public MachineryObject(string catalogueNumber, string manufacturer, string model, string description, int quantity, Branch category, decimal price, Dimensions dimensions, double weight)
     : base(catalogueNumber, manufacturer, model, description, quantity,category, price)
     this.dimensions = dimensions;
     this.weight = weight;
        public override void LoadStore()
                //Loading products from file
                var productReader = new StreamReader(SolutionPath + @"\ProductList.txt");
                using (productReader)
                    string productToken = productReader.ReadLine();

                    while (productToken != null)
                        //Split by new line to products
                        var splitedProductProperties = productToken.Split(new string[] { " ~obj~ " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        Type classType = Type.GetType("WarehouseSystem.StoreObjects." + splitedProductProperties[0].Trim(), true);
                        var currentSettings = Activator.CreateInstance(classType);
                        //Split by symbol ~|~ to every property of the product
                        splitedProductProperties = splitedProductProperties[1].Split(new string[] { " ~|~ " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        foreach (var productProperty in splitedProductProperties)
                            //Split by symbols ~~ to class name(product category) and properties
                            var propertyInfos = productProperty.Split(new string[] { "~~" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            var property = classType.GetProperty(propertyInfos[0]);
                            var type = property.PropertyType;
                            //Parsing values using correct type from reflection
                            dynamic newValue;
                            if (type.Name == "Branch")
                                newValue = Enum.Parse(typeof(Branch), propertyInfos[1]);
                            else if (type.Name == "Material")
                                newValue = Enum.Parse(typeof(Material), propertyInfos[1]);
                            else if (type.Name == "Color")
                                newValue = Enum.Parse(typeof(Color), propertyInfos[1]);
                            else if (type.Name == "Dimensions")
                                var dimensions = propertyInfos[1].Split(new string[] { "x" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                newValue = new Dimensions(double.Parse(dimensions[0]), double.Parse(dimensions[1]));
                                newValue = Convert.ChangeType(propertyInfos[1], type);
                            property.SetValue(currentSettings, newValue);
                        //Adding the new created product to the list of products
                        this.AddProduct(currentSettings as StoreObject);
                        productToken = productReader.ReadLine();
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Failed to load products!");