Exemple #1
        public bool uClosest(ref double s, ref Vect2 uvTarget, ref double dist, double tol)
            Vect2 u = new Vect2(uvTarget);
            Vect2 du = new Vect2();
            Vect2 ddu = new Vect2();

            Vect2 h = new Vect2();
            Vect2 e = new Vect2();
            double dedx;

            double s0 = s;
            int loop = 0, max_loops = 100;
            while (loop++ < max_loops)
                uCvt(s, ref u, ref du, ref ddu);

                h = u - uvTarget;
                dist = h.Magnitude;

                e[0] = s;
                e[1] = h.Dot(du); // error, dot product is 0 at pi/2

                if (Math.Abs(e[1]) < tol) // error is less than the tolerance
                    uvTarget.Set(u);// return point to caller
                    return true;

                dedx = du.Norm + h.Dot(ddu);
                //dedx = BLAS.dot(dx, dx) + BLAS.dot(h, ddx);

                // calculate a new s
                s = e[0] - e[1] / dedx;
                //logger.write_format_line("%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t%.5g\t", x[ox], x[oy], e[ox], e[oy], dist);
            s = s0;
            return false;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// inserts additional points into the geo-point arrays to ensure a smooth, linear geo
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the curve object to spline</param>
        /// <param name="sFits">in: the initial set of geo-points s-positions, out: an interpolated set of geo-point s-pos</param>
        /// <param name="uFits">in: the initial set of geo-points u-positions, out: an interpolated set of geo-point u-pos</param>
        static void RefineGeo(MouldCurve g, ref double[] sFits, ref Vect2[] uFits)
            int NumFits = sFits.Length;
            List<double> sPos = new List<double>(NumFits * 10);
            int uAdd, xAdd, sAdd;
            double s, dau;
            Vect2 uv = new Vect2();//, um = new Vect2(), up = new Vect2();
            Vect2 dmu = new Vect2(), dpu = new Vect2();
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3(), dmx = new Vect3(), dpx = new Vect3();

            for (int i = 1; i < NumFits; i++)
                s = (sFits[i - 1] + sFits[i]) / 2.0;
                g.xVal(s, ref uv, ref xyz);

                dmu = uFits[i - 1] - uv;
                dpu = uFits[i] - uv;

                dau = Math.Acos(-(dmu.Dot(dpu)) / dmu.Magnitude / dpu.Magnitude);
                uAdd = (int)(dau / (Math.PI / 180.0) + 1);

                g.xVal(uFits[i - 1], ref dmx);
                g.xVal(uFits[i], ref dpx);
                dmx = dmx - xyz;
                dpx = dpx - xyz;

                dau = Math.Acos(-(dmx.Dot(dpx)) / dmx.Magnitude / dpx.Magnitude);
                xAdd = (int)(dau / (Math.PI / 180.0) + 1);

                sAdd = Math.Max(xAdd, uAdd);

                for (int iS = 1; iS <= sAdd; iS++)
                    s = BLAS.interpolate((double)iS / (double)sAdd, sFits[i], sFits[i - 1]);
                    sPos.Add(s);//add evenly spaced s points

            uFits = new Vect2[sPos.Count];
            sFits = new double[sPos.Count];
            int iA = 0;
            foreach (double sA in sPos)
                uFits[iA] = new Vect2();
                g.uVal(sA, ref uFits[iA]);
                sFits[iA] = sA;
Exemple #3
        public bool SlidePoint(int index, PointF mouse, Transformer WorldToScreen)
            //// get the mouse-coord x for the originally clicked fitpoint position
            Vect2 uv = new Vect2();
            Vect3 xyz0 = new Vect3();
            //xVal(FitPoints[index].UV, ref xyz0);
            //Point3D m0 = WorldToScreen(new Point3D(xyz0.Array));

            //get the mouse-coord for the starting fixed point
            CurvePoint warp = FitPoints[index] as CurvePoint;
            warp.m_curve.xVal(warp.SCurve, ref uv, ref xyz0);
            Vect3 xyz = new Vect3(xyz0);
            Point3D x0 = WorldToScreen(new Point3D(xyz0.Array));

            // small offset
            double delta_s = .005;
            //			for (; xyz.Distance(xyz0) < 1e-4 && delta_s < 1; delta_s +=.05 )//ensure nonzero tangent
            //			{
            warp.m_curve.xVal(warp.SCurve + delta_s, ref uv, ref xyz);

            //			}
            //convert to mouse coords
            Point3D del = WorldToScreen(new Point3D(xyz.ToArray()));
            Vect2 dmds = new Vect2(del.X - x0.X, del.Y - x0.Y);
            //dmds -= new Vect2(x0.X, x0.Y);//get deltaxy/deltas

            Vect2 dm = new Vect2(mouse);
            dm -= new Vect2(x0.X, x0.Y);//get delta mouse

            //double reduce = Math.Max(dm.Magnitude, dmds.Magnitude);
            double dot = dmds.Dot(dm);//mouse.X * dmds.X + mouse.Y * dmds.Y;
            dot = dot / (dm.Magnitude * dmds.Magnitude);
            if (BLAS.is_equal(dot, 0, 1e-5))//dont move when perpendicular to the mouse
                return true;

            dot *= delta_s;// / dmds.Magnitude;
            //dot *= delta_s / reduce;// / dmds.Magnitude;

            //	Utilities.LimitRange(-.005, ref dot, .005);
            warp.SCurve += dot;

            warp.SCurve = Utilities.LimitRange(-.2, warp.SCurve + dot, 1.2);
            return true;
Exemple #4
        public static Vect2 Rotate(Vect2 v, double rad)
            Vect2 rot0 = new Vect2(Math.Cos(rad), -Math.Sign(rad)),
                rot1 = new Vect2(Math.Sign(rad), Math.Cos(rad));

            return new Vect2(v.Dot(rot0), v.Dot(rot1));