Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 解包
        /// </summary>
        public override void Unpackage()

            Location        = new IridiumLocation();
            Location.LatLng = new byte[IridiumLocation.SIZE];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(Content, index, Location.LatLng, 0, IridiumLocation.SIZE);
            index += IridiumLocation.SIZE;

            byte[] temp = new byte[4];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(Content, index, temp, 0, 4);
            temp      = CustomConvert.reserve(temp);
            CEPRadius = BitConverter.ToUInt32(temp, 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理新版的卫星通讯协议
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        private void HandleIridiumNewProtocolPackage(IridiumData data)
            if (data.Payload[0] == 0x01)
                // 新版的卫星通讯协议
                uint   thisWorkTime = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data.Payload, 13);
                string locks        = CustomConvert.GetHex(data.Payload[1]);
                string alarms       = CustomConvert.IntToDigit(data.Payload[2], CustomConvert.BIN, 8) +
                                      CustomConvert.IntToDigit(data.Payload[3], CustomConvert.BIN, 8);
                IridiumLocation location = new IridiumLocation();
                location.LatLng = new byte[IridiumLocation.SIZE];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(data.Payload, 4, location.LatLng, 0, IridiumLocation.SIZE);

                // 通过卫星的IMEI号码查找终端
                using (var tbll = new TerminalBLL())
                    using (var ebll = new EquipmentBLL())
                        var          terminal  = tbll.Find(f => f.TB_Satellite.CardNo.Equals(data.IMEI));
                        TB_Equipment equipment = null;
                        if (null != terminal)
                            // 只有第一版的终端才需要计算补偿时间
                            var compensated = terminal.Version == 1;

                            tbll.Update(f => f.id == terminal.id, act =>
                                act.OnlineStyle = (byte)LinkType.SATELLITE;
                                // 同时更新终端的最后链接时间
                                act.OnlineTime = data.Time;
                            equipment = ebll.Find(f => f.Terminal == terminal.id);
                            if (null != equipment)
                                // 旧的运转时间
                                var oldRuntime = equipment.Runtime;
                                var interval   = 0 == oldRuntime ? 0 : (thisWorkTime - oldRuntime);
                                // 粗略增加的小时数,启动时加2小时
                                var    addMin         = interval > 60 ? interval / 60 : 1 + (location.EngFlag.Equals("On") ? 1 : 0);
                                int    addHour        = (int)(interval > 60 ? interval / 60 : 1);// 显示历史记录
                                string oldCompensated = format("WorkHours {0}, UsedHours {1}, Efficiency {2}, AddHours {3}, Compensated {4}", equipment.WorkHours, equipment.UsedHours, equipment.HourWorkEfficiency, equipment.AddedHours, equipment.CompensatedHours);
                                string newCompensated = "";
                                // 更新设备的总运转时间
                                HandleEquipmentRuntime(equipment, thisWorkTime);
                                if (null != equipment)
                                    string calculated = "";
                                    ebll.Update(f => f.id == equipment.id, act =>
                                        act.OnlineStyle = (byte)LinkType.SATELLITE;
                                        act.OnlineTime  = data.Time;
                                        // 更新设备的报警状态 2015/09/10 14:04
                                        act.Alarm = alarms;

                                        act.LastAction     = "0x1000";
                                        act.LastActionBy   = "SAT";
                                        act.LastActionTime = data.Time;
                                        // 更新定位信息 2015/09/09 23:29
                                        if (location.Available)
                                            act.Latitude  = location.Latitude;
                                            act.Longitude = location.Longitude;
                                        // 更新启动与否状态 2015/08/31
                                        act.Voltage = location.EngFlag.Equals("On") ? "G2400" : "G0000";

                                        // 更新总运转时间
                                        act.Runtime             = equipment.Runtime;
                                        act.AccumulativeRuntime = equipment.AccumulativeRuntime;
                                        // 更新 version 终端为1的版本的运转时间的补偿
                                        if (compensated && interval > 0)
                                            // 实际工作小时数
                                            act.WorkHours += interval / 60.0;
                                            // 实际所用小时数
                                            act.UsedHours += addHour;
                                            // 重新计算每小时工作效率
                                            act.HourWorkEfficiency = act.WorkHours / act.UsedHours;
                                            // 补偿的小时数
                                            act.AddedHours += addMin / 60.0;
                                            // 实际补偿的小时数
                                            act.CompensatedHours = act.AddedHours * act.HourWorkEfficiency;
                                        // 如果回来的运转时间比当前时间大则更新成为On状态  暂时  2015/09/02
                                        //if (worktime > act.Runtime)
                                        //    // act.Voltage = "G2400";
                                        //    act.Runtime = (int)worktime;
                                        //    if (worktime > 0)
                                        //    {
                                        //        // 运转时间不为零的话,更新运转时间
                                        //        act.Runtime = (int)worktime;
                                        //    }
                                        // 锁车状态 2015/08/14
                                        if (act.LockStatus != locks)
                                            act.LockStatus = locks;
                                        // 判断锁车的有效状态
                                        if (locks.Equals("40") || locks.Equals("0F") || locks.Equals("FF"))
                                            // 锁车时还有开机状态
                                            if (location.EngFlag.Equals("On"))
                                                // 锁车了,但未关机,还在工作中
                                                if (act.LockEffected == (byte)LockEffect.Locked)
                                                    act.LockEffected = (byte)LockEffect.LockedAndStillWork;
                                                else if (act.LockEffected == (byte)LockEffect.LockedAndEngineOff)
                                                    // 锁车了且已关机了,此时再开机则需要报警(没锁住车)
                                                    act.LockEffected = (byte)LockEffect.LockedAndNoEffect;
                                                // 锁车了,且已关机了
                                                if (act.LockEffected == (byte)LockEffect.Locked)
                                                    act.LockEffected = (byte)LockEffect.LockedAndEngineOff;
                                    if (compensated && interval > 0)
                                        equipment      = ebll.Find(f => f.id == equipment.id);
                                        newCompensated = format("WorkHours {0}, UsedHours {1}, Efficiency {2}, AddHours {3}, Compensated {4}", equipment.WorkHours, equipment.UsedHours, equipment.HourWorkEfficiency, equipment.AddedHours, equipment.CompensatedHours);

                                        calculated = format("Compensate changed(interval: {0}){1} from {2}{3} to {4}", interval, Environment.NewLine, oldCompensated, Environment.NewLine, newCompensated);
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(calculated))
                                        OnUnhandledMessage(this, new Sockets.UIEventArgs()
                                            Message = format("{0}{1}{2}", Now, calculated, Environment.NewLine)
                                OnUnhandledMessage(this, new Sockets.UIEventArgs()
                                    Message = format("{0} Iridium has not bind with any equipment.", Now, Environment.NewLine)
                            OnUnhandledMessage(this, new Sockets.UIEventArgs()
                                Message = format("{0} Satellite has no terminal, data will save as terminal number: \"{1}\".{2}",
                                                 Now, data.IMEI.Substring(4), Environment.NewLine)
                        // 保存TX300历史记录
                        SaveTX300History(new TX300()
                            CommandID    = 0x1000,
                            MsgContent   = data.Payload,
                            ProtocolType = ProtocolTypes.SATELLITE,
                            // 默认装载机终端类型 2015/09/22 09:40
                            TerminalType = null == terminal ? TerminalTypes.LD : terminal.Type.Value,
                            // 没有终端时,用IMEI号码的末尾11位数字表示终端号码 2015/09/22 09:40
                            TerminalID  = null == terminal ? data.IMEI.Substring(4) : terminal.Sim,
                            TotalLength = (ushort)data.Payload.Length
                        }, data.Time, ebll.GetFullNumber(equipment));

                            long?posId = null;
                            if (location.Available)
                                using (var posbll = new PositionBLL())
                                    var pos = posbll.GetObject();
                                    pos.Latitude   = location.Latitude;
                                    pos.Longitude  = location.Longitude;
                                    pos.NS         = location.NSI;
                                    pos.EW         = location.EWI;
                                    pos.StoreTimes = null == equipment ? 0 : equipment.StoreTimes;
                                    pos.GpsTime    = data.Time;
                                    pos.Equipment  = null == equipment ? (int?)null : equipment.id;
                                    // 没有终端时,用IMEI号码的末尾11位数字表示终端号码 2015/09/22 09:40
                                    pos.Terminal = null == terminal?data.IMEI.Substring(4) : (terminal.Sim.Length < 11 ? (terminal.Sim + "000") : terminal.Sim);

                                    pos.Type = location.Report + "(Eng " + location.EngFlag + ")(SAT)";
                                    posId = pos.id;

                            // 处理报警信息
                            if (alarms != ALARM)
                                using (var armbll = new AlarmBLL())
                                    var arm = armbll.GetObject();
                                    arm.Code       = alarms;
                                    arm.AlarmTime  = data.Time;
                                    arm.Equipment  = null == equipment ? (int?)null : equipment.id;
                                    arm.Position   = posId;
                                    arm.StoreTimes = null == equipment ? 0 : equipment.StoreTimes;
                                    // 没有终端时,用IMEI号码的末尾11位数字表示终端号码 2015/09/22 09:40
                                    arm.Terminal = null == terminal?data.IMEI.Substring(4) : (terminal.Sim.Length < 11 ? (terminal.Sim + "000") : terminal.Sim);

                        catch (Exception e)
                            OnUnhandledMessage(this, new Sockets.UIEventArgs()
                                Message = format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", Now, e.Message, Environment.NewLine, e.StackTrace)
                        // 更新卫星方式的命令状态(只处理命令回复的1000,其他的命令在普通命令过程中处理)
                        if (location.ReportType == 1 && data.Payload.Length <= 17)
                        location = null;