodsReceiptNoteNo And BatchLineItemNo=@BatchLineItemNo And CustomerCode=@CustomerCode order by TrxNo) Where TrxNo=@TrxNo And LineItemNo=@LineItemNo", new { GoodsReceiptNoteNo = Result1[i].GoodsReceiptNoteNo, BatchLineItemNo = Result1[i].LineItemNo, CustomerCode = Result1[i].CustomerCode, TrxNo = int.Parse(request.TrxNo), LineItemNo = Result1[i].LineItemNo }); } } } } if (AppPutawayConfirmStatus != "") { string str; str = "PutAwayDateTime=getDate() , StatusCode='" + AppPutawayConfirmStatus + "' "; db.Update("Imgr1", str, " GoodsReceiptNoteNo='" + request.GoodsReceiptNoteNo + "' "); } } } catch { throw; } return(Result); }