public Task<IServiceResponse<int>> InsertMyObject(IServiceRequest<MyObject> obj)

            return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                using (var repo = new ExampleRepo())
                    var toInsert = Mapper.Map<MyEntity>(obj.Argument);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //yes - catching all exceptions is not good - but this is just demonstrating how you might use the exception to
                        //generate a failed response that automatically has the exception on it.

                        //IN SOME CASES, your service layer operations will bubble their exceptions out, of course - it all depends
                        //on how you want to handle it.
                        return ex.AsFailedResponse<int>();

                    return toInsert.Id.AsSuccessfulResponse();
Exemple #2
        public void ShouldAddAndRetrieveObject()
            var repo = new ExampleRepo();
            var toAdd = new MyEntity() { Name = "Hello World" };

            //must assign id
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, toAdd.Id);
            //must retrieve by that ID
            Assert.AreSame(toAdd, repo.MyEntities.Fetch(toAdd.Id));
Exemple #3
        public void ShouldQuery()
            //now, of course, the IQueryable implementation here is completely bobbins.  But, it
            //just needs to be able to demonstrate the filtering is actually possible.

            var stringPrefix = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks.ToString();

            var repo = new ExampleRepo();
            foreach (var obj in Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(i => new MyEntity() { Name = string.Format("{0}: Object {1}", stringPrefix, i + 1.ToString()) }))

            var firstSearch = repo.MyEntities.All().Where(o => o.Name.StartsWith(stringPrefix)).Count();
            Assert.AreEqual(5, firstSearch);
        public Task<IServiceResponse<MyObject>> GetMyObject(IServiceRequest<int> id)

            MyObject foo = null;

            //return Task.FromResult(foo.AsSuccessfulResponse());

            return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                using (var repo = new ExampleRepo())
                    var found = Mapper.Map<MyObject>(repo.MyEntities.Fetch(id.Argument));

                    if (found != null)
                        return found.AsSuccessfulResponse();
                    else //could be nicer - ideally want a 'AsResponse' method that will auto-select success/fail based on not-null/null
                        return found.AsFailedResponse();
        public Task<IServiceResponse<PagedResult<MyObject>>> QueryMyObjects(IServiceRequest<PagedQuery> query)

            //just showing another way of 'faking' a task when there's no asynchrony actually involved:

            using (var repo = new ExampleRepo())

                if (query.Argument.PageSize == -1) //get all
                    var all = repo.MyEntities.All().ToArray();

                    var result = new PagedResult<MyObject>() { Count = all.Length, Page = 1, PageCount = 1, PageResults = Mapper.Map<MyEntity[], MyObject[]>(all), TotalCount = all.Length }.AsSuccessfulResponse();
                    return Task.FromResult(result);
                    var total = repo.MyEntities.All().Count();
                    //to do - should be doing a bit more validation here...
                    var page = repo.MyEntities.All().Skip((query.Argument.Page - 1) * query.Argument.PageSize).Take(query.Argument.PageSize).ToArray();
                    var result = new PagedResult<MyObject>()
                        TotalCount = total,
                        Page = query.Argument.Page,
                        Count = page.Length,
                        PageCount = (int)Math.Round(((decimal)total / query.Argument.PageSize) + 0.5M),
                        PageResults = Mapper.Map<MyEntity[], MyObject[]>(page)
                    return Task.FromResult(result);
