Exemple #1
        public List<Entity> CreateCombEntity(double[] sPos, bool bNorms)
            //create normal offset comb lines
            List<Entity> normals = new List<Entity>();
            Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3();
            Vect3 xup = new Vect3();
            List<Point3D> pts = new List<Point3D>(sPos.Length*2);
            List<Point3D> pup = new List<Point3D>(sPos.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < sPos.Length; i++)
                LinearPath nor = CreateNormal(sPos[i], ref uv, ref xyz, ref xup);
                //xVal(sPos[i], ref uv, ref xyz, ref xup);
                //Vect3 xnor = xup - xyz;
                //if (xnor.Magnitude > COMBMAX)//enforce maxmimum combheight
                //	xnor.Magnitude = COMBMAX;
                //	xup = xyz + xnor;
                if (bNorms)

            Mesh m = SurfaceTools.GetMesh(pts.ToArray(), 2);
            //m.GroupIndex = 0;
            m.EntityData = this;
            return normals;
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// returns CNT evenly spaced points, inferior to CreateEntity
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CNT">the number of points desired on the line</param>
 /// <returns>the array of points</returns>
 public Vect3[] GetPathPoints(int CNT)
     double s;
     Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
     Vect3[] d = new Vect3[CNT];
     for (int i = 0; i < CNT; i++)
         s = (double)i / (double)(CNT - 1);
         d[i] = new Vect3();
         xVal(s, ref uv, ref d[i]);
     return d;
Exemple #3
        private double FitCurve()
            if (m_Group == null || m_Group.Count < 5)
                return 0;

            Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3(), xprev = new Vect3();

            List<IFitPoint> fit = new List<IFitPoint>(m_Group.Count);
            //get target point on starting yarn
            //yar0.xVal(m_sPos, ref uv, ref xyz);
            double s1 = m_sPos, d = 0;
            //fit.Add(new FixedPoint(uv));
            double length = 0, h=0;
            Vect2 v;
            List<Vect2> combs = new List<Vect2>(m_Group.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_Group.Count; i++)
                m_Group[i].xVal(s1, ref uv, ref xprev);
                fit.Add(new FixedPoint(uv[0], uv[1]));
                //find closest point on yar1 to the target point on yar0;
                if (i < m_Group.Count - 1)
                    //find the spacing to the next yarn
                    if (!CurveTools.xClosest(m_Group[i + 1], ref s1, ref uv, ref xyz, ref d, 1e-6, true))
                        Logger.logger.Instance.Log("xClosest failed in DensityComb");
                        //throw new Exception("xClosest failed in DensityComb");
                    h = xyz.Distance(xprev);
                    //store the spacing and x-distance
                    v = new Vect2();
                    v[0] = length;
                    v[1] = m_Group.InverseSpacing(h);

                    length += h;//accumulate length

            Length = length;
            //convert x-distance to s-spacing
            for (int i = 0; i < combs.Count; i++)
                fit[i][0] = combs[i][0] /= length;
            combs.Add(new Vect2(1, m_Group.InverseSpacing(h)));//add endpoint with spacing to previous curve
            //fit to the intersection points
            SurfaceCurve.SimpleFit(this, fit.ToArray());
            return DPI = m_Group.YarnDenier * .0254 * (m_Group.Count - 1) / length;
Exemple #4
        public void uNor(double s, ref Vect2 uv, ref Vect2 un)
            Vect2 ut = new Vect2();
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3(), dxu = new Vect3(), dxv = new Vect3();
            uVec(s, ref uv, ref ut);
            Surface.xVec(uv, ref xyz, ref dxu, ref dxv);
            //covariant metric tensor components
            double a11 = dxu.Norm;
            double a12 = dxu.Dot(dxv);
            double a22 = dxv.Norm;

            double det = Math.Sqrt(a11 * a22 - a12 * a12);

            //contravariant normal vector components in the surface plane
            un[0] = (a12 * ut[0] + a22 * ut[1]) / det;
            un[1] = -(a11 * ut[0] + a12 * ut[1]) / det;

            //return unit normal u components
            un.Magnitude = 1;
Exemple #5
        public static bool xClosest(IMouldCurve c, ref double s, ref Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyzTarget, ref double dist, double tol, bool bUseGuess)
            Vect3 x = new Vect3(xyzTarget);
            Vect3 dx = new Vect3(), ddx = new Vect3();

            Vect3 h = new Vect3();
            Vect2 e = new Vect2();
            double deds;

            //try at each 18th point to ensure global solution
            double s0 = s;
            double[] sGuesses;// = new double[] { 0, .125, .25, .375, .5, .625, .75, .875, 1 };
            if (bUseGuess)
                sGuesses = new double[] { s };
                sGuesses = new double[] { 0, .125, .25, .375, .5, .625, .75, .875, 1 };

            double sCur = -1, hCur = 1e9;
            for (int nGuess = 0; nGuess < sGuesses.Length; nGuess++)
                s = sGuesses[nGuess];//starting guess
                int loop = 0, max_loops = 100;
                while (loop++ < max_loops)
                    c.xCvt(s, ref uv, ref x, ref dx, ref ddx);

                    h = x - xyzTarget;
                    dist = h.Magnitude;

                    e[0] = s;
                    e[1] = h.Dot(dx); // error, dot product is 0 at pi/2

                    if (Math.Abs(e[1]) < tol) // error is less than the tolerance
                        if (dist < hCur)//store best result
                            sCur = s;
                            hCur = dist;
                        //xyzTarget.Set(x);// return point to caller
                        //return true;

                    deds = dx.Norm + h.Dot(ddx);
                    deds = e[1] / deds;
                    // calculate a new s (enforce maximum increment)
                    deds = 0.1 > Math.Abs(deds) ? deds : 0.1 * Math.Sign(deds);
                    s = e[0] - deds;
                    //logger.write_format_line("%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t", x[ox], x[oy], e[ox], e[oy], dist);
            if (sCur != -1) //if successful return parameters to caller
                c.xVal(sCur, ref uv, ref xyzTarget);
                dist = hCur;
                s = sCur;
                return true;
            //s = s0;
            return false;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Find the distance between this vector and another
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v">the target vector</param>
 /// <returns>the distance between these two vectors</returns>
 public double Distance(Vect3 v)
     return Distance(this, v);
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Rotate a vector about an axis by a specified angle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v">the vector to rotate</param>
 /// <param name="a">the axis of rotation</param>
 /// <param name="rad">the angle in radians to rotate</param>
 /// <returns>a new rotated vector</returns>
 public static Vect3 Rotate(Vect3 v, Vect3 a, double rad)
     Debug.Assert(a.Length == v.Length);
     //rot = a(a*v)(1-cos) + v*cos + (aXv)sin
     double dot = v.Dot(a);
     double cos = Math.Cos(rad);
     double sin = Math.Sin(rad);
     return new Vect3(
         a.x * dot * (1 - cos) + v.x * cos + (v.z * a.y - v.y * a.z) * sin,
         a.y * dot * (1 - cos) + v.y * cos + (v.x * a.z - v.z * a.x) * sin,
         a.z * dot * (1 - cos) + v.z * cos + (v.y * a.x - v.x * a.y) * sin);
Exemple #8
        public void xVal(double s, ref Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref Vect3 xyzComb)
            Vect3 dx = new Vect3(), xnor = new Vect3();
            //get the xyz and normal vector
            double h =0;
            //get the comb height and uv pos
            hVal(s, ref uv, ref h);
            //get the surface normal and xyz
            Surface.xNor(uv, ref xyz, ref xnor);

            //scale the normal to the comb height
            xnor.Magnitude = h;
            //sum for the comb point
            xyzComb = xyz + xnor;
Exemple #9
        public override List<Entity> CreateEntities(bool bFitPoints, double TolAngle, out double[] sPos)
            List<Entity> e = base.CreateEntities(bFitPoints, TolAngle, out sPos);
            if (sPos == null)
                return e;

            e.AddRange(CreateCombEntity(sPos, false));
            Vect2 u = new Vect2();
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3(), xup = new Vect3();
            foreach (double s in SComb)
                e.Add(CreateNormal(s, ref u, ref xyz, ref xup));

            return e;
Exemple #10
        public void xVal(Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz)
            double[,] basisU = new double[4, 4];
            double[,] basisV = new double[4, 4];
            int nS, nB, nU, nV, nVal;

            double[,] xz = new double[m_CofCur.GetLength(0), 3];
            double[] st = new double[m_CofSur.GetLength(0)];

            BsCil(0, uv[1], 0, out nS, ref basisU);

            for (int ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
                for (nB = 0, nVal = nS; nB < 4; nB++, nVal++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < xz.GetLength(0); i++)
                        xz[i, ix] += m_CofCur[i, ix, nVal] * basisU[0, nB];

            BsCil(0, uv[0], 1, out nVal, ref basisU);
            BsCil(0, uv[1], 2, out nV, ref basisV);

            for (nB = 0; nB < 4; nB++, nV++)
                for (nU = nVal, nS = 0; nS < 4; nS++, nU++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < st.Length; i++)
                        st[i] += m_CofSur[i, nV, nU] * basisU[0, nS] * basisV[0, nB];

            for (int ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
                xyz[ix] = xz[0, ix];
                for (int i = 0; i < st.Length; i++)
                    xyz[ix] += st[i] * xz[i + 1, ix];
Exemple #11
        public void xNor(Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref Vect3 xnor)
            Vect3 dxu = new Vect3(), dxv = new Vect3();
            xVec(uv, ref xyz, ref dxu, ref dxv);

            xnor = dxu.Cross(dxv);
            xnor.Magnitude = 1;
            //BLAS.unitize(ref xnor);
Exemple #12
 public void xCvt(Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref Vect3 dxu, ref Vect3 dxv, ref Vect3 ddxu, ref Vect3 ddxv, ref Vect3 dduv)
     if (IsOutside(uv))
         Extension.xCvt(uv, ref xyz, ref dxu, ref dxv, ref ddxu, ref ddxv, ref dduv);
         Mould.xCvt(uv, ref xyz, ref dxu, ref dxv, ref ddxu, ref ddxv, ref dduv);
Exemple #13
 public bool xClosest(ref Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyzTarget, ref double dist, double tol)
     return SurfaceTools.xClosest(this, ref uv, ref xyzTarget, ref dist, tol);
Exemple #14
 public void Set(Vect3 vec)
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Rotate this vector about an axis by a specified angle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="axis">the axis of rotation</param>
 /// <param name="rad">the angle in radians to rotate</param>
 /// <returns>a new rotated vector</returns>
 public Vect3 Rotate(Vect3 axis, double rad)
     return Rotate(this, axis, rad);
Exemple #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Dot this vector with another
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v">the vector to dot with</param>
 /// <returns>this dot v</returns>
 public double Dot(Vect3 v)
     return Dot(this, v);
Exemple #17
 public Vect3(Vect3 vec)
     : this(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2])
Exemple #18
        public static bool CrossPoint(IMouldCurve A, IMouldCurve B, ref Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref Vect2 sPos, int nRez)
            //h(x) = 1st curve (this)
            //g(x) = 2nd curve
            //h(x) - g(x) = 0
            //f(x) = h(x) - g(x)
            //Xn+1 = Xn - f(Xn)/f'(Xn);

            // move in s on each curve

            Vect2 uv1, uv2, uvtmp, duv1, duv2;
            uv1 = new Vect2(); uv2 = new Vect2(); uvtmp = new Vect2(); duv1 = new Vect2(); duv2 = new Vect2();

            double length = 0;
            //const int NUMPTS = 101;
            const double ALI_EPSILON = 0.1e-11;
            const double TOLERANCE = 0.1e-8;

            // check endpoints first
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    B.uVec(i, ref uv1, ref duv1); // evaluate s's to get distance between

                    A.uVec(j, ref uv2, ref duv2); // evaluate s's to get distance between

                    length = uv1.Distance(uv2); // get distance

                    if (length < TOLERANCE)
                    { // intersection found
                        A.xVal(j, ref uv, ref xyz);
                        return true;

            List<Vect2> uas = new List<Vect2>(nRez);
            List<Vect2> ubs = new List<Vect2>(nRez);

            List<Vect3> xas = new List<Vect3>(nRez);
            List<Vect3> xbs = new List<Vect3>(nRez);

            int ia100, ib100, iNwt;

            Vect2 tmpU = new Vect2(); Vect3 tmpX = new Vect3();
            for (ia100 = 0; ia100 < nRez; ia100++)
                A.xVal(BLAS.interpolant(ia100, nRez), ref tmpU, ref tmpX);
                uas.Add(new Vect2(tmpU));
                xas.Add(new Vect3(tmpX));

                B.xVal(BLAS.interpolant(ia100, nRez), ref tmpU, ref tmpX);
                ubs.Add(new Vect2(tmpU));
                xbs.Add(new Vect3(tmpX));

            double dx;
            double dus, dMin, ta, tb, td, ad, bd, r1, r2;
            ta = 0; tb = 0;
            Vect2 du, ua, ub, da, db;
            du = new Vect2(); ua = new Vect2(); ub = new Vect2();
            da = new Vect2(); db = new Vect2();

            dMin = 1e6;
            //	initialize minimum distance squared
            for (ia100 = 0; ia100 < nRez; ia100++)
                for (ib100 = 0; ib100 < nRez; ib100++)
                    du = uas[ia100] - ubs[ib100];

                    //	calculate (u)-distance squared between permutation of 1/100 points
                    dus = du.Norm;
                    dx = xas[ia100].Distance(xbs[ib100]);
                    //	track the minimum distance
                    if (dMin > dx)
                        dMin = dx;
                        ta = BLAS.interpolant(ia100, nRez);
                        tb = BLAS.interpolant(ib100, nRez);
            Vect3 xa, xb; xa = new Vect3(); xb = new Vect3();
            bool bLimit = true;
            //	Newton-Raphson iteration from closest 1/100 points
            for (iNwt = 0; iNwt < 250; iNwt++)
                //	enforce end point limits

                if (bLimit)
                    ta = ta > 0 ? ta : 0;
                    ta = ta < 1 ? ta : 1;
                    tb = tb > 0 ? tb : 0;
                    tb = tb < 1 ? tb : 1;

                A.uVec(ta, ref ua, ref da);
                A.xVal(ta, ref ua, ref xa);

                B.uVec(tb, ref ub, ref db);
                B.xVal(tb, ref ub, ref xb);

                r1 = ua[0] - ub[0];
                r2 = ua[1] - ub[1];

                if (Math.Abs(r1) < ALI_EPSILON && Math.Abs(r2) < ALI_EPSILON)
                    //	enforce end point limits
                    if (bLimit)
                        if (ta < 0 && Math.Pow(ta, 2) > TOLERANCE)
                            return false; // TR 29 Jan 09 ta = 0;
                        if (ta > 1 && Math.Pow(1.0 - ta, 2) > TOLERANCE)
                            return false; // TR 29 Jan 09 ta = 1;

                        if (tb < 0 && Math.Pow(tb, 2) > TOLERANCE)
                            return false; // TR 29 Jan 09 tb = 0;
                        if (tb > 1 && Math.Pow(1.0 - tb, 2) > TOLERANCE)
                            return false; // TR 29 Jan 09 tb = 1;
                    //	chop off round off errors
                    //*(pa) = ta;
                    //*(pb) = tb;
                    //	which may effect the (u)-coordinates
                    A.uVec(ta, ref ua, ref da);
                    uv = new Vect2(ua);
                    A.xVal(uv, ref xyz);
                    //	return with updated calling parameters
                    //us[0] = ua[0];
                    //us[1] = ua[1];
                    sPos[0] = ta;
                    sPos[1] = tb;

                    return true;
                }//if( fabs( r1 ) < ALI_EPSILON && fabs( r2 ) < ALI_EPSILON )

                td = da[1] * db[0] - da[0] * db[1];

                if (Math.Abs(td) < .1e-9)

                ad = (db[0] * r2 - db[1] * r1) / td;
                bd = (da[0] * r2 - da[1] * r1) / td;

                td = Math.Max(Math.Abs(ad), Math.Abs(bd));
                //	enforce maximum increment
                if (td > .1)
                    ad *= .1 / td;
                    bd *= .1 / td;

                ta -= ad;
                tb -= bd;
            }//for( iNwt=0; iNwt<250; iNwt++ )

            //	no_intersection terminate in error
            return false;
Exemple #19
        public bool xClosest(ref Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyzTarget, ref double dist, double tol)
            Vect3 x = new Vect3(xyzTarget);
            Vect3 dxu = new Vect3(), dxv = new Vect3();
            Vect3 ddxu = new Vect3(), ddxv = new Vect3(), dduv = new Vect3();

            Vect3 h = new Vect3();
            Vect2 c = new Vect2();
            Vect2 res = new Vect2();
            Vect2 a = new Vect2(), b = new Vect2();
            double det, r;
            Vect2 d = new Vect2();

            int loop = 0, max_loops = 150;
            while (loop++ < max_loops)
                xCvt(uv, ref x, ref dxu, ref dxv, ref ddxu, ref ddxv, ref dduv);

                h = x - xyzTarget;
                //h = BLAS.subtract(x, xyzTarget);
                dist = h.Magnitude;

                //e[0] = s;
                c[0] = h.Dot(dxu);// BLAS.dot(h, dxu); // error, dot product is 0 at pi/2
                c[1] = h.Dot(dxv);// BLAS.dot(h, dxv); // error, dot product is 0 at pi/2

                if (Math.Abs(c[0]) < tol && Math.Abs(c[1]) < tol) // error is less than the tolerance
                    xyzTarget.Set(x);// return point to caller
                    return true;

                a[0] = dxu.Norm + h.Dot(ddxu);
                a[1] = b[0] = dxu.Dot(dxv) + h.Dot(dduv);
                b[1] = dxv.Norm + h.Dot(ddxv);

                //a[0] = BLAS.dot(dxu, dxu) + BLAS.dot(h, ddxu);
                //a[1] = BLAS.dot(dxu, dxv) + BLAS.dot(h, dduv);
                //b[0] = a[1];
                //b[1] = BLAS.dot(dxv, dxv) + BLAS.dot(h, ddxv);

                det = a.Cross(b);
                //det = BLAS.cross2d(a, b);

                d[0] = c.Cross(b) / det;
                d[1] = a.Cross(c) / det;
                //d[0] = BLAS.cross2d(c, b) / det;
                //d[1] = BLAS.cross2d(a, c) / det;

                c[0] = 0.01 > Math.Abs(d[0]) ? 1 : 0.01 / Math.Abs(d[0]);
                c[1] = 0.01 > Math.Abs(d[1]) ? 1 : 0.01 / Math.Abs(d[1]);
                //enforce maximum increment
                r = Math.Min(c[0], c[1]);

                //increment uv by scaled residuals
                //uv = BLAS.subtract(uv, BLAS.scale(d, r));
                uv = uv - d * r;
                //logger.write_format_line("%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t", x[ox], x[oy], e[ox], e[oy], dist);
            //s = s0;
            return false;
Exemple #20
 public void xNor(Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref Vect3 xnor)
     if (IsOutside(uv))
         Extension.xNor(uv, ref xyz, ref xnor);
         Mould.xNor(uv, ref xyz, ref xnor);
Exemple #21
        public void xRad(Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref double k)
            Vect3 dxu = new Vect3(), dxv = new Vect3(), ddxu = new Vect3(), ddxv = new Vect3(), dduv = new Vect3(), xnor = new Vect3();
            xCvt(uv, ref xyz, ref dxu, ref dxv, ref ddxu, ref ddxv, ref dduv);
            xNor(uv, ref xyz, ref xnor);

            //calculate first fundamental form
            double E = dxu.Norm;
            double F = dxu.Dot(dxv);
            double G = dxv.Norm;
            //double E = BLAS.dot(dxu, dxu);
            //double F = BLAS.dot(dxu, dxv);
            //double G = BLAS.dot(dxv, dxv);
            double detI = E * G - F * F;
            //calculate second fundamental form
            double e = xnor.Dot(ddxu);
            double f = xnor.Dot(dduv);
            double g = xnor.Dot(ddxv);
            //double e = BLAS.dot(ddxu, xnor);
            //double f = BLAS.dot(dduv, xnor);
            //double g = BLAS.dot(ddxv, xnor);
            double detII = e * g - f * f;

            k = detII / detI;
Exemple #22
 public void xRad(Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref double k)
     SurfaceTools.xRad(this, uv, ref xyz, ref k);
Exemple #23
        public void xVec(Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref Vect3 dxu, ref Vect3 dxv)
            double[,] basisU = new double[4, 4];
            double[,] basisV = new double[4, 4];
            int nS, nB, nU, nV, nVal;
            double[, ,] xz = new double[m_CofCur.GetLength(0), 2, 3];
            double[,] st = new double[m_CofSur.GetLength(0), 3];

            BsCil(1, uv[1], 0, out nS, ref basisU);

            for (int ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
                for (nB = 0, nVal = nS; nB < 4; nB++, nVal++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < xz.GetLength(0); i++)
                        xz[i, 0, ix] += m_CofCur[i, ix, nVal] * basisU[0, nB];
                        xz[i, 1, ix] += m_CofCur[i, ix, nVal] * basisU[1, nB];

            BsCil(1, uv[0], 1, out nVal, ref basisU);
            BsCil(1, uv[1], 2, out nV, ref basisV);

            for (nB = 0; nB < 4; nB++, nV++)
                for (nU = nVal, nS = 0; nS < 4; nS++, nU++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < st.GetLength(0); i++)
                        st[i, 0] += m_CofSur[i, nV, nU] * basisU[0, nS] * basisV[0, nB];
                        st[i, 1] += m_CofSur[i, nV, nU] * basisU[1, nS] * basisV[0, nB];
                        st[i, 2] += m_CofSur[i, nV, nU] * basisU[0, nS] * basisV[1, nB];

            for (int ix = 0; ix < 3; ix++)
                xyz[ix] = xz[0, 0, ix];
                dxu[ix] = 0;
                dxv[ix] = xz[0, 1, ix];
                for (int i = 0; i < st.GetLength(0); i++)
                    xyz[ix] += st[i, 0] * xz[i + 1, 0, ix];

                    dxu[ix] += st[i, 1] * xz[i + 1, 0, ix];

                    dxv[ix] += st[i, 2] * xz[i + 1, 0, ix];
                    dxv[ix] += st[i, 0] * xz[i + 1, 1, ix];
Exemple #24
 public void xVal(Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz)
     if (IsOutside(uv))
         Extension.xVal(uv, ref xyz);
         Mould.xVal(uv, ref xyz);
Exemple #25
        public override Point3D GetLabelPoint3D(double s)
            Vect2 u = new Vect2();
            Vect3 x = new Vect3();
            Vect3 c = new Vect3();

            xVal(s, ref u, ref x, ref c);
            c -= x; //get normal vector
            c.Magnitude /= 2;//half height
            return Utilities.Vect3ToPoint3D(x + c);
Exemple #26
 public void xVec(Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref Vect3 dxu, ref Vect3 dxv)
     if (IsOutside(uv))
         Extension.xVec(uv, ref xyz, ref dxu, ref dxv);
         Mould.xVec(uv, ref xyz, ref dxu, ref dxv);
Exemple #27
 LinearPath CreateNormal(double s, ref Vect2 uv, ref Vect3 xyz, ref Vect3 xup)
     LinearPath nor = new LinearPath(2);
     xVal(s, ref uv, ref xyz, ref xup);
     nor.Vertices[0] = Utilities.Vect3ToPoint3D(xyz);
     Vect3 xnor = xup - xyz;
     if (xnor.Magnitude > COMBMAX)//enforce maxmimum combheight
         xnor.Magnitude = COMBMAX;
         xup = xyz + xnor;//ensure you passt he values back to the caller
     nor.Vertices[1] = Utilities.Vect3ToPoint3D(xup);
     nor.EntityData = this;
     ///nor.GroupIndex = 0;
     return nor;
Exemple #28
 public static Point3D[] GetEvenPathPoints(IMouldCurve c, int CNT)
     double s;
     Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
     Vect3 xyz = new Vect3();
     Point3D[] d = new Point3D[CNT];
     for (int i = 0; i < CNT; i++)
         s = (double)i / (double)(CNT - 1);
         c.xVal(s, ref uv, ref xyz);
         Utilities.Vect3ToPoint3D(ref d[i], xyz);
     return d;
Exemple #29
        public static Point3D[] GetCloudPoints(MouldCurve c)
            Point3D[] pnts;
            Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3();

            pnts = new Point3D[c.FitPoints.Length];
            double s;
            for (int i = 0; i < c.FitPoints.Length; i++)
                s = c[i].S;
                c.xVal(s, ref uv, ref xyz);
                Utilities.Vect3ToPoint3D(ref pnts[i], xyz);
            return pnts;
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Cross this vector into another
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="v">the vector to cross with</param>
 /// <returns>this x v</returns>
 public Vect3 Cross(Vect3 v)
     return Cross(this, v);