static void Prefix(SimGameState __instance, int timeLapse) { try { //DAILY System.Random rand = new System.Random(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, FactionDef> pair in __instance.FactionsDict) { if (!Helper.IsExcluded(pair.Key) && Helper.IsAtWar(pair.Key)) { List <TargetSystem> availableTargets = Fields.availableTargets[pair.Key]; if (availableTargets.Count > 0) { List <TargetSystem> targets = availableTargets.OrderByDescending(x => Helper.GetOffenceValue(x.system) + Helper.GetDefenceValue(x.system) + Helper.GetNeighborValue(x.factionNeighbours, pair.Key)).ToList(); int numberOfAttacks = Mathf.Min(targets.Count, Mathf.CeilToInt(Fields.factionResources.Find(x => x.faction == pair.Key).offence / 100f)); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAttacks; i++) { StarSystem system = __instance.StarSystems.Find(x => x.Name == targets[i].system.Name); if (system != null) { system = Helper.AttackSystem(system, __instance, pair.Key, rand); } } } } } //MONTHLY int num = (timeLapse <= 0) ? 1 : timeLapse; if ((__instance.DayRemainingInQuarter - num <= 0)) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> changes in Fields.thisMonthChanges) { StarSystem changedSystem = __instance.StarSystems.Find(x => x.Name.Equals(changes.Key)); if (!Helper.GetFactionName(changedSystem.Owner, __instance.DataManager).Equals(changes.Value)) { War war = Helper.getWar(changedSystem.Owner); if (war != null) { if (war.attackers.ContainsKey(changedSystem.Owner)) { war.monthlyEvents.Add("<color=" + Fields.settings.attackercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(changedSystem.Owner, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " took " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.planetcolor + ">" + changes.Key + "</color>" + " from " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.defendercolor + ">" + changes.Value + "</color>"); } else { war.monthlyEvents.Add("<color=" + Fields.settings.defendercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(changedSystem.Owner, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " took " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.planetcolor + ">" + changes.Key + "</color>" + " from " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.attackercolor + ">" + changes.Value + "</color>"); } } } } foreach (War war in Fields.currentWars) { war.monthlyEvents.Add("\n"); } Dictionary <Faction, FactionDef> factions = (Dictionary <Faction, FactionDef>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(SimGameState), "factions").GetValue(__instance); foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, FactionDef> pair in factions) { if (Helper.IsExcluded(pair.Key)) { continue; } List <Faction> fac = null; if (Fields.neighbourFactions.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) { fac = Fields.neighbourFactions[pair.Key]; } List <Faction> list = Helper.GetFactionsByString(Fields.settings.excludedFactionNames); if (fac != null && list != null && list.Count > 0) { fac = fac.Except(list).ToList(); if (Fields.Allies[pair.Key].Count() > 0) { fac = fac.Except(Fields.Allies[pair.Key]).ToList(); } } if (!Helper.IsAtWar(pair.Key) && !Helper.IsExcluded(pair.Key) && fac != null && fac.Count > 0) { if (rand.Next(0, 101) > Fields.WarFatique[pair.Key]) { Faction enemy; do { enemy = fac[rand.Next(fac.Count)]; } while (Helper.IsExcluded(enemy) || pair.Key == enemy); bool joinedWar = false; foreach (War war in Fields.currentWars) { if (war.attackers.ContainsKey(enemy) && !Fields.removeWars.Contains( { war.defenders.Add(pair.Key, new WarProgression(new Dictionary <string, Faction>())); war.monthlyEvents.Add("<color=" + Fields.settings.defendercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(pair.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " joined the war."); joinedWar = true; break; } else if (war.defenders.ContainsKey(enemy) && !Fields.removeWars.Contains( { war.attackers.Add(pair.Key, new WarProgression(new Dictionary <string, Faction>())); war.monthlyEvents.Add("<color=" + Fields.settings.attackercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(pair.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " joined the war."); joinedWar = true; break; } } if (!joinedWar) { string Name = Helper.GetFactionShortName(pair.Key, __instance.DataManager) + " VS " + Helper.GetFactionShortName(enemy, __instance.DataManager); Dictionary <Faction, WarProgression> attackers = new Dictionary <Faction, WarProgression>(); attackers.Add(pair.Key, new WarProgression(new Dictionary <string, Faction>())); Dictionary <Faction, WarProgression> defenders = new Dictionary <Faction, WarProgression>(); defenders.Add(enemy, new WarProgression(new Dictionary <string, Faction>())); War war = new War(Name, attackers, defenders); war.monthlyEvents.Add("<color=" + Fields.settings.attackercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(pair.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " declared war on " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.defendercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(enemy, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + ".\n"); if (Fields.currentWars.Contains(war)) { Logger.LogLine( + "already exists"); } Fields.currentWars.Add(war); } } else { Fields.WarFatique[pair.Key] = Mathf.Max(0, Fields.WarFatique[pair.Key] -= Fields.settings.FatiqueRecoveredPerMonth); Helper.Diplomacy(pair.Key, ref __instance, rand); } } else if (Helper.IsAtWar(pair.Key)) { Fields.WarFatique[pair.Key] = Mathf.Min(100, Fields.WarFatique[pair.Key] + Fields.settings.FatiqueLostPerMonth); if (rand.Next(0, 101) < Fields.WarFatique[pair.Key]) { War war = Helper.getWar(pair.Key); if (war == null) { Logger.LogLine(pair.Key + " has no war at end war calculations"); } if (war.duration >= Fields.settings.minMonthDuration) { if (war.duration < Fields.settings.maxMonthDuration || Fields.settings.maxMonthDuration == -1) { if (!(Fields.currentWars.Find(x => <= 0) && !(Fields.currentWars.Find(x => <= 0)) { string color = ""; if (Fields.currentWars.Find(x => { color = Fields.settings.attackercolor; Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>"\n<color=" + color + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(pair.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " surrendered."); Dictionary <Faction, int> returnedPlanetsCount = new Dictionary <Faction, int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Faction> taken in Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>[pair.Key].takenPlanets) { if (war.defenders.ContainsKey(taken.Value)) { StarSystem changedSystem = __instance.StarSystems.Find(x => x.Name.Equals(taken.Key)); PlanetControlState planetState = Fields.stateOfWar.FirstOrDefault(x => x.system.Equals(changedSystem.Name)); FactionControl oldControl = planetState.factionList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.faction == pair.Key); int percentage = oldControl.percentage; oldControl.percentage = 0; FactionControl ownerControl = planetState.factionList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.faction == taken.Value); ownerControl.percentage += percentage; changedSystem = Helper.ChangeOwner(changedSystem, ownerControl, __instance, true, true); changedSystem = Helper.ChangeWarDescription(changedSystem, __instance); if (!returnedPlanetsCount.ContainsKey(taken.Value)) { returnedPlanetsCount.Add(taken.Value, 1); } else { returnedPlanetsCount[taken.Value]++; } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, int> returned in returnedPlanetsCount) { Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>"<color=" + color + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(pair.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " returned " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.planetcolor + ">" + returned.Value + "</color>" + " systems to " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.defendercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(returned.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>"); } Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>; } else { color = Fields.settings.defendercolor; Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>"\n<color=" + color + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(pair.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " surrendered."); Dictionary <Faction, int> returnedPlanetsCount = new Dictionary <Faction, int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Faction> taken in Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>[pair.Key].takenPlanets) { if (war.attackers.ContainsKey(taken.Value)) { StarSystem changedSystem = __instance.StarSystems.Find(x => x.Name.Equals(taken.Key)); PlanetControlState planetState = Fields.stateOfWar.FirstOrDefault(x => x.system.Equals(changedSystem.Name)); FactionControl oldControl = planetState.factionList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.faction == pair.Key); int percentage = oldControl.percentage; oldControl.percentage = 0; FactionControl ownerControl = planetState.factionList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.faction == taken.Value); ownerControl.percentage += percentage; changedSystem = Helper.ChangeOwner(changedSystem, ownerControl, __instance, true, true); changedSystem = Helper.ChangeWarDescription(changedSystem, __instance); if (!returnedPlanetsCount.ContainsKey(taken.Value)) { returnedPlanetsCount.Add(taken.Value, 1); } else { returnedPlanetsCount[taken.Value]++; } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, int> returned in returnedPlanetsCount) { Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>"<color=" + color + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(pair.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " returned " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.planetcolor + ">" + returned.Value + "</color>" + " systems to " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.attackercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(returned.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>"); } Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>; } if (Fields.currentWars.Find(x => <= 0) { Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>"\n<b>Attacking side lost the war.</b>"); foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, WarProgression> defender in Fields.currentWars.Find(x => { int count = Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>[defender.Key].takenPlanets.Count; Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>"<color=" + Fields.settings.defendercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(defender.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " took " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.planetcolor + ">" + count + "</color>" + " systems in the war."); } if (!Fields.removeWars.Contains( { Fields.removeWars.Add(; } } else if (Fields.currentWars.Find(x => <= 0) { Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>"\n<b>Defending side lost the war.</b>"); foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, WarProgression> attackers in Fields.currentWars.Find(x => { int count = Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>[attackers.Key].takenPlanets.Count; Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>"<color=" + Fields.settings.attackercolor + ">" + Helper.GetFactionName(attackers.Key, __instance.DataManager) + "</color>" + " took " + "<color=" + Fields.settings.planetcolor + ">" + count + "</color>" + " systems in the war."); } if (!Fields.removeWars.Contains( { Fields.removeWars.Add(; } } } } else { Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>"\nThe War ended Undecided."); if (!Fields.removeWars.Contains( { Fields.removeWars.Add(; } } } } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, FactionDef> pair in factions) { if (Fields.currentEnemies.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) { Faction[] enemies = Fields.currentEnemies[pair.Key].ToArray(); ReflectionHelper.InvokePrivateMethode(pair.Value, "set_Enemies", new object[] { enemies }); } } SimGameInterruptManager interruptQueue = (SimGameInterruptManager)AccessTools.Field(typeof(SimGameState), "interruptQueue").GetValue(__instance); foreach (War war in Fields.currentWars) { war.duration += 1; if (!Fields.removeWars.Contains( { war.monthlyEvents.Add("<color=" + Fields.settings.attackercolor + ">" + "\nAttackers:" + "</color>"); foreach (Faction fac in war.attackers.Keys) { war.monthlyEvents.Add(Helper.GetFactionName(fac, __instance.DataManager) + " | Exhaustion: " + Math.Round(Fields.WarFatique[fac], 1).ToString("F1") + "%"); } war.monthlyEvents.Add("<color=" + Fields.settings.defendercolor + ">" + "\nDefenders:" + "</color>"); foreach (Faction fac in war.defenders.Keys) { war.monthlyEvents.Add(Helper.GetFactionName(fac, __instance.DataManager) + " | Exhaustion: " + Math.Round(Fields.WarFatique[fac], 1).ToString("F1") + "%"); } } interruptQueue.QueueGenericPopup_NonImmediate(, string.Join("\n", war.monthlyEvents.ToArray()) + "\n", true); war.monthlyEvents.Clear(); } if (Fields.DiplomacyLog.Count > 0) { interruptQueue.QueueGenericPopup_NonImmediate("Diplomacy", string.Join("\n", Fields.DiplomacyLog.ToArray()), true); } Fields.DiplomacyLog.Clear(); Fields.thisMonthChanges = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (string war in Fields.removeWars) { Fields.currentWars.Remove(Fields.currentWars.Find(x =>; } Fields.removeWars.Clear(); Helper.RefreshResources(__instance); Helper.RefreshEnemies(__instance); Helper.RefreshTargets(__instance); __instance.StopPlayMode(); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e); } }
static void Postfix(SimGameState simGame) { try { if (Fields.Allies == null) { //first init Fields.Allies = new Dictionary <Faction, List <Faction> >(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, FactionDef> faction in simGame.FactionsDict) { if (!Helper.IsExcluded(faction.Key)) { Fields.Allies.Add(faction.Key, new List <Faction>()); foreach (Faction ally in faction.Value.Allies) { if (!Helper.IsExcluded(ally)) { Fields.Allies[faction.Key].Add(ally); } } } } } if (Fields.stateOfWar == null) { //first init Fields.stateOfWar = new List <PlanetControlState>(); foreach (StarSystem system in simGame.StarSystems) { List <FactionControl> factionList = new List <FactionControl>(); factionList.Add(new FactionControl(100, system.Owner)); Fields.stateOfWar.Add(new PlanetControlState(factionList, system.Name, system.Owner)); } } foreach (StarSystem system in simGame.StarSystems) { bool battle = false; FactionControl factionControl = null; if (Fields.stateOfWar != null) { foreach (PlanetControlState control in Fields.stateOfWar) { if (control.system.Equals(system.Name)) { if (system.Owner != control.owner) { battle = true; factionControl = control.factionList.Find(x => x.faction == control.owner); break; } } } } StarSystem system2 = simGame.StarSystems.Find(x => x.Name.Equals(system.Name)); system2 = Helper.ChangeOwner(system2, factionControl, simGame, battle, false); system2 = Helper.ChangeWarDescription(system2, simGame); } if (Fields.currentEnemies == null) { Helper.RefreshEnemies(simGame); Dictionary <Faction, FactionDef> factions = (Dictionary <Faction, FactionDef>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(SimGameState), "factions").GetValue(simGame); foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, FactionDef> pair in factions) { if (Fields.currentEnemies.ContainsKey(pair.Key)) { Faction[] enemies = Fields.currentEnemies[pair.Key].ToArray(); ReflectionHelper.InvokePrivateMethode(pair.Value, "set_Enemies", new object[] { enemies }); } } } Helper.RefreshTargets(simGame); if (Fields.WarFatique == null || Fields.WarFatique.Count == 0) { Fields.WarFatique = new Dictionary <Faction, float>(); Dictionary <Faction, FactionDef> factions = (Dictionary <Faction, FactionDef>)AccessTools.Field(typeof(SimGameState), "factions").GetValue(simGame); foreach (KeyValuePair <Faction, FactionDef> pair in factions) { Fields.WarFatique.Add(pair.Key, 0); } } if (Fields.factionResources.Count == 0) { Helper.RefreshResources(simGame); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.LogError(e); } }