public void navRefresh_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            // Retrieve data from database
            if ( mySanctionNum != null && myEvent != null ) {
                String curDataType = "all", curPlcmtMethod = "score";
                String curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod;
                Int16 curNumPrelimRounds = 0;
                CalcScoreSummary curCalcSummary = new CalcScoreSummary();

                // Retrieve data from database depending on selection criteria
                String curMsg = "Tournament scores retrieved ";

                if ( bestScoreButton.Checked ) {
                    curDataType = "best";
                    winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- best scores ";
                } else if ( totalScoreButton.Checked ) {
                    curDataType = "total";
                    winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- total scores";
                } else if ( finalScoreButton.Checked ) {
                    curDataType = "final";
                    winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- final scores";
                } else if ( firstScoreButton.Checked ) {
                    curDataType = "first";
                    winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- first scores";
                } else if ( roundScoreButton.Checked ) {
                    curDataType = "round";
                    winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- all scores";
                } else if (h2hScoreButton.Checked) {
                    curDataType = "h2h";
                    winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- head to head";
                } else {
                    curDataType = "best";
                    winStatusMsg.Text = curMsg + "- best scores ";
                myTourProperties.SlalomSummaryDataType = curDataType;

                if ( rawScoreButton.Checked ) {
                    curPlcmtMethod = "score";
                } else if ( pointsScoreButton.Checked ) {
                    curPlcmtMethod = "points";
                } else {
                    curPlcmtMethod = "score";
                myTourProperties.SlalomSummaryPlcmtMethod = curPlcmtMethod;

                if ( groupPlcmtButton.Checked ) {
                    curPlcmtOrg = "group";
                    EventGroup.Visible = true;
                } else if ( plcmtTourButton.Checked ) {
                    curPlcmtOrg = "tour";
                    EventGroup.Visible = false;
                } else if (plcmtDivButton.Checked) {
                    curPlcmtOrg = "div";
                    EventGroup.Visible = false;
                } else if (plcmtDivGrpButton.Checked) {
                    curPlcmtOrg = "divgr";
                    EventGroup.Visible = true;
                } else {
                    curPlcmtOrg = "tour";
                    EventGroup.Visible = false;
                myTourProperties.SlalomSummaryPlcmtOrg = curPlcmtOrg;

                HCapBase.Visible = false;
                HCapScore.Visible = false;
                if ( nopsPointsButton.Checked ) {
                    curPointsMethod = "nops";
                } else if ( plcmtPointsButton.Checked ) {
                    curPointsMethod = "plcmt";
                } else if ( kBasePointsButton.Checked ) {
                    curPointsMethod = "kbase";
                } else if ( handicapPointsButton.Checked ) {
                    curPointsMethod = "hcap";
                    HCapBase.Visible = true;
                    HCapScore.Visible = true;
                } else if ( ratioPointsButton.Checked ) {
                    curPointsMethod = "ratio";
                    HCapBase.Visible = true;
                    HCapScore.Visible = true;
                } else {
                    curPointsMethod = "nops";
                myTourProperties.SlalomSummaryPointsMethod = curPointsMethod;

                if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals( "iwwf" ) && kBasePointsButton.Checked) {
                    HCapBase.Visible = false;
                    HCapScore.Visible = false;

                if ( myTourRules.ToLower().Equals( "ncwsa" )
                    && plcmtPointsButton.Checked
                    && pointsScoreButton.Checked
                    ) {
                    rawScoreButton.Checked = true;
                    curPlcmtMethod = "score";
                    myTourProperties.SlalomSummaryPlcmtMethod = curPlcmtMethod;

                if (h2hScoreButton.Checked) {
                    EventGroup.Visible = true;
                    if (plcmtTourButton.Checked) {
                        curPlcmtOrg = "tour";
                    } else {
                        curPlcmtOrg = "div";
                if ( h2hScoreButton.Checked || finalScoreButton.Checked ) {
                    if ( numPrelimTextBox.Text.Length == 0 ) {
                        MessageBox.Show( "Number of preliminary rounds is required for Head to Head reporting" );
                    } else {
                        curNumPrelimRounds = Convert.ToInt16( numPrelimTextBox.Text );

                String curGroupValue = "";
                try {
                    curGroupValue = EventGroupList.SelectedItem.ToString();
                    if (!( curGroupValue.ToLower().Equals( "all" ) )) {
                        if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals( "ncwsa" )) {
                            if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals( "MEN A" )) {
                                curGroupValue = "CM";
                            } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals( "WOMEN A" )) {
                                curGroupValue = "CW";
                            } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals( "MEN B" )) {
                                curGroupValue = "BM";
                            } else if (curGroupValue.ToUpper().Equals( "WOMEN B" )) {
                                curGroupValue = "BW";
                            } else {
                                curGroupValue = "All";
                } catch {
                    curGroupValue = "All";

                this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                if (curGroupValue.ToLower().Equals( "all" )) {
                    if ( myTourRules.ToLower().Equals( "iwwf" ) ) {
                        curPointsMethod = "kbase";
                        mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcIwwfEventPlcmts( myTourRow, mySanctionNum, "Slalom", myTourRules, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, null, null );
                    } else if ( h2hScoreButton.Checked || ( finalScoreButton.Checked && curNumPrelimRounds > 0 ) ) {
                        mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.getSlalomSummary( myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, curNumPrelimRounds );
                    } else {
                        mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.getSlalomSummary( myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod );
                } else {
                    if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals( "iwwf" )) {
                        curPointsMethod = "kbase";
                        mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.CalcIwwfEventPlcmts( myTourRow, mySanctionNum, "Slalom", myTourRules, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue );
                    } else if ( h2hScoreButton.Checked || ( finalScoreButton.Checked && curNumPrelimRounds > 0 ) ) {
                        mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.getSlalomSummary( myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue, curNumPrelimRounds );
                    } else {
                        if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals( "ncwsa" )) {
                            mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.getSlalomSummary( myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue );
                        } else {
                            mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.getSlalomSummary( myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, "All", curGroupValue );

                if (mySummaryDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) {
                    if (h2hScoreButton.Checked || ( finalScoreButton.Checked && curNumPrelimRounds > 0) ) {
                        mySummaryDataTable = curCalcSummary.buildHeadToHeadSummary( mySummaryDataTable, myTourRow, curDataType, curPlcmtMethod, curPlcmtOrg, curPointsMethod, curNumPrelimRounds, "Slalom" );
                    } else {
                        if (mySortCommand.Length > 1) {
                            if (myTourRules.ToLower().Equals( "iwwf" ) && curPointsMethod.ToLower().Equals( "kbase" )) {
                            } else {
                                mySummaryDataTable.DefaultView.Sort = mySortCommand;
                                mySummaryDataTable = mySummaryDataTable.DefaultView.ToTable();
                    loadDataGrid( mySummaryDataTable );
                } else {
                    MessageBox.Show( "No data available for report" );
            this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;