// Requests a certificate to be generated by the Bridge
        // If the certificate requested is for the local machine, for example if
        // server hostname is: foo.bar.com
        // local address is considered to be:, localhost, foo, foo.bar.com
        // Then we also install the certificate to the local machine, because it means we are about to run an HTTPS/SSL test against
        // this machine.
        // Otherwise, don't bother installing as the cert is for a remote machine.
        public override ResourceResponse Put(ResourceRequestContext context)
            X509Certificate2 certificate;

            string subject;

            if (!context.Properties.TryGetValue(subjectKeyName, out subject) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject))
                throw new ArgumentException("When PUTting to this resource, specify an non-empty 'subject'", "context.Properties");

            // There can be multiple subjects, separated by ,
            string[] subjects = subject.Split(',');

            bool isLocal = IsLocalMachineResource(subjects[0]);

            lock (s_certificateResourceLock)
                if (!s_createdCertsBySubject.TryGetValue(subjects[0], out certificate))
                    CertificateGenerator generator = CertificateResourceHelpers.GetCertificateGeneratorInstance(context.BridgeConfiguration);

                    if (isLocal)
                        // If we're PUTting a cert that refers to a hostname local to the bridge,
                        // return the Local Machine cert that CertificateManager caches and add it to the collection
                        // If we are receiving a PUT to the same endpoint address as the bridge server, it means that
                        // a test is going to be run on this box
                        // In keeping with the semantic of these classes, we must PUT before we can GET a cert
                        certificate = CertificateManager.CreateAndInstallLocalMachineCertificates(generator);
                        CertificateCreationSettings certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                            Subjects = subjects,
                        certificate = generator.CreateMachineCertificate(certificateCreationSettings).Certificate;

                    X509Certificate2 dummy;
                    if (!isLocal || !s_createdCertsByThumbprint.TryGetValue(certificate.Thumbprint, out dummy))
                        // when isLocal, it's possible for there to be > 1 subject sharing the same thumbprint
                        // in this case, we only cache the first isLocal subject, the rest we don't cache
                        s_createdCertsBySubject.Add(subjects[0], certificate);
                        s_createdCertsByThumbprint.Add(certificate.Thumbprint, certificate);

            ResourceResponse response = new ResourceResponse();

            response.Properties.Add(thumbprintKeyName, certificate.Thumbprint);
            response.Properties.Add(isLocalKeyName, isLocal.ToString());

Exemple #2
        // A bit of a misnomer - you can't really "put" a cert here, and Get will always return you the cert anyway
        public override ResourceResponse Put(ResourceRequestContext context)
            X509Certificate2 certificate =

            ResourceResponse response = new ResourceResponse();

            response.Properties.Add(thumbprintKeyName, certificate.Thumbprint);

Exemple #3
        public override ResourceResponse Get(ResourceRequestContext context)
            var certGenerator = CertificateResourceHelpers.GetCertificateGeneratorInstance(context.BridgeConfiguration);

            lock (s_certificateResourceLock)
                ResourceResponse response = new ResourceResponse();
                response.RawResponse = certGenerator.CrlEncoded;
        // Requests a certificate to be generated by the Bridge based on a user name and not machine name
        public override ResourceResponse Put(ResourceRequestContext context)
            X509Certificate2 certificate;

            string subject;

            if (!context.Properties.TryGetValue(subjectKeyName, out subject) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject))
                throw new ArgumentException("When PUTting to this resource, specify an non-empty 'subject'", "context.Properties");

            // There can be multiple subjects, separated by ,
            string[] subjects = subject.Split(',');

            lock (s_certificateResourceLock)
                if (!s_createdCertsBySubject.TryGetValue(subjects[0], out certificate))
                    CertificateGenerator generator = CertificateResourceHelpers.GetCertificateGeneratorInstance(context.BridgeConfiguration);

                    CertificateCreationSettings certificateCreationSettings = new CertificateCreationSettings()
                        FriendlyName            = "WCF Bridge - UserCertificateResource",
                        Subject                 = subjects[0],
                        SubjectAlternativeNames = subjects
                    certificate = generator.CreateUserCertificate(certificateCreationSettings).Certificate;

                    // Cache the certificates
                    s_createdCertsBySubject.Add(subjects[0], certificate);
                    s_createdCertsByThumbprint.Add(certificate.Thumbprint, certificate);

                    // Created certs get put onto the local machine
                    // We ideally don't want this to happen, but until we find a way to have BridgeClient not need elevation for cert installs
                    // we need this to happen so that running locally doesn't require elevation as it messes up our CI and developer builds

            ResourceResponse response = new ResourceResponse();

            response.Properties.Add(thumbprintKeyName, certificate.Thumbprint);

Exemple #5
        public override ResourceResponse Get(ResourceRequestContext context)
            X509Certificate2 certificate =

            string exportAsPemString = string.Empty;
            bool   exportAsPem;

            ResourceResponse response = new ResourceResponse();

            if (context.Properties.TryGetValue(exportAsPemKeyName, out exportAsPemString) && bool.TryParse(exportAsPemString, out exportAsPem) && exportAsPem)
                response.RawResponse = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(GetCertificateAsPem(certificate));
                response.Properties.Add(thumbprintKeyName, certificate.Thumbprint);
                response.Properties.Add(certificateKeyName, Convert.ToBase64String(certificate.RawData));

Exemple #6
        public override ResourceResponse Put(ResourceRequestContext context)
            var certGenerator = CertificateResourceHelpers.GetCertificateGeneratorInstance(context.BridgeConfiguration);

            string serialNumber;

            lock (s_certificateResourceLock)
                if (context.Properties.TryGetValue(revokeSerialNumberKeyName, out serialNumber) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serialNumber))

                ResourceResponse response = new ResourceResponse();
                response.Properties.Add(crlUriKeyName, certGenerator.CrlUri);

                    string.Join <string>(",", certGenerator.RevokedCertificates));

        public override ResourceResponse Get(ResourceRequestContext context)
            string thumbprint;
            bool   thumbprintPresent = context.Properties.TryGetValue(thumbprintKeyName, out thumbprint) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thumbprint);

            string subject;
            bool   subjectPresent = context.Properties.TryGetValue(subjectKeyName, out subject) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject);

            ResourceResponse response = new ResourceResponse();

            // if no subject and no thumbprint parameter provided, provide a list of certs already PUT to this resource
            if (!thumbprintPresent && !subjectPresent)
                string   retVal = string.Empty;
                string[] subjects;
                string[] thumbprints;

                lock (s_certificateResourceLock)
                    int certNum = s_createdCertsBySubject.Count;
                    subjects    = new string[certNum];
                    thumbprints = new string[certNum];

                    foreach (var keyVal in s_createdCertsBySubject)
                        subjects[certNum]    = keyVal.Key;
                        thumbprints[certNum] = keyVal.Value.Thumbprint;

                // this isn't ideal, as semantically in JSON they aren't grouped together. Our current Json serializer implementation
                // doesn't support serializing nested key-val pairs
                response.Properties.Add(subjectsKeyName, string.Join(",", subjects));
                response.Properties.Add(thumbprintsKeyName, string.Join(",", thumbprints));
                // Otherwise, check on the creation state given the certificate thumbprint or subject
                // thumbprint is given priority if present

                X509Certificate2 certificate        = null;
                bool             certHasBeenCreated = false;

                lock (s_certificateResourceLock)
                    if (thumbprintPresent)
                        certHasBeenCreated = s_createdCertsByThumbprint.TryGetValue(thumbprint, out certificate);
                    else if (subjectPresent)
                        certHasBeenCreated = s_createdCertsBySubject.TryGetValue(subject, out certificate);

                if (certHasBeenCreated)
                    var certGenerator = CertificateResourceHelpers.GetCertificateGeneratorInstance(context.BridgeConfiguration);

                    response.Properties.Add(thumbprintKeyName, certificate.Thumbprint);
                    response.Properties.Add(certificateKeyName, Convert.ToBase64String(certificate.Export(X509ContentType.Pfx, certGenerator.CertificatePassword)));
                    response.Properties.Add(thumbprintKeyName, string.Empty);
                    response.Properties.Add(certificateKeyName, string.Empty);