private void loadLastSavedData()
            //TODO: Postavi city name, kako odgovor ne bi bio null
            RestResponse resp = rest_request.sendRequestToOpenWeather(client, rest_request.URL_Forecast);

            //something wen't wrong, or there is no internet connection
            if (resp.Root == null)
                root = RootObjectIO.ReadRootFromFile();

                if (root != null)
                    updateBasicTemperatureData(root);   //Update data here, when fade out is finished
                    currentCity = $"{},{}";
                    dayDisplayedTextBlock.Text = $"Currenly showing data for {DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek}";

                    //TODO: update the weather based on current location - IP LOCATOR
        private void backgroundFadeOutCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //memorising the last updated location, in order for it to load at the beginning
            if (root != null)
                updateBasicTemperatureData(root);   //Update data here, when fade out is finished

                //updating graph
                ReloadWeatherByHours(graphTemperatures, graphTimeIntervals);

                //updating text block identifying the graph
                dayDisplayedTextBlock.Text = $"Currenly showing data for {DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek}";

                currentCity = $"{},{}";

            DoubleAnimation da = new DoubleAnimation
                From        = 0,
                To          = 1,
                Duration    = new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.35)),
                AutoReverse = false

            ApplicationBackground.BeginAnimation(OpacityProperty, da);