private void UpdateDragPlane() { Refl.Invoke(EditorLogic.fetch, "CenterDragPlane", EditorLogic.SelectedPart.transform.position + EditorLogic.fetch.selPartGrabOffset); var args = new object[] { new Vector3() }; Refl.Invoke(EditorLogic.fetch, "dragOverPlane", args); EditorLogic.SelectedPart.transform.position = (Vector3)args [0]; }
private IEnumerator <object> TurnSmoothingOffForOneFrame(object camBehaviour) { var oldValue = (float)Refl.GetValue(camBehaviour, "sharpness"); Refl.SetValue(camBehaviour, "sharpness", float.MaxValue); yield return(null); Refl.SetValue(camBehaviour, "sharpness", oldValue); }
public void Start() { log = new Log(this.GetType().Name); log.Debug("Start"); if (gui == null) { gui = this.gameObject.AddComponent <MainMenuGui> (); gui.UpdateToolbarStock(); gui.SetVisible(false); } config = readConfig(); KspIssue3838Fix.ApplyFix(config.enableExperimentalEditorExtensionsCompatibility); editorFSM = (KerbalFSM)Refl.GetValue(EditorLogic.fetch, "\u0001"); cursorLocker = Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer ? new WinCursorLocker() : (CursorLocker) new UnityLocker(); movementBounds = new Bounds(); if (EditorDriver.editorFacility == EditorFacility.VAB) { movementBounds = config.vab.bounds; } else if (EditorDriver.editorFacility == EditorFacility.SPH) { movementBounds = config.sph.bounds; } if (!config.enforceBounds) { movementBounds = new Bounds(, * float.MaxValue); } var restartListener = new EventVoid.OnEvent(this.OnEditorRestart); GameEvents.onEditorRestart.Add(restartListener); OnCleanup += () => GameEvents.onEditorRestart.Remove(restartListener); var partEventListener = new EventData <ConstructionEventType, Part> .OnEvent(this.OnPartEvent); GameEvents.onEditorPartEvent.Add(partEventListener); OnCleanup += () => GameEvents.onEditorPartEvent.Remove(partEventListener); if (config.defaultCamera) { SwitchMode(false); ResetCamera(); } }
public void LateUpdate() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(config.keySwitchMode)) { SwitchMode(); } if (selectedPart && EditorLogic.SelectedPart == null) { SwitchMode(false, false); } if (!cameraEnabled) { return; } if (EditorLogic.SelectedPart != null) { SwitchMode(false, true); return; } cursorLocker.LockUpdate(); bool isDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse1); bool goneDown = isDown && !mouseWasDown; bool goneUp = !isDown && mouseWasDown; mouseWasDown = isDown; bool shiftIsDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift); var isTweaking = (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && (editorFSM.currentStateName == "st_offset_tweak" || editorFSM.currentStateName == "st_rotate_tweak")); if (isTweaking) { return; } float dx = 0, dy = 0; if (isDown) { dx = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X"); dy = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y"); yaw += 0.22f * dx * config.sensitivity; yaw %= 360; pitch += -0.22f * dy * config.sensitivity; pitch = Mathf.Clamp(pitch, -90, 90); } if (goneDown) { // Locks part rotation with WASD keys. Doesn't actually seem to affect gizmos. InputLockManager.SetControlLock(ControlTypes.EDITOR_GIZMO_TOOLS, this.GetType().Name); if (EditorLogic.SelectedPart != null) { partOffset = EditorLogic.SelectedPart.transform.position - EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.position; partOffset += EditorLogic.fetch.selPartGrabOffset; partOffset = EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.InverseTransformVector(partOffset); } Screen.showCursor = false; cursorLocker.PrepareLock(); cursorLocker.LockCursor(); } if (goneUp) { InputLockManager.RemoveControlLock(this.GetType().Name); Screen.showCursor = true; cursorLocker.UnlockCursor(); if (movePart) { EditorBounds.Instance.constructionBounds = movementBounds; UpdateDragPlane(); } movePart = false; } if (EditorLogic.SelectedPart == null) { movePart = false; } // WASD in place mode is part rotation. var simpleMove = EditorLogic.SelectedPart == null || EditorLogic.fetch.EditorConstructionMode != ConstructionMode.Place; if (isDown || simpleMove) { var rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(yaw, Vector3.up) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(pitch, Vector3.right); var fwd = rot * Vector3.forward; var side = rot * Vector3.right; Vector3 acc =; if (Input.GetKey(config.keyForward)) { acc += fwd; } if (config.mouseWheelActive && Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0 && shiftIsDown) { acc += fwd * config.mouseWheelAcceleration; } if (Input.GetKey(config.keyBack)) { acc -= fwd; } if (config.mouseWheelActive && Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0 && shiftIsDown) { acc -= fwd * config.mouseWheelAcceleration; } if (Input.GetKey(config.keyRight)) { acc += side; } if (Input.GetKey(config.keyLeft)) { acc -= side; } if (Input.GetKey(config.keyDown)) { acc -= Vector3.up; } if (config.mouseWheelActive && Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0 && !shiftIsDown) { acc -= Vector3.up * config.mouseWheelAcceleration; } if (Input.GetKey(config.keyUp)) { acc += Vector3.up; } if (config.mouseWheelActive && Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0 && !shiftIsDown) { acc += Vector3.up * config.mouseWheelAcceleration; } if (Input.GetKey(config.keyRun)) { acc *= config.runMultiplier; } if (Input.GetKey(config.keySneak)) { acc *= config.sneakMultiplier; } acc *= config.acceleration; vel += (acc - config.friction * vel) * Time.deltaTime; var delta = vel * Time.deltaTime; EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.rotation = rot; if (!movePart && EditorLogic.SelectedPart != null && EditorLogic.fetch.EditorConstructionMode == ConstructionMode.Place && (delta != || dx != 0 || dy != 0)) { movePart = true; // A convenient trick to prevent EditorLogic::dragOverPlane from updating the part position. EditorBounds.Instance.constructionBounds = ZERO_BOUNDS; } if (movePart || simpleMove) { pos += delta; float distance = 0; movementBounds.IntersectRay(new Ray(pos, -delta), out distance); //distance = -1; //log.Debug("POS {0} {1} {2}", pos, yaw, pitch); if (distance < 0) { EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.position = pos; } else { EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.position = GetClosestPointOnBounds(movementBounds, pos); pos = EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.position; } if (movePart) { Refl.Invoke(EditorLogic.fetch, "displayAttachNodeIcons", false, false, false); var offset = EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.TransformPoint(partOffset); EditorLogic.SelectedPart.transform.position = offset - EditorLogic.fetch.selPartGrabOffset; } } } }