public override void start_up(Game game_, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics_, ContentManager content, Controls[] controllers_) { //if his continues to cause problems could just // put it in play state and have referene view = new View(graphics_, content); world = new World(view, 10, 10 ,100); //world = new HexWorld(view, 5, 100); teams.Add(new Team(Team_Color_e.GREEN, null)); teams.Add(new Team(Team_Color_e.RED, null)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { //Player p = new H_Player(controllers_[i], new Vector3(100, 100, 100 + 50*i), new Vector3(50, 50, 50)); Player p = new H_Player(game_, controllers_[i], get_World().get_next_Base_Tile().get_top_center(), 50 * Vector3.One); add_player(p); p.Team = teams[i % 2]; } view.add_player_view(new Player_View((H_Player)players.ElementAt(0), view.get_graphics(), view.get_content())); view.add_player_view(new Player_View((H_Player)players.ElementAt(2), view.get_graphics(), view.get_content())); view.add_player_view(new Player_View((H_Player)players.ElementAt(1), view.get_graphics(), view.get_content())); view.add_player_view(new Player_View((H_Player)players.ElementAt(3), view.get_graphics(), view.get_content())); }
public Mediator_Player_Controls(Controls c_, H_Player p_) { p_avatar = p_; c_input = c_; shooter = Shoot_State.CHILL; jumper = Jump_State.ON_GROUND; AirTime = new Stopwatch(); AirTime.Reset(); AirTime.Stop(); cur_structure = 0; structure_wheel.Add(Structure_Type_e.HEALING_POOL); structure_wheel.Add(Structure_Type_e.SNOW_FACTORY); structure_wheel.Add(Structure_Type_e.FORT); structure_wheel.Add(Structure_Type_e.SNOWMAN); }
public H_Player(Game game_, Controls control_, Vector3 center_, Vector3 size_, Quaternion theta_) : base(center_, size_, theta_) { //So since everything is a reference if we set the camera's position to //the same reference as Seen Object's Center should update in sync //If not, we need to update the camera during update //OLD //camera = new Camera(center, Vector3.Up, Vector3.Backward); camera = new CameraComponent(game_); PC_mediator = new Mediator_Player_Controls(control_, this); structure_wheel_pos = Structure_Type_e.HEALING_POOL; camera.Perspective(95, 1280 / 800, 2f, 3000); //game_.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio //DO THIS BRO //aspectRatio = graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio; }
protected override void Initialize() { //graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; controllers = new Controls[4]; teams = new List<Team>(); controllers[0] = new Controls(PlayerIndex.One); controllers[1] = new Controls(PlayerIndex.Two); controllers[2] = new Controls(PlayerIndex.Three); controllers[3] = new Controls(PlayerIndex.Four); ActiveKeyboardPlayer = 0; GM_Proxy.Instance.Start_Model(this, graphics, content, controllers, "standard"); base.Initialize(); }
public void start_up(Game game_, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics_, ContentManager content_, Controls[] controllers_) { Start_Model(game_, graphics_, content_, controllers_, "standard"); }
public void Start_Model(Game game_, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics_, ContentManager content_, Controls[] controllers_, string model_type_) { if (model_type_ == "standard") GM = new Standard_Model(); else GM = new Standard_Model(); //Since We have nothing else for now sprtbtchref = new SpriteBatch(graphics_.GraphicsDevice); content = content_; GM.start_up(game_, graphics_, content_, controllers_); }
public virtual void start_up(Game game_, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics_, ContentManager content, Controls[] controllers_) { }
public H_Player(Game game_, Controls control_, Vector3 center_, Vector3 size_) : this(game_, control_, center_, size_, Globals.Game_Obj_Quat) { }
public H_Player(Game game_, Controls control_) : this(game_, control_, Globals.Game_Obj_Origin, Globals.Game_Obj_Size, Globals.Game_Obj_Quat) { }